Darker Passions: Frankenstein

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Darker Passions: Frankenstein Page 16

by Kilpatrick, Nancy

  "We lay in the boat, I on my stomach, and Crea on hers, side by side. 'Here,' I told her, 'brush my hair.'

  "I handed her the large oval brush and she examined the polished hickory back for a moment, then began brushing my hair, which hung loose and spread across my back.

  "The warmth of the day, the heat on my body, the scent of fish and the sound of birds overhead —it was all so peaceful and relaxing. I quickly fell asleep as the boar's hair massaged my scalp.

  "I had no idea how long I slept, but when I awoke I felt that tautness on my skin which told me I had acquired a sunburn, enough of one that I knew I would be suffering that night.

  "'Oh, Crea! You've left me to fry. Of course, how could you know. You are not acclimatized as are human beings. Your own flesh will revive overnight, while mine shall suffer for days.'

  "She looked at me with those startling eyes, but said nothing. Her lips, though, seemed to twist into a smile that held some contempt in it. Finally, she said, 'Mistress Elizabeth, is it us you hold responsible for your condition and are we to receive punishment?'

  "'Of course not,' I reassured her. 'I hold myself responsible, and none other. Why should you be punished? I am the one who has had to learn a lesson today and, I might add, the hard way.'

  "'And have you? Learned your lesson, that is?'

  "At first I felt this question to be impertinent in the extreme. And yet I was not inclined to be active that afternoon, but to be receptive. And, in truth, I was the guilty party, to my own detriment.

  "'Perhaps not,' I said hesitantly.

  "'We imagine it is difficult, being Mistress, and having no one who will bring you to task when the need arises.'

  "'Oh, it is,' I agreed readily.

  "'Perhaps you would be the better for a firm hand guiding you in a way that leaves a lasting effect.'

  "'Undoubtedly,' I said lazily. All the while the hot sun beat down on my bottom, and along the backs of my legs —fortunately my long hair protected my shoulders and back —but I was disinclined to move. I could feel the skin's tightness and knew I would regret the sluggishness that had permitted me to overindulge. Little did I know that I would regret it even more than I had anticipated.

  "'Mistress Elizabeth, do you give us leave to punish you for your foolishness?'

  "I knew then that if we were to have the more equal relationship I'd been secretly hoping for, I must give over power to her. The notion filled me with exhilaration. I looked into that lovely face and saw a sternness there I'd not seen before. It affected me deeply and I felt my nipples ache, and my insides heat.

  "'Crea, I do give you leave to punish me until you judge I have learned my lesson.'

  "'And you shall not interfere?'

  "'I shall not interfere. For this afternoon, you are mistress and I the one in need of your solid scolding. Now, would you hand me my skirt and stockings?'

  "A delightful smile creased her face. She sat up immediately and moved so that she was at my head, her legs spread, my face and nose right at her cunny beneath those two heavy cocks.

  "She handed me my stockings and from my awkward position on my stomach, both of us giggling, she helped me slip them over my toes and up my legs, then used the garters to hold them in place. She did not, however, offer me my skirt.

  "Crea is so tall, and her arms long, that she did not need to even stretch, really, to reach her target, a fact that would be reiterated in my awareness very soon. In all things, she took her time; apparently you three men had instilled this virtue of patience to the core of her being, for she knew her lines by heart and she was in no hurry to deliver them.

  "'Elizabeth, we are most dissatisfied with you. You have proven yourself a naughty girl, lying in the sunshine naked until your bottom is cooked like an Easter ham. Another girl might learn from the effects the sun produces, but we doubt you are capable of making the necessary connections. From what we have observed about your nature, and from what information Master Frankenstein passed on to us, we expect only one approach will reach you and prove meaningful.'

  "'And that is?'

  "'And that is a good hiding, of course. On the bottom which is already suffering. You shall be beaten until you cannot sit. Blistered, to be precise.'

  "Her words filled me with excitement and terror. Of course, I've taken many lickings, at your own hand, dear Victor, and as you know, at the hands of Miss Heidi and the stable master. And then there was your marvelous bicycle. And yet something in Crea's voice told me that this would not be an ordinary spanking. For one thing, it was obvious she had the strength of several people. For another, I had the notion that her hand would not be swayed by either my words or actions. In all things she was not only patient but persevering. And clearly this day, she possessed an agenda all her own. I only wondered if I were brave enough to give myself over to that agenda.

  "Hither to now, I had controlled all that had occurred, for the most part. Oh, there have been moments —in the gazebo with you, when you whipped me so well all night long with the bamboo, once with Gilles when we had three hours at our disposal and I lay over the saddle tasting his nasty crop, and that time with Miss Heidi, when she tortured my nipples until sunrise. The machine, of course, does not count, as it has been entirely under my control.

  "So those few occasion were in my memory, to remind me of submitting to the will of another so utterly that my own will was temporarily submerged. I knew this could be good. And yet, were not all of you human? What Crea is, I do not know. I am not even certain of her gender, let alone her species. I know her capacity to receive punishment is beyond that of anyone I've met, certainly beyond my own. I wondered how she would function with the implement in her hand instead of on her bottom. Would she be relentless in her punishment? And would I be able to bear it? And what if I could not get her to stop? Yet that was silly. Wasn't I still Mistress here? A word in a firm voice would reverse our roles instantly.

  "And my curiosity was getting the better of me. That and the hunger raging inside my hole. I wanted to experience something that would surpass even the power that the sun had to favor me with a kiss that would last beyond this afternoon.

  "I looked up past those two cocks and caught Crea's eye. This time I saw something I had not seen there before. Could it be her will was far stronger than mine? It took my breath away for a moment. And yet I could not trust my intuition and needed to find out if it was so or merely something I wanted to see there. In short, I wanted to test her as much as I wanted to test myself.

  "'If you are planning a hiding, I suggest you get on with it, else the sun do the entire job for you.' I was intending to make her angry with my sarcasm, and I succeeded.

  "'Miss high and mighty, you shall be biting that sharp tongue of yours in short order. We shall begin when it pleases us, and cease when it pleases us, and for the moment it pleases us to let the sun burn a bit deeper into your derriere until it is properly glazed, which will make your licking all the more distressing.'

  "Here she slapped the back of the brush against her palm a dozen times, letting the sound reverberate through my body, and echo over the lake.

  "She instructed me to pull on my blouse, as I likely would be jerking about soon, and she did not wish my back to burn. That, she said, would dilute what she had in mind. I lay now on my belly, with only my bottom and the tops of my thighs uncovered, the sun's rays cooking the skin so that it prickled, my lips inches from her delicious-smelling cunny. I admit, the idea of lying under the sun any longer did not appeal to me. It was the not the punishment I had in mind. I knew, though, that at any moment I could reverse our roles.

  "'Put your hands behind your neck,' she instructed, and I did. They were immediately bound with coarse rope from the boat. She then made me bend my knees until my legs were brought up one at a time beside my hips. She tied each ankle to my waist at the sides. This spread me wide, and was also uncomfortable because it stretched my thigh and calf muscles. 'Keep your knees apart, Miss, if you know what's good for y
ou.' Of course, that was redundant, as I could not have closed my legs had I wanted to. I assumed she was nervous and that this was all new to her.

  "She then used more rope, securing my ankles and wrists, crossing the hemp, and pulling tight. My bottom cheeks were left fully exposed, the gluteus straining from the tension of this position. Beneath, my pubic bone pressed into the hull of the boat.

  What she did next startled me. She wrapped that same piece of rope around my throat.

  "'Now just a minute!...' I began in some alarm.

  "'Silence! You will speak when spoken to and should you disobey us again and attempt to utter a word, we shall gag you in short order.'

  "Suddenly I became fearful for my safety. I was out on a boat alone, on an isolated lake, with what was essentially not a human being.

  "The rope about my neck was scratchy and uncomfortable as it pressed against a tender area. My head was forced back, else I would choke. My legs had been pulled so taut, and my wrists, that I knew the muscles would cramp when I was untied. The crisscrossing of ropes left me lying mainly on my belly and groin, my titties lifted and pointing at her cunny, my two holes in full view, my ass burning more each second from the blazing sun. And now I could feel that sun penetrating beneath the first layers of skin to scorch deeper.

  "This entire rope trick had me utterly helpless. I could not bend my head down or I would choke. I felt like a turkey, trussed and ready for stuffing.

  "One thing that calmed me, though, was the proximity of her sweet cunny. The red forest I stared into showed me the opening of a cave slick with juices I longed to taste until I reached the source. The longer I stared at that entrance and sniffed it, the more I wished my lips and tongue to explore it and what lay within. The scent filled my nostrils with her dark perfume, and made me crazy. All that kept me from darting my tongue forward were two things: in fact, that lovely cunny was just out of reach, and also, the pain the sun was causing my bottom. Both captured my attention.

  "Crea is nothing if not patient. We stayed in the boat, I helplessly sniffing her feminine odors and suffering the solar lash, Crea seated before my hungry lips, that cunt and those two cocks pleasure points just beyond my grasp.

  "I soon felt my bottom to be as red and burning as a lobster dropped into boiling water. I was afraid to speak, for the last time I tried, Crea said we would wait a bit longer and give the sun more opportunity to work its magic. And yet the pain was becoming unbearable. My ass cheeks and the tops of my thighs were the parts uncovered, the parts left to cook. I felt desperate and was afraid that Crea could not understand the limits a poor mortal could take. Tears leaked from my eyes as the pain became too intense.

  "When the hairbrush landed on my backside, it was none too soon. A hard flat brush like that striking from such a height — and I know she brought it down from high above her head —could only startle a buttocks already damaged by excessive sunburn.

  "She is not a light spanker, but fast and hard. And thorough. The pain had me howling within a minute. Tears soon flowed from my eyes and washed down over my aching titties as she whaled my bottom to the tune of two spanks per heartbeat. My cunny flowed freely with juices and my hips rocked against the hull, although I could not avoid the blows.

  "Beneath me, I felt my nipples hard and scraping against the wood. I struggled to wiggle so that I might increase that pleasurable sensation by rubbing them against the rough boat bottom. And I could not restrain myself in other ways. My tongue flicked out, desperate to reach that source of cooling refreshment.

  "She spanked away, meting out blows to the center of my cheeks until I felt I could take no more. Over and over I begged her to cease, until my throat was as raw as my bottom, but it was as though she did not hear me. Suddenly she moved the hairbrush down and applied it as firmly to the undercheeks, then to the sides and finally to the tops. My position tightened my gluteus muscles so that they bunched and plumped for her, and the hairbrush cracked soundly against such well-displayed globes.

  "Finally I managed to inch myself forward, which just made the paddling worse. I've never been spanked by a hairbrush and had always wondered what was the attraction. It's the heaviness, Victor, the sheer weight of such inflexible wood cracking against vulnerable flesh. It's insidious, actually, which makes it all the more appealing.

  "My bottom had started out on the verge of blistering. Crea saw to it that the blisters blossomed forth like flowers, from seed to bud to full bloom.

  "Finally I had managed to move myself so that my lips reached hers, but the nether ones. To do this I had to lower my head and risk suffocation, but it was worth it. Instantly I gratefully kissed that red jungle with its hidden treasures. I drank in her moisture as if my life depended on it. While she paddled away, I played happily with her magic button, licking, sucking, nipping at it until it firmed as much as the penis pressed to my forehead.

  "Yet all the while I sobbed uncontrollably, for the pain was immense, like nothing I had experienced before. I knew deep inside me that I was utterly helpless and be she woman or man or both or neither, human or other, Crea would only cease this tanning when she felt my hide was properly cured, and not before, even if it meant there was no hide left on me.

  "I soon reached a delicious state where my entire world became the blazing heat raging like a forest fire across my bottom and down through my cunny lips and up inside me. My own dear cunny spasmed again and again. I had not known I could orgasm so often and so fully without even being touched there. And orgasm through my entire body. And all the while my tongue licked and massaged the tender tight folds inside Crea's cunt, eager to please her. In fact, I was so eager now to please her, my bottom seemed to lift to meet the back of the hairbrush, and my tongue struggled to get deeper inside her.

  "I wallowed in ecstasy, balanced on a thin line between pleasure and pain so great they threatened to drive me insane. It was only by staying on that line that I could hope to survive the clutches of the extremes.

  "I know not how long this excruciating therapy lasted, only that the sun was setting when Crea put down the hairbrush and moved away from me.

  "Now that her cunt was no longer mine to enjoy, I felt desolate, and nearly succumbed to the torture emanating from my behind.

  "I cried out her name again and again, begging her to let me pleasure her more. But she did not respond. At least not verbally. Soon, though, I felt her between my legs, probing with her finger, and knew that she would enter me.

  "In truth, Victor, I must confess this to you: In those moments I wholly belonged to her. I am ashamed to say this to you, and yet I must be truthful, as always. I recognized my own bring crying out for her. If her desire was to break my hymen, I would not stop her, but offer it willingly to be shattered. All that she commanded, I would strive to comply with. In fact, I heard myself screaming for her to do just that.

  "What Crea did was unexpected. She lay on her back and slid me on top of her, so that I now lay face up towards the sky. From this position my anus would be plugged with the cock in front. At first I felt a bit of disappointment that she had not chosen the larger one, the cock that normally filled me so completely, and yet as she jammed me down onto that erect phallus at the forefront, all disappointment evaporated.

  "I was so excited I came instantly. Crea, though, stayed inside me. Thrusting from such an awkward position was impossible, even for her, what with her being beneath me, and my back to her chest. Her large hands encircled my waist so that gripping me tightly she could ram me down onto that hard member as she liked.

  "My agonizingly sore bottom slid against her sweaty stomach, and that friction only increased the heat on my raw flesh until I thought I could tolerate no more.

  "It was miraculous, the afternoon. For as the sun set in the sky, I orgasmed again and again, my cries rising up in the air and carrying on the wind like the calls of some primitive animal until I should think you would have heard them in England.

  "And finally, when Crea ejaculated, the ga
me was over. We dressed properly and rowed home, I paddling from a position on my knees, staring with love and gratitude at my new mistress.

  "All evening I have remained in a state of bliss I thought I should never experience until our wedding night. I stand here at my desk, for I am incapable of sitting and shall be for many, many days to come. Crea awaits me in the attic. She told me as we disembarked that my tits have been ignored far too long, and she would see to them later. But I felt I must write this letter to you at once. I am the luckiest woman alive. Oh Victor, you have made me so happy. What a wonderful wedding present!"

  By the time I finished her latest epistle, I was trembling in rage, confusion and lust. I hurried to the professor's house and there found both he and Henry engaged in a bit of paddle and scamper —Henry, on his hands and knees, raced around the carpet while M. Krempe paddled his bare ass red with a cricket bat. I was in such a state I interrupted their play.

  Hands shaking, I read them the letter, particularly the part about Crea ejaculating.

  "What could this mean?" I demanded.

  The professor said at once, "I see our mistake. We added the second phallus after extracting the promise from Crea. Apparently she felt honor bound to fulfill the promise only in regards to her cunny, anus and the larger cock."

  "Well, this is not the worst of it," I said, trembling so much that the professor poured me a glass of absinthe, which I drank down at once. As he refilled my goblet, I cried, "I am losing Elizabeth! She nearly permitted her maidenhead to be broken. And she is in love with Crea! What am I to do? If Crea is ejaculating, and performing in such an extraordinary manner that Elizabeth loses her mind completely, I will not have a virgin to break on my wedding night. There may not even be a wedding night!"


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