Arousing Consequences

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Arousing Consequences Page 19

by Cam Johns

  I’m all too preoccupied during the rest of my appointments. Therefore, I rush through as quickly as I can without being impolite. After the last one, I close my office door to call Alyssa.

  "Hey girl...what's up?" She says happy to hear from me.

  "Alyssa...I need a favor." I say quietly.

  "Why don't I like the sound of that?"

  "Jonathan needs the surveillance from Kevin's house."


  "I volunteered...Jackson doesn't want me to." I say nervously knowing the predicament I'm about to put her in.

  "Kay! You're insane!"

  "Jonathan will be with me." I say, hoping that will calm her.

  "He will...Jackson's gonna be you both."

  "I need to leave without him knowing."

  "I don't wanna lie to him Kay." She says quietly.

  "Actually, I need you to tell him the truth...just not ‘til I'm out the building."

  "Tell me how that's gonna work please."

  "I'll tell Michael I'm gonna see you a moment and I'll be back. When Jackson comes looking for me, Michael will tell'em what I said…then you're on." She's silent. "I want him to know…just not in time to stop me.

  "Kay...he's gonna be all of us."

  "Yes...he will…but there's no other way." She remains quiet for a moment. I wait patiently, not wanting to remind her they all put me in this by installing the cameras in the first place.

  "Okay...please be careful."

  "I will." We hang up and I stand to gather my things, grabbing only my license and cell phone…can't look like I'm leaving the building. I don't even put my jacket on. "Michael, I'm gonna see Alyssa. I'll be back." I smile at him while walking away calmly. As I get to the elevator and press the call button, I pray Jackson doesn't come out of his office. My heart is pounding through my chest as I tap dance while I’m waiting. Finally, it comes, and he doesn't…thank you Jesus. When I get down to the garage, Sanchez is waiting at the elevator. "Richard...hey." I say startled.

  " was your day?"

  "Interesting to say the least."

  "Well...looks like we'll be adding to that." I smile at him, agreeing with that assessment.

  We drive a few blocks and pull into a mall parking lot as Jonathan said. I see him pull behind me in a black Tahoe. He and one of the men from earlier get out as Richard and I step out of my car.

  "I see you told Alyssa." He says hugging me.

  "Oh...did she call you?"

  "That's an understatement. I just got chewed out." He says chuckling.

  "Oh...I'm sorry."

  "Don't worry, that's nothing compared to what Jackson's gonna say. So, Karisma this is Phillip Farmer...he's the FBI friend I told you about." I smile shaking his hand.

  "Thanks for doing this Miss Washington." He says smiling. He's maybe six feet, caramel skin like mine and glasses.

  "You're welcome." Jonathan pulls out a map that looks like a layout of Kevin’s house. "Okay...the blotches are where the cameras are. The ones in the closets and bathrooms are only audio. All others are both." I counted 11.

  " really covered everything. Alyssa was busy." I giggle.

  He chuckles handing me earrings. "Okay...wear these. The diamonds aren’t real, they’re so I can hear what's going on in there.

  "Good idea." I switch out the earrings, handing him mine.

  "Shall we?" He asks holding my hands.

  “I’m curious, why can’t you just arrest Kevin then get what you need?”

  “They need to go over the recordings and audio just to make sure they have everything needed…you sure you can do this?” He asks squeezing my hand.

  "Yep...let's do it." Jonathan opens my car door and I get in. I wait for the three of them to get in the truck before I pull off.

  Oh, I'm getting really nervous now. This would be so much easier if Jackson were here with Jonathan. The fact that he'll be angry and terribly worried makes me feel worst. As I turn on the block, panic comes over me. I pull over, trying to catch my breath. Before I know it, Jonathan is bending at the car door.

  "Are you okay?" He asks quietly.

  "I'm a little nervous."

  "You don't have to do this Karisma."

  "No... it's not that...I don’t want Jackson upset."

  "Well...I'm sure he's finding out right about now." Too late for regret now.

  "Okay...I'll be fine...where will you be?"

  "Two houses down. Sanchez will be behind the house ready to go in if necessary...he's armed." Oh God, I hope it won't come to that.

  "Okay...I'm ready this time." He kisses me on the forehead. They both do that.

  "I'll never let anything happen to you." He says smiling and walking away.

  I drive off and pull into the driveway behind Kevin's car. I put my cell in the glove compartment before walking toward the house apprehensively. Here we go. Kevin opens the door without me knocking, smiling profusely.

  "Wow Karisma, you look beautiful." He grabs me into a big hug and I reciprocate, then backs up to let me in.

  "You look good too, Kevin." He smiles widely.

  "I started packing up some of your things. I'm sure you don't want to be here long."

  "I appreciate that. You seem to be taking this well." I comment, not understanding how that's possible.

  "I messed up...a lot...I understand. Besides, when I saw the car I got you in the driveway Saturday evening...I knew it was over." Oh, so that's what happened to the car. Jackson is an ass.

  "Smells good in here."

  "I'm cooking dinner...did you want to eat when you're done?" Perfect. That'll give me more time to get the bulk of the cameras which are upstairs.

  "Yes...I'm starving." I say happily.

  "'ll be done by the time you come down." I smile and slip my shoes off, sitting them at the door. Upstairs, I grab one of my large purses from the closet and start collecting the cameras in the closets, bathrooms, his study, the hall and extra bedroom quickly. They were so easy to spot, but very inconspicuous. I can see why neither of us noticed them.

  “Okay Johnny, upstairs is done.” I whisper so only he can hear. Back in the bedroom, I gather all my things and pack them in the boxes Kevin got for me. Luckily, they're small enough to get in my car. It’s funny that my feelings for Kevin have gone. It's like his truth wasn't who I was with for three years.

  Once I’m done, I go down with the surveillance and two bags to cover the purse at the door before joining Kevin. "Mmm looks delicious." I remark with a smile, trying to remain calm. He made my favorite steak stir fry. "Someone did this for me I think." I say smiling at him.

  "Maybe." He says with a smirk. I dig in, eating while Kevin joins. "I guess you were really hungry." he says watching me eat. "Or maybe you want to get back to your new boyfriend.” There's no way I can hide the shock on my face.

  " know about him?" I say cautiously, suddenly getting nervous again.

  "Yeah...that day I came to your office and he came out. That was pure jealousy, not business. I could see it in his eyes." Yes, that's my very impatient, jealous man.

  "But we weren't together then." I say not understanding.

  "Yes...but I had my assistant keep an eye on you two. He did a phone interview with GQ yesterday. He couldn't stop talking about you." He says straight faced. Why don’t I know about this?

  "Why were you checking on me?" I snap.

  "Because even though you hate me...I love you." I decide it's probably best not to respond. "As long as you're happy."

  "I don't want to talk about this Kevin." I say uncomfortably. I eat the last of my food and take it to the sink. "Do you need me to help clean?" I ask, rinsing my plate and putting it in the dishwasher."

  "No...I got it." he says bringing his plate over. “Can I ask you a question?” He asks doe-eyed. Oh no, I have a feeling this is going to be distressing. I nod for him to continue. “Did anything happen between you two while we were still together
?” Shit! How am I supposed to answer that? I grab his hand to try and calm the storm before it occurs.

  “We kissed.” I say as calmly as possible. I watch him close his eyes somberly, as he takes in this new bomb shell. “Kevin, I’m sorry it happened while I was with you, but you and I both know we were over long before that happened.” He finally opens his eyes in acceptance, smiling slightly.

  “I know baby.” He says softly, pulling at my heartstrings. I embrace him tightly.

  “I’ll always be grateful that you were there for me when my father passed.” I feel his shoulders tense for some reason before we release each other. He eyes me contently before smiling. "Well...maybe you can bring my boxes down to the car?" I ask to break the awkward silence.

  "Absolutely." He heads upstairs. I grab the cameras from the kitchen, den, foyer and living room to throw in my purse just as Kevin comes slowly down the stairs. Whew. I slip my shoes back on, trying to catch my breath. I open the door and pop the trunk for him as I gather the bags and my purse to toss in the backseat. " got everything?" He says closing the trunk.

  "Yes...I guess so." He grabs me into his arms.

  "Good ‘cause I don’t think I can take seeing you again knowing I couldn't have you." Oh boy, please stop the bull shit.

  "Kevin...please. Let's not." I say straight faced. He sighs then opens my car door. Yes! Almost out of here. "Thanks for dinner…and letting me get my things."

  "Anything for you." He says sliding his hand down my face. "Drive carefully."

  "Bye Kevin." I start my car and he waits for me to back out before heading back in the house. Oh my goodness, I’m so glad that's over. I turn off the block and drive a little before I pull over, grabbing my phone and stepping out. I check for messages as Jonathan pulls behind me and gets out the truck. Shit! I have twenty missed calls and six texts.


  I told him. He's pissed. He ran outta here.


  Answer the fucking phone Karisma!

  I can't believe you did this!

  You chose him over me again

  I'm coming there right now!

  I'll see you when you get home.

  My heart sinks. I didn't choose Kevin over him. Why does he keep thinking that?

  "Jackson was here." Jonathan volunteers the information, leaning against the car.

  "Yeah...I just saw his texts. Oh God...he's angry." I say softly.

  "Don't worry he'll get over some point." He says, though not with much conviction. I reach behind him to give him the surveillance and earrings. Farmer takes them to transfer in a large evidence bag, then smiles at me before going back to the truck.

  "How did you get him to leave?" I ask confused.

  "I told him he would put you in danger if he went in and he also wanted to hear what was being said. So, he's probably heard the recording by now."

  "Oh...I'm worried." I try to think of everything that was said...nothing inappropriate from me I think.

  He grabs my hand. "He's hurt right now, just don't let him shut down on you. I would give him space, but not too much." He says slightly smiling. "C'mon I'll go in with you...I guarantee you, he'll send you upstairs and yell at me." He gives me a hug and opens my car door.

  We make it home within thirty minutes. I pull in front of the house and Richard grabs my boxes from the car then goes in before us. Jonathan takes my hand and we walk toward the door. I am literally shaking scared. I don't want him to be so angry that he kicks me out. "You think he'll throw me out?" I ask nervously.

  He chuckles. "No chance." He smiles and squeezes my hand. As we go in, Jackson is in his chair in the living room, still in his suit pants, shirt untucked, and tie loose on his neck. He stands abruptly walking over to us. His anger turns his eyes ice blue, standing in his intimidation stance staring daggers through me. Then he looks down and sees Jonathan’s holding my hand. I try to remove it but Jonathan holds it tighter. I just put my head down preparing for his verbal thrashing.

  "Karisma...go upstairs." he says assertively. I guess I didn't move fast enough because he inches closer and repeats it louder. "!" Jonathan pulls me into him one last time.

  "Don't worry." Jonathan whispers. When he releases me I see the angry red face on Jackson. Oh shit! I walk quickly upstairs and stand on the landing, listening.

  "I can't believe you! I could punch you right now! That mutha fucka was all over her!" Jackson yells.

  "She handled herself well. You really think I would let something happen to her?"

  "Fuck all that! That's my future up there." His future?

  "I know that Jackson. It was either I helped her or she went in that house blind on her own."

  "I know...she would've...but I should've been there!" I could hear him pacing the floor.

  "Trust you shouldn't've." Jonathan remains calm.

  "Jonathan...if something happened to her...I-I just don't think I would've forgiven you." He calms down.

  "Jax...she's here. She's home and she's more than fine."

  It sounds like they hug one another and I take that as my queue to get ready for bed.


  “I just can’t lose her too.” I say as I push from my brother’s embrace and walk into the living room.

  “Why do you think you’ll lose her all the time?”

  “Cause I don’t deserve her anyway.” I say, sitting in my chair with my head in my hands.

  “I told you to tell her about Kim man…it’s gonna come out.”

  “How am I gonna tell her that I’m a murderer…she’ll run outta here!”

  “Jackson, if Alyssa can forgive you…I’m sure Karisma can too.” I hear what he’s saying but I’m just not sure that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I can’t lose her.

  “I can’t even look at her right now…let alone talk to her.”

  “No matter how you feel right now…she did the right thing. Don’t push her away cause you’re scared…she’s a good woman.”

  “I know…thanks man.”


  When I come out of the shower, Jackson hasn't come up yet. Once I put my nightgown on I decide to just stand on the balcony and wait for him. After about an hour, he comes up, goes to his closet and straight in the bathroom to shower. He's definitely not talking to me. I decide to lie in bed and try to get some sleep, listening to the heaviness of the sudden rainfall. I hope he speaks to me tomorrow. I feel him get in the bed, but he doesn’t say anything or touch me. That night I felt just how big this bed really is.

  The next morning I wake up, the sun is bright and beaming in. I stretch out and turn to see if Jackson's still there. He's not. Maybe he's downstairs already. I shower and get dressed to head downstairs. In the kitchen I only see Mrs. Jackson.

  "Good morning, Mrs. Johnson."

  "Good morning, Miss Karisma."

  "Where's Jackson?" She looks at me curiously. I guess she doesn't know he's angry with me.

  "Mr. Turner left very early. He said he had business out of town." Out of town? He must be really upset.

  "Okay. I'll just have oatmeal and fruit please."

  "Okay." She says, putting my coffee in front of me. When I'm finished, Richard appears.

  "Good morning, Karisma." He says with a big smile.

  "Good morning, Richard." I say unable to reciprocate his glee. I can already tell this is going to be a bad day. I check my phone to see if Jackson texted. He hasn't. My heart sinks.

  "I figured you might want to drive today." He says, handing me my car key.

  "Yes, thanks Richard." I grab my jacket as Richard opens the door. Before I pull off I decide to text Jackson.


  Good morning. I missed you.

  I start the car and drive to work…no music…not in the mood.

  Once parked, Richard opens my door. "I'm gonna be in the security office today. Logan's with Mr. Turner." He says as we walk in the elevator.

'm not sure when my last appointment is." I tell him somberly.

  "You're last meeting is at six. You have a full day." He says smiling. I look at him curiously. "Mr. Turner told me before he left." Well I guess my safety is still priority number one. "You okay?"

  "Yeah...I'll be okay Richard. Thanks." I walk to my office, not seeing Michael. God I hope he didn't quit after he had to lie to Jackson.

  "Good morning Karisma. Here's your coffee." Michael says smiling, putting it on my desk.

  "Good morning Michael...I'm so sorry-"

  "Don't worry, Jonathan called me last night." He smiles.

  "Good. So...I'll be ready in a minute. Have a seat." I walk behind my desk and pull my phone out.


  I won't be in the office today. See you at home. I'll be late.

  That's it. What am I going to do? I don’t like him being this mad at me. Let me just get through the day. Michael goes through my day with me, and I’m barely listening as he hammers on. I'm too preoccupied. "Michael is my lunch free?" I interrupt him. He glances through the tablet.

  "Yeah..." He replies, obviously worried I'm going to do something I shouldn't.

  "Can you call Alyssa and see if she'll come up and have lunch with me? If she does can you make sure you have a couple salads here for us?”

  "Absolutely. Your first client should be in the lobby." He says getting up. goes the longest dreadful morning I've ever had here.

  I sit through countless meetings of people asking for money, donating money, or gloating about how much money they have. Money. Money. Money. Somebody shoot me please. After my morning meetings, I have an hour to do the paperwork before Alyssa comes. More tedious work. I usually enjoy it, but I'm just not feeling it today. On time, Alyssa shows with Michael right when I needed her to.

  "Hey girl." She says strutting in.

  "Hey Lizzie." I reply softly while Michael puts the food down and leaves.

  "Ewww...what's going on? You look so...sad."

  "Jackson. He hasn't said anything to me since I got home last night. Even then all he said was, 'Karisma...go upstairs!'" I say imitating him.

  "Wow Kay. I can only imagine how he said that."


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