Living for Today

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Living for Today Page 4

by Kennedy, Brenda

  I make my excuses to go to my room to rest. Drew knows my plan. I’m not sure he agrees with it, but he tolerates it. He feels I should be spending all of my free time with my family, and he’s probably right. But my books are part of my legacy; after I die, they will live on. As soon as I get this book done, I will spend time with my family.

  Before I can leave the room, Ava is right behind me.

  “Are you okay?”

  I look her in the eyes and her eyes hide nothing. Concern stares back at me. I hate lying to her. “I am. I just need to rest for a while.”

  “Do you want me to fix you some soup or tea and bring it up to you?”

  I look at the countertop full of a Thanksgiving day feast that everyone is making and it makes me feel grateful for her. In the midst of all of this cooking and baking, she is willing to take the time to make me soup and tea.

  “No, Ava. I’m fine. I won’t be long.”

  “Rest as long as you need. If you’re not up for dinner…”

  “I’ll be down in plenty of time for dinner. I just need an hour or so.”

  “Okay.” She leans up and kisses me. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

  I kiss her back and leave. When I go into my room, I leave the door partially opened because I want to be able to hear what’s going on downstairs. Sitting in the chair I get on my computer and get right to work. The story and words are already in my head, I just need to transfer them to paper. Thankfully, the words flow easily from my mind to my fingertips.

  There’s a tap on the door and I close up my computer. “Come in.”

  “It’s time you joined the festivities, don’t you think?” Drew walks in and sits on the bed.

  “Just finishing up.”

  “How’s your book coming along?”

  “I’m hoping to be done with it in a few days.”

  “You need a proofreader?”

  My brother always proofreads my books. But this one is personal to me. “I think I’ll send it off to Wesley and let him do the proofreading and editing this time.”

  “Okay, I get that. If you change your mind, let me know. Do you have the cover for it yet?”

  “Not yet. I’m hoping to get the cover this weekend. I need something special, different, personal.”

  He stands from the bed. “I brought my camera if you want me to take some pictures for you.”

  “I was hoping you would offer your services.”

  “Just let me know when.”


  When I’m not around people, I’m in my room attending to my injuries. Applying ice to my already swollen eye, taking Motrin for pain, and applying Neosporin to my sutures. I’ve had injuries like these before, and these aren’t the worst I’ve had.

  When I left my house after Brett hit me, I left with nothing, not even my cell phone. I knew he had a tracker on it, and I didn’t want him to find me. He promised me he would never hit me again, and yet he did, again. I can’t live this way. I don’t want to, not anymore.

  I had no idea where to go. It was the night before Thanksgiving. Marshall had seen my injuries before, so I went straight to his house. I knew he would help me without judging me. He wouldn’t ask questions that I couldn’t answer. Like, why didn’t I leave sooner? My plan was to stay with Marshall and Claire for a day or two. I needed time to think about what I needed to do. What is the best way for me to leave? I know Brett and I know he won’t let me go so easily. He’ll beg and plead for me to stay. Or he might even threaten me. Either way, it wouldn’t be good. I didn’t expect Marshall to be home alone. Then Claire and Skylar showed up.

  After I got the medical attention I needed, Daniel and Drew insisted there was enough room in their plane for all of us. I didn’t want to come to Savannah, but I didn’t want to stay in Lake City where I feared Brett would find me. At least here, I have a few days to think before Brett figures out where I am. Maybe by then I’ll be long gone.

  At dinner, we hold hands around the large dinner table while Daniel says grace. He thanks God for the food and for blessing us with life and second chances. It makes me miss Connor. I’m happy to see Ava is moving on, but the pain of losing my son will always be there. I’m still not sure what caused the fatal accident that claimed my son’s life or caused Ava’s amnesia. I never saw the police reports or the photos of the accident. Brett was in charge of all that and his funeral. He excluded me from everything. At the time I thought it was to protect me. Now, I’m not so sure.

  Dinner is delicious and the conversation is pleasant. The conversation flows freely around the dinner table. There’s no talk of politics, bombings, beatings, illnesses, cancer, or death. There’s only talk of love, second chances, happiness, and new beginnings.

  Ava looks happy and relaxed. I have to wonder if she could remember her past, would she be this happy. I feel terrible and guilty. Ava is sweet to be helping me. Sadly, I didn’t help her when I should have. I think back on all of the times I wanted to help her, but couldn’t. I couldn’t help myself, so how could I help her? I guess seeing your father beat on your mother all through your childhood and adult life, maybe you think it’s okay. I should have left the first time it happened. I thought I was doing my son a favor by staying. I didn’t want Connor to be raised in a broken home. I also didn’t want to struggle financially with a son. I wanted Connor to have the best life he could have, and I thought that would be in a home with a mom and a dad. That was my first mistake.

  I eat slowly in order not to cause pain to my already sore mouth. Others finish eating before me, but no one moves from the table until the last person is done. I hear Christmas music that I didn’t notice earlier playing softly in the background. I wonder if there’s a reason for the holiday music playing and for the Christmas decorations being up earlier than usual. It’s none of my business so I don’t ask, I do comment on the great choice of music. I love Christmas music and in my opinion, one month isn’t long enough to listen to it. I’d listen to it year round if I could.

  After dinner and dessert we all gather around and watch an old classic movie: A Christmas Carol. It’s the 1938 version starring Reginald Owen as Ebenezer Scrooge. I like this movie because a man changes his life and makes it better, much better. I have a chance to do the same thing.

  The next morning when I wake up, the swelling is finally going down and my eye is beginning to open. I alternate between the Tylenol and Motrin for the pain and swelling. I shower, and dress in an outfit that Ava bought for me. The inn doesn’t have any guests staying here; it’s just family and friends. When I walk downstairs, I was expecting to see people in the kitchen, but it’s empty. The coffee pot is half full and still hot. They must have just recently left.

  Xander walks in and says, “Ava and Skylar went black Friday shopping.” It brings a fond memory to my mind. “She wanted me to tell you there’s coffee and a casserole on the stove if you’re hungry.”

  “Did they just leave?”

  “No, they left before the sun came up. Skylar said something about you being there before the stores open.”

  “Skylar’s right. The stores carry only a few sale bargain items, and if it’s something you want, you need to be there early.” I smile as I remember the first year after I met Ava. Shopping on black Friday was a tradition of Ava and Skylar’s.

  “Not sure what they needed, but they looked like they were on a mission when they left this morning.”

  I fill a mug with hot coffee. “Do you need a warm-up?” I ask, looking at the mug he’s holding.

  “No, thank you. I’ve had all I can drink for one morning.” He rinses his mug out before setting it in the sink. “I need to get some writing done. I’ll be in my room working if you need me.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later.”


  While in my room writing, I hear arguing coming from downstairs. I stop typing and listen. I’ve been staying here for a few weeks, and I have never heard anyone even raise their voice in this house. When the voi
ces escalate, I run downstairs.

  Standing in the front doorway is Nichole. The front door is wide open. I stand back and observe before I make my presence known. I have no idea who is standing on the other side of the door, but I’m assuming it’s her husband, the batterer.

  When he grabs her by the arm, I step forward. “Get your hands off of her!” I yell.

  He does and she steps back. “Are you okay?” I ask, stepping in front of her.

  She nods, but I don’t believe her.

  “Come on, Nichole. I think you’ve been here long enough. I’ve come to take you home.” He takes a small step forward.

  I can see her shadow move further away from me. “Don’t take another step into this house.” I square my shoulders and puff my chest out.

  “Nichole, I said, let’s go!”

  When she doesn’t say anything or move, I turn slightly towards her. I don’t want her to leave with him, but I can’t make her stay against her will. The only thing I can do is hope she’ll make the right decision. When I see the fear in her eyes, I have my answer.

  “Go upstairs. I’ll deal with him,” I whisper.

  She nods and walks quickly to her room on the second floor.

  “Brett, Nichole’s staying here. I’ve already called the police, and she’s filed a restraining order against you. She also has an appointment with a divorce attorney on Monday.” These are all lies, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  “You don’t frighten me.”

  “And I’m not trying to. I’m letting you know the facts and this is how it is. You’ve hurt her for the last time.”

  “She needs me, she’s nothing without me.”

  “Leave. She doesn’t need or want anything from you.”

  He takes a step back. “We’ll see about that. This isn’t over.”

  Once he’s gone, I walk upstairs where I find Nichole crying. I hate seeing a woman cry.

  “He’s gone.”

  She wipes away the tears. “He may have left, but he isn’t gone. He’ll be back.” She cries again. “He’s mad enough that the next time he’ll hurt me.”

  “He already has, look at you.”

  “Xander, you don’t understand. This is nothing. This,” she motions to her face with her hands, “this is nothing compared to… what he’s done.” I never once considered that her beatings would ever have been worse than this. To imagine something worse than this sickens me. Now, I wish I hadn’t been so nice to him. “I need to leave. He’ll be back and when he does, he won’t be the nice person you saw downstairs.”

  Nice? I thought he was a jerk. I don’t want to imagine how bad this can get for her. Her face is full of fear. She came here with nothing. No money, no purse, and no clothing. Where will she go? I thought she would be safe here. I should have known he would find her.

  “As soon as Ava and Skylar get back, I’ll move you someplace safe. He’ll never find you.” Before she can say anything, the front door opens and I hear giggling. “When you’re ready, come downstairs. I have a plan.”

  “Thank you for being here with me today, Xander. I don’t know what would have happened if I had been here alone.”

  “Let’s not think about that. Dry your eyes and meet us in the kitchen when you’re ready.”

  I help Ava and Skylar carry all of their purchases into their living quarters. They laugh and are in a great mood. Drew, Marshall, and Dad come in from cutting down an old tree from the back lot, Mom, Claire, and Jessica are reheating leftovers in the kitchen, Mark is outside on his cell phone playing Pokémon Go, and Chase walks in with his laptop from an outdoor seating area.

  The atmosphere in the house is light and happy. I don’t say anything about Nichole. When Nichole gets down here, I won’t be able to hide the fact that she’s upset or the reason for it. She takes longer than I thought to come downstairs. Her eye is still badly swollen and very bruised. It’s even painful to look at. I can’t imagine what she went through in her marriage. She said the next time he’ll hurt her. I’ll never understand why a man would or could hit a woman. I know it happens, she’s living proof. When she finally walks into the room, she looks visibly shaken and upset. Her eyes are red and puffy, and her pale face is blotchy.

  Ava notices first and rushes over to her. “Are you okay?”

  “Brett was here,” Nichole stutters.

  “What? How could he have found you?” Ava asks.

  Marshall steps forward, “Did he hurt you?”

  She shakes her head. “Xander was here and stopped him.”

  All eyes are on me. “He came to take her home.”

  “That asshole can’t be serious!” Ava yells. It’s very seldom that Ava uses curse words; I like her feisty spirit. “He’s out of his freaking mind. There’s no way in hell you’re leaving and going back with him.”

  “Ava,” Nichole whispers, “he’ll be back and he’ll cause problems for everyone in the house.”

  “Let him! The prick doesn’t scare me.” I have to wonder if Ava has always been this brave.

  “Or me,” Skylar says, but not as convincingly as Ava.

  “He’ll cause problems for your guests,” Nichole says.

  Ava and Skylar remain quiet. Now they understand this could be a potential problem for their business. “I have an idea,” I say. I look at Mom, Dad, and Drew. “I think Nichole should use my house since I’m staying here.” I know my family was hoping I would be returning home soon. I feel fine and I want to spend some time here at the inn with Ava. “When I return home, I can stay at the beach house on the property.” If I make it home and my cancer doesn’t kill me first.

  “Xander, I couldn’t….”

  “Nichole, I think that’s a great idea. Xander’s house is just sitting empty. There’s no telling how long he’ll be here with Ava,” Dad says. “It’ll give you some time to get your affairs in order. Then when Xander returns, you can move into the beach house if you need more time.”

  I can see when Nichole realizes she doesn’t have any money. Chase says, “Just give me a go ahead and we can freeze his bank accounts and start your divorce proceedings.”

  For the first time since I met her, I can see hope on her face. “You can do that? Freeze his bank accounts?”

  “As long as your name’s on them, they’re joint accounts. A judge will also give you some money from those accounts to help get you settled.” He smiles slightly. “I just need the go ahead to get things started. If we can hurt him in his wallet, he may be persuaded to leave you alone.”

  Her lips quivers and she nods. “Thank you, Chase.”

  “Let me get to work on this. A couple of photographs will also help your case. Would you mind?”

  “I’d rather not, but if it’ll help.”

  “Trust me. It will.”

  I watch as they both leave the room. Ava hugs me and thanks me for helping Nichole by letting her stay in my house. How could I not help her? I’d buy her a house if it means she won’t be returning home to that scumbag. “So this means you’ll be staying here with me for awhile?”

  I plan to stay here with you for as long as I can. “A little while longer,” I say instead.


  Chase worked all weekend and did exactly what he said he was going to do. He got Nichole some money and froze Brett’s bank accounts. He also got her a restraining order and started with her divorce proceedings. Everyone thought it would be best to get her out of the area, so Drew, Daniel, and Rachael flew her to their home in the Outer Banks. Daniel and Rachael thought it was best that Nichole stayed in their beach house instead of Xander’s house. I guess Daniel knew that Brett was a dangerous man.

  On Monday everyone who was here for Thanksgiving is gone and it’s back to business as usual. I’m glad and excited that Xander is staying longer than he originally planned. He seems to be doing well, although he naps daily. When Drew left, he and Skylar made plans to see each other this weekend. I’m excited for her and I’m happy to see that she is seeing someo
ne I approve of. Drew is like Xander in many ways, and not just looks. You can tell their mother and their father had a big influence in their upbringing.

  During Xander’s naptime, I walk the second floor and check each of the rooms. I thought he would be asleep, but he’s up and working on his computer when I walk past his room. “I thought you were napping?” He looks guilty.

  “No, I couldn’t sleep. Thought I might as well get some work done.”

  “You’re writing a book?” I ask, walking further into his room.

  He closes his laptop. “I am.”

  “You don’t nap when say you’re going to, do you?” He has very honest eyes. He scoots over and I sit on his bed beside him.

  He smiles. “I can’t say I do.”

  “You spend your time writing?”

  “I have a deadline.” I cringe at the irony of his words. “Sorry. I want to get this book published as soon as I can.”

  I know that Xander wasn’t given long to live, but he seems to be doing so well. Maybe it’s false hope, but sometimes I think the doctors are wrong. I want to say, “You have plenty of time,” but I say, “Are you almost finished with it?”

  “I was hoping I would have been done over the weekend.” I nod. I know the weekend isn’t what any of us expected. “Hopefully tomorrow.”

  “Good, I can’t wait to read it.”

  “Do you want to go down to River Walk with me one night this week? They’re having their Christmas lighting festival.”

  I smile. “It’s a lot of walking for you. How about we do one of the tour trollies, instead?”

  He looks concerned. “Are you worried about me?”

  “I am. I don’t want to tire you out with all of that walking.”


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