Love's Fury

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Love's Fury Page 1

by Kristen Cobb

  Love’s Fury

  Kristen Cobb




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Love’s Fury

  Kristen Cobb

  Copyright 2017


  Ireland 1171

  Watching Nessa outside the largest of the stone stables feeding slices of red apple to his prized white stallion Conri felt the usual surge of emotion upon seeing his wife. Something inside his chest still constricted each time he laid eyes on her, his world reduced to a single point of light that was Nessa. The horse would quickly gobble an apple slice then nudge her arm with his face begging for another. Being very early spring apples were not currently in season. Rory’s wealth allowed them to trade for all manner of things, including the juicy red apples currently being wasted on his horse. He was allowing Nessa to take his warhorse, a gesture that would have been unthinkable a year ago.

  The green ball embedded in the hilt of Nessa’s sword could be seen peeking over her shoulder from quite a distance, an extremely generous gift from Rory meant to be a wedding present. Her hair was pulled back this morning with one of those confounded strips of cloth. He seemed to be constantly disposing of them. Long blonde hair flowing freely over her shoulders might be the stuff of his erotic dreams but it proved a nuisance for his wife when she needed to remove her sword from its sheath.

  Conri glanced at Rory walking along next to him. Rory’s dark eyes were fixed intently on Nessa, carrying her packs of food as if he were a servant. Conri could hear Glenna’s warning whispering softly in his mind, suggesting he keep a close eye on Rory and Nessa when they were together. Glenna felt certain they hid strong feelings for each other. Thankfully Glenna recently returned to Knocknashee, assuming the shifters allowed her to rejoin their reclusive society after living with mortals for a time. Glenna’s distrust of Nessa had become a constant source of tension.

  Will was another matter entirely. He stood next to Nessa, brown horse packed and ready to leave. Conri could feel his fists clenching as he imagined Will riding alone with Nessa all the way across Ireland, day and night. He should be the one going with her, not Will, but Nessa refused to allow it, threatening to simply change form and make the journey alone.

  His wife and Will were traveling to Leinster, the goal being to talk Dermot out of challenging Rory. Her foster father was still threatening to unseat Rory as high-king. Rory, finally fed up with the entire situation, threatened to execute all of the hostages, including Conor. Nessa begged him for more time. Rory acquiesced, for the moment. Thanks to Glenna his mind began to notice the amount of influence Nessa currently seemed to exert over their king. He trusted his wife without question.

  Rory, on the other hand, was acting rather odd, the constant stream of women in and out of his bed more of a trickle as of late. People were quietly claiming their king would do anything for Nessa. Rory’s eyes rarely left Nessa if she were in the room. The only reasonable conclusion for most would be that Rory loved Nessa but Conri knew his king better than most. Nessa’s rumored powers had been Rory’s motivation from the beginning. Now that Rory knew her powers to be real it did not surprise Conri in the least that his friend appeared intensely focused on Nessa. Rory loved power and Nessa possessed more than any person alive.

  Conri knew his wife loved him but one potential problem could not be ignored. How far would Nessa go to save Conor? The question continued to linger at the fringes of his mind no matter how many times he attempted to banish it. What if Rory used Conor to lure Nessa into his bed? A strong possibility existed that Nessa would do something immoral if it achieved her desired result. Strong uncontrollable emotions began swelling within him as an image of Rory and Nessa making love formed in his wayward mind, fury and pain contorting into a swirling vortex threatening to pull him in. Nothing could be done at the moment. Worrying about things that might not even occur made little sense. He would simply have to trust in his wife’s loyalty and devotion. She had thus far given him no reason to doubt her.

  Conri sighed deeply as they reached his wife. Nessa gently stroked his horse’s neck, her back to them. Marta designed the clothing that currently outlined every curve of his wife’s body. Rory commissioned Marta to create a whole new wardrobe for Nessa. The dark blue shirt was an altered version of a man’s tunic, far more fitted and ending higher on Nessa’s thigh. The matching pants fit tight against her long, ever so slightly muscular legs. She trained nearly every day with his men and it showed.

  Marta attached a pocket on the outside of the right thigh allowing Nessa to carry a sheathed dagger with no need to wear a belt. According to the aging seamstress a belt would completely ruin the look of her creations. The garments were meant to show off Nessa’s feminine figure while still allowing for the functionality of male clothing she desired.

  Marta did an excellent job. Conri’s eyes immediately focused on his wife’s legs then slowly moved upward. Marta’s creation led his eyes right to the junction of Nessa’s thighs. The image of her legs wrapped around his waist, head thrown back, eyes closed in ecstasy, caused a low growl to escape before he could stop it. The object of his lust turned around, a small smile curling the edges of her mouth. Lips that so often gave him otherworldly pleasure demanded his attention. His hands clenched into fists again as he considered allowing her to leave with Will.

  Rory laid the straps of the dual hemp sacs filled with food over the white stallion’s back. “That should get you to Leinster and back without a problem.”

  Conri would not believe the scene playing out before him were he not standing here witnessing their interaction in person. Nessa, quite obviously annoyed with Rory, shot him a direct and extremely intense glare. Rory appeared to be silently groveling, begging Nessa to forgive him. Something about it disturbed him deeply. Glenna’s warning tumbled quietly through his mind again.

  Will stepped between Nessa and Rory, blocking their king’s line of sight to his childhood friend.

  Conri made no attempt to hide the grin that spread across his face. So much had changed in the last few months. Will was now his staunchest supporter.

  “I should be going with you.” Conri took a step toward his wife, standing close enough to whisper in her ear. “Is there any way I can change your mind?”

  “In this particular instance I do not believe your presence will be helpful. Dermot knows me too well. I would never be able to hide my feelings for you. I love Dermot but do not trust him.” Nessa’s eyes pleaded with him to understand.

  “I am not that easy to kill.” While deeply touched by her concern he could not help feeling a bit insulted. After surviving countless battles the insinuation that he could not make it through one trip to visit the man who raised her seemed absurd.

  “He would not kill you. Dermot is far too smart a tactician for that. Once he realizes how much I love you he will use it against me. I have been trying to change the form of other things but thus far it does not seem to be a power I possess. I need you to stay here.” Nessa wrapped one of her hands around his. “Please. If he decides to hold you hostage in an attempt to control me I will have no choice but to kill Rory.”

  Would Dermot truly be so cold and calculating with the woman he raised as his own daughter? Thinking about Conor’s current situation answered that question easily. Dermot’s actions proved he had not a care for his so
n’s life. That fact did not bode well for Nessa’s mission in general.

  Nessa successfully talked Dermot out of attacking the castle after he raided into Connaught. Revealing that Rory was very much alive and aware of their plan had been enough to make Dermot turn his army around and return to Leinster. He could only imagine how angry her foster father became when she informed him of her betrayal.

  Conri could still remember how nervous Nessa acted after she revealed Dermot’s plan to assassinate Rory, wondering if he would be able to forgive her. In his opinion she did nothing wrong that would necessitate forgiveness. Nessa gave up a great deal the day she confessed her true purpose for coming to Connaught, all because she loved him. He considered her sacrifice an honor not a betrayal.

  Apparently his presence on this journey would only make matters more complicated. His inability to change form made him vulnerable. Understanding the precarious position his wife found herself in Conri sighed. “Fine, I will wait here.” That particular promise was given with great reluctance. The very instant the words left his mouth he regretted saying them.

  Nessa tightened her hold on his hand. “I do not like being separated either but it is the only way I can be certain you are safe.”

  “Do you honestly believe Dermot will change course when you inform him Rory is threatening to execute the hostages?” He hated to point out the obvious but it needed to be said. This entire journey was likely a fool’s errand.

  “No, but I need to try.” Ever since Rory announced he intended to execute the hostages, in a rage at one of Dermot’s threatening letters, an ever-present look of sadness clouded Nessa’s eyes.

  Conri continued staring into his wife’s deep green eyes for a moment before turning to Will. “Do not leave her alone, even for an instant. If Nessa is hurt she will be vulnerable. My wife is not invincible and MacMurrough is desperate.”

  Will nodded then mounted his stallion, a course brown blanket thrown over the horse’s back to help keep the rider dry as the horse began to sweat.

  Nessa slid her arms around his waist. “Leaving you behind is not easy for me either. I always want you with me.” Her eyes revealed the same torment currently consuming him.

  Conri looked away, trying desperately to accept the situation, the desire to ignore all of her concerns overwhelming. A smile slowly spread across his face as he considered telling his wife he was going whether she liked it or not. She would not take his dictatorial attempt to dominate the situation well.

  Nessa eyed him suspiciously. “You promised to stay here.” The words were as much a question as a statement.

  Conri pulled her tight against his body. “I am merely considering an alternate plan.” His shaft immediately hardened, pressing against her abdomen.

  Suspicion quickly turned to passion in his wife’s expressive green eyes. “You are not playing fair.”

  “I cannot help it if I am irresistible.” Conri leaned down and whispered in her ear, knowing his breath against her skin would send ripples of desire through her body. “Kiss me goodbye wife.”

  Nessa grinned. “I am not taking you with me.”

  “Then one kiss should not pose such a risk. Would you truly deny your husband even that?” He tried to appear offended.

  Nessa reached up with both hands, pulling his head down to hers. All playful intentions vanished. The kiss immediately spiraled out of control, mouths opened wide to allow for the mating of their tongues. She plunged her tongue into his mouth and he was lost. Matching the thrust of her tongue he plunged even deeper.

  The groan came from his own throat this time as his hands reached down to her buttocks, lifting her up so his shaft pressed hard between her legs. Rather than pull away Nessa’s arms wound tighter around his neck, holding on as if her life depended on it.

  Conri set his wife back down on the ground, pushing her away ever so slightly, tempted to beg. His attachment to the woman standing before him created something akin to terror, making it difficult to breath. How could he even consider begging?

  Remaining perfectly still, trying to get his emotional reaction under control, Nessa began pulling him toward the nearest stable. Allowing himself to be led without resistance he felt stunned into submission by the force of his feelings for her.

  They entered the stables through the open double wooden doors. A thin layer of hay was strewn about the dirt floor, having fallen as piles were moved into the stalls.

  “Everyone out!” His wife’s commanding voice could not be ignored.

  Two stable hands lounging against one of the stalls quickly complied, rushing toward the open doors. Another emerged from an open stall, closing the chest-high wooden door behind him, nearly running from the building. Nessa quietly closed the doors leading outside.

  The only light came from the cracks around the edge of the wooden doors. Constructed of stone the stable itself was well built allowing in not a smidgen of sunlight. The recently redone thatch roof was layered to help keep out the rain. It also blocked any sunlight from the outside world.

  Nessa already stood in front of him by the time his eyes adjusted to the darkness. “I would do anything to protect you.” She took a step toward him then continued right on past, a destination in her sights.

  Conri watched his wife walk over to a stack of hay bales piled up against the stone wall waist high. Removing her sword and scabbard she laid it on the ground. Next came the dagger, laying that on the ground as well. Her eyes never wavered from his as she lifted her tunic up and over her head.

  His heart pounded hard with a nearly audible thud as he watched her. “Rory and Will are waiting for you.” The thought of making love to her while they stood right outside within hearing distance had him so aroused he could barely breathe.

  “Let them wait. I need you.” Nessa stepped closer. Gently lifting the sword and scabbard over his head she laid it on the ground at his feet. Her hands deftly undid his belt, dropping it to the ground, the hilt of the dagger clanging loudly against the hilt of his sword.

  Conri raised his arms as she slowly lifted his tunic, allowing her hands to skim along the exposed skin of his sides on her way up. The very instant the garment was removed he lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the bales of hay.

  Laying her down on the bundles Conri forced himself to take a deep calming breath. He wanted to watch her, to savor every moment with this woman who so effortlessly captured his heart. Pulling off her boots one at a time he watched the waves of desire play across her face.

  Neither one of them said a word as he slowly pulled down her pants, his heart racing as he fought to control himself. Conri stood there looking down at her for a moment, unable to put into words all he was feeling.

  “Come and say a proper goodbye to your wife.”

  The last of his control slipped away as he quickly removed his boots, tossing them aside. He almost tripped trying to get out of his pants, feeling like a boy overly excited by his first sexual encounter.

  Sitting on the boulder at his bathing spot Conri thought back to the night Nessa revealed she was not in love with Conor, remembering the confusion and excitement warring within him as he processed her statement. Then she removed every stitch of clothing and suggested he join her. He nearly tripped over himself trying to remove his clothing.

  His desire for her had not abated one little bit, nearly falling on his face trying to get undressed in the stables earlier. Amazingly enough he missed her already. She’d been gone less than a day. The bright orange sun nearly touched the horizon. Nessa and Will would be stopping for the night soon, the perfect time to catch up to them. The brown beast he rode out here from the castle munched on grass mere steps away. Why not just hop on the horse and join his wife? Nessa loved him. She would eventually forgive him for breaking his promise to stay here.

  He personally mapped out a path for her so finding them should be easy. He refused to let her do this alone. The man should be protecting the woman not the other way around. That decided Conri f
elt much better.

  He could leave the very instant he gathered some food and informed Rory. It would not be his first experience traveling through the darkness. Maybe he would even take a small contingent of men just to be safe, which is what he should have done in the first place.

  Standing up, intending to walk over to the horse, he groaned. Alana was headed toward him, walking at a briskly determined pace. The moment Nessa left the woman descended. Determined to ignore her Conri continued on toward the horse.

  Alana reached him before he could mount and leave. “You need to come with me. Nessa is hurt. I think Will is dead.”

  Conri quickly jumped on the horse’s back. He no longer draped a blanket over the back of his mount. He now saw his wife in every animal. If he were a horse carrying a human he would not enjoy being covered with a blanket while already sweating from exertion.

  When Alana merely stood there Conri attempted to control his temper. “Get on the horse behind me Alana.” He held down a hand to help her up.

  “I am wearing a dress. It would not be proper for me to straddle a horse. I need to sit in front.” The woman actually looked him straight in the eye while making the outrageous request, at a moment when his wife’s life could be in serious jeopardy.

  “Fine.” Conri barely got the word out through clenched teeth as he slid back a bit.

  Alana walked around to the other side of the horse. Conri reached down, setting both hands beneath her armpits. Lifting the incredibly annoying woman up onto the horse in front of him took every bit of upper body strength he possessed. She actually took the time to adjust the way her light blue dress draped down over her legs before wrapping her left arm around him.

  “Ready princess?” He could not keep the insulting tone from his voice. Alana always brought out the very worst in him.


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