Arousing Consequences

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Arousing Consequences Page 3

by Cam Johns

  “Aiight bro…just don’t pursue anything until I say we’re good.” I don’t respond because I don’t think I can keep my hands off of her…boyfriend or not. “Jackson! I’m not fuckin’ playin’ man!” Jonathan shouts through the phone making me laugh.

  “You better hurry up then.”


  So, it's been two months since my start at Healing House. Now having a solid morning routine, I make it in a whole ten minutes early...clearly a major accomplishment for me. My office is now decorated with the books I need, a painting and a photo of Kevin and I, as well as one of me and my parents. I've definitely made it my own. Now that I have my own clients, the first thing I do is go over my schedule at my desk. Before I can get through it, someone knocks at my door.

  “Come in.” I say.

  “Hey there…checking in.” Lizzie walks in.

  “Hey Lizzie, how are you?”

  “Tired as hell. Busy day ahead.” She says, remaining at the door. “Free for lunch today?”

  “Yeah. Noon?”

  “You got it. See ya!” she says leaving.

  Finally getting a handle on today’s schedule, I take my ID out of my locked desk and head for the door. As I am heading out, a text message comes to my phone.


  Hey beautiful. I’m going to have a busy day today, so I’ll be late. Don’t wait up. XOXO.


  Okay. Love You.

  Kevin has been busy this past month trying to get this contract. He should have had it by now. This would be the third late night this week and it's Friday. I don't want to dwell on him and his late nights. That would only lead me down Look Back Road. Not a place I want to go. Instead I walk into the lobby to retrieve my first client of the day, Chloe, and avoid the situation entirely. It’s what I do best. She's actually the first client Matthew and I, my assistant PT, have worked with.

  I cruised through the morning quickly, anticipating my girl talk with Lizzie this afternoon. Approaching her door, I hear her talking to someone. The conversation seems intense, so I decide to wait.

  "I need you to do this for questions right now." After a few seconds Alyssa accepts. I wait outside the door until it seems cool to knock.

  “Hey girl, come in. I’m ready.” she says as if no one is standing in front of her.

  “You sure…I can come back Lizzie.” I murmur, realizing its Jackson.

  “Miss Washington.” Jackson says turning to face me. He looks dazzling in his black three piece suit.

  “Mr. are you?”

  “Well... I hear you’re doing great here. Keep it up."

  “Thank you, I appreciate that.” He faces Alyssa to say his goodbyes before walking toward me.

  “Enjoy your lunch.” He whispers smiling down at me as I take in his smell once more. Jeez. Ease up, Karisma.

  “Thank you.” I reply with the biggest high school crush smile on my face. Oh this is so humiliating. Why do I act this way in front of him? After he leaves I walk over to sit in the chair in front of Lizzie.

  “And what was that about?” she says teasing.

  “What was what about?”

  “Don’t try’n bull shit a bull shitter.” I laugh uncomfortably.

  "Nothing, he helped me out my first day, that’s all. I may feel a little grateful.”

  “Ummhmm, you’re so full of shit!” She laughs.

  “No... Seriously, nothing is going on Lizzie.” This is embarrassing.

  “Well, don’t let Julia see that nothing’s going on. That girl is crazy.” We both laugh uncontrollably. Alyssa has actually become a good friend. I haven’t had anyone to talk to like this since I came back to Seattle. It’s great to be around someone other than Kevin…and my mother.

  “So, what you and Kevin doin’ tonight...special plans?”

  “No, he’s working late…again. So I’ll be home alone watching Lifetime…as usual.”

  “Kay, why you insist on doin’ that? He’s at work so why not come out and have some fun?” She says as she is dancing around and snapping her fingers to the music in her head.

  “Girl, why would I wanna go to a club?” I say laughing at her.

  “Umm 'cause they're fun...C'mon girl get out the house…take some attention away from me. I know men'll be all over that butt!” She laughs out loud.

  “Whatever’re hot.”

  “Yes, but your ass is rotund!” We both laugh.

  “Okay, I’ll come out.” I guess I need to let loose a little.

  “Great, I’ll see if Jenn wants to come.”

  “Oh great, I haven’t seen her in a minute.”

  “Then it’s on girl…oh, I'm driving so be ready.” I nod.

  Towards the end of the day, I decide to call Kevin and let him know what I’m doing tonight. After calling twice with no answer, of course, I leave a message instead. About thirty minutes later he calls back.

  “Hey sweetie.”

  “So you’re going out tonight.” He says brusquely, straight to the point. Here’s jealous Kevin.

  “Yeah…Alyssa’s going out, she asked me to go. Is that a problem or something?”

  “Not a problem…I think it’s weird you’re going out all of a sudden now that I’m working late.” He says crudely.

  “Umm, I don’t understand…what do you mean?”

  “Izzy, don’t play dumb, if you’re tryna make me jealous just admit it.”

  “What?” I say trying not to laugh. “Nobody’s tryna make you jealous, you idiot! Why must I stay in the house?”

  “Why I gotta be all that? Listen, don’t stay out too late...or drink too much. I’ll be home when you get back…waiting.” We both laugh.

  “Whatever loser, I’ll talk to you later, love you.”

  “Love you too boo.”

  Gathering my things, there’s another knock at the door. “Yes, come in.” Jennifer peeks her head in.

  “Hey girl!”

  “Hey stranger, come in here.” I get up to give her a hug.

  “So, you’re finally coming out with us I hear.”

  “Yeah. I was just gettin’ ready to leave and find something to wear.”

  “Okay cool, I’m headed out now...I wanted to say what’s up! I’ll see ya later.”

  “See ya!”

  It’s only four and I don’t have any clients, so I decide to head out early and get a nap in before I go out. I really do sound like an old lady these days. Lizzie is right. I need to get out of the damn house. At the elevator, my phone starts ringing. It’s my mother, of course, who else would it be? I reject the call and put my phone in my purse as I step in the elevator.

  “As oblivious as ever I see.” A familiar voice says behind me.

  “Mr. Turner, I’m sorry I didn’t see you there.”

  “Yes, I can see that.” He says in his coy, sexy voice.

  “Are you stalkin’ me or something?” I stare him down, waiting for a response. He looks shocked but amused by my tenacity...he lets out a low chuckle.

  “Stalking you…no…more like right place, right time.” I stare at him, clueless as how to respond. I certainly wasn't expecting that.

  “If you say so, Mr. Turner.” I turn around trying to hide my embarrassment. I can feel him staring at me, but I can’t find my words around him.

  “No Miss Washington, this is seriously all just a coincidence, I assure you.” I decide not to embarrass myself any further with my blushing and stare at my fidgeting hands. “So, any plans for the weekend?”

  “I’m supposed to go out with Alyssa tonight,” I turn to look at him, “but I’m sure you knew that already.” He laughs at my sarcasm attempt. It was actually nice to hear him lighten up a little.

  "I actually do know that."

  “Yup, figured as much.” The elevator doors open at the garage level and we step out. He gestures his hand, waiting for me to lead the way.

  “Oh. I take it you’re walking me to my car again?”

��You know it.”

  “Always such the gentleman.” He smiles at me as I walk towards my car. He walks alongside me this time, texting on his phone. He finally puts it away as I unlock my car so he can open the door. I slide in my seat and he closes the door, bending down so we’re face to face, waiting for me to roll the window down.

  “You be safe tonight.” He says genuinely.

  “Always am, Mr. Turner.” I say smiling, amused at his concern. “I’ll see you Monday I guess.”

  “Or before then…coincidences happen all the time Miss Washington.” He says amused. Why can't I take this smile off my face?

  “Very true Mr. Turner. Have a good evening.”

  “You too.” He says standing upright.

  This time he waited for me to drive away before walking to his white Lamborghini. I catch him in my rear view now in a heated phone conversation. Interesting… I’ve never even seen him be impolite.

  I stopped at the mall to get a new outfit for tonight before going home. I made a quick bite to eat then ran a warm bath with the soothing voices of Silk on the bathroom iPod. Lying there exposed, Jackson and his sexy scent come to mind as I Wonder starts and I stream the water down my legs. I let my erotic thoughts flourish as my hands start to roam my body freely, thinking of his big hands fondling me. Oh God. They find their way to my clit and rub it hard and fast as I move my pelvis against them, splashing water everywhere. Fuck! I imagine him inside me and grab my chest hard with my free hand as I begin to climax. “Shit!” I yell out. I open my eyes, not believing I just did that. Oh…what am I going to do? I can’t think about this right now. Distance. Distance is what we need, definitely.

  Stepping out of the tub, the sound of the bell startles me. I don’t have the slightest idea who it is, since I’m not expecting Lizzie for another hour. I throw on my silk robe that sticks to my wet body and run downstairs to open the door. Looking through the peephole, I see Lizzie standing outside impatiently.

  “You're too early…what are you doing here?” I question, opening the door. “Everything ok?”

  “Oh yeah…I figured you wouldn’t mind me getting dressed here.”

  “Of course not...come in.”

  “Damn Kay, your house is nice.” She remarks, walking through the foyer.

  “Thank you, maybe I’ll have you and Jennifer over sometime. Let’s head up and get dressed.” She follows me upstairs into the bedroom. “Okay, this is my closet,” I say walking into the connected master bathroom pointing to the right, “and that side is Kevin’s closet. Now, you can get dressed in the bedroom if you’d like. I’ll be in my closet getting ready.” She walks over to take a peek in my closet.

  “Yeah, I see why you get dressed in here, my goodness.” She walks, in passing her hand across a line of hanging outfits, stopping at my shoes. Her eyes widen at my collection.

  “Yeah, Kevin had it built for me. It’s great isn’t it?” I say smiling.

  “What does he do again?”

  “He has an architectural firm like my Dad.”

  “Cool…I’ll get ready in the bedroom.”

  Forty-five minutes later I’m dressed, ready to club hop in my freakum dress. Lizzie still has the door shut so I knock and tell her I’ll be waiting downstairs. Damn I thought I was bad. Clearly she has me beat because she doesn’t come down for fifteen minutes. Her hair is slicked back in a ponytail, big hooped earrings and a tight, short sleeveless black dress similar to mine.

  “Get it girl, red is your color Kay!” She says.

  “Thanks, you look great too.”

  “Oh yes, I do know how to work it honey!” She says snapping her fingers and sashaying in a circle.

  “You are too much!” Just as I'm about to open the door, I get a text message.

  "Oh shit, that's probably my mother...I swear if I don’t call her everyday she's ready to call the National Guard." We both laugh.


  Have fun babe. I'll see you when you get home. Wear your bracelet so you don't forget about me. XOXO


  I will thanks, love you. PS: I am wearing it and I could never forget you.

  "It was Kevin. You know what he had the nerve to tell me earlier...I'm going out to make him jealous."

  "Oh did he? Well let's not disappoint!" We both laugh as we get into her BMW.

  The ride to the club didn't take long, but there was barely any parking. As we approach the front, the line is too long...totally discouraging.

  "Hey girls!" Jennifer yells from what seemed to be a mile away. "Come on!" We walk up to the entrance where she was waiting.

  "You two look great…me?" She turns slowly like she's working the runway or something.

  "You look aiight." I say sarcastically making a so so face.

  "Yeah, I agree with her..." Lizzie says laughing.

  "You know two are haters! But that's ok...I’d hate too!" We all laugh. "I'll be right back." Jenn walks over to the bouncer.

  Lizzie's phone rings, so she turns her back to me. “Everything's good and ready,” I overhear her say before she hangs up.

  "Sorry about that." She smiles.

  "Come on you two." Jenn waves us over.

  This place is huge, lights are flashing, DJ is rocking, and dance floor is popping with plenty of room. There is a lounging area in the back with red leather couches, and upstairs there are tables and a small dance floor. However, that may be the VIP area because there are two bouncers blocking the stairway. There are people everywhere...I mean everywhere. Jennifer grabs my hand and walks over to the bar which is overrun with patrons waiting to order their cocktails. Of course she wiggles us right through to the front like no one is there...that's Jennifer. "Tony!" she yells down to the bartender, who smiles brightly as he sees her. She holds up three fingers and he shakes his head in recognition of their secret code.

  While waiting, there had to be at least three different guys that came up to us to kick it. I'm so glad I'm not single anymore. I wish I had a fake wedding ring to put on…being hit on can be uncomfortable since I never was the dating type. I could never decipher the losers until it was too late. Finally, Tony comes over with three drinks.

  "Okay, try these ladies." Jenn says.

  "Oh yeah, they're great!" I shout after taking a sip, and Lizzie shakes her head agreeing.

  The DJ is playing some great stuff and I'm here to dance and let loose. "I'm going to the floor y'all, let’s go!" I shout, grabbing their hands just as the DJ starts to play some house music.

  As my hips sway to Kenny Bobien I consider I might be tipsy because there's a man standing there who looks like Jackson. It couldn't be that much of a coincidence, so I decide to ignore it and continue dancing with Lizzie. We dance and laugh until we could barely breathe. Exhausted, we head to the back of the club to the lounging area and rest.

  "Whew, that was fun...I really needed that!" I huff out, plopping down between them.

  "Yes, I would think so Kay..." Lizzie says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at her innuendo. "Oh, by the way, I told your friend we were gonna be here." She adds smiling sneakily, nudging her eyes toward the bar.

  "You didn't!" I say with utter shock. "I thought this was supposed to be ladies night Lizzie!"

  "What's going on, who are we talking about?" Jenn asks confused. Lizzie and I both point over to the bar toward Jackson who is now waving. "OMG he is fine! Why the hell are we just meeting?" Jenn stands up and begins waving Jackson over. I try to keep my composure but my eyes are drawn to him gliding smoothly across the club toward us. It seems other ladies in the club are noticing this sculpture also and I can't resist the jealousy.

  "What's up ladies?" He asks finally reaching us. "I'm Jackson…and you are?" he asks Jenn holding out his hand.

  "Jennifer, handsome." Jackson blushes a little then shoots his eyes over to me.

  "Miss Washington, nice to see you. Looks like you were having fun out there." I blush, remembering my tub fantasy. Oh.

  "Umm, I thi
nk it's safe to call me Karisma outside of work. Yes, I was. So, you came alone?"

  "No, my friend Justin is here somewhere." not a woman.

  "Well," Lizzie interrupts, "I think we need more drinks. Jackson come help." She grabs his arm and heads back to the bar.

  "So spill Kay. What’s the deal with you two?” Jenn asks.

  "There is no deal, we work together...that’s all."

  "Get outta here with that shit! You two obviously are hot for each other."

  "Jenn you know I'm with Kevin."

  "Yes, you got Kevin, but any fool can see there's something between you two."

  I know she's right but I can't act on it. Not only because of Kevin, but we also work together and I don’t want any issues.

  While we're standing there talking, two guys come over to flirt…badly. Jenn seems to be somewhat indulging the one talking to her, however this guy talking to me is a bit too close for comfort. I really don't like someone I don’t know in my personal space. My irritation must have been evident because Jackson comes out of nowhere and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me next to him. Holy shit! His touch resonates through me, almost causing me to forget where I was.

  "She's with me." He says calmly, giving him that get the fuck outta here before I kick your ass look. The guy nods and finally walks away with his friend. "You good?" He inquires smiling down. Oh no, I really want to jump his bones now. I feel myself getting too close. However, I see Jenn and Alyssa eyeing us so I pull away from him gently.

  "Yes, thank you. Some guys just don't get the hint." I say smiling up at him as he hands me my drink.

  "Girls, this is Justin, Jackson's friend. Justin…Jennifer and Karisma." Alyssa says pointing to us.

  "Nice to meet you, Justin." I say. Wow, he’s almost as handsome as Jackson...almost. He's light skinned, low haircut, goatee, about the same height and build as Jackson, and very well dressed. Jenn is obviously all over him.

  "And you too." he says smiling.

  "Okay, that's enough." Jackson interjects. Is he jealous?

  "So…how do you like this place so far Karisma?" Jackson says standing next to me.

  "It's not too bad…music's great."


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