Counting Midnight

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Counting Midnight Page 10

by J. J. Massa

  “You’re a pig, Michael!” that was the man’s wife. “ “Doin’ her” is what your brother was up to with Mary Jane Blake in the barn that day her father walked in on them. What Mr. Velicescu has going on with Nina Caruthers is beautiful!” she sniffed. Vasile probed… Adrienne, that was her name.

  “That was the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen,” squealed Bill’s wife, Lori. “She was afraid and he knew it right away. He took her into his arms.” she sighed loudly.

  “He lifted her right onto his lap. What a chest to cuddle against…”

  The third man’s girlfriend piped up, “Don’t you wish someone would want to comfort you like that? I don’t care what language it was…” she fell against her seat, sighing.

  “Mandy” growled Ryan, her boyfriend. Then he turned to the other two men.

  “It bugs me that you guys would say he was “doin’ her” like that. We’ve worked for him for a long time and Drac doesn’t just “DO” women. Not like that.” Ryan’s voice vibrated with anger.

  Vasile decided that Ryan Masters, the liaison between International Banking and EU Investments, was due for a raise. He’d known they called him Drac for a long time. The nomenclature amused him. At least they didn’t call him Vlad Teppish.

  “We’ve worked with Nina Caruthers for a couple of months now, too. She works her ass off and she’s smart as hell. I thought what she said to Soames from Consumer Loans was hysterical. I think Drac was just playing along. It was great! If they got together, they got together after that.”

  “I know you’re right, dude,” agreed Michael. “Doesn’t matter when they got together… She may be all cuddly with him but I damn sure wouldn’t want to cross her.”

  “You got that right, man!” Bill, head of Eastern Europe, EU, Investments, added his two cents. “She’s fine looking but she’s razor sharp. She has guarded his business like a jealous wife. Maybe you should come be my assistant, honey. I could use that kind of support…”

  Vasile grinned to himself. He liked that his employees respected Nina for herself. He knew that many of them would not give her credit for her abilities but that could be dealt with. She would always want to work and he wouldn’t have her offended.

  Conscious that they were being observed, Vasile leaned down and nuzzled Nina’s cheek. “Nina?” he murmured.

  “Da, mandi’s ves’ tacha?” she mumbled. Yes, my beloved?

  Vasile’s face split in a triumphant grin. The two wives and the girlfriend of his employees saw it. Vasile happily shared the moment with them. He closed his eyes in gladness. His generous mouth still curved in a smile.

  “Nina? Come say hello to everyone, da?” he caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead.

  “I fell asleep? I’m so sorry, Vasile.” Sitting up, she straightened her lightweight dress and pushed her hair from her face.


  What had come over her? She couldn’t believe she’d just dozed off like that. Of course, the déjà vu feeling she’d had when the plane began to move had taken a lot out of her. And Vasile had given her that whiskey…

  “Hi.” Nina addressed the six people seated near the middle of the plane. “I’m sorry I’ve been so rude.” she blushed.

  “You seemed a little rattled when the plane took off, are you okay?” Mandy asked.

  Vasile sat next to her and handed her a tall cup of coffee. She smiled her thanks and turned back to Mandy.

  “A little over two years ago, I was traveling with my grandmother in her home country and was involved in a train wreck.” Unconsciously her hand sought Vasile’s. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the top of her wrist to comfort her. “I guess something about the sensation of the plane taking off reminded me…” her brow wrinkled.

  “A fi la piersicã, meu dragoste” he murmured. Be calm, my love.

  “What does that mean?” Adrienne asked.

  “What language is that?” Lori chimed in. Their husbands started to speak up and Vasile laughed.

  “Be calm is what I said.” he chuckled. Looking at all of them, he asked, “What language would you expect Dracula to speak?” it sounded like drak-ool-la in his rich accent. He laughed at the looks on their faces.

  Still chuckling, he said, “I speak Romanian and the word Drac means devil in that tongue. Therefore, my employees must think I am something of a devil.” he laughed deeply.

  “Tu se beng, Vasile” Nina laughed at him.

  “Tu eºti un deget mic drac, meu Nina,” he laughed back at her. “She called me the devil or the evil. I told her that it is she who is a little devil,” Vasile explained.

  “You are speaking two different languages, aren’t you?” Mandy observed. “They’re similar but not the same.”

  “You are very astute, Mandy” Vasile praised her. He noticed that Ryan puffed up proudly. “I am Romanian and Nina is Romani. She speaks Romanes” he clarified. “Our families are both from Moldavia.”

  “What’s the difference?” Adrienne asked but Mandy had seen a hint of distress on Nina’s face.

  “Don’t worry, Nina… May I call you Nina?” Mandy asked. She smiled and nodded. Vasile lifted Nina’s hand to his mouth and touched his tongue to it.

  “Don’t worry about what?” Lori and Adrienne asked together. All three men were nodding vigorously. They wondered what Mandy was talking about.

  “Most people call them Gypsies, right?” she asked Nina. “In Romania it’s like being Kurdish in Iraq, right?”

  “That’s a good example. There is no Romany country and the Romanes, who began in India a thousand years ago, have been persecuted and enslaved for many centuries.” Nina gave Mandy credit for her knowledge. “There are a lot of myths about Gypsies and I don’t want Vasile judged negatively because of me,” she stated firmly.

  “Hush, meu dragoste” Vasile soothed her. “Anyone who doubts your honesty regarding my financial holdings need only visit Soames in Consumer Loans.”

  There was a stunned silence and then everyone began laughing helplessly.

  “How much of that did you hear, Vasile?” a pink-faced Nina asked him when the laughter died down.

  His black eyes flashed mischievously when he responded. “I felt no guilt in castigating Mr. Soames the next day since you were true to your word.” She sunk low in her seat. He knew she’d said she wouldn’t suck his dick that evening. He slid an arm behind her back and pulled her up again. “I am certain now that, based upon Mr. Soames’ increased profits—you can have any trinket you desire. I would also be happy to contribute to any charity you might name.”

  She was so humiliated. She turned her face into his rumbling chest and kept it there for several seconds. What must they all think of her? There was no hiding the fact that she and Vasile had a relationship of sorts. Well, I won’t live forever and in a few hundred years—who will care, right?

  She pulled her slightly less red face away from Vasile. He handed her the coffee and everyone began to nibble at the snack provided by stewards.

  “I decided that a lot of people had already made up their minds about me and didn’t care how hard I worked. There’s no difference in being hung as a beggar or as a thief.” She smiled at the people assembled. “I decided I might as well get some mileage out of it.”

  The little group chatted until the plane landed. As they emerged from the plane, Vasile stopped Nina on the tarmac.

  “Nina, I have reserved you a room for yourself.” He looked down at her enigmatically.

  She didn’t know what she’d expected but that wasn’t it. Nina struggled to hide her disappointment and confusion. Should I be disappointed that he doesn’t want to share a room with me or pleased that he hadn’t assumed I would want to?

  “Um… okay, Vasile.” she got out. He tipped her face up to his.

  “Nina, nothing would please me more than to fall asleep with you in my arms and awaken beside you.” he murmured. “If you feel more secure in your own room, I will be in no way offended, however, hmm?”

nbsp; Nina was taken aback. As always, when surprised or stressed, she blurted out the truth.

  “I only ever feel secure when you’re with me…” she said, to her consternation. Face flaming, she stammered, “I mean, um, I just meant…” hiding her face from his bemused expression, she said, “Oh, hell! I want to be closest to the bathroom and I get the fluffiest pillow!”

  His laughter rang out as he lowered his head and kissed her long and passionately. Their audience enjoyed the show thoroughly. They also liked knowing that they were witness to the true relationship between their bosses.

  * * * *

  By the time each couple was unpacked and organized in their rooms, it was midnight. Since nobody was ready to settle down, they all agreed to meet at the terrace restaurant for a meal. Although Vasile was adept at appearing to eat and drink among humans, he’d sent a case of his own wine ahead. As for eating, it was well known that Nina hardly ate at all so he’d “eat” from her plate.

  He couldn’t be more pleased that she had consented to share his suite. The more he became a part of her life the sooner he could make her his mate.

  As he chatted with Michael, Bill, and Ryan about sail fishing and nighttime cruises, he also listened to Nina’s conversation with the ladies. When he heard them planning a shopping expedition, he decided it was time to act like a husband.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen, I hear the ladies making plans to spend money.” he grimaced at the men.

  “We thought we’d go shopping tomorrow around lunch time while you guys go sail fishing.” Mandy piped up.

  “Hey boss, I thought you had plenty of money since Soames got off the dime?” Michael teased. “You aren’t worried about Nina emptying the company coffers are you?”

  “Nina does not need my permission to spend money. She has her own but is welcome to all that I have.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I only worry that she takes proper care of her health.” Turning to look intently at her, Vasile asked, “Nina, will you be able to go shopping at noon tomorrow?”

  “No, I guess not, you’re right, Vasile.” Nina sighed.

  “Perhaps after the heat of the day dissipates, meu inimã?” he suggested. “If you go after five, you will be able to spend lots of money and I will arrange an evening dinner cruise for all of us, da?”

  “That was incredibly diplomatic, Vasile. You did that so well that I have no choice but to agree.” Nina wrinkled her nose at him.

  The other couples began to head away to their suites between two and three in the morning. Vasile guided Nina down to the beach where they kicked off their shoes and walked barefoot in the sand.

  She was delighted with the feeling of the cool sand against her feet and she dared him to chase her in and out of the surf. Soon, he could no longer resist and he scooped her up and carried her to their suite.

  Without stopping, he strode into the bedroom and laid her onto the bed, following her down. She was so delicate that, briefly, he worried that he would crush her beneath his larger frame, and that, oblivious of his superior strength, he would hurt her. Nina dispelled that fear, reaching for him, wanting him as badly as he wanted her.

  He removed her clothes and then his in a mindless blur. He tasted her; he touched her. No part of her was left neglected by his hunger. When he could take no more, he rose above her.

  His body took hers with aggression, domination, his mouth frenzied with hunger. Over and over, he surged into her tight sheath. He heard himself moan, overwhelmed with the pleasure and completeness that being in her brought to him. He took her harder, plunging faster, deeper. Around him, her channel clenched, gripping him with satin and heat, clenching and rippling until he had no choice but to empty himself into her.

  * * * *

  When their lovemaking was over, Nina lay quietly in Vasile’s arms. She could deny it no longer. Her body had recognized her Midnight Lover, her Midnight Guardian, all along and now her mind finally had, too.

  “Nina?” he kissed her temple. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head “no”. Fighting tears, Nina rolled to her side with her back to Vasile. She was trying to decide how she felt.

  Keeping her back to him, Nina mumbled, “I think I need a little air.” Pulling on her robe, she made her way out to the balcony. The first hint of dawn was showing itself in the lighter purple above the ocean.

  Leaning against the balcony railing overlooking the water, Nina tried to take stock of what she was feeling. She was hurt because he never told her who he was. He’d known that she had felt deeply for the man who’d never spoken to her. Never speaking to her was important, too. Why hadn’t he? And when she took the job, he’d recognized her, she was sure he had. She didn’t doubt that for a second. She needed explanations and was more than a little afraid of them.

  “Nina, what is it?” Vasile hadn’t bothered with a robe. He turned her to face him.

  Her eyes swimming with tears drank in the sight of him, beautifully sculpted hard muscle and the perfect amount of body hair. His feet, his penis, and even his earlobes were exactly how she would make them if she were his creator. He was absolutely perfect.

  Nina closed her eyes and turned her head. How should she feel now that she could look her fill? Had being able to talk to him and being involved in his life helped her in any way? Had it helped him? She could feel her chin tremble and covered her face with her hands.

  “Meu dragoste, please tell me why you are upset.” He pulled her against his hard body and held her there.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Vasile?” she choked out. “I’m twice the fool. I loved you. I was coming back. I was going to speak to you even if you never came back after I did.” Tears flowed down her face but she stood still in the circle of his arms.

  “Oh Nina, you were never a fool. Only I was the fool.” He swept her into his arms and carried her back to their bed, leaving the balcony doors open to the sea.

  “Why would you never speak to me? If you didn’t want me in your life, why did you hire me? I was an embarrassment to my parents, a burden to my own mother. What was I to you, Vasile?”

  “You were my anchor, Nina. I told you before that I had never understood the precious gift I had been given. When you came back into my life, I knew I had been given a second chance.” His voice was vibrating with intensity now.

  “Vasile, why did you never speak to me?” she couldn’t help it—she had to know.

  “I thought it was better to keep my daily life and my time with you separate,” he answered honestly. “When I thought you were dead… Nina, it hurts me to say the words.”

  She stared at him. Some part of her wanted to comfort him but she fought the instinct. It hurt her to see him suffer. Her hands shook with the need to soothe away his distress.

  She couldn’t help it and gave in. “Vasile,” she turned toward him laying her hand on his cheek. “Please don’t…”

  “Nina, you comfort me when I have caused you hurt and unhappiness.” He gathered her against him again. “If I had taken better care of you, meu Nina, you would not have been injured.”

  “Oh Vasile, you don’t know that!” she wondered distractedly how the tables had gotten turned this way. “Some things are destiny, Vasile.” She sat on his lap, stroking his face.

  “Do you hear what you tell me, meu inimã?” His arms tightened around her and he buried his face in her neck. “Destiny, Nina! You are destined to be with me.”

  “Vasile, you hurt me. You hurt me badly.” she looked at him sternly.

  “When you entered my office, Nina, I knew you could get to know me and I you. I didn’t look the gift cow in the nose. I…”

  “Horse in the mouth…” she corrected him absently.

  “Horse? I am confused.” He looked confused, Nina thought.

  “It’s a saying… Look that’s not important, Vasile.” Nina sighed. “I don’t know how I feel about this right now. Can’t we just go to sleep? My brain is so tired right now.” She knew it was the coward’
s way out but she just couldn’t think anymore.

  “May I hold you in my arms as we sleep, little Nina?” he asked her, sounding sad and uncertain.

  “If you don’t I may not be able to sleep.” she whispered, tears prickling at the back of her eyes.

  * * * *

  Vasile awoke before Nina at around five in the afternoon. When the dawn had come and her tears were still silently falling, he had commanded her to sleep. She wouldn’t awaken until he called to her.

  He had intended to send her to sleep for most of the day anyway to avoid any chance of her finding him cold and without a heartbeat. As deeply hurt as she was feeling with him, he wondered if she already found him to be without a heart.

  “Nina, meu dragoste, you should awaken now.” he called to her, sitting next to her on the bed.

  Slowly, her haunted turquoise eyes opened and she looked at him. She reached and pushed the mass of black hair off of her face. Looking at him uncertainly, Nina closed her eyes again.

  Vasile pulled her into his arms. “Nina, let us enjoy this day while I show you how sincere I am to make up my previous sins, da?”

  “Okay, Vasile.” she whispered.

  He sent her to the shower while coffee was delivered. Before long, Nina joined Adrienne, Mandy, and Lori and the women went off to shop. They all agreed that the men would join them at an outdoor café near the hotel.

  Vasile had made the arrangements for the evening cruise and was walking with the others to meet their mates when he felt Nina. A surge of fear rippled through him—Nina’s fear.

  He could see her as he approached. A belligerent, rough-looking man had his arm around her neck and a knife pressed to her side. She was choking and struggling to breathe.

  Without breaking stride, Vasile walked up to the man and grabbed the arm that squeezed at Nina’s throat.

  “Take your filthy hands from my woman,” he growled, revealing the red-eyed monster that lived within him. The terrified man plunged the knife into Vasile’s stomach.

  Vasile crushed the man’s wrist in one hand and let go. He plucked the knife from his abdomen and dropped it on to the screaming man. He scooped Nina to him with one arm and closed his wound with saliva using his free hand. His actions were so quick that nobody noticed.


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