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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 5

by Shawn Bailey

  Preston followed him in his custom-made Camaro. It was the first thing his friend had purchased once they arrived in the United States and started making some money with their music. Preston was pretty proud of it and kept it in excellent condition.

  Brenton followed the streetcar path up to Canal Street and then traveled down to St. Louis Street. He found a monitored parking lot about two blocks away from the club. Preston parked next to him. They paid the attendant and started walking. The area was filled with a lot of foot traffic because the streets were so narrow that it was hard for cars to get down. The aroma of beer made his mouth water as they walked past bars and clubs. Bouncers stood outside the open doors trying to drum up customers. Brenton dug the wide variety of music he heard.

  “This is the place,” he told the others.

  The bouncer at the door asked to see their invites and then allowed them to enter the club.

  Brenton liked this club because it always featured live bands. This time an R&B band named Walkertown had command of the stage and the crowd’s attention. They rocked the place with some oldies.

  Brenton spotted Harley. The man waved them over to a table. Their manager introduced them to some of his friends. Harley knew just about everyone in the music world, or so it seemed to Brenton.

  “These are my rockers,” Harley bragged. “Brenton B-Dog Tremayne, Preston Gaspar, Randall Newcastle, and Carson Hughes. Gents, this is our host, Louis Washington.”

  Louis called over a waiter. “What are you guys drinking?”

  The waiter appeared.

  “Beer for me,” Brenton said. His bandmates wanted the same thing.

  “Bring a couple of pitchers,” Louis told the young man.

  Brenton gazed over at the stage. Walkertown had the audience on their feet as they performed Earth, Wind & Fire’s “Reasons.”

  Another waiter came around with appetizers. Besides the open bar tonight, a couple of celebrity chefs were on hand. The first waiter returned with the beer and poured for each of them before leaving.

  Walkertown left the stage and the emcee announced intermission. A disc jockey took over during this time, spinning some records and keeping the partygoers entertained.

  “Isn’t that Adam and Luke?” Louis asked Harley.

  Brenton looked around. Who the hell are Adam and Luke?

  “Yes, that’s the youngsters,” Harley said. “Tory is pretty proud of them.”

  “Call them over,” Louis said.

  Harley got up and walked over to two dark-haired men.

  Brenton squinted to try to see them better in the dimly lit club. The two guys looked alike, and they were much younger than Harley and Louis. Harley walked back with them. Brenton got a chance to check them out as they got closer. He liked the way they dressed. One looked classy in a pair of white pants with a brown blazer. Beneath it, he wore a white dress shirt with a brown tie. The other looked simply elegant in a tailored, black suit with a burgundy dress shirt and black tie.

  Harley began introducing them to the others at the table. “Gentlemen, this is Adam Montgomery and Luke Austin. They manage the classical pop group The Kerrys.”

  That got Brenton’s attention. These are Jonas’s people.

  “Hey, Mr. Washington,” Adam said to Louis. “Thanks for the invite.”

  “No thanks necessary,” Louis said. “You guys are always welcome at one of my parties. I’d invited Tory, too, but the man is always too busy.”

  Both guys looked like they spent some time in the gym. They weren’t overly muscular, just tall, with muscles in all the right places. Carson was simply drooling over them.

  Harley continued the introductions. “Luke and Adam, these are my rockers, Brenton Tremayne, Carson Hughes, Randall Newcastle and Preston Gaspar—Vizio.”

  “No introductions are necessary,” Adam said.

  He walked up to them. Brenton rose. Adam was tall, but he towered over him. He shook the man’s hand.

  “It’s nice to finally get to meet you, B-Dog,” Adam said. “Tory has told me so much about you guys I feel like I already know you.” He went down the row shaking Carson, Randall, and Preston’s hands.

  “I’m Luke Austin,” the other guy said. “I’m Adam’s assistant and The Kerrys’ publicist.”

  “Come and join us,” Louis said.

  Adam sat next to Brenton, and Carson moved over to make room for Luke.

  “Are The Kerrys performing tonight?” Preston asked.

  “Only one of them,” Adam answered. “Frankie Kerry.”

  If Carson’s smile got any broader, it would fall off his face. Since the restaurant incident, Carson had been freaking out over Frankie.

  “He’s an excellent soloist and violinist,” Adam bragged.

  “I’ve heard of him,” Carson said.

  “Me, too,” another of the guys at the table said. “My granddaughter has all The Kerrys’ CDs. She’s a big fan.”

  “What about Jonas?” Brenton asked. “Is he a soloist, too?”

  “Yes,” Adam answered. “He was hospitalized recently, and he’s still recovering.”

  “Yes, I remember hearing about it on the news. Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine,” Adam said. “He spends a lot of time reading a book a fan sent him. He should be back performing with the group soon. Tory has them scheduled to perform at a concert at the Superdome, followed by one in Vegas. Hopefully he’ll be back on his feet by then.”

  Brenton smiled. He’d finally get to see Jonas again.

  A waiter showed up at the table again. Both Adam and Luke ordered imported water.

  “Not drinking alcohol tonight?” Harley asked them.

  “We’re both given up the stuff for a healthier lifestyle,” Luke explained.

  “You’ve given up alcohol for your health?” Randall asked Luke.

  “No, for a younger lover,” Adam answered with a big smile. “I have to conserve my energy.”

  “Me, too,” Luke said.

  The older guys at the table laughed.

  Brenton could appreciate the effort. His liver could use a break, too. Maybe he should try just drinking water to see if he felt healthier.

  The entertainment continued with a hip-hop group. Women approached the table and asked him and his bandmates to dance. Adam and Luke were popular, too, Brenton noticed several dances later.

  “I used to dance like you guys when I was younger,” Louis said when Brenton returned to the table. “Now I’m afraid to break a hip.”

  “Me, too,” Harley agreed.

  A middle-aged woman came over and got Harley on the dance floor for a slower dance.

  The food was served about an hour later, just when a rock group took the stage. Brenton never heard of them, but they were pretty good, and so young, like Vizio used to be. Maybe going into retirement in his early thirties wasn’t a bad thing. It made the way for younger bands to gain fame. He was also aching after just a couple of dances. He looked over at Adam and Luke, who had returned to the table. They had to be around the same age as him, but he felt much older.

  After dinner, the waiters cleared off the tables, and the live entertainment continued.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Frankie Kelly,” the emcee announced.

  A young, blond man in a black tuxedo appeared and sat down at a piano. Accompanying him was a mini orchestra and backup singers.

  “You guys are in for a treat,” Adam said to no one in particular. He looked like a proud father.

  Brenton concentrated on the singer, and for the next forty-five minutes, the blond had the people in attendance mesmerized to a point that no one even moved to go to the toilet or outside for a smoke.

  Everyone stood up and applauded when the show ended, especially Adam, who actually blew congratulatory kisses at his singer. Brenton thought that Adam had a thing for Frankie, or maybe it was just his imagination. When Frankie and another member of The Kerrys, a guy named Gerard Tyler, appeared at the table later, Brenton had no doubt that Adam
and Luke had a little more than a business relationship with the singers. The smile and twinkle in their eyes as they talked amongst themselves were dead giveaways. Both young men were gorgeous, but he still wanted to meet Jonas.

  Brenton waited until he could get Frankie alone to strike up a conversation with him. They were in a little alcove right outside the men’s room. The younger Kerry was as cute as a button, with curly, blond hair and gorgeous, blue eyes but a little young for his tastes. “Can I talk with you for a minute?”

  “Sure,” Frankie said.

  “It’s about Jonas.”

  “What about him?” Frankie asked.

  Brenton didn’t know how to broach the subject without sounding creepy. “I heard he’s been released from the hospital. How is he really doing?”

  “He’s okay physically,” Frankie said. “You visited him at the hospital, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Brenton admitted. “But he was asleep.”

  “I had no idea the two of you knew each other.”

  “We don’t exactly,” Brenton said. “But I’m a big fan.”

  “He loves the bear,” Frankie said.

  Brenton shifted his weight to the other foot. Frankie was smarter than he expected. “So you figured out it was from me?”

  Frankie nodded. “You like him, don’t you?”

  Brenton nodded this time. “He’s a great guitarist and musician, and…”

  “And he’s gorgeous,” Frankie added.

  Brenton gulped. He’s much too smart for his age. “Yes.”

  Frankie smiled at him. “I thought so. And you want me to fix you guys up.”

  “Yes, I’d like that.”

  “He’s just gone through a terrible breakup.”

  “I know that. I don’t want to jump his bones. I’d just like to get to know him. Is it okay if I check on him from time to time?”

  Frankie nodded. Brenton pulled out a business card with his cell phone number on it and handed it to Frankie.

  “Can you call me and keep me abreast of what’s going on with him?”

  Frankie accepted the card. “Yes.”

  “Thank you, Frankie.”

  Frankie put the card into his pocket. “You’re welcome.” He paused. “You do know that he’s your biggest fan?”

  “No, I didn’t know that,” Brenton said.

  “I better go. The others are waiting for me.” He waved and walked away.

  Brenton smiled. He had a feeling that he and Frankie were going to be great friends. He left the club.

  “Where were you?” Carson asked Brenton when he stepped outside.

  “I was speaking with a friend,” Brenton answered.

  Harley came out of the club next. “So what do you think of Tory’s newest additions to the Albertson family?” Harley asked.

  “They’re so young,” Randall answered.

  Harley laughed. “You guys were around the same age when you started recording.”

  “Is it my imagination, but aren’t Frankie and Gerard exceptionally attractive?” Preston asked.

  “No, definitely not your imagination. So is Noel Charles,” Harley said. “He’s supposed to be talented, too, though I haven’t had the opportunity to hear him perform yet.”

  “I heard the Noel Charles’s song he recorded with Frankie,” Carson admitted. “Not bad. They both have great voices.”

  “I’m going to have to check them out on YouTube,” Harley said. “Since we’ll all be going to Coachella together and performing at the Superdome.”

  “I can’t wait to go to Coachella,” Randall said. “There’s supposed to be a lot of great bands there this year.”

  “Will The Kerrys be performing?” Brenton asked.

  “No. Tory’s sending them there for a little rest and relaxation before their European tour,” Harley answered.

  They’re going to Europe? Brenton sighed. I better introduce myself to Jonas soon. He didn’t want to rush the guy, but he didn’t want Jonas getting interested in some other man either.

  “Maybe we can convince Jonas Kerry to join us for a number on stage at Coachella,” Preston said. “I’ve heard he’s got some mad guitar skills.”

  “He plays the piano, too,” Randall said.

  “I don’t know if he’ll be up to performing,” Harley said. “Tory is worried that Jonas might still be recovering from his asthma attack.”

  “Let’s just hope he will recover,” Preston said. “Tory won’t want to give back all that money the fans have paid to see him.”

  “I love his hair,” Randall said. “I wonder how long he’s been growing it. It’s down to his butt.”

  Brenton liked Jonas’s hair, too, but it had to be a bother taking care of it.

  “Tory says that Jonas has a big following,” Harley said.

  “Probably a lot of teeny-boppers,” Carson said sarcastically.

  “Teeny-boppers buy music,” Harley reminded him. “It would be to you guys best interest if you got some of their fans interested in your music so they can purchase your songs.”

  “Kids these days aren’t into hard-core rock,” Preston said.

  “No, but that’s because no one introduced them to it,” Brenton said. “Harley’s right. We have to find a way to get them interested.”

  “Do any of you guys know how to rap?” Harley asked.

  Brenton frowned. “No.” He wasn’t a big fan of rap music.

  “I figured that,” Harley said. “That’s what kids are listening to these days.”

  “So you want us to rap now?” Randall asked.

  “No,” Harley said. “But in order to compete in this industry, you guys have to learn to be versatile.”

  “You mean crossover into another genre?” Preston asked.

  “Yes,” Harley said. “You guys are pretty decent singers. It wouldn’t hurt if you mellowed out a bit.”

  “We’ve always liked R&B,” Carson said. “I think we can manage a song or two if needed.”

  Brenton liked the idea. Rock took a lot of energy. He and Randall knew how to play the piano and had always wanted to incorporate it into their act. “Not a bad idea, Carson.”

  The rocker smiled at him. “Thanks, Brenton. Maybe we can get together and write a song.”

  Brenton was glad that Carson could be enthusiastic about something other than minding his business. “I’d like that. We all should try to come up with something.”

  “We’ll get Tommy working on some new songs for you guys,” Harley said. “That’s what a songwriter gets paid for.”

  They left shortly afterward. As soon as Brenton got home, he broke out his songbook.

  Chapter Five

  “Sean is moving out of town,” Frankie said to Jonas as the two of them got Kalen’s stuff ready for school.

  “Good for him,” Jonas said. His voice was returning to him, and it didn’t appear to be harmed by the procedure. Of course, they wouldn’t know that until they actually got him to sing.

  “He told Adam that he’s moving to Chicago.”

  “I hope he takes a lot of warm clothing with him.”

  Frankie put a small box of raisins into Kalen’s lunch kit. Kalen was at the table eating his cereal and jamming to the MP3 player so he couldn’t overhear their conversation. Jonas had hooked him up with all the current Disney Channel songs that Kalen liked.

  “Adam has to find another assistant,” Frankie said. “He’s holding interviews in a couple of days.”

  “I hope it’s a woman this time,” Jonas said as he added the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he had made to Kalen’s lunch bag. “We can use some breasts around us to break up the monotony.”

  Frankie scowled at him. “Women don’t like being referred to as breasts,” Frankie said. “Just because we date guys doesn’t mean we should be disrespectful.”

  “You’re right,” Jonas said. “Chicks.”

  Frankie shook his head as Jonas chuckled. Incorrigible but in high spirits. Frankie put a container of juice into
Kalen’s bag and sealed it. They still had a few minutes to talk before Jonas dropped Kalen off at the elementary school.

  “What are your plans for today?”

  “I have a follow-up doctor’s appointment, and then I’m treating myself to a manicure. Why?”

  “No reason in particular.” Frankie lied. He just didn’t want Jonas lying around feeling sorry for himself.

  “Then I’m meeting Myron for lunch, and then Kalen has a photo shoot with Brian for some kiddy magazine. I might hang out with him until he finishes if Uncle Adam is too busy. What about you?”

  “Gerard and I have hair appointments, and then he’s dragging me to a new clothing store he wants to check out. And then we’re doing lunch.”

  “Lunch and not each other?”

  “Ha, ha very funny,” Frankie said. “I told you Gerard and I are just friends.”

  “Hmmm,” Jonas said like he didn’t believe him.

  “Do you want to join us?”

  “No offense, but I’d like to spend some time with Kalen.”

  “No offense taken, but don’t forget I’m your brother, too, and you can talk to me about anything.”

  “Thanks,” Jonas said. “I’m good. It is what it is, and life goes on.”

  Jonas appeared calm. Shit, maybe he should read that book, too. “Oh, I almost forgot. Tory is sending us to Palm Springs for Coachella for a rest. Do you think you’ll be up to going with us?”

  “I’ll be there,” Jonas said. “That sounds like fun. How was your performance at the club the other night?” Jonas asked.

  “It was fantastic, and Adam and I sat with some of Tory’s friends. They were very knowledgeable about the music industry.”

  “So you like performing solo?” Jonas asked.

  “It’s okay, but I missed you and Gerard on stage with me.”

  “You are destined for the big time, Frankie. Just remember that.”

  Frankie didn’t like the way Jonas said it like he and Gerard wouldn’t be there, too. “You’re going to be right there with me, aren’t you? We’re The Kerrys, remember?”

  “Yeah,” Jonas said. “But both you and I know that our futures aren’t written in stone. My asthma or diabetes could take me out one of these days.”


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