Daddy Heart M.D.: A Billionaire Baby Romance (Private School Bad Boys Book 1)

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Daddy Heart M.D.: A Billionaire Baby Romance (Private School Bad Boys Book 1) Page 3

by Holly Jaymes

  “I want to hear it from you,” I replied, and she arched her brows high up on her forehead.

  “You saw the audience. You saw how hard they clapped. You don’t need me to tell you that you did extremely well,” she said and crossed her arms over her breasts.

  “And yet, you don’t seem to be impressed,” I added, still smiling. Fay looked taken aback and then she licked her lips and looked away from me.

  “I was hoping that Susan would ask you some medical questions, given that you are…a doctor,” she said, and I nodded my head.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “None that you can answer”

  “I specialize in matters of the heart,” I said, and Fay rolled her eyes.

  “It’s not going to work on me, Doctor Barnhart,” Fay told me, in a low but threatening voice.

  “Call me, Sawyer, please.”

  “Well, Sawyer, this is not working on me. It might have worked on Susan and her audience, but…” she continued, and I cut her off.

  “But you’re better than that,” I stated.

  “I can see through it, and I’m not falling for it,” she added, keeping her arms firmly crossed over her breasts.

  I couldn’t help but glance at them. The more she resisted me, the more I wanted her. Maybe only for the fact that she was so determined to not give in to me.

  “What exactly do you think I’m trying to dupe people into doing?” I asked, with a laugh in my voice. Fay lifted her chin up in the air.

  “It’s an act. You try and get people to like you, to fall for your smile and your broad shoulders and your chiseled jaw. It’s probably how you got your job at the hospital, it’s why you get thousands of patients fighting to get on your list every day,” Fay was on a rant now, and I could see her cheeks flushing red as she spoke spiritedly. Even though every word that was coming out of her mouth should have offended me, even though I should have walked right out of the studio and made a formal complaint against her, I couldn’t help but keep standing there and listening to her.

  “So, you’ve been admiring my broad shoulders,” I remarked, and Fay rolled her eyes and half-turned away from me, almost childishly, like she was trying to avoid having to look at me.

  “I don’t even know why you want my opinion. I’m just a lowly production assistant here. Susan likes you, she’ll probably get you on the show again, and you can have another few minutes of fame,” Fay continued.

  I was smiling at her, enjoying how beautiful she looked when her cheeks were flushed, and her blue eyes glittered with annoyance.

  “I do want your opinion, in fact, I want your opinion so much that I would like to ask you to have a drink with me,” I stated.

  Fay snapped her head around to look at me with shock. I’d shocked myself too, by saying that, but I couldn’t have become the surgeon I was without being a risk taker. I half-expected her to slap me across the face.

  Instead, Fay’s eyes grew wide, she licked her lips.

  “When now?” she asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “If Susan can spare you,” I replied.

  Fay looked over her shoulder at the stage, where Susan was wrapping up the show.

  “Give me ten minutes,” she said, blushing hard as she looked at me again.

  “I’ll wait for you in my car. I know you know which one it is,” I told her, and with that, I walked out of the studio, with a skip in my step.

  I felt victorious already like there was no hurdle that I couldn’t jump over. Not even a hurdle like Fay Woods. Till the last moment, I wasn’t expecting to win this one.


  I felt like I had gone absolutely crazy. I had accepted Sawyer’s offer to have a drink. What was I thinking? One minute I was standing there in front of him, mouthing him off and the next minute, I was making plans to go out with him!

  He had told me to meet him in his car and then walked out. I couldn’t take back the agreement now, he was gone. So, I had no other choice but to make my excuses up with Susan and the rest of the crew and then slowly make my way out of the studio.

  I wasn’t dressed to go for a drink, I wasn’t in the state of mind to even have a conversation with him.

  In the parking lot, I trudged slowly towards his blue sports car. He was waiting there for me, parked, just like he’d said he would. Why had he, in his right mind, asked me for a drink? All I had done since I first met him that afternoon, was offend him. Was he trying to break me? Was I some sort of mission for him?

  With my hands clutching the straps of my shoulder bag, I stood at his car window, waiting for him to say something. I could hear the loud music coming from inside the car. He looked up at me, slowly sliding his window down.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d changed your mind or not,” Sawyer said. I had no other choice but to look into his green eyes, there was nowhere else to look. I licked my lips and shrugged my shoulders.

  “Yeah, well, I wasn’t sure if you were thinking straight when you made this suggestion,” I told him, and he laughed.

  “I’m not so sure either,” he replied and opened the door. The music was still loud, seeping out of the car now that he’d opened the door. He got out and once again, I was reminded of how much taller than me he was.

  He walked around the car and opened the door for me, waiting for me to go in.

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked, following him to the open door. Sawyer was smiling, looking down at me with his dangerously glittering eyes.

  “That sounds like a warning, something mothers say to their daughters at the brink of a bad decision,” Sawyer remarked. I stifled a smile and got into his car.

  The first thing I noticed was how low the car was and that it smelled amazing, like old wooden furniture and his cologne. I had never been inside such a fancy car before. I sat at the very corner of the seat, as far away from him as I could manage.

  Sawyer returned to his seat and turned the music down low.

  “There, this way I can hear you cursing me under your breath,” he said. I looked away from him so that he wouldn’t see me smiling.

  Why was I smiling? I was supposed to disapprove of him. What was I doing in his car? I was supposed to hate him.

  Instead of changing my mind, for which I had plenty of opportunities. I continued to keep sitting there, waiting for him to start the car. His close presence to me in this small space was making it impossible for me to breathe evenly. There was no doubt in my mind that I found him sexually haunting, that his appeal was crippling. No matter how hard I fought it and how much I tried to convince myself that I was here, just because I found him intriguing. The truth was that I was sucked in like a magnet to him.

  “Where are we going?” I asked when he did eventually start the car.

  “Does it matter? I said. We agreed to have a drink, and a drink is what I’ll give you,” he replied as he revved up the noisy engine.

  I was buckled up, and I gripped the edge of my seat as we started. The car was smooth. It hurled at top speed out of the parking lot.

  “You drive like a maniac,” I remarked as I eyed him from the corner of my eye. I was afraid of looking at him directly. I was scared of the reaction that would have on my body.

  “But you’re a fan of my parking skills, I’m sure,” he said. We looked at each other at the same time. I smiled and rolled my eyes away from him.

  “I hope that at the end of this journey, you’ll see that there is no other way to drive,” he continued.

  “What? Like we’re sitting inside a death machine?” I asked. Sawyer chuckled, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he swerved around traffic like a pro.

  “What is the point of life if we can’t have a bit of fun?” he asked, glancing at me. I stared ahead, trying to not meet his eyes. I could feel the goosebumps on my skin. I felt that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach like I knew this was a terrible idea.

  “That is a profound statement,” I said.

  “You’ll find
that I’m a very deep guy,” he replied, with a slight smile creasing his lips.

  “Is that what you’re trying to do tonight? Is that why you asked me for a drink? So you can prove your depth to me?” I asked, looking at him now.

  I stared at the chiseled shape of his profile, the pointedness of his nose and his sharp eyebrows. Sawyer Barnhart was possibly the sexiest man I had ever seen in person.

  He took his eyes off of the wheel for a moment, to look at me squarely.

  “Yes,” he replied, making no effort to lie.

  We looked away from each other. I gulped. I said a silent prayer to myself, to have the strength to resist this man.


  Fay and I said very little to each other in my car. I could sense that she was already churning over the decision in her head to accept my drinks proposal. I was expecting her to, at any moment, ask me to stop the car so she could get out and get away from me.

  However, she remained sitting beside me, saying little, making small curt remarks. The sexual tension in the car was palpable, or at least I could feel it. I wasn’t so sure if she could too. I still hadn’t decided if she wanted me or hated me, either way, she was with me. That was the first step towards getting what I wanted. I wanted her.

  I drove the car straight into the parking lot of my apartment building. I lived in the penthouse, on the top floor and as we drove in, Fay turned to me in her seat.

  “Is this your place?” she asked, as I parked the car.

  “You won’t get a better cocktail in Boston than at my personal bar,” I told her and got out. Before I got the chance to open the door for her, she had already stepped out.

  “I didn’t know we were going to your place for a drink,” she remarked, playing with her purse strap on her shoulder.

  “We can go somewhere else if that’s what you want. I just thought we’d be more comfortable here, away from the noise and the formality,” I said. Fay stared at me for a few moments in silence and then walked past me, towards the doors of the lobby.

  I followed her, smiling. If there was one thing I was beginning to learn about Fay; it was that she was full of surprises.

  We crossed the lobby in silence. I glanced at her, but she wasn’t looking at me. In the elevator, she allowed me to press the button. I noticed her brows arch when she saw we were headed for the penthouse.

  When the elevator doors beeped open, Fay stepped out. I followed her, clapping my hands to turn the lights on. I could feel myself wanting to impress her, needing to impress her.

  “This way to the bar, madam,” I said, in an exaggerated dramatic voice. Fay smiled as she followed me down the hallway to my den. She was looking around, drinking in the decor and the luxury of my penthouse, without making any comments about them.

  In the den, I walked straight to the bar, leaving her standing in the middle of the room.

  “What’s your poison?” I asked, rubbing my hands together.

  “I’ll take a gin and tonic if you have one,” she said and slowly placed her purse down on my white leather couch.

  “G&T, coming right up!” I declared, starting to make her drink, while she walked towards the bar, her eyes focused on me now.

  “Sawyer,” she said my name in a deep huskier voice. I looked up at her, at the way her hips swung with every step she took.

  “In the car, you said that you want to prove yourself to me. Why is that?” she asked, coming to a stop in front of me while I poured the tonic in her glass.

  I clenched my jaws. Our conversation, which had been light and casual till now, had taken on a deeper, more serious tone.

  “Because, Fay, you’re mistaken about me,” I replied and pushed the glass on the counter towards it. She didn’t make a move to reach for it; instead, she was eyeing me keenly.

  We stared at each other. I looked into her sparkling blue eyes. She was searching my face like she was trying to find the answer to some complicated question.

  “Is that your thing? You go on a mission to prove everyone wrong?” she asked, just a soft grin tugging the corners of her lips.

  “No, just you,” I told her.

  “Why me? You don’t even know me,” she countered, in that same dazed husky voice. I could feel my body stiffening the more she looked at me. There was no mistaking that she was sexy, that I wanted her. It seemed like we were both on the same page now.

  “Because you’re hot,” I said flatly. I looked at her challengingly for a response. I knew I’d thrown her. She wasn’t expecting that answer. She was the kind of woman who didn’t know how sexy she was. She thought I was trying to fool her somehow.

  Fay looked down at her shoes, embarrassed. Her cheeks had flushed again. She didn’t believe me when I told her that she was hot.

  “I guess you don’t need to ask what I think of you,” she said, looking up at me abruptly with dreamy glazed eyes.

  I walked around the bar towards her, taking slow steps, giving her the chance to step away from me if she wanted to.

  “No, I don’t need to ask. I know you think I’m a shameless monster of a man, with broad shoulders,” I replied. Fay bit down on her lower lip, trying to stifle her smile.

  “This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was not supposed to be in your apartment tonight,” she added as I drew closer to her.

  “You’re free to walk out whenever you want, Fay. You’re not a prisoner here,” I countered. She breathed in sharply, licked her lips, she was holding my gaze confidently now.

  “No, I want to stay,” she replied.

  Our gazes were locked. I was prepared to work hard to get her into my bed. I would have done anything to have this woman tonight, spend as many hours necessary to seduce her, but it seemed like Fay was already giving up. She knew that it was inevitable. There were no two ways about it. I was eventually going to end up inside her.


  What was I doing? I was sure I’d lost my mind. But now it was too late. My body and its desires had won over my mind. There was no common sense left in the room.

  Sawyer had walked up close to me, close enough for me to be able to touch him if I wanted to…and I wanted to so bad!

  “You can take off my clothes now,” I told him, and he narrowed his eyes towards me like he was trying to figure out if this was a trap. He was shocked by my words; I could see that.

  “That’s why you’ve brought me here right? So we can take off our clothes?” I asked, shocking him even more. I was pretty sure that he thought I was a prude. He believed that I disliked him too much to want to sleep with him. Both of those things were probably true. I wasn’t the kind of person who’d had too many one-night stands. In fact, there was exactly one guy I had randomly slept with, and that was because I was too drunk and too upset over my breakup with my college boyfriend.

  “It’s probably my turn to ask. Fay, are you sure about this?” Sawyer said. I looked up at him, from under my heavy lids. How was I supposed to even begin explaining to him what I was feeling right then when I didn’t have a handle on my emotions myself?

  In response to his question, I lifted my arms up in the air. Sawyer watched me silently for a few moments before he closed the gap between us with two long strides.

  “Fuck this! You’re crazy,” I heard him growl, just before he placed his hands on my hips. When we touched, I felt an electric shock run down my spine. He was rolling my blouse up now, smoothly and swiftly over my torso. He pulled it over my head and discarded it on the floor.

  I was standing in front of him in my bra now. He could see my pebbled pink nipples through the white lace bra.

  “Your turn,” I said.

  Sawyer grinned, before he started slipping his jacket off, then his vest and finally, I watched him unbuttoning his white shirt. I waited with bated breath, eyeing every button that slipped through the buttonhole until the shirt was just hanging off of his shoulders. His chest was bare. I hadn’t expected to see a tattoo on his arm.

  Sawyer slipped his shirt off, and no
w his torso was completely bare. He had perfect six-pack abs and a flat belly. The muscles on his arms were pumped, recently worked-out. This man was too pleasing to the eye, unbelievably sexy and I couldn’t believe I was going to have sex with him.

  He stepped towards me again, this time without me asking for it. He hooked his fingers into the loops of my jeans and pulled me even closer to him. My breasts pressed against his chest now. I could feel his heart racing. His hands wound around my waist and my ass, pinning me to him.

  Our faces were inches apart. I could feel his hot breath on my nose and cheeks. I pushed myself to him. I could feel that hot burning desire rising from the pit of my belly, making my pussy ache for him. I could feel his bulge throbbing and growing in his pants.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked, in a low deep growl. I gulped before I nodded my head. I was honest for the first time today, honest to myself that is. I had wanted Sawyer from the first moment I’d seen him in the parking lot, I’d just been fighting it all day.

  “Good because it’s too late to back out now,” he said. He lifted a hand, placing it on my left breast, cupping it hard so that I moaned. With his thumb, he flicked my aching, throbbing nipple and I threw my head back. I could feel the wetness spreading between my legs. My knees were beginning to buckle. I was losing all control.

  My head was thrown back. Sawyer licked my neck. His tongue sizzled on my skin, and I dug my nails into his shoulder. He was standing with his legs apart, my hips fuzed to his thighs, I could feel his cock throbbing in his pants.

  He traced a wet trail on my body with his tongue, down my neck, to the top of my breasts and then further down my belly. With his hand, he continued to squeeze and tease my breasts and nipple. Slowly, he unhooked my bra, and my breasts swung into his view.

  He looked up at them, his eyes focused on my nipples. When his tongue flicked my right nipple, I cried out in anguish. I couldn’t take it anymore, I felt like my body was about to explode. I moved against him, trying to stroke my pussy against his leg, through the rest of the clothes that separated us.


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