A LIL' LESS LOST (The Kingsmen Book 2)

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A LIL' LESS LOST (The Kingsmen Book 2) Page 15

by Oakes, Tara

I hesitate to leave his mouth, searching for some way to regain my place on it, unsuccessfully. I finally give up in a huff and turn around harshly to see what was important enough for him to deny me what I wanted.

  Breathtaking! The sun was just low enough to cast dimming rays over the village. I thought I remembered just how beautiful this place, this view was but my memory failed miserably not doing justice to the wonder below us. It had been a few years, but the town in the valley stood untouched, like its own little time capsule. Life had gone by, with Jay and me losing our way and then finding each other again, but this place was a constant, a reference point for us and a part of our story. Tears were welling in my eyes, and my lip began to quiver. I was home. Now, this place before us wasn't my home... Jay was.

  I turned sharply to find my Jay, needing to touch him, feel him. My eyes searched wildly at the place I was expecting him only to be left searching for him. He was crouched down on the ground in front of me, staring up. Wait.. he wasn't crouching. He was kneeling.

  OH MY GOD! He was kneeling. My heart constricted itself in the most intense way and I felt myself freezing in place. “Jay?”

  “Shh... Lil's. Let me do this right.” He cleared his throat nervously. “Baby... this is where I told you for the first time that I loved you. I loved you for a long time before that and every moment since. I love you more than I care for myself, my life, and I would gladly give them both if I had to, to make you happy and keep you safe.” He reached out and placed his hand on my stomach. “To keep you both safe. You are everything to me and I would gladly give everything I have, everything I am for the chance to spend the rest of my life with you...”

  The tears that were welling from before were now openly streaming down my cheeks.

  He slipped his hand under his cut and withdrew a small black box, opening the hinges and placing it in his upturned palm. My mind was speaking, sending signals to my lips, but my voice was unable to repeat them... I was truly speechless. I could nod, however, and gave my answer in motion. Jay picked the ring from the box and slid it on my shaking finger, kissing the knuckle just under the weight of the cool metal.

  I kept my eyes locked on his, taking the moment in completely but the sparkle from my hand was too hard to ignore for long. I angled my finger slightly to better see the jewel. If I was speechless before, I was god smacked now. It was gorgeous and elegantly simple. It was perfect.

  Jay watched me admire the ring. “Do you like it?”

  I watched him in awe. “Are you kidding? I LOVE it! Wait... is this...” I scrutinized the center stone. I've seen it before.

  Jay smiled. “Your grandmother's diamond. I had it reset for you.”

  How could this be any more special? I dropped to my knees, more on level with Jay and grabbed the sides of his face. “I love you so much, baby. I was destined to love you and only you and I will love you every moment until there are none left.”

  I placed my ringed hand over his heart and he covered it with his palm. This moment had been a long time in the making. There have been detours, obstacles, pain and sorrow along the way but in the end we were right where we were meant to be. We were destined for each other and should have known better than to try to mess with that. We had lost our way but we weren't lost to each other any longer. We were home.



  Lil's and I had fucked, screwed, banged, shagged and scored every which way we could for a while now with each serving a purpose. There was a time and place for everything. Right now, with my ring on her finger and my baby in her womb it was the perfect time to make love. Lil's loved it rough when it suited her, but it drove her absolutely crazy when I took my time and brought her to the brink ever so slowly.

  I rose to my knees and hoisted her up, standing for us both and leading the way over to the big shady tree near us. It was as if the scene from years ago was playing out all over again.

  Her skin was soft, lush and addicting as I covered it over and over with my lips. I could never get enough of this, never get enough of her. She would now be mine forever, able to claim her body whenever I wanted yet there was still an urgency deep within me. I was addicted, she was my drug and I was never able to get my fill.

  Lil's seemed to feel an urgency too, clawing at my clothes begging them to fall loose. The trunk of the tree offered us a standing platform to affirm our bodies' stakes on each other. Lil's cried out in desperation, “Please, baby... God, don't make me wait.”

  Listening to this woman beg for it, beg for me, was one of the purest forms of napalm that could ever be. She was such a puzzle, how someone so innocent and pure could be such a vixen. She nipped at my earlobe and wiggled her hips against me urging me to take her fully. I freed my hand and used it to pull down the neckline of her shirt plunging my mouth deep in the valley between her mounds licking my way over to her swollen nipple.

  “Oh, you wanna bite, huh?” I pinch her pink tip in between my teeth, enough to make her call out. Her hands thrash themselves around above her head holding on to the tree, allowing her to stretch out pushing herself further into my mouth. I flick back and forth against the taught skin, causing her to whimper in return.

  Setting her legs down and freeing my hands I am now able to deal with the task of peeling her tight-as-sin jeans from her body, removing all barrier to the part of her I want. There is no way to be gentle about this, and it’s nothing shy of a fucking miracle that they don’t rip. Tossing them hastily onto the grassy patch nearby, I turn my attention to my own denim but find that she has beaten me to it. She eyes me hungrily, ready to devour every drop I have to offer.

  I push my pants just low enough as is necessary and throw her right leg over my side opening her up to me. I line myself up to her juicy slit and push my flesh into hers, joining her to me. She grabs around to my ass and pulls greedily trying to sate herself. “Forever... tell me it will be like this forever!”

  My rhythm is steady, answering her with my movements, assuring her with my body. I know she needs more though, she needs my words.

  “Baby.. till my last fucking day... I swear.”

  I hold her lower lip hostage, blanching from the strain as her madness builds around me. She’s in a rare state, my baby... frenzied and harried. She clamps down hard around my dick, pulsing it with her teasing nature. I won’t last long at this rate, I know it. I’m better than this, I owe her more.

  I pull myself from her, leaving her empty only to replace myself with my mouth as I drop down to my knees and worship her. She responds just as I know she will, her outcry is loud and true as she bellows her pleasure over me, emboldening me as I search the depths of her. Her sweet slickness bathes me as I torture her with my tongue. I swirl over her clit and send her reeling, her body tenses with its imminent explosion. Knowing I have only seconds to work with, I free my fist from around my dick and swoop up, plunging my shaft deep into her warmth. She’s on the edge, teetering over it. I fist her hair and pull.

  “Mine.” I claim her with my words, my body and my ring as she releases, mixing her orgasm with mine.


  The ride home was complete with phone calls and planning, as Lil’s reached out to Sunny and Christine to share our news. She was happy, overjoyed and radiant, fiddling her finger in the moonlight admiring her ring. I reached out and took hold of her left hand thumbing over the gem and bending down to kiss it, teasing my tongue in the sensitive skin webbed between her fingers.

  We had been sitting in the parked truck waiting for her to wrap it up for a while now and I was getting impatient waiting to take her off into our bedroom and continue the celebration.

  “I gotta go, Sun...”

  Damn right. I finally leave the truck cab and walk around to her side, opening the door for her. She slides out, pouring her arms up and around my neck.

  “So... about those handcuffs...” I begin.

  She slaps me playfully and runs into the house, leaving me to follow. I give her a head start and glance
one last time at the unmarked car parked discreetly down the road. We had been through so much already, more than most couples have to endure.

  The best things in life are worth fighting for and I will fight whoever I have to, on either side of the law for her, for us. This was a tough lifestyle, not many are cut out for it. We will always have our battles and I will face them head on for her. But not tonight... tonight she gets the fairytale, tonight she gets the happily ever after.



  Several weeks ago....

  She looks too perfect to wake up. Last night had been one crazy hell of a night... she’s passed out cold and I doubt she’ll be waking anytime soon. Lil's had always been a deep sleeper. She didn’t even wake last night when I snuck in, returning home early from the run. Granted, she wasn’t expecting me for days and it was well after midnight, but she just slept right through the small bit of commotion I had made while settling home. I had tried not to make much noise, but it’s inevitable when lurking around mostly in the dark. Even after finding the empty Plan B box laying on top of the trash, when I wanted to throw every fucking light on and scream and yell my anger, waking up every fucking person in the neighborhood. But I kept it shut tight, dangerously quiet while staring her down, waiting for her to wake so I could unleash my fury on her. And when she finally did wake... it was fucking dangerous.

  Lil's had never been a liar. It’s not in her nature. Most men in my position would think with their brain and decide she was trying to cover up her crime, do some damage control. All I had to do was look past my blind rage and see in her eyes, deep in there, behind the fear, that she was telling the truth. If she says she didn’t take the pills then I believe her.

  It had been an emotional night, for the both of us. That kind of fighting and then fucking takes a toll on you. She would definitely be sleeping it off for a while.

  This is probably the best time I'm gonna be able to find for a while to do what I need to do.


  Butch kept his house pretty decent, all things considered. This place hadn’t had a steady woman’s touch in forever.. not since Marie split. Lil's had always seen to it that the place was neat and tidy. She could be a real neat freak and it was just par for the course for her to straighten, clean or organize things at all times. For a bachelor pad, this place was cleaner than most but as soon as Lil's steps through that door the next time she comes over here she’s gonna freak. Mental note: I’d better send some prospects over to take care of it before then. The last thing my girl needs to be doin’ right now is surrounding herself with cleaning chemicals and scrubbing her fingers to the bone.

  Butch pours us some coffee from the ancient Mr. Coffee machine on the counter and sits down across the worn kitchen table. We sip in silence for a while. Butch had been in on the run, just getting back last night along with the rest of us. Even though riding your bike gives you a good amount of alone time, you still have to deal with the other brothers for meals, piss breaks, and downtime. I liked Butch just fine but we had each seen our fill of the other for the past week or so. This little impromptu meeting wasn’t exactly offering the space a brother needs after returning home from a run. Sometimes, you just needed to take a break from seeing the same faces every day.

  I would be quick so we could both get on with our own shit. I sipped the hot coffee sparingly. How the hell a person could fuck up a simple cup of Coffee was beyond me. Butch seemed to be enjoying his enough, though. I guess you drink this shit long enough and you start to get used to it.

  “So....” I hadn’t exactly rehearsed this. I was drawing a blank.

  His eye brow twitches. He’s got to know why I’m here. The bastard is just gonna let me squirm. He takes another sip and watches me.

  Enough of this. I set my mug down. “I love Lil's. You know I’d do anything for her.”

  He nods silently, savoring the sour coffee in his mouth.

  “I know I promised you that I would wait until she finished school. But... things have changed. You know that, too.”

  He breathes deep. I can smell the Folgers on his breath from over here. He leaves his drink behind as he pushes his wooden chair out, away from the table. “Wait here.”

  What? What the fuck am I supposed to be waiting for, here? I take advantage of the break and check my phone. I was waiting on a text from T.J. That shit that went down on the run had spooked us. It had been quiet for a while and now all of the sudden the shit seemed to be hitting the fan. He was putting the feelers out to some of the local snitches we work with, to see who knows what. Nothing. No text, no missed call. Ugh... these prospects were barely worth the leather they wore on their back sometimes.

  The tired shuffling of Butch’s feet cause me to sit up straight. I may be his Vice President but he was still Lil's dad. This moment was awkward enough for the both of us. I didn’t need to pull rank at a time like this.

  He reclaims his seat at the table and reaches his hand out, placing a small box on the table between us. Once he sets it down he sits back fully, watching over it.

  “You think about this long and hard boy. You take that ring, then you know what comes along with it. If you’re prepared to make her yours then you are prepared to take on the responsibility of a man. Not a boy playing fucking house. You protect her with your life. You give her everything she needs. You’ve seen enough men fuck it all up before, throw it all away. You even start to go down that path and I swear to you I will put a fucking bullet in you myself.”

  We watch each other long and hard. It was true it was a big decision. I had thought about all the ins and outs of it while on the run. With nothing but the open road ahead of you and the pavement underneath, there was plenty of time to think about shit. I had made up my mind.

  I reach out for the little wooden box and stand to my feet. Butch sighs and nods at my actions. “Then I guess that’s that.”

  I put the ring box in my inner pocket and hold out my hand genuinely to my soon to be Father In Law. “I guess it is.”

  Butch rises immediately after and nods his approval to me, extending his hand. I take it, and we seal the deal.

  “Far cry from the last time you sat at my table, huh kid?”

  That was an understatement.



  How the hell can he be so fucking calm?! Did he not just hear the words that came from my mouth? She's gone.

  “Don't tell me to back off! You know I can't!” I roar.

  Butch is half asleep, and clearly teetering between drunkenness and the onset of a hangover. His small kitchen is just starting to take in the muted hues of early morning light through the windows.

  “You can, and you will.” It must be the alcohol working its way though his system, giving him the liquid courage to even try and stand in my way right now.

  “Jay. Calm the fuck down, brother.” He attempts to put his clammy hand on my arm, but I just push it off. Hard.

  His eyes widen, before fixing themselves on me. “Sit your ass down, NOW!” He uses the same hand I've just sworn off to push down on my shoulder. The old chair that I fall into creaks from the sudden weight.

  “I'm gonna tell you some cold hard shit right now son, and you're gonna listen... I've known you since you were nothin' but a baby crappin' your own nappies.” He pulls the nearest chair over and sits close by.

  My hands are balled into tight fists, the nails cutting into my own flesh. It was taking every fucking ounce of restraint in me to keep them there, instead of using them to throw this sorry son of a bitch up against the wall and make him tell me where Lil's went.

  She had split sometime during the night. I had been at the clubhouse, partying with the same brothers as Butch... celebrating Dewey's release from the slammer. By the time I got home, Lil's was sleeping soundly in my bed, with one of her text books open next to her. I was in rare form last night, even needing one of the prospects to take me home, too drunk to ride there myself.

p; By the time I woke up, she was gone. It was early. At first I thought she might have gone for a run. Only God knows why that woman chooses to run her ass off outside when there is a perfectly good treadmill downstairs.

  I started to notice little things here and there that helped to put an uneasy sense of dread in me. First, her toothbrush... gone. Her makeup bag, hairdryer... gone. I started to frantically make my way through the house finding all sign of Lil's erased. Until I reached the kitchen....

  The leather jacket I had given her last year for her birthday was folded and left on top of the breakfast nook. A house key left dead center, on top. I stared long and hard at that jacket, forever it seemed, my mind racing.

  What the fuck did this mean? Things have been a little tense lately, with Lil's finishing her freshman year and studying for finals. I took every bit of work I could get. Every run, every little opportunity to make some extra cash. I wanted to buy Lil's a new car to replace the old beat up Honda that she was tooling around in. She had fought me tooth and nail, refusing to give it up. The last time it was in the shop for repairs had convinced me to just replace it and deal with Lil's bitching for a while afterward.

  At least I would know that she was driving in something safe. And nice... I knew she would eventually get used to the luxury and sportiness of what I was looking at buying. She caught wind of my plans one night when she found the BMW pamphlets in the mail pile. Shit hit the fan and she accused me of not respecting her wishes.

  The extra work meant I was around less but it would end soon. The extra stress with Lil's classes was ending, too, now that the semester was over and things would return to normal... I was sure of it.

  But the folded leather and small metal key on the counter told me that maybe I had underestimated the situation. She must be pretty pissed if she's pulling some petty shit like this.


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