Arousing Consequences

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Arousing Consequences Page 16

by Cam Johns

  I fix my dress and get my breathing under control before going to the lobby. As I approach the end of the corridor I see him sitting in one of the waiting chairs with his briefcase sitting on the other. He's wearing black suit pants, white collar shirt, dark gray tie, black suit vest and dark gray shoes. When he sees me coming, he stands looking me up and down. I wave at Cindy and mouth "thank you" as she smiles and nods back. I like her. Before I could reach him he's already met me with his arms around me. I don’t want to make a scene so I let him.

  "I've missed you." He says softly. But instead of releasing me, he holds me tighter. As I try to push him off me, Jackson comes charging through the corridor with Logan. I push Kevin off me lightly and hold my hand up to stop them. Jackson stops as I take Kevin's arm and lead him to my office. Jackson starts to follow.

  "Excuse me Kevin." I say smiling, and walk over to Jackson. "Mr. Turner," I say softly but assertive, "if you take one more step toward my office, I’ll be staying in a hotel tonight." He looks like he wants to say something, but chooses not to. His terrified blues make me want to kiss him; to assure him that everything's fine, but Kevin is looking. I smile and stare briefly then walk back to Kevin.

  "Everything okay?" He asks, holding my hand.

  "Yes, my boss misunderstood something I said earlier. We're good." I smile and let him hold my hand. I peek back at Jackson who is furiously still looking at us. Whoa. He is mad as hell. "Michael, hold my calls please." I say closing the door. "Have a seat Kevin." I say pointing to the chairs in front of my desk. I lean on my desk in front of him.

  "You look great, Izzy." He says with a smile, like nothing's wrong.

  "Thanks. I had a good weekend." I reply acidly, knocking the smile off his face.

  "I thought you were a Physical Therapist?"

  "I was when I started here Kevin...but you were so busy last week, I never got the chance to tell you I was promoted."

  "Wow, really... so fast?"

  "Yep...I wanted to tell you the great news, but I stopped being a priority at some point."

  "And that's why you left?"

  I giggle. "Kevin, I wish."

  "Okay...then why?"

  "Where were you Thursday night? You know, the night I made your favorite dinner and you didn't show?" I say sarcastically, staring him down, waiting for him to lie. He just looks expressionless, obviously not wanting to lie, but isn't sure what I know. “Just tell me.”

  “I was out drinking again with friends.” He says quietly.

  “Meet someone new? A woman maybe?” He looks at me shocked, realizing there’s no point in lying.

  “So…you know then.”

  “I know Kevin. Was it just that one night?”

  “Yeah…I never met her before then…I was just so upset over you and she said she was losing someone she loves. I started talking about you to her…a complete stranger…I knew you had one foot out the door.”

  “So you thought it was a good idea to fuck her…of course that would bring my foot back in.” His eyes shoot up at me, but he’s unable to speak. He just puts his head in his hands.

  “How did you find out?” he asks quietly. I don’t think I should tell him the truth. He’ll be pissed if he knew it was recorded. It just seems like too much of a coincidence that they just happened to be at the same bar.

  "A friend saw you leave with her.” He looks at me curiously but decides not to press. Thank goodness.

  "So... that's why then?" He asks, staring at his hands. I get up and walk over to my purse to pull out the manila folder. I walk back and hand it to him. He looks at me with a wait there's more look then opens it. When he sees his mugshot his head drops and he closes his eyes.

  "So...this is what you knew I would leave over?"


  "Had you not cheated and just told me the truth from the beginning, I might not have. But you took the choice from me.”

  "You're right. I did." He says standing. I decide it's best to end things on a good note...I'm honestly not sure what Kevin's capable of anymore. I grab his hands, holding them between us.

  "Even though we can't be together anymore, I don’t feel any resentment. I forgive you even though I shouldn't." He looks at me as if he's lost his puppy. I lean in and give him a hug…a real one this time.

  "I guess that's it then."

  "Not really." I say smiling as he looks at me curiously. "I'm sure you and my mother will still remain cordial."

  "Yes, there's no way I can get rid of that woman." We both laugh as I grab the folder from him, making sure he doesn't walk out with it. "Okay...shall we?" He asks, holding out his arm.

  "We shall." I take his arm and walk him to the elevator. He gives me one last hug and leaves. Happy that went well, but doubt it’s over, I decide to go check on Jackson.

  As I approach his door, all the blinds are drawn and his door is open. I see him on the phone with his back to the door, so I go in and shut the door behind me, locking it. I walk over to the window and lean on the banister peering at the view to wait for him to get off the phone. I see him turn his chair to face me then gets off the phone leaning back in his chair. I turn my head to look at him, but he just stares at me blankly. That worries me. I walk over to his desk and slide up to sit, crossing my legs in front of him. "So, what was that display about earlier?" He doesn't respond. He just stares into me with those blues in his thinking man pose. "Listen, you have to trust me."

  "I know." He says finally relaxing. "Seeing you hug him made my blood boil…and holding hands." He stands abruptly and leans on the desk in front of me, now face to face. Oh goodness. "I'm the only person that can touch you like that." He grabs my head between his hands and kisses me softly. "Why'd you threaten to go to a hotel?"

  "I had to get your attention. You were seeing too much red."

  "You're right. If he tried to kiss you or something...I think I might've killed him."

  "Jackson's not that serious." I say with a slight smirk. Then I see his face. Oh shit.

  "What!" He walks away from me and back. "'s that damn serious. I do not want anyone touching you. Do you understand?" His eyes are blazing mad.

  I stand in front of him. "Jackson... relax." I say putting my hands on his chest, hoping that would calm him down.

  "It's like you didn't care how I felt." He says putting his head down.

  "Don't say that...I care."

  " care...I can't tell." He says, lifting his head and backing up from me into his intimidation stance. We're not going to make any progress like this. We just keep going in circles.

  "Okay, this isn't going anywhere. You're obviously too angry. We'll talk later." I head to the door, but he follows, slamming it back and locking it.

  "You're not walking away from me like that again." He says turning back around to face me. I see the frustration in his eyes. God he's sexy when he's angry.

  "What is it that you want me to say?"

  He grabs me into him. "Karisma...I don't give a shit what you try and say. Regardless, if you accept it or belong to me." He snaps. He kisses me aggressively. I've never seen this side of him. He really didn't like Kevin being here. I push him away and walk back toward his desk. "What do you want Karisma?" He asks almost yelling behind me. I'm so glad these offices are sound proof.

  "I don't know." I say softly. He comes to stand in front of me. As I look up at him I notice that he's removed his tie, vest and shoes. What the hell?

  "You do know." He says as he starts unbuttoning his shirt. Oh no. I can't stay strong with him looking like this. His angry, carnal blues are staring down at me. I can’t respond to him as I stare at his chest through his now open shirt. I'm not ready to tell him I want to be with him. I'm not sure why I'm fighting this, it's not like I want to see other people. I know I barely know him but, I enjoy him, all of him. His home feels like my home, his body feels like it belongs to me and I'm pretty sure his heart belongs to me. "Karisma! You want to be with
me or not!" He yells demanding an answer.

  "Yes! Yes! Okay...Yes! Damn are you happy now?" I say walking away from him.

  He chuckles. "Yes...I am actually. But I'm still pissed." I turn to face him with that I don't appreciate you laughing at me face. He slowly starts to remove his shirt. His eyes are blazing wanton. I stare at his chest and his pants hanging at his waist. My pussy starts to sing, calling for him. No! Calm down dammit!

  "Jackson, what are you doing?"

  "I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you... right now." He says with a low voice.

  "Jackson...I don't think-"

  "Isn't that my pussy...that's what you said right?" He interrupts, yanking my arm and I fly toward him. Oh, I think I like this Jackson.

  "Yes but-"

  "But nothing." He kisses me hard once again and pushes me against the desk. He starts to pull my dress up but I block his hands. Doing it in his office just seems inappropriate, no matter how much his aggression is turning me on. "Karisma...I swear if you don't let me lift your dress up I'm ripping it off!" He snaps. I look at his lustful furious eyes and stop fighting my need to get screwed. I put my hands on the desk and let him shove my dress up. "Take off my pants." He commands. I do as I'm told and he kisses me forcefully. I feel him against my hand hard as a rock. When I unzip his pants, I push them down with my feet along with his briefs as he steps out. He lifts me up on the desk still attacking my lips and leans me back. "I'm gonna fuck you raw." He says, giving me that I dare you to stop me look. I don’t say anything. I'm on the pill anyway. He rips my underwear off and rams his dick into me.

  "Agh!" He starts pounding into me hard, pushing all of him inside of me. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him in tightly. He grabs my hair, yanking my head back and starts to lightly bite around my neck. Ah. He sits up and looks down at me…some of the anger has left him.

  "This is my fuck-ing pussy!" Okay, maybe more angry than I thought. He pounds harder and faster as I lift my pelvis to feel all of him.

  "Yes! It's...yours." I get out breathy. He pushes me down on my back and pulls me into him. "Agh!" He uses my thighs to pound into me. The pain of his swollen penis inside me sends me reeling, begging for more.

  "Cum!" He commands. The anger and need in his voice makes me want to cum all over his dick. He leans down over me and grabs my head up to attack my spot on my neck. Ah. I feel my body trembling and I know it’s coming. "Oh...yes baby." He says softly in my ear. He drops me back down and pushes my dress up a little more, then pounds into me harder and faster. "" He pants. I stare up at him as he throws his head back and thrusts hard once more. "Agh!" He pulls out and lets his cum squirt on the outside of my pussy. I feel it hit my clit and its warmth slowly rolls down.

  He looks down at me, his eyes back to their piercing content blue. He's calmed down finally…I guess he needed to fuck me. "Don't move." He commands, reaching down for the ripped panties. He wipes himself with them, and then wipes his cum from me and his desk. He pulls me up and kisses me hard, forcing his tongue in my mouth as he lifts me to his waist walking to the couch to sit. He holds me tight kissing me intensely and I feel his desperation penetrating me. "Please. Don’t do that again...he can't have one can." He says laying his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around his neck. Oh, what am I going to do with him? I grab his hair and pull his head up.

  "I'm yours." I whisper and kiss him softly.

  "Why was that so hard for you to say before?" He asks quietly.

  "I...I just don't want to be hurt again." He looks at me with sad blues eyes.

  "I wouldn't hurt you baby." He grabs me and hugs me tight. "I'll prove that with time." He kisses me softly once more. "Just...don't let anyone touch you like that but me." He stares at me with vexed blues. I nod.

  After cuddling for a few minutes he stands me up and I start to fix my clothes and hair. "Not that you seem to be concerned, but I had Michael cancel your last appointments." He says, gathering his clothes. My eyes shoot to his and at the time. I forgot all about my last two appointments.

  "I'm sorry...I was a little distracted." I say looking him up and down.

  "Yes...I know. I had him call me when Kevin was leaving...I was gonna come to your office, but you came to me." He's back to the happy Jackson.

  "So... I'm done for the day then?" I say, walking over to him as he pulls a clean suit from his closet.

  "Yes, you are but I have to finish some work and make a few calls before I can leave... ‘cause someone doesn't like to listen to me." He says pulling me into his still bare chest. He kisses me on my forehead then releases me to put his pants and shirt on.

  "So I guess I'll head home alone." I say softly. First time I've called his home mine. He finishes buttoning his shirt, staring at me with those electrifying blues with a smile.

  "Yes...home. I like hearing that from you."

  "Yes, I think I like that too, baby." I say smiling, grabbing his tie while he wasn't looking. He stuffs his shirt in his pants and zips up while sliding his shoes on. He looks like he may be in a rush. He starts looking around for his tie. "Looking for this?" I ask with a devilish smile holding the tie up. He cocks his head to the side, eyeing me curiously. I walk over to him, tossing the tie behind his neck, pulling his head down to me and kissing him softly. "Let's get you ready." I start to put his tie on, concentrating on doing it right. I can feel him staring down at me with his chin up. "There." I reach for his vest and walk behind him to put it on and come back around to button it, then step back admiring the handsome man in front of me. He's all mine.

  "I could get used to that." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.

  "Me too." He kisses my forehead once more.

  "Okay baby...I've got to get down to Maggie's office." He says, grabbing his tablet from his desk and throwing my panties in the trash. "Don't leave until I come to your office," he grabs my hand, "promise me." Then I see it. He wants to be able to trust me also.

  "I promise I'll wait." He leads me out of his office and kisses my knuckles before I turn to walk to my office.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Oh, I hope no one thinks we were doing anything in there. I start to fidget with my hair and clothes and keep my head down. Once at my office, I see Michael's head lift up. I wave him inside.

  "Everything ok? You need anything?"

  "Yes," I sit at my desk, "when did you reschedule my last appointments for?" He puts his head down as if he's in trouble. "I'm not upset Michael." I say smiling. He lifts his head and smiles.

  "Tomorrow afternoon. Is that ok?" He asks softly.

  "Yes, of course. Can you call down to Alyssa Monroe and see if she'll come up before she leaves for the day."

  "Certainly." He walks out and goes to his desk. I start finishing some last minute paperwork and send a few emails while I wait. I wonder why Jackson wants me to hang around…I'm tired. After a few minutes, Michael knocks on my door.

  "Miss Monroe is here."

  "Ok, let her in and you can go Michael. Thank you." I stand and head toward the door as she comes in. I see that she looks nervous, as if I'm going to give her some sort of tongue lashing. I just go hug her close, removing the tension in her shoulders. I put her at arm’s length. "We're good?" I ask smiling.

  "Kay...I think I should be asking you that." She says with sad brown eyes.

  "Please, once I pouted for a while I was over it. C'mon." I pull her into my office and close the door. She sits in one of the chairs in front of my desk. "I have so much to tell you." I say giddy.

  She laughs. "Ummhmm...I bet you do. C'mon...let's hear it."

  "When you guys left I was just too through. But...after I rested for a while...I was just over it. I woke up understanding why it had to happen the way it did. I go find Jackson and he's still up pouting. Lizzie...I think he really thought I was out the door." I stare at her sitting in the seat beside her.

  "Yes...he really did. He called Jonathan after you kicked him out of the room." She
says with a straight face.

  "He really does confide in him...a lot."

  "Yes...they got really close once their mother passed."

  "Jackson doesn't really mention her. I would like to know more."

  "So...tell him that. You can talk to him about anything….trust me." She says softly reaching for my hand. Maybe to you…he doesn't open up to me at all. "So...what happened when you got to him?" She asks impatiently.

  "He just looked so sad...I just attacked him...and girl!" I stand abruptly and lean my butt on my desk in front of her. "It was amazing. I was like Nia Long in Love was like his dick just...spoke to me." Lizzie laughs, recognizing the reference.

  "Oooh girl...that sounds exciting." She says now standing in front of me. "Things changed for me and Jonathan that night too." I grab her hand.

  "You too?" I say with a big smile. She nods yes. We both erupt in a ‘happy, scream, jumping around like we're jogging in place’. I give her a big hug. I'm so happy for her finding happiness also.

  "Ugh hmm. Am I interrupting something?" Jackson stands in the doorway in his intimidation stance. Instantly we gather ourselves, dismissing our reverie, as we sit against my desk arm in arm.

  "No baby." I say innocently.

  "Hey Jackie...I hear things are going well." Alyssa says smiling.

  "Did you?" He says cocking his head at me.

  "Well...I'm gonna go Kay." She stands pulling me into a hug. "I have a hot date tonight."

  "Okay...I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say as she walks toward Jackson. They give each other a hug as she leaves out.

  "I see you two are as thick as thieves again." He says still standing in the doorway.

  "Yes...I've missed her." He smiles and steps back to wave someone in. A tall Spanish man appears next to him, dressed in a black suit…must be more security. I stand as they approach me.

  "Karisma, this is Sanchez. Logan will remain here with me...Sanchez will follow you home and stay in the security office to keep an eye on things." He says, standing in his intimidation stance.


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