Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 6

by Shawn Bailey

  “Don’t say that,” Frankie said angrily. He would personally give Jonas his medicine if he had to.

  Jonas removed the headphone from Kalen’s ears. “Time for school, sport.”

  Frankie walked over and kissed Kalen on the forehead. “Have a good day and don’t give your teachers any problem.”

  “I don’t cause problems,” Kalen said. “It’s those darn girls in my class. They are always following me around.”

  Frankie chuckled and sighed. “Get used to it. You’re cute, and you have a job. You are now husband material.”

  “He doesn’t understand what you’re telling him,” Jonas said to Frankie.

  “Yes, I do,” Kalen replied. “I’m not playing with girls, just boys. Girls are too bossy.”

  Frankie continued to chuckle. “That’s right. Get that education first.”

  Frankie remained in the kitchen while Jonas went to get Kalen’s coat and hat. He heard the front door close several minutes later.

  * * * *

  After leaving the kitchen, Frankie went to his room and dressed for his outing with Gerard and drove over to pick up his best friend. Gerard and his French, designer, boyfriend, Giovanni Bassett, lived in the neighborhood.

  “Bonjour,” Gerard said as he entered Frankie’s car. “Comment allez-vous?”

  “Je suis tres bien. Merci.”

  “Very good,” Gerard said. “They are going to love you when we go to Paris.”

  Gerard had been teaching him French for several years now. Frankie drove away from the curb and headed out of the area. He got on the interstate.

  Gerard reached over and turned on the radio. Hip-hop music played. They sang as they rode.

  “We should try performing hip-hop in our act,” Gerard said.

  “No way,” Frankie said.

  “Please,” Gerard begged. “You rap so splendidly Frankie.”

  “Did Luke tell you that we’re going to Coachella?” Frankie asked changing the subject.

  “Oui. I’m ready to put on my boogie shoes. We need to coordinate our wardrobe.”

  When Gerard wasn’t playing drums and singing backup for The Kerrys, he also worked as their wardrobe coordinator. He was also an up-and-coming fashion designer, had his own clothing line, and hung out with sexy, New York City models.

  “Just don’t put me in orange,” Frankie said. “I don’t think it’s my color.”

  Gerard laughed. “You are so fair-skinned that every color is your color, Frankie. But I promise I’ll choose something cute.” He paused. “Are you sure that Jonas will be joining us?”

  Frankie heard the concern in Gerard’s voice. “Yes. In fact he had jokes this morning.”

  “Oh yeah? What did he say?”

  “He wanted to know my plans for today. So I told him that you and I are doing lunch. His smart ass asked if I was sure that we weren’t doing each other.”

  Gerard laughed. “He knows that we are friends, don’t he?”

  “Yes, but like I said he was being a smart-ass, which is a good sign that he is improving.”

  “But, of course, the thought of you and I doing the M/M stuff together isn’t a bad idea,” Gerard teased. “I do have lusty dreams about you.”

  Frankie tried not to laugh. “Yeah. I don’t know about you, but I like living. Both Adam and Giovanni would kill us.”

  “Not if we include them,” Gerard insisted. “I bet they fantasize about that all the time.”

  Frankie chuckled at Gerard’s silliness. “Well, until we’re put in that scenario, we’ll just keep on our clothing and continue being BFFs.”

  “Oui, Frankie. I will keep my sweet butt to myself.”

  Frankie continued chuckling. “You’re so stupid.” He sighed. Not that the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. Gerard’s accent really turned him on, and he had dreamed a couple of times about them doing the nasty. But reality always set in. That and the fact that Adam would kill him.

  They arrived at the stylist. The parking lot had a few cars, which meant the wait wouldn’t be too long. He and Gerard got out of the car and went inside. Both Mario and Roddy were on duty.

  Roddy looked up from the guy he was trimming. “Hey, guys. Have a seat. We’ll be right with you.”

  Frankie and Gerard sat down, and Gerard began flipping through a hairstyle magazine.

  “Are you thinking about doing something different with your hair?”

  “Yes,” Gerard answered. “You know, to put a little excitement in the bedroom.”

  Frankie looked over at his friend. “I hear blonds have more fun.”

  “Be serious. Two blonds in a group are enough.”

  “It doesn’t have to be anything permanent, just a rinse. I bet you’d look awesome,” Frankie said to Gerard.

  “I don’t know,” Gerard said nervously. “What if Giovanni doesn’t like it. Then I have to stay that way for a couple of weeks.”

  “Come on. Where is your sense of adventure?” Frankie asked. Gerard would be a perfect blond with his pretty face and blue eyes. “Giovanni will go crazy.”

  “I like sleeping with my man,” Gerard said. “I don’t like sleeping on the sofa.” He paused. “What about you?”

  “It will drive me crazy to see you as a blond,” Frankie teased.

  “No. I mean wouldn’t you like to see what you’d look like with another hair color? You could try black, or maybe even red.” He flipped through some of the pages and showed Frankie a redhead with blue eyes. “This one.”

  “I don’t know,” Frankie said. “I like sleeping, too. If I did that, I wouldn’t get any. Adam would be fucking me all night.”

  Luckily, they weren’t speaking loud enough for anyone else to hear, but their giggles did draw attention.

  “That is such a big change for me.”

  “Awe, come on, with those sparkling, blue eyes Adam will buy you an island.”

  His boyfriend did spoil him.

  “And it would only be a temporary thing. If you don’t like it you can change it back.”

  “I have an idea,” Frankie said. “Let’s do it when we get back from Coachella.”

  “Oh, Frankie, I thought you’d never ask,” Gerard said. He batted his long eyelashes at Frankie.

  “No, silly. I mean rinse our hair. We can surprise everyone with our new look.”

  “Okay,” Gerard said. “But I like the other idea better.”

  Frankie smirked at him. “I’ll hook up with you when Adam and Giovanni die.”

  “That will a long time from now,” Gerard said with a playful pout.

  Roddy and Mario were ready for them. An hour later, they left with freshly washed and trimmed hair. They hopped into Frankie’s car and drove to the shopping mall.

  Chapter Six

  “Give me a big smile, Kalen,” Brian Brown said.

  Kalen smiled broadly for the photographer and moved into different poses while Brian snapped picture after picture.

  Jonas watched, enjoying how professional his baby brother performed.

  The photographer praised Kalen. “You are so good, Kalen.” He moved around Kalen to catch his image from different angles. Finally, he stopped shooting. “It is time for a costume change.”

  The people from Kidds Fashion were on hand with a wide assortment of outfits for Kalen and the other kids Brian had waiting for their turn. A lady handed Jonas a garment bag and sent him in back with Kalen to change him.

  Jonas rose and took Kalen into one of the dressing rooms and began helping him out of the outfit he had on. “You are a very good model.”

  “I know,” Kalen said. “Mr. Brian said I’m going to walk the catwalk of Paris when I’m grown.”

  Sometimes Jonas thought Kalen listened to Brian more than he listened to him. Jonas hung the other outfit back on the hanger and put it in the garment bag after dressing Kalen. This time they put him in denim and a nice pullover shirt that brought out the brown in his eyes and added some color to his cheeks.

  “I better g
et you to makeup so they can freshen you up.”

  “I don’t want too much stuff on my eyes,” Kalen protested. “It makes me look like a girl.”

  Jonas tried not to laugh. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “Yeah, but you like it,” Kalen said sarcastically.

  “Don’t think you’re too old for a spanking,” Jonas said as he led the five-year-old to the makeup artist on call. “Pretty him up,” Jonas told the woman.

  “Kalen doesn’t need much in that area,” the young woman said. “And neither do you.”

  Giggling, Kalen got into the chair.

  “You think so?” Jonas asked.

  “Oh yes, Mr. Kerry. Your skin is beautiful.”

  “Frankie says he looks like a girl,” Kalen said.

  “Remind me to strangle Frankie when we get home,” Jonas said. If he was into girls, Kalen had just ruined it for him.

  “There, that should do it,” the artist said. “And I don’t mind going out with a pretty guy,” she said to Jonas.

  “I’ll remember that,” Jonas said, leading Kalen away. They hurried back to the studio.

  Brian was working on some older kids, so Jonas took Kalen over to some seats until Brian was ready for him. Later, he noticed Kalen talking to some older girls, and they were fawning over him. Brian chose some of them to pose with Kalen. His brother performed like a pro, gazing at the camera and smiling arrogantly like Adam had taught him. The session ended, and Jonas helped Kalen change back into his own clothing. The people handed Jonas two big bags of clothing for Kalen as gratuity. If this kept up, they would have to turn the spare room into Kalen’s closet.

  “You were superb,” Jonas told Kalen. “Do you like posing for pictures?”

  “Yes,” Kalen said. “It’s my job.”

  So mature. Success had not spoiled Kalen. He still liked playing video games, doing his homework, and hanging out with his friends.

  Uncle Adam gave him an allowance and was teaching him about the hotel industry.

  Jonas considered Adam a member of their family now. Jonas appreciated everything Adam had done for them. Without him, their lives probably would have turned out differently.

  Kalen climbed into the van and secured his seatbelt while Jonas did the same in the driver’s seat. Jonas turned on one of the portable DVD players so Kalen could watch a tape. Adam and Frankie kept the van stocked with educational tapes. Kalen had a tutor when they went on the road. When he was with Jonas, Kalen got a chance just to be himself.

  “Where are we going?” Kalen asked.

  “Some place special,” Jonas answered.

  Like them, Kalen had a huge fan following, and he couldn’t do some things like the other kids. But every now and then, the adults in his life found a way.

  “Chuck E. Cheeses,” Kalen shouted excitedly after Jonas got down off the Mississippi River Bridge and drove down General DeGaulle Drive.

  “Yes.” Sometimes it was good to let Kalen just be a kid. It was dark by the time the two of them had played every game. As an added treat, he took him to the mall and let him pick up a new video game.

  “We better head home. Frankie should be fixing dinner.”

  “I want hot dogs,” Kalen said once they were back inside the van. “Frankie always makes things that are good for me.”

  Jonas slid his cell phone out of his pocket and texted Frankie exactly what Kalen had just said.

  Frankie texted back. “Spoiled rotten brat. Okay. Hot dogs it is for him.”

  “Frankie said okay.” Jonas put on the radio. The DJ announced the lineup for Jazz Festival and the Superdome event.

  “Scheduled to perform, the gospel group Harmony, the Saint Thomas Community Choir, and The New Orleans Second Line Jazz Band. Headlining the event is New Orleans’s own Noel Charles. Then, if you’re still in the dancing mood, you’re going to love this. Vizio will be here for Southern Bash at the Superdome the following week.”

  “Huh?” Jonas said. “Did you hear that, Kalen? Vizio is scheduled to perform with us. What are they doing in town?”

  “B-Dog,” Kalen said.

  Jonas smiled. He’d been grooming Kalen since infancy to love heavy metal. And Frankie had tried to undermine him by letting Kalen listen to classical music. He’d also signed Kalen up to learn how to play the violin when he got into the first grade. Uncle Adam wanted him to learn how to play drums. Of course he did. He didn’t have to live with the noise every day.

  “Hey, Kalen, do you want to learn how to play the guitar?”

  “Frankie said the guitar is for dweebs.”

  “No, the violin is for dweebs. The guitar will make you look cool, and girls go crazy over guys who play the guitar.”

  “I’d rather play the violin and look cool in a tux,” Kalen replied.

  Jonas was so buying Kalen a guitar for his sixth birthday and kicking Frankie’s ass. Sean would have a fit if he knew that Kalen wanted to play violin. Jonas frowned. Why am I thinking about him? He hoped Sean froze his balls off in Chicago.

  Jonas drove into their subdivision and passed Adam’s home. Adam’s car wasn’t there, which meant that either Adam was working late, or he was already at the house making out with Frankie. Jonas’s other cell phone in the van rang. It was the one he was supposed to use when he drove. He turned it on.


  “Jonas, this is Myron. I just heard the announcement over the radio. Do you think you can get me two tickets to the Superdome concert?”

  “You got them,” Jonas said. “Are you bringing a date?”


  “In front of Frankie?”

  “Yes. Isn’t Adam going to be there?”


  “Then I’m bringing a date,” Myron said.

  “I’ll get the tickets tomorrow and bring them over to you.”

  “Join me for dinner tomorrow,” Myron said. “I miss you, and we need to talk.”

  “Roger,” Jonas said.

  “Is Kalen with you?” Myron asked.

  “Yes, luckily you’re not saying anything rude through the speakerphone.”

  “Hey, Kalen.”

  “Hey, Uncle Myron.”

  “Hey, dude,” Myron said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jonas.”

  “Where are we going to dinner tomorrow so I’ll know how to dress?”

  “Now would I take you to a burger joint?”

  “Yes, you have.”

  “We were kids then, Jonas. Plus, you’re kind of famous now, and you might attract fans.”

  “Shoes optional?” Jonas asked.

  “I live in the ‘burbs man, or have you forgotten?”

  “Okay, Mr. Businessman. What time?”

  “Eight,” Myron said.

  “I’ll see you then.”

  Jonas disconnected the call and pulled into the driveway of their home. Adam’s car was already parked in his private spot.

  “Uncle Adam’s here,” Kalen said, taking off his seatbelt and hopping out of the car just as soon as Jones turned the car off. He ran up to the door and rang the doorbell like he was a guest or something.

  Adam opened the door, and Kalen jumped into his arms.

  “Uncle Adam, I’m going to be a ninja for my next photo shoot.”

  Adam kissed Kalen on the head. “Good for you. I can’t wait to see you in that costume.”

  “You could have at least helped me with all your stuff,” Jonas said as he struggled into the house with Kalen’s bags.

  Adam put Kalen down and took some of them. “Did you buy out the mall?”

  “No, Uncle Adam,” Jonas said. “The people at the clothing company gave Kalen things again, and he has ninja costumes and a video game.”

  “Lucky kid,” Adam said after Kalen ran into the house. “I wish someone gave me clothes.”

  “You never wear anything off the rack,” Jonas grumbled as they entered the house.

  Soul music was playing in the back. Yep, they’ve been making out. But Adam’s h
air wasn’t mussed, so they must have kept their clothes on.

  “I need two tickets for the Superdome concert,” Jonas said to Adam.

  “You got them.”

  “They’re for Myron.”

  “You’re supposed to tell me that before I agree to give them to you.”

  Jonas chuckled. “I thought you and Myron had made up.”

  “Not as long as he’s in love with Frankie,” Adam said, following Jonas to Kalen’s room and out of Frankie’s ear range.

  “He’s bringing a date,” Jonas said to him.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to take my eyes off those two all night.”

  “Yet you let him hang around with Gerard,” Jonas said once they entered Kalen’s room. Frankie had been cleaning. The room was immaculate and smelled wonderful.

  Adam chuckled. “Yeah, I trust Gerard.”

  “You do know that he wants to sleep with Frankie, too.”

  “That I don’t mind seeing.” Adam put the bags down.

  “You’re strange,” Jonas said as the two of them left Kalen’s room.

  “Yes, but the only reason you’re finding something wrong with that little scenario is because Frankie is your brother. Believe me, if he wasn’t involved, you’d be right there with a front row seat.”

  Jonas frowned. He so would be.

  They found Frankie busy in the kitchen putting food on the table while listening to Kalen talk about his day. Frankie had gotten his hair trimmed, but kept most of his curls. He was starting to put on some weight now that they were off the road. He would have to work it off before the upcoming concert and the tour, or Tory would have a fit.

  “Myron’s coming to the concert,” Adam told Frankie.

  “Okay,” Frankie said, staring daggers at Jonas.

  “And I’m having dinner with him tomorrow night so don’t make any for me,” Jonas said.

  Both Frankie and Adam looked at him oddly.

  “Is there something you want to tell us?” Frankie asked suspiciously.

  “No,” Jonas answered. “When are we supposed to start rehearsal for the Superdome concert?”

  “After we return from California,” Adam answered. “How was your doctor’s appointment?”

  “Fine. He said I could go back to work.” His HIV test had come back negative, too.


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