The Instructor

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The Instructor Page 5

by Terry Towers

  Chapter 4

  The afternoon consisted of more classroom work. Teachers came and went, with the final instructor of the day being Tony. Faith chatted with Mike, who was sitting to the right of her, and Adam, the lean dark-haired thirty-something who sat directly behind her. Over the past couple of weeks she had almost gotten close enough to them to be able to call them friends. Almost.

  Glancing quickly toward the back of the room she noticed a small cluster of guys huddled together, periodically looking in her direction. She knew she was being paranoid, but there was just something about the condescending looks they were sending her way that made her uneasy.

  Tony's entrance brought about a stone silence within the classroom. Faith glanced around at the students. The majority of them seemed to be keeping their attention focused on her and Tony.

  Tony shot Faith a questioning look. She shrugged in response.

  As Tony began his lecture the class itself was abnormally quiet, leaving Faith with an eerie feeling.

  The fifty minutes seemed to lag, despite the fact she loved watching Tony as he taught. None of the other teachers could seem to catch not only hers, but the class's attention like he could. He spoke with confidence and treated the students with respect, even the ones Faith felt didn't deserve a speck of it.

  Once finished for the day the class filed out of the room quickly, leaving her and Tony alone in the empty classroom. Tony nodded toward the door. "Come on over to my office." He gave her a reassuring smile as she picked up her books and headed for the door.

  Tony walked alongside of her in silence until they reached his office. Unlocking the door, he motioned for Faith to go in. He followed, closing it firmly behind him.

  Faith took her usual seat, while Tony walked around his desk and did the same. They looked at each other for a long minute. Faith's feelings of uneasiness seemed to wash away as she looked deeply into his gray eyes.

  He reclined back into his chair, interlacing his fingers behind his head. Faith took the moment to admire his broad chest, with the fabric of the black t-shirt stretching against it showing off the contours of the muscle. When he reclined in his chair as he currently was, it felt to Faith like an invitation.

  He heaved a sigh. "Was it me or was there an odd vibe in the classroom this afternoon?"

  "I noticed," Faith confirmed grimly.

  "It seemed to be coming from Jerome and his crew." He rolled his eyes and gave her a half grin. "But then again hard to say with that bunch anyhow."

  Faith leaned back in her chair and folded her arms across her t-shirt-clad chest. She glanced down at her throbbing feet; the steeled-toed boots were wretched things. When she looked back up at him she returned his smile.

  Tony sat forward and pushed himself out of the chair and stood. Walking over to her, he perched himself down on the edge of his desk, a couple of feet from her. "I think we need to have a talk," he began.

  A little alarm went off in Faith's head. The talk. At that moment she realized she didn't want to have "the talk." She silently prayed he hadn't decided to end it, whatever it was. She had told herself not to get emotionally invested, but as things stood now she was well on her way toward falling for him. As much as she would put up a brave front and pretend it didn't matter, it would.

  Seeing the alarmed look that crossed her face, Tony smiled softly, reached down and took her hands into his. Bringing her left hand up to his mouth he kissed the palm lightly. "Not that kind of talk," he assured her. He gave her arm a tug. "Come here."

  Faith's heart rate slowed slightly. Relief washed over her. With a smile she stood and allowed herself to be pulled between his legs and into his embrace. Slipping her arms around his waist she pulled herself close to him.

  "Then what do you want to talk about?" Faith asked, her lips grazing his jaw.

  "Mmm," Tony closed his eyes a moment, relishing the feel of her lips and tongue. His eyes sprang open and he pulled back from her, chuckling. He wagged a finger under her nose. "Behave for a moment."

  Heaving a loud sigh, Faith relented. "Sorry."

  Tony brushed back a stray hair that had fallen over her eye, tucking it behind her ear. "I think we are going to have to be very discreet about what's going on between us."

  "You're right," Faith nodded her head in agreement. As hard as it was not to touch him, and as exciting as it was to be intimate with him at the school it would be only a matter of time before someone could verify and provide evidence of what was going on. To this point it was merely rumours.

  "I'm not sure your feelings on this but I want to see where," he motioned his hand back and forth between them, "this leads."

  Faith leaned over and grazed her lips across his. "I would like to find out as well." Her body kicked into action; the apex between her legs seemed to spring to life. Her body tensed with anticipation.

  Tony chuckled, capturing her lips quickly, nipping at her bottom lip, then pulled back to look into her dark brown eyes. "I thought we agreed you'd behave until we finished talking?"

  "It's your fault. You're too damned sexy." She flattened her palms against his chest. Her fingers explored the curves of his muscles. She briefly envisioned him tossing her across the desk, pulling her jeans over her hips and taking her from behind. She could feel his cock hardening against her groin. Her pussy responded to the fantasy as her groin brushed up against his, and was rewarded with him inhaling sharply.

  "Well, I was thinking perhaps I could come see you tonight. I can't offer you a real date yet. I have no idea who may see us together and what consequences that would have, but I could offer you a DVD rental and takeout."

  "DVD rental and takeout, huh?" Faith arched an eyebrow up at him.

  Tony motioned to the room with the wave of his hand. "I understand that it won't compare to the grandeur of my office."

  Faith threw her head back and laughed. When she looked at him this time there was an amused twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her face. "All right."

  "Good." Tony kissed her quickly on the top of the head before pushing himself off of the desk, causing her to step back a couple of steps.

  Faith snatched up her red backpack from the floor and headed for the office door as Tony started packing up his stuff for the day. Stopping with her hand on the door handle she made a half turn toward him. "Seven o'clock?"

  Tony looked up at her with a smile, which made her realize it was going to be a long few hours before he showed up at her door. "Perfect," he responded.


  Tony whistled a tune he had long since forgotten the name of as he walked down a dimly lit, bland-looking hallway toward Faith's apartment. The smell of pot assaulted his nostrils as he passed by apartment 8B. By the time he reached Faith's apartment, 14B, the smell was just faintly noticeable.

  As he lifted his hand to knock on the door he realized he was nervous. As he took a deep breath, his mind took him back to earlier that afternoon, the look on her face as she came on his hand. His cock sprang to life at the thought. "Nervous and hard, great way to start the evening," he muttered to himself as he finally knocked on the door.

  Faith swung open the door as he was about to knock a second time.

  Tony took a step back to fully admire the beauty before him. She was sexy in a completely different way than during school hours. Her normal t-shirt was replaced with a sleeveless rose-coloured, sheer button-down blouse, cut low and revealing an ample view of her generous breasts. Her normal jeans were replaced with an above-the-knee black skirt that hung off her wide hips and flowed loosely around her legs. Her feet were bare, with rose-coloured painted toenails. Normally, she looked strong, and sexy in that strength. Tonight she looked delicate, almost fragile. She was breathtaking.

  Faith ran a hand through her long chestnut brown hair, which hung loose down her back as she chewed nervously on her lower lip. She seemed to be evaluating him just as he was doing to her. Unlike Faith, his attire was more or less what it would be at the school, faded blue jeans an
d button-down, long-sleeve blue shirt. Although she couldn’t imagine him wearing a suit.

  Tony was the first one to break the silence. He trailed the back of his hand across her soft cheek, before cupping her chin in his hand, tilting her eyes up to meet his. "You look amazing."

  His heart warmed as he watched her face flush and her eyes light up from the compliment.

  He couldn't help adding with a smirk, "and short." In her bare feet she came just barely above his shoulders.

  "Such an ass," she scolded as she gave him a playful bat on the shoulder. Stepping aside she waved him in, "Come on in."

  Walking into her apartment the first thing that he couldn't help noticing was the size. It was quite tiny. Well, she is a student, he reasoned. The living room and kitchen were more or less the same room, with an island counter dividing the two. He kicked off his shoes at the door and followed her for the very short tour. Aside from the main room, there was a medium-sized bedroom and a small bathroom featuring an older style deep, claw-footed bathtub.

  Once the tour was over, Faith led him to the small living room where there were a number of lilac scented candles lit, sitting on the wooden coffee table. The sofa was what he considered to be a student's favourite, a black canvas futon.

  "It's not much but..." Faith shrugged, sitting down toward the middle of the futon, curling her legs up underneath her.

  Tony gave her a warm smile. "It’s cosy."

  Faith's face brightened, considering it for a moment. "Yes. Cosy. It's cosy."

  As Tony seated himself next to Faith, he passed her a couple of DVDs he had rented from the video store down the street.

  "Hmm, let's see." She looked over both titles. Both chick flicks. "So did you rent these because you enjoy this type of movie or because you're trying to score points?"

  Tony threw his head back and laughed. "Would it be so strange if a guy happens to like a good romantic comedy from time to time?"

  She didn't answer. Instead, Faith moved a couple of inches closer to him. As she drew closer Tony detected a faint smell of roses coming from her. He couldn't help but grin, causing Faith to give him a curious gaze.

  "You don't smell like smoke tonight," he explained.

  "I took a shower," Faith replied, raising an eyebrow at him. "I try to do that from time to time."

  Tony could feel his face growing hot. "I meant..."

  Faith sat back on her heels, studying him. "Are you nervous?" she finally asked.

  At that moment, he became aware that his left leg was bouncing up and down. He stopped the bouncing.

  Tony turned to face her, draping his arm along the back of the futon. Taking her hand in his, he interlaced their fingers. Her hand was tiny and soft in his larger, callused one. Tony looked at their hands for a moment before turning his eyes onto hers.

  "You're the first woman I've had any type of relationship with since the divorce. It's been a while since I've dated. Or... well, I think you get where I'm going with this."

  Faith nodded and gave him a wicked smile. "It didn't seem to be an issue in your office."

  Tony threw his head back and laughed. "Technically speaking, you were the one to come on to me."

  Faith's mouth dropped, then snapped shut. That wasn't how it went down. Was it? Images of her locking the office door and then going over to him, seating herself on his lap came to her mind. She supposed she did do her fair part in speeding the proceedings along. It was Vicki and all the talk about how good he was in the sack, not that Faith argued the point now that she'd experienced him firsthand herself.

  "Could you really blame me?" Faith caught her lower lip between her teeth.

  "And why would that be?"

  Faith gave a faint chuckle. She saw where he was going with this. He wanted his ego stroked a bit and maybe see where he stood with her. She decided to play along. "Well you're sweet, funny..." She edged her way closer to him. "Very, very sexy." At that his face reddened. She liked that, liked how she could take him out of his comfort zone despite how "in control" he always seemed to be when teaching.

  "I see." He nodded, a grin on his face.

  Reaching out, Faith unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. Then the second. Once she reached the third his hand came up to stop her.

  "Before we get wrapped up in –" he paused, searching for the proper word "– activities, I want to make sure this arrangement is fine with you. At least until you've graduated. I'd rather it not have to be like this, hiding whatever is developing between us, but I think for all concerned it is the best idea."

  Faith's eyes caught his. "I'm fine with that." And she was. The last thing she wanted to do was compromise his job or her graduation.

  Satisfied, he released her hands. Once she undid the fifth button, she tugged on the shirt, pulling it free from the waistband of his jeans. She could already see his cock filling the front of his jeans.

  Slowly she stood. Taking hold of his shirttail she urged him to stand with her. "Come this way, Mr. Moir, we're skipping the movies and takeout for tonight," she called over her shoulder, leading him into the bedroom by his shirt.

  Like the rest of the apartment the bedroom itself was fairly small. A double-sized bed, double dresser, leather armchair and a night table accounted for the majority of the furniture in the room and the floor space. The light from the living room lit the bedroom enough that Tony could vaguely see his surroundings.

  His cock was throbbing now, begging to be released. Begging to feel her hands on it, stroking it. As they reached the bed, his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back tight against him, her round ass rubbing against his groin.

  Faith moaned as she leaned back against his chest. Her lips brushed against his neck, stoking his desire. He held her tight against his cock with one hand around her waist as the other hand worked its way up the outside of her thigh, hiking her skirt up as it went.

  "I thought I would forego the underwear tonight," Faith whispered in his ear just as his hand reached her hip and he realized this for himself.

  "Faith," he moaned into her hair, as he took in the fresh scent of her shampoo.

  She turned her head so his lips could claim hers. All the passion, all the fire he was feeling for her he unleashed, kissing her forcefully. His tongue plunged its way between her teeth seeking hers.

  As he kissed her, his hand made its way between her thighs, urging her to open her legs for him, allowing his fingers entry into her wetness. Two fingers plunged into her. His lips muffled her moans.

  Faith's hand slid between them, fumbled with the button on his jeans, then slid the zipper down. Reaching into his pants she grasped his thick, throbbing cock in her hand, stroking it skilfully.

  Tremors shook her body, making her shudder against him. Fire burned down the length of her spine, ending in an intense pulsating within her pussy. Her hips bucked against his hand as he stroked her. She wanted him, needed him, now.

  Faith pulled her lips away from his. "I want you in me," she gasped, before claiming his lips once again.

  Tony gave her a light push, leaning her over the edge of the bed. With one hand he pushed his jeans down over his hips, while pushing her skirt up over her backside with the other. The bed was unusually high, aligning her pussy perfectly with his cock as he stood on the floor behind her.

  Faith fisted the brown cotton comforter in anticipation of his hard shaft. Her body shivered as he spread her legs wide, stepping up in between them. Tony ran his hands over her soft, round ass and thighs.

  "Please," Faith begged, anxiously awaiting him. The cool air taunted her bare exposed wet pussy. The wait, the feel of his hands on her, so close, teasing was enough to drive her wild.

  His fingers dove into her, stroking her, as she pushed up against his hand – taunting his hardened dick, which stood anxiously awaiting, brushing against her clit each time she rocked back against his hand.

  "Now, Tony!" she exclaimed. The fire within her was beginning to build to an earth-shattering climax
. She desperately wanted him in her when she came.

  Without a word, he removed his fingers and with a groan of pleasure slid his cock in her, with enough force to move the bed several inches. Her pussy took him in, surrounding his cock with its soft, moist heat. His fingers held tight to her hips as he began to move inside her.

  With each thrust his cock would rub against her g-spot, rubbing and enticing, bringing her closer to climax with each powerful thrust. Harder and faster he moved within her. She cried out, fisting the comforter once again, as he picked up the pace, his balls slapping her clit with each inward thrust.

  Harder and faster. Over and over, the bed moving fractions of an inch with each thrust. With her back arched Faith's pussy welcomed him, inviting him in, over and over, coaxing his cock back in each time he pulled out. Her body tensed, before finally erupting over his cock as he continued to thrust into her, coming close to ending his own sweet agony.

  Several more thrusts and his grip tightened on her hips; he now pulled her into him roughly, as he pushed into her. With one final moan, his head fell back as he released into her, his come filling her completely. He stayed in her for a moment, as the final waves of his orgasm washed over him.

  His body was a sheen of sweat as Tony slowly removed himself from her intoxicating warmth. He sighed deeply, attempting to regain his composure. Realizing they hadn't even taken a moment to get undressed he stepped out of his jeans and shrugged off his shirt, letting it fall to the ground next to the jeans.

  Flipping over on her back, Faith smiled up at him. She smiled a smile of sheer satisfaction, one that only appears on a woman's face after she’s been completely satisfied.

  Taking her hands in his, Tony pulled her to her feet. Slowly he undressed her, savouring the look of her shapely body in the dim light seeping in from the other room.

  Faith leaned her head against his chest, her breathing still unsteady. As he reached the last button of her shirt he slipped it off her shoulders, his fingers massaging the skin as it became exposed. He found the clasp that held her pink, floral lace bra together easily and unsnapped it. The garment fell away, exposing her lush breasts with dark, rosy nipples.


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