Jax (Southern Sands Book 1)

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Jax (Southern Sands Book 1) Page 9

by A. M. Williams

  “It could be great, you know.”

  “Yeah…I do.”

  “Then I think you know what you need to do.”

  “Yeah, but he didn’t say anything yesterday about getting together again.”

  Bailey gave her a pointed stare. “Who said he was the only one that could ask someone out?”

  Chapter Ten


  “I can’t believe I’ve put myself in this position,” Karlie muttered to herself as she slid a casserole dish into her oven.

  Taking Bailey’s words to heart, she had invited Jax over for dinner Friday night since he had a gig Saturday in Greenville. All week, ever since she'd asked him, she spent cleaning her house and figuring out what to make that was easy. That was how she found herself making a chicken pot pie casserole even though it was eighty degrees outside. She had everything on hand and it was easy to throw together.

  She blew out a breath and smoothed her hands over the sundress she was wearing. She picked some lint off the skirt and hoped that everything turned out okay. It was nerve-wracking to cook for someone and inviting them into her home.

  A knock sounded on the door and Karlie’s eyes darted to it. She checked the time and saw that it was just before when Jax was supposed to show. She took a fortifying breath as she stepped to the door and opened it.

  “Hey,” she said with a smile, her eyes flicking over Jax as she stepped back so he could enter.

  “Hey yourself.” He smiled as he slid past her, kissing her lightly on the cheek. “I picked up some wine.”

  Karlie looked at the bottle he held up. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I wasn’t sure what to get, so I had someone at the grocery store help me.”

  “That’s fine. Let me take that and stick it in the freezer to chill.”

  “Oh, it was in the refrigerated section.”

  “Even better.” She took the bottle from him and walked to her kitchen.

  In short order, she found her corkscrew and had the wine opened and poured. She offered him a glass.

  “So, how was your week?” Karlie asked as she walked into the living room and settled on the couch, sipping from her own glass.

  “Pretty boring,” Jax replied, sitting beside her.

  She eyed the space between them. They weren’t close, but they weren’t hugging the armrests either. A part of her yearned to move closer to him, but she wasn’t sure she should—or even could—make the first move. Maybe she should shimmy over a bit, close that gap, and see what he did.

  Just as she was working up the courage, her oven timer dinged and she jumped to her feet. Jax chuckled as she rushed to stop the beeping and pull the casserole out.

  “I hope you like chicken pot pie,” she said, carefully walking the dish to the table and setting it on a trivet. The casserole looked perfect. A plus for making it: she’d have lunch or dinner for a few days after their dinner also. Talk about a win-win.

  Jax joined her at the table and said, “I love it. Need help with anything?”

  Karlie shook her head. “Nope, I got it. Go on and sit down while I grab a serving spoon.”

  As she stepped into the kitchen, she looked over her shoulder at Jax. He was sitting with his back to her and she allowed her eyes to roam what she could see. He was dressed casually in a grey v-neck shirt and looked like he was wearing the same ripped jeans and work boots as the night she met him. Sighing to herself and promising she wouldn’t ogle him, she grabbed what she needed and walked back to the table.

  She picked up one of the plates she'd set out earlier and spooned out some of the casserole. “How much do you want?” she asked, glancing at Jax.

  “That looks good. I can always get more.” He smiled and accepted the plate.

  Karlie laughed. “True. I hope it’s good enough.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be awesome.” He scooped up a bite on his fork.

  She was definitely worried about Jax tasting her cooking. It seemed very intimate to have him in her space and feed him something she made. She was attracted to him and it seemed like he was attracted to her also, so she needed to push these insecurities aside. She just needed to relax and let things happen.

  “This is amazing!” Jax said, shoving another bite into his mouth.

  She glanced down at his plate and her eyes widened. He wasn’t joking that he liked it. He’d already eaten half of what she’d given him and she hadn’t dished her up yet.

  She gave herself some food and settled in. Jax was soon spooning a second serving, then a third, onto his plate. Conversation flowed easily between them and she found herself laughing more often than not. Jax was surprisingly goofy, telling a few jokes and stories that had her clutching her sides from laughing so hard.

  When they finished eating, Karlie stood to clear the table, but Jax put his hand over hers. “Hey, leave it. We can clean it up later.”

  They moved to the couch and continued talking, sitting much closer this time. The space between them was minuscule and Karlie kept glancing at it.

  Jax shifted and suddenly their knees were touching. Karlie's skin tingled where they touched. It was hard for her to concentrate on their conversation when everything in her screamed to lean into Jax and move closer.

  Jax’s arm was across the back of the couch and she felt his fingers brush her neck every so often, making her shiver. She found herself shifting as the night wore on, desperate to do something to ease the ache that built between her legs the more they brushed against each other. She placed her empty wine glass on the coffee table and turned to face him again.

  She met his eyes and her breathing hitched at the expression he wore. Open desire showed on his face and Karlie felt her own arousal amp up, a deep yearning that tugged low in her belly. Jax placed his own glass on the table and moved closer to her, molding his leg and side to hers, leaning over her. He brought one hand up to lightly brush her cheek.

  She gulped as he caressed her face, tracing her lips with his thumb before tilting her head up. A light brush of his lips on hers was all she felt before he pulled back.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, feathering a kiss to her cheek.

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as Jax continued to kiss lightly along her skin, eventually making his way back to her lips, pulling her lower lip free and nipping at it.

  He traced the seam of her lips lightly, asking entrance. She parted for him and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She groaned as his tongue caressed hers. Her hands clutched his biceps as his own pulled her closer.

  Slowly, he pushed her until she was lying flat on the couch and Jax’s hard body pressed into hers. He shifted so he was lying between her thighs.

  Cool air caressed her legs as she brought them up to wrap around Jax’s hips, pulling him more firmly against her as her skirt bunched around her waist. Jax pushed his pelvis into hers and she felt the clear line of his arousal pressing into her.

  She pulled her lips away from his and tilted her head back, panting as she tried to catch her breath. Jax pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses down her throat to her cleavage. One of his hands teased her breasts through her dress, making her nipples pebble. She glanced down and gasped at how visible they were. She chose not to wear a bra since the dress didn’t need one, but she didn’t think it would be that obvious how aroused she was. This also meant every caress on her nipples was felt in her core.

  All rational thought flew from her mind when Jax sucked as much of her breast into his mouth as possible. Her back arched and she pushed herself further into his mouth as a loud moan fell from her mouth.


  He released her breast and moved to the other one, paying it the same attention. The wet spot on her nipple paired with the cool air of the house did nothing to sooth the raging firing she now felt raging inside her.

  She pulled him from her chest and brought his lips back to hers for a scorching kiss. It was sloppy and their teeth clashed, but Karlie was past caring as she thrust
her tongue into his mouth and tried to get even closer to him. She gripped his shirt in her fists, holding him to her, desperate to continue.

  Jax pulled back and grinned lazily at her. “Slow down. We have all night.”

  Karlie groaned in frustration and bunched his shirt in her hands as she tried to tug it off. He chuckled and pulled back, standing up. He pulled her with him, wrapping her in his arms. Now that she’d made the choice to be with him, she didn’t want to wait any longer. She tried to show him this by pulling his head down to hers, but he pecked her lightly and then slid his hands down to caress her butt before gripping her thighs and lifting her. She wrapped her legs around him as he started to walk down the hall towards the bedrooms.

  “Which room?”

  “First one on the right.”

  They were soon inside her dark room. Karlie blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness before bunching Jax’s shirt in her hands once again. This time, he let her tug it up, and set her down so she could pull it off. Presented with his torso, she allowed her fingers to dance across his abs and pecs, tracing every ridge of its chiseled expanse and the inked letters there.

  Jax groaned and grabbed her hands in his. “You keep doing that and this will be over quickly.”

  She looked at him through her lashes and said, “Maybe I want it to be fast.”

  “You say that, but I want to savor this.”

  Her hands still in his, he walked her back until the back of her knees hit the bed. He released her and grasped the hem of her dress, before slowly pulling it up. He never broke eye contact with her. Once it was off, he tossed it to the side and slid his gaze lower. His face reflected the desire she was feeling and she felt powerful as she watched his hungry gaze take in her panty-clad body.

  “So sexy,” he muttered as he brought his hands up to caress her breasts, teasing her nipples before moving down to play with the edge of her panties.

  He glanced at her briefly before grabbing them and pushing them down her legs, kneeling in front of her. He pressed his face to her center, inhaling deeply.

  “You smell so good,” he said as he slowly stood again, dragging his lips up her torso.

  Karlie kicked her underwear to the side and she brought her hands to his fly. She made quick work of opening it and pushing his pants and boxers down.

  “Hold on,” he chuckled.

  She looked at him questioningly and looked down. She blushed as she realized he still had his shoes on. He shuffled back and toed his boots off before shucking the rest of his clothing. He was standing in front of her, gloriously naked. His arousal was prominent and begged to be touched and tasted.

  Karlie knelt in front of him and grasped the base of his erection in her hand while she licked the underside of his shaft with a flattened tongue. Jax released a shaky breath and she looked up to see his eyes were wide as he took her in.

  Feeling emboldened, she sucked the tip into her mouth, lightly stroking him with her hand. She pulled a little more into her mouth before moving back again. Jax moaned and threaded a hand through her hair, slowly guiding her movements. She kept her eyes on his face, gauging his reaction to what she was doing. She wanted to please him.

  He pulled her off and she released him with a pop. She stifled a giggle as his cock bobbed in front of her face.

  “Enough,” he growled, pulling her up. He pressed a hard kiss to her lips and then pushed her back onto the bed.

  He spread her legs and pressed his face into her arousal. Karlie gasped and tried to squirm away.

  “You don’t have—”

  “Stay still,” Jax commanded as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  Karlie groaned and her protest died on her lips as Jax laved her pleasure button and thrust two fingers inside her.

  “Sweet Jesus,” she moaned as he curled his fingers and stabbed at her clit with his tongue.

  Her orgasm quickly approached and her thighs started to shake. Jax pulled back and Karlie exclaimed, “What are you doing?”

  “We’re coming together. Condoms?”

  “Bedside table,” she panted, watching him with wide eyes.

  Jax quickly walked to where she indicated while she slid up the bed. He grabbed a foil pack out of her drawer, tore it open, and rolled it on. She bit her lip as he turned and stalked back toward her. He slowly crawled up the bed, never breaking eye contact as he slowly covered her body with his own.

  He leaned down and kissed her, allowing her to taste the faint flavor of herself on his lips. He pulled back and looked at her briefly before stealing another kiss. As he stole her breath, she felt a hand reach between them and the head of his erection butting against her entrance. Her center clenched in anticipation.

  He slowly pressed in, allowing the head of his cock to tease her slightly before bottoming out. They both groaned as he filled her. There was a brief moment of discomfort as it had been a while since she last had sex, but that pain quickly disappeared as Jax started to move. It was quickly obvious he knew what he was doing. He thrust with determination, circling his hips and varying the depth every so often, making Karlie pant and moan.

  He pulled back from kissing her and hitched one leg, then the other higher up his side, allowing him to hit a spot deep inside. Karlie didn’t think anyone had ever been so deep before.

  “Holy shit,” she moaned as he thrust into her.

  He wasn’t moving fast by any means, but he was fucking with purpose, steadily slapping his hips against hers.

  “Do you like that?” he asked from above her, groaning.

  She forced her eyes to concentrate on his. He met her glance before looking between them. “So sexy,” he groaned as he watched himself disappear into her.

  Every burst of pleasure sent shivers through her body and Karlie felt herself approaching the edge of an orgasm. “Oh God,” she muttered as her walls started to flutter.

  “Fuck yeah,” Jax moaned as he started to move faster. “Give it to me.”

  Karlie threw her head back as her orgasm ripped through her. She clamped down on his length and gasped as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. A loud moan escaped her lips and her hands dug into Jax’s biceps. Her orgasm seemed to go on and on as Jax continued to move.

  “Damn,” Jax ground out as his hips pumped erratically. He stilled and she felt him swell inside her as he released.

  Her heart beat a fast rhythm in her chest. They stayed joined together for several moments before Jax pulled out and rolled away.

  “Bathroom through here?” he asked, walking to the partially open door.

  “Yeah,” she gasped, still trying to recover.

  She stared at the ceiling, trying to calm her breathing as Jax did his thing in the bathroom. He rejoined her a few moments later. The bed dipped and she felt his warm body collapse next to hers.

  Neither spoke for the longest time. Karlie found herself analyzing what had just transpired. Though in the very back of her mind, she might have hoped that something like this would happen, she hadn’t set out to have sex with Jax tonight.

  “You’re over thinking,” Jax said in a sleepy voice.


  “I can practically hear your thoughts. I obviously didn’t do something right if you’re laying there thinking so hard.”


  “Come here.”

  Karlie rolled to face him and met Jax’s expectant look. He reached out and pulled her close to him, tucking her head under his chin and pulled one of her legs over his. “Don’t think. Just experience.”

  His words echoed in her mind. She wasn’t sure she could do that, but she could try. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heart and it slowly lulled her to sleep. She idly hoped they could have a repeat performance the next morning before Jax left as she drifted off.

  Chapter Eleven


  Sneaking out had not been part of the plan when Jax woke up in Karlie’s bed the next morning. He had every intention of staying and waking h
er up with his face between her legs. But when he woke up and saw her lying there as the sun peeked over the horizon, he panicked. He didn’t do romance. He didn’t do sleepovers. He fucked and left.

  So, he gathered his clothes, got dressed, and got the hell out of dodge.

  It was just past dawn and there were hardly any cars out as he drove home. Harry’s car was missing from the driveway, so that meant he most likely hadn’t come home the night before, which means Jax wouldn’t be questioned about the crisis he suddenly found himself facing. He really didn’t want to dwell too much on what he was doing or the reasons behind it.

  He let himself into the house and peeked into Harry’s room, confirming he hadn’t come home, then moved on to his own room. He stripped and stepped into his shower, washing away the little bit of Karlie that still clung to him.

  As he showered, his mind drifted back to the night before and he felt himself stirring. It was definitely one of the best nights of his life. Not only was Karlie hot as hell, she was fantastic in the sack. Couple that with her personality and he was looking at the whole package. And it was hot as fuck.

  He glanced down and sighed at the sight of his erection. He certainly didn’t think he’d be on his own shower this morning, debating on dealing with his morning wood by himself. He thought he’d be getting it wet inside Karlie. He grasped his shaft and gave it a good tug, groaning. He thought of the night before again and as he played his memories in his mind, he jerked himself off.

  All too soon, he was groaning through his release and leaning against the wall of his shower to catch his breath. He felt disgusted with himself as he scrubbed his body. He ran like a coward because he couldn’t face the morning after, and then jacked off to thoughts of last night. He was falling lower and lower.

  Clean and dry, he settled into his bed, naked, pushing thoughts of the night before from his mind, and drifted off to sleep.

  He was woken a few hours later when cold water was poured over him.


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