Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 3

by Shawn Bailey

  “We just got word that pop star Jonas Kerry has been admitted to a local hospital after suffering an asthma attack,” the reporter said. “Our sources say his younger brother, Frankie, another pop singer, found Jonas unconscious and on the floor of their home. Repeating, pop star Jonas Kerry has been admitted to a local hospital after suffering a serious asthma attack. We’ll have more on this as the story unfolds.”

  Brenton lowered the volume, hopped out of the bed and dressed quickly. The Kerrys lived in the Garden District near him, so Jonas must have been taken to Touro Hospital. He shoved his wallet and car keys in his pocket and left the apartment. On the way out, he tried dialing his boss, Tory Albertson, and was surprised when the busy guy actually answered.

  “Tory, this is Brenton. Did you hear the news?”

  “No, what news?” Tory asked.

  “Jonas Kerry is in the hospital. The news said he had an asthma attack.”

  “Goddamn it!” Tory shouted in the receiver. “If I’ve told him once, I’ve told him a thousand times to take better care of himself. He must be at Touro Hospital. Thanks for the call.” Tory hung up.

  Brenton got into his car and drove away. He lived closer to the hospital than Tory.

  A crowd of fans had made it to the hospital before him and were camped out on the sidewalk and grass. He parked. Drat. He was trapped. One negative thing about being a celebrity was that he couldn’t appear in public without a disguise or he’d be mobbed. He was still seated in his car when Tory arrived. No one knew him even though he owned the largest entertainment agency in the south. The man just strolled right past the crowd and entered the hospital. Brenton decided to leave. There was no sense in getting injured or causing a riot. What good would he do Jonas anyway? If Jonas was still hospitalized tomorrow, he would try to sneak in during visiting hours.

  * * * *

  Frankie had just stepped out of the elevator and was headed for Jonas’s room the next day when he saw a tall, muscular man with long, curly, blond hair leaving Jonas room. The guy had on a disguise, a hat and sunglasses. There was no mistaking it was Brenton Tremayne, lead singer and guitarist for the heavy metal band Vizio.

  What was he doing in Jonas’s room?

  The rocker nodded and walked past him.

  Frankie entered the room quickly. His older brother was asleep on his bed, looking paler than normal. His long, blond hair was spread out against the white pillowcase and down his shoulder. Near the bed, Frankie spotted a floral arrangement with pink and blue flowers and a stuffed animal. The bear had long, curly blond hair and wore a vest. Frankie smiled. Brenton had probably heard the news report and decided to visit a fellow employee out of the kindness of his heart. What other reason could there be? Other than the fact that Jonas had accidently bumped into him yesterday at the restaurant, Frankie didn’t think that Brenton and Jonas had ever met before.

  Frankie walked over to the bed. Jonas was sleeping so peacefully he didn’t want to disturb him. If he had it in his power, he would cure Jonas of his illnesses that he’d suffered since childhood. But alas, he couldn’t. He just promised himself to try to keep him alive and to make him happy. The problem with that was trying to find out exactly what would make Jonas happy.

  Jonas moved around on the bed, but didn’t wake. Seeing and knowing that the stuffed animal was from B-Dog Tremayne would definitely please Jonas. Brenton was the kind of guy Jonas needed in his life. Brenton wouldn’t take any shit from Jonas. Maybe it was a good thing that Jonas and Sean’s relationship had ended. Someday a nice guy would come along and sweep Jonas off his feet.

  The door opened, and Adam walked in. Frankie put his finger to his lips and pointed to the bed. Adam walked over to him.

  “He’s asleep.”

  A nurse entered. “Good evening.”

  “Good evening,” Frankie and Adam said.

  She began taking Jonas’s vitals.

  “Is he okay?” Frankie asked.

  “Yes. The doctor just gave him something to make him sleep.”

  “How is he doing?” Adam asked.

  “He’s recovering nicely. His oxygen level has increased, and his vitals are stabled. He’s a very lucky young man,” she said. “Things could have turned out differently had you not found him in time, Frankie.”

  How does she know who I am? Maybe she’s a fan. “I know. Luckily, I didn’t listen to him and returned to the house.”

  “Jonas is probably going to be asleep the rest of the night,” she said.

  “Thanks,” Frankie said. “I’ll come back tomorrow.” He took Adam’s hand. “Thanks for everything.”

  “You’re welcome, Frankie,” she said.

  Frankie and Adam left the room and headed for the elevator.

  “Tory is real worried,” Adam said. “He wants you guys to take your time, and don’t worry about returning to work right now.”

  “I appreciate that,” Frankie said sarcastically. He was surprised that Tory didn’t want Jonas in the studio on his deathbed.

  Adam chuckled weakly. “You know how he is. I know the name of a good shrink if Jonas needs to talk to someone.”

  The elevator door opened, and the two of them stepped inside.

  “Thanks,” Frankie said. “Hopefully Jonas will agree to see one.” He loved his brother, but Jonas did have a lot of issues besides losing a boyfriend. He didn’t think Jonas had gotten over the death of their parents yet. “He needs to vent.”

  The elevator door opened on the lobby floor, and he and Adam stepped out. They walked to the parking lot. Adam had dropped him off earlier and went to park the car.

  “We need to pick up Kalen and then go home,” Adam said.

  “Okay,” Frankie said when they found Adam’s car.

  Adam opened the car doors, and Frankie climbed in. Adam got into the driver’s seat, started up the car, and drove out. There were still a lot of fans out front.

  “They won’t go home until Jonas does,” Adam said.

  “I know,” Frankie said as if Adam had read his mind. “Jonas has no idea how many people love him.”

  Chapter Two

  “Good morning, Mr. Kerry.”

  Jonas opened his eyes and stared up at the white ceiling. The scent of alcohol in the air and beeping machines let him know that he was in a hospital. “Good…”

  He couldn’t finish the sentence. His throat hurt.

  The person in the room with him raised the bed and him into a seated position. It was a middle-aged, black nurse. Her nametag read “Marie Prentiss.”

  “You’re going to have some trouble swallowing for a while until your throat heals.”

  Jonas reached up and touched his neck. He felt the bandages. What have they done to me?

  “The doctor in the emergency room had to perform a tracheotomy on you so you could breathe. He took the tubes out yesterday.”

  “How long have I been here?” Jonas managed to ask.

  “Two days,” the nurse answered. “You were in and out of it yesterday. You had a few guests, but you just slept through their visits.”

  Jonas looked around. The room was loaded with plants, flowers, and stuffed animals.

  “Some of your fans found out that you were here,” the nurse said. “These are just some of your gifts that have been delivered here. We could only allow things you aren’t allergic to.”

  He gazed at a big, stuffed teddy bear. It had blond hair and reminded Jonas of a rocker.

  The nurse took his vitals.

  “What happened to me?”

  “You don’t remember?” the nurse asked.

  Jonas shook his head.

  “You had an asthma attack at home, and your brother Frankie brought you here.”

  Jonas couldn’t remember any of it. Too bad the shock hadn’t erased the scene of Sean kissing Dexter.

  “I’ll bring you something to gargle with, and then you can eat.” She turned on the television, and a morning news show appeared. “Do you need to use the toilet?”
/>   Jonas nodded.

  The nurse helped him off of the bed. Jonas held on to the back of the gown.

  The nurse chuckled. “I’ve seen enough behinds over the years that I’ve lost count.”

  Jonas tried to laugh at her joke. He was a little weak, and he had to drag the IV pole with him. But he managed to use the toilet without much difficulty. He looked at his face in the mirror while he washed his hands. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his lips were blue. He could use a shave, and his hair was a mess. His bed had been straightened by the time he returned to his room.

  “You’re going to be on a liquid diet for a while, and I have to give you your insulin injection.”

  Frankie must have talked to her, or she looked them up in his hospital records.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  The nurse left the room and then came back and administered his shot.

  Jonas watched the news. There had been a couple of shootings, and some politician was under investigation for embezzlement. The entertainment news came on next.

  “We just got word that the pop star Jonas Kelly is still recovering at Touro Hospital from an acute asthma attack.”

  A picture of him in costume and full makeup filled the screen. Jonas scowled. It was a very old picture and did not catch his good side.

  The nurse looked at him. “That’s you?”

  Jonas nodded.

  “Our sources tell us that he is getting the best of care. Fans have been camped outside the hospital praying for him.”

  “How in the heck did they find out about this?” the nurse asked.

  Jonas shrugged.

  She stopped watching the television and gave him more medicine to take. “This should help the pain and stop you from getting an infection.”

  Jonas could barely swallow the two small tablets.

  The nurse tucked in his covers and then rolled his breakfast tray table over to him and placed it across his lap. “You have gelatin, tea, and oatmeal. It’s all sugar-free.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetie. I’ll come back and check on you later.”

  She left the room, and Jonas began eating his breakfast and watching the rest of the news. He took a nap afterward. A doctor woke him later.

  “Hello, I’m Doctor Silverman.” The fatherly looking physician flipped through Jonas’s chart. “How is your breathing?”

  “Fine,” Jonas said. His throat didn’t hurt as much as it had earlier.

  “Do you remember what happened to you before you were brought here?”

  Jonas nodded. “I had an asthma attack.”

  “Have you always had it?”

  “Yes,” Jonas answered. “Along with diabetes and anemia.”

  “Then you should know it’s very dangerous not to use your medication. Your brother found your inhaler. It was empty. Do you have any idea how close you were to dying?”

  Jonas could imagine.

  “You have to learn how to take better care of yourself, Mr. Kerry. The next time you might not be so lucky.”

  He had meant to get his inhaler refilled after they left the restaurant that day, but things had become pretty hectic after he’d seen Sean kissing that guy.

  “It says on your chart that you’re a singer. Do you ever have any trouble breathing when you perform?” the doctor asked.

  “Sometimes,” Jonas said. “My group has been on a break, but we’re supposed to start up our activities in a few weeks.”

  “The cold weather isn’t good for you either,” Doctor Silverman explained. “Neither is getting upset about anything.” He paused. “So what set it off this time?”

  “The cold wind and getting into an argument with someone I considered a friend.”

  The doctor kept writing as Jonas spoke. “You seem like an intelligent young man. Wear a mask if you have to go outside, and no more arguing.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jonas said.

  He did know better, but Sean had made him so angry. Well, all of that was old water under the bridge, and their relationship was over. Jonas decided to concentrate on his music. He didn’t need a guy in his life to feel complete. The doctor checked his incision.

  “Will it leave a scar?”

  “Maybe a tiny one,” Dr. Silverman said. “Hopefully you won’t have to have something so extreme done to you again.” He flipped through the chart again. “You’re a bit underweight, too. I’m going to prescribe you some vitamins and write prescriptions for both your inhalers and insulin. Also, I’m ordering you a breathing machine, a mini oxygen tank, and some medication to go with the machine. I want you to use it when you start wheezing again.”

  “Yes sir,” Jonas said. He’d try to be more responsible with his health.

  “I’ll come see you again in the morning. If you don’t have a fever or infection, I will discharge you.”

  “Thank you,” Jonas said.

  The doctor left, and Jonas lay back again. He looked over at the teddy bear. Cute.

  * * * *

  A wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek woke him up. Jonas opened his eyes and tilted his head to the side.

  “Wake up, Jonas.”

  He recognized that impatient voice. Kalen. “What are you doing here?”

  “Frankie brought me,” his youngest brother told him.

  Jonas brought the bed to a seated position. His gaze landed on the stuffed bear, plants, and his other brother. Frankie sat in one of the chairs while five-year-old Kalen stood beside the bed looking at all the tubes and machines.

  “Frankie said they’re turning you into a monster.”

  Jonas chuckled. “What kind of monster?”

  “Frankenstein’s monster,” Kalen answered with an impish grin.

  Jonas was so going to kick Frankie’s ass when he got better. “Why aren’t you in school?”

  Kalen was in kindergarten and one of the smartest kids in his class. The counselor had wanted to skip him to the first grade after testing him and realized how bright he was. But Jonas and Frankie had decided against it because they didn’t want him to miss any rudimentary skills he didn’t have. They only wanted Kalen to have as near a normal childhood as possible when they weren’t on the road touring.

  “Because it’s Saturday,” Kalen answered. He looked down at the IV in Jonas’s hand. “Does that hurt?”

  “A little. That’s how they’re giving me medicine to make me better.”

  “Frankie said you couldn’t breathe,” Kalen said.

  Frankie and Kalen were as thick as thieves and had always been since their parents died nearly three years ago. Frankie took real good care of Kalen and loved playing with him.

  “Yes, I can breathe very well now,” Jonas said. He playfully sniffed at Kalen. “Someone has put baby lotion on you.” It was one of the few things Jonas wasn’t allergic to.

  “Frankie gave me a bath and washed my hair so I wouldn’t be stinky,” Kalen said to him.

  Frankie chuckled. “He had an early-morning photo shoot with Brian, and he was covered in stage makeup. I couldn’t bring him here like that. The nurses went gaga for the kid when we stopped by last night.”

  Last night? Jonas looked over at the window. It was morning already. Whatever they put into that IV had knocked him the hell out.

  “Your doctor has already come in and is going to discharge you. He gave Adam your prescriptions. He’s gone off to fill them,” Frankie said to him.

  Their manager took very good care of them, to the point of spoiling them, especially their youngest brother.

  “Did you guys bring me some clothes to change into? Because I’m not going home in this gown.” Jonas said.

  “Yes,” Frankie said. “Your toiletries are in the bathroom, and your clothes are waiting behind that curtain.” He pointed to the right.

  Jonas glanced over. His eyes landed on all of the plants and the stuffed animal again. “How are we going to get all this stuff out of here?”

  “We’ve been lugging stuff
all night,” Frankie answered. “Kalen and I took most of the toys to the children’s ward after we arrived and most of the flowers and plants have been taken to brighten up the rooms of other patients.” He paused. “You’re very popular. You should see the stuff at the recording studio. Tory said it has been coming in since the news of your illness broke.”

  “What about him?” Jonas asked pointing to the big bear with the blond hair and vest.

  “He’s a keeper,” Frankie said. “He’s from a special fan.”

  Jonas wondered who.

  “He’ll be just perfect in your bed now that you don’t have a roommate,” Frankie said.

  Jonas looked over at Kalen. “Sean is gone. He doesn’t live with us anymore.”

  “I know,” Kalen said. “Uncle Adam explained it to me. He said Sean has gone off to make another family happy like he did us.”

  “Yes,” Jonas said. Leave it to Adam to make everything nice. They couldn’t tell Kalen the truth.

  “I miss him,” Kalen said. “But Uncle Adam promised me a new video game if I didn’t cry.”

  Jonas smiled. Kalen’s loyalty could be bought so easily.

  “Uncle Myron came by and brought me some coloring books,” Kalen announced. “I like him.”

  Myron Smith had been Jonas’s friend since elementary school. Once they had been lovers, but now Myron had a big crush on Frankie.

  “Did he come over to the house?”

  “Yes,” Frankie answered, not looking at him.

  That usually meant that Frankie was guilty of something. “Did anything happen between you and Uncle Myron?”

  Frankie cleared his throat. “No. He just stopped by to see how we were doing. He’d come to the hospital last night, too, but you were asleep.”

  “Was Uncle Adam there?”

  “No, thankfully,” Frankie said. “But I told him about it.”

  Adam didn’t like Myron and didn’t trust him around Frankie. A couple of years ago, Myron had finally told Frankie how he felt about him. Unfortunately, Frankie was already dating Adam at the time, and Adam had come across Frankie and Myron flirting with each other at a music festival. Frankie and Adam had just gotten into an argument about Adam’s old boyfriend Nico. They eventually straightened out a complicated mess. The only reason Adam hadn’t banned Myron from the house was because of Jonas. No one picked his friends but him.


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