61 Kryshtanovskaya, Olga. Anatomiya rossi-yskoi elity. Zakharov, Moscow: 2005.
62 As cited in Baker, Peter; Glasser, Susan. Kremlin Rising. Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the End of Revolution. A Lisa Drew Book/Scribner. New York, 2005. (Kindle Edition).
63 Moskovsky Komsomolets, April 7, 1995, cited in Baker, Peter; Glasser, Susan. Kremlin Rising. Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the End of Revolution. A Lisa Drew Book/Scribner. New York, 2005. (Kindle Edition).
64 Kryshtanovskaya, Olga. Anatomiya rossiyskoi elity. Zakharov, Moscow: 2005.
65 Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan, The New Nobility. The Restoration of Russia’s Security State and the Enduring Legacy of the KGB. Kindle Edition. 2010.
66 Baker, Peter; Glasser, Susan. Kremlin Rising. Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the End of Revolution. A Lisa Drew Book/Scribner. New York, 2005. (Kindle Edition).
67 Ibid.
68 As cited in Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan, The New Nobility. The Restoration of Russia’s Security State and the Enduring Legacy of the KGB. Kindle Edition. 2010.
69 Zhivov, V. M.; Uspensky, B. A. Tsar I Bog. As cited in: Sharov, Vladimir. Iskusheniye Revolutsiyei.(Russkaya verkhovnaya vlast). Arsis Books, Moscow: 2009.
70 Uspensky, B. A. Tsar I samozvanets. As cited in: Sharov, Vladimir. Iskusheniye Revolutsiyei.(Russkaya verkhovnaya vlast). Arsis Books, Moscow: 2009.
71 Massa, Isaac. As cited in: Sharov, Vladimir. Iskusheniye Revolutsiyei. (Russkaya verkhovnaya vlast). Arsis Books, Moscow: 2009.
72 From an interview given to the author in October 2011. Kabanov recalled this incident in response to a question about Andrei Soldatov’s 2010 book, The New Nobility, which describes the increasing powers and violations of the FSB which coincided with the rise of Vladimir Putin. While it accurately portrays the brutality and unaccountability of the security service, and the rights abuses committed in the name of fighting terrorism, the book offers only a brief section on the economic crimes committed by the FSB. The brief examples and quotes offered by Soldatov, which were cited earlier in this chapter, helped formulate questions for my own investigation into the motives behind this kind of behaviour, motives which I felt were not examined in The New Nobility.
73 Baker, Peter; Glasser, Susan. Kremlin Rising. Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the End of Revolution. A Lisa Drew Book/Scribner. New York, 2005. (Kindle Edition).
74 Ibid.
75 Kryshtanovskaya, Olga. Anatomiya rossi-yskoi elity. Zakharov, Moscow: 2005.
76 Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition.
77 Humphrey, Caroline; Sneath, David. “Shanghaied by the Bureaucracy: Bribery and Post-Soviet Officialdom in Russia and Mongolia.” Between Morality and the Law: Corruption, Anthropology and Comparative Society. Edited by Italo Pardo. Ashgate Publishing: 2004, pp 85-99.
78 See Huskey, Eugene. “Cadres Policy in the Russian Transition.” Leading Russia: Putin in Perspective. Oxford University Press, New York: 2005, pp 161-178.
79 Soldatov, Andrei. “Why Putin Will Inherit an Unhappy FSB in 2012.” The Moscow Times. October 13, 2011.
80 A video of this press conference was archived by RIA Novosti, under the title “Pochemy v rossiiskikh SIZO prodolzhayut gibnut lyudi?” http://ria.ru/press_video/20111019/464471081.html
81 “Kity na beregu.” Vedomosti. No. 172. September 14, 2006.
82 “I. O. genprokurora prigodilsya dlya mebeli.” Kommersant, No. 106, June 15, 2006. http://kommersant.ru/doc/682324?isSearch=True&stamp=634588780138873531
83 See Raff, Anna. “Customs Men Raid Tri Kita Furniture.” The Moscow Times. August 26, 2000. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/customs-men-raid-tri-kita-furniture/259328.html
84 Shleinov, Roman. “Osoby control dlya mebeli.” Novaya Gazeta, November 1, 2004. http://2004.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2004/81n/n81n-s29.shtml
85 “I. O. genprokurora prigodilsya dlya mebeli.” Kommersant, No. 106, June 15, 2006. http://kommersant.ru/doc/682324?isSearch=True&stamp=634589044545059536. See also: “Kto takoi Yuri Zaostrovtsev.” Kommersant, No. 45. March 15, 2004. http://kommersant.ru/doc/457494?-stamp=634589043578934871
86 As quoted by Igor Pylayev in “Grandmebeltorg.” Delovaya khronika, October 29, 2002.
87 Shleinov, Roman. “Osoby control dlya mebeli.” Novaya Gazeta, November 1, 2004. http://2004.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2004/81n/n81n-s29.shtml
88 “Kto takoi Yuri Zaostrovtsev.” Kommersant, No. 45. March 15, 2004. http://kommersant.ru/doc/457494?-stamp=634589043578934871
89 That business is conducted personally rather through paperwork is another symptom of the total lack of either legislative protection or institutional mechanisms. Entrepreneurs trust meetings, not mailed requests to a far larger extent than in the West. See Amos, Howard. “Know-Who More Important than Know-How.” The Moscow Times. January 11, 2011.
90 The name has been changed at the request of the businessman to protect him from possible problems with security.
91 See Kommersant-Online, January 27, 2011. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1574455/print
92 Butorina, Yekaterina. “Chuzhoi sredi svoikh.” Vremya novostei. No. 142. August 11, 2004.
93 A video of this press conference was archived by RIA Novosti, under the title “Pochemy v rossiiskikh SIZO prodolzhayut gibnut lyudi?” http://ria.ru/press_video/20111019/464471081.html
94 “Kak razvivalos delo ‘Trekh kitov.’” Kommersant. No. 57. April 2, 2010. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1347136
95 For more on Shchekochikhin, the allegations of poisoning, and his role in investigating the Tri Kita case, see: Abdullaev, Nabi. “Mystery Shrouds Death of Journalist Shchekochikhin.” The St. Petersburg Times. July 4, 2008. http://www.sptimes.ru/index.php?action_id=2&story_id=26446
96 “Putin: Rassledovat delo ‘Trekh kitov’ budet sledovatel iz Lenoblasti.” RIA Novosti, June 16, 2006. http://ria.ru/economy/20060616/49576574.html
97 Vrazhina, Anna. “Sila Slova.” Lenta.ru. October 9, 2007. http://www.lenta.ru/articles/2007/10/09/cherkesov/
98 “Glavny obvinyayemy po delu ‘Trekh kitov’ prigovoren k 8 godam.’ RIA Novosti. April 1, 2010. http://ria.ru/general_jurisdiction/20100401/217637390.html
99 “Kity na beregu.” Vedomosti. No. 172. September 14, 2006.
100 Fishman, Mikhail. “Shchit i kit.” Russian Newsweek. November 13, 2006.
101 Cherkesov, Viktor. “Nelzya dopustit, chtoby voiny prevratilis v torgovtsev.” Kommersant.No. 184. October 9, 2007. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/812840?stamp=634590656769812026
102 Andryukhin, Alexander. “Militsioner-ubiitsa Yevsyukov: “A ya niskolko ne raskaivayus. Vsled za mnoi parovozikom poidut moi nachalniki.” Izvestia. May 8, 2009. http://www.izvestia.ru/news/348339
103 From an official protocol statement published on the site of lawyer Igor Trunov, who represented Yevsyukov’s victims in court. http://www.trunov.com/content.php?act=showcont&id=6445
104 Kachkayeva, Elina. “Yevsyukov grabil supermarket Ostrov, poka byl uchastkovym.” Komsomolskaya Pravda, October 10, 2009. http://www.kp.ru/daily/24379.5/560425/
105 Based on interviews with Chichvarkin’s lawyers, Yuri Gervis and Vladimir Zherebenkov, conducted in February- March 2010. See also: Ivanov, Igor. “Ogon, voda i telefonnyie trubki.” Russky Newsweek. November 2, 2009
106 Ivanov, Igor. “Ogon, voda i telefonnyie trubki.” Russky Newsweek. November 2, 2009.
107 Ibid.
108 “Ex-tamozhennik Sheremetyevo poluchil 9 let kolonii za kontrabandu telefonov dlya ‘Yevroseti.’” Newsru.com. April 1, 2009. http://www.newsru.com/arch/russia/01apr2009/tamoj9.html
109 Ibid.
110 Ibid.
111 Ibid.
112 Ibid.
113 Latynina, Yulia. “Kto dovel Yevsyukova.” Novaya Gazeta. February 15, 2010. http://www.novayagazeta.ru/data/2010/016/01.html
114 Belovsky, Ignat. “Yevsyukov v dele s Chichvarkinym.” Gazeta.ru. July 28, 2009. http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2009/07/28/3228691.shtml
115 Interview with Boris Levin. Gazeta.ru. November 1
8, 2010. http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2010/11/18/3440461.shtml
116 Shvarev, Alexander. “Militsia yuga Moskvy obezglavlena.” Rosbalt. April 20, 2009. http://www.rosbalt.ru/moscow/2009/04/20/634943.html. And Shvarev, Alexander. “Delo Chichvarkina: Militseiski Sled.” Rosbalt. February 3, 2009. http://www.rosbalt.ru/moscow/2009/02/03/615210.html
117 “Yevsyukov prokhodit svidetelem po delu Chichvarkina..” Rosbalt. July 22, 2009.
118 Shvarev, Alexander. “Militsia yuga Moskvy obezglavlena.” Rosbalt. April 20, 2009. http://www.rosbalt.ru/moscow/2009/04/20/634943.html
119 Interview with Boris Levin. Gazeta.ru. November 18, 2010. http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2010/11/18/3440461.shtml
120 Ivanov, Igor. “Ogon., voda i telefonnyie trubki.” Russky Newsweek. November 2, 2009.
121 Shvarev, Alexander. “V dele Chichvarkina poyavilsya Yevsyukov.” Rosbalt News Agency, July 22, 2009.
122 Belovsky, Ignat. “Yevsyukov v dele s Chichvarkinym.” Gazeta.ru. July 28, 2009. http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2009/07/28/3228691.shtml
123 Shevtsova, Lilia. Putin’s Russia. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Washington, 2004, p. 429.
124 Ibid., p. 404.
125 Humphrey, Caroline; Sneath, David. “Shanghied by the Bureaucracy: Bribery and Post-Soviet Officialdom in Russia and Mongolia.” Between Morality and the Law: Corruption, Anthropology and Comparative Society. Edited by Italo Pardo. Ashgate Publishing: 2004, pp. 90-91.
126 Ibid.
127 Humphrey, Caroline; Sneath, David. “Shanghied by the Bureauacracy: Bribery and Post-Soviet Officialdom in Russia and Mongolia.” Between Morality and the Law: Corruption, Anthropology and Comparative Society. Edited by Italo Pardo. Ashgate Publishing: 2004, pp. 90-91.
128 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4vB2a15dOU
129 “Mayor Dymovsky – MK: Mne nadoyelo byt tryapkoi” Moskovsky Komsomolets. November 9, 2009. http://www.mk.ru/social/article/2009/11/08/381478-may-or-dyimovskiy-mk-mne-nadoelo-by-it-tryapkoy.html
130 From an interview given to the author in January 2010. See also: Arutunyan, A. “Russia’s whistle-blowers in peril.” The Moscow News. February 1, 2010. http://themoscownews.com/news/20100201/55407384.html
131 Mayetnaya, Yelizaveta; Sedakov, Pavel. “Bedny mayorik.” Newsweek. No. 47. November 2009.
132 Arutunyan, A. “Dymovsky freed from jail.” The Moscow News. March 9, 2010. http://themoscownews.com/news/20100309/55419006.html
133 Arutunyan, A. “Dymovsky freed from jail.” The Moscow News. March 9, 2010. http://themoscownews.com/news/20100309/55419006.html
134 “Yedinoross Andrei Makarov predlozhil likvidirovat MVD.” Kommersant. No. 4276 (221), November 26, 2009.
135 Zorkin, Valery. “Povtorenie proidennogo. K shestnadtsatiletiyu rossiiskoi konstitutsii.” Rossiyskaya Gazeta. No. 5062 (238). December 11, 2009.
136 As cited in: “Vstrecha s Putinym dlya menya oskorbleniye.” Gazeta.ru. November 20, 2011. http://www.gazeta.ru/news/lastnews/2009/11/20/n_1426817.shtml
137 “Seeing Red.” Institutional Investor. September 1, 2002. http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/Popups/PrintArticle.aspx?ArticleID=1027279
138 Transcript of speech by William Browder: “Hermitage Capital, the Russian State and the Case of Sergei Magnitsky.” Chatham House. December 15, 2009 http://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/public/Research/Russia%20and%20Eurasia/151209browder.pdf
139 “An enemy of the people. The sad fate of a loyal Putinista.” The Economist. March 23, 2006. http://www.economist.com/node/5661601
140 Hoffman, David. The Oligarchs. Perseus Books, Cambridge, MA, 2003.
141 “Perviy: glava Hermitage Capital Browder uklonyalsya ot nalogov v Kalmykii, yakoby nanimaya invalidov.” Gazeta.ru. March 10, 2013. http://www.gazeta.ru/business/news/2013/03/10/n_2791385.shtml
142 Clover, Charles. “Russia alleges $70m fraud against Browder.” Financial Times. March 5, 2013. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/06df1c16-85b0-11e2-9ee3-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2jcUicOSx
143 “Putin unaware why businessman Browder barred from Russia.” RIA Novosti. July 17, 2006. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20060717/51436114.html
144 In a taped interview, Browder used the words “He clearly wasn’t my friend,” but subsequently omitted the phrase in a transcript sent to him to check, for an article that was to appear in The Moscow News. I use this phrase here with the following clarification: Browder was clearly joking, and did not mean to indicate that Putin had ever been his “friend” in the literal sense, for he had never spoken to him personally – these words were a figure of speech, however telling.
145 “Vtoroye delo Braudera v Rossii: khishcheniye aktsiy Gazproma.” RIA Novosti. March 5, 2013. http://ria.ru/incidents/20130305/925918569.html
146 Browder’s interview to Snob magazine, taken by Masha Gessen, Snob, May 5, 2011. http://www.snob.ru/magazine/entry/36099?preview=print
147 Butrin, Dmitry. “William Browder priznal sebya nevyezdnym.” Kommersant. No. 47, March 20, 2006. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/658889
148 A collection of these documents can be accessed at http://russian-untouchables.com, a site operated by Sergei Magnitsky’s supporters.
149 Ibid.
150 Belova, Yelena. “Ex-nalogovika iz ‘spiska Magnitskogo’ Olgu Stepanovu zapodozrili v khishchenii bolee 50 milliardov rublei.” Gazeta.ru. November 15, 2012. http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2012/11/15/4854881.shtml
151 Matlack, Carol. “Renaissance Capital: A Moscow Survivor.” BusinessWeek. December 29, 2010. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/11_02/b4210058424523.htm
152 Arutunyan, Anna. “Prosecutors fingered in casino racket.” The Moscow News. February 17, 2011. http://www.themoscownews.com/news/20110217/188428343.html
153 As cited in Galeotti, Mark. “Who’s the Boss: Us or the Law? The Corrupt Art of Governing Russia.” Bribery and Blat in Russia. eds: Lovell, Stephen; Ledeneva, Alena; Rogachevskii, Andrei. School of Slavonic and East European Studies. University of London.
154 “Grease my palm. Bribery and corruption have become endemic.” The Economist. November 27, 2008.
155 According to a 2010 report by the Institute of Applied Law at the European University of St. Petersburg, as cited by Vedomosti. “Kholostoi khod.” February 17, 2010.
156 Galeotti, Mark. “Who’s the Boss: Us or the Law? The Corrupt Art of Governing Russia.” Bribery and Blat in Russia. eds: Lovell, Stephen; Ledeneva, Alena; Rogachevskii, Andrei. School of Slavonic and East European Studies. University of London.
157 Ibid.
158 Translated by J. Henry Harrison. London: F. Bowyer Kitto, Bishopsgate Without. E.C.: 1869.
159 Onexim Group. Company profile. Kommersant. December 1, 2011. http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1827999
160 The readings took place on August 4, 2009, at the Gary Tatinyants Gallery, and were attended by the author. All dialogue from the readings is based on the author’s notes, taken at the reading.
161 See Vedomosti, July 13, 2011. “Postavil pered vyborami.” See also: Arutunyan, A. “Medvedev asks business to pick.” The Moscow News. July 14, 2011. http://www.themoscownews.com/politics/20110714/188843435.html
162 Jensen, Donald N. “How Russia is Ruled.” Business and State. ed. Peter Rutland. Westview Press, 2001.
163 Felshtynsky, Yuri; Pribylovsky, Vladimir; The Corporation. Russia and the KGB in the Age of President Putin. Encounter Books, New York: 2008, pp. 61-68.
164 These allegations were made following an extensive investigation headed by then deputy of the Leningrad City Council Marina Salye. In 2010, Salye began giving interviews again, and the details of her report re-emerged, coinciding with a growing campaign of corruption allegations against Putin. Ivanidze, Vladimir. “Spasaya podpolkovnika Putina: vtoraya popytka.” RFE/RL. March 3, 2010. http://www.svobodanews.ru/content/article/1983851.html. See also Felshtynsky, Yuri; Pribylovsky, Vladimir; The Corporation. Russia and the KGB in the Age of President Putin. Encounter Books, New York: 2008, pp. 60-80.
165 Baker, Peter; Glasser, Susan. Kremlin Rising. Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the End of Revolution. A Lisa Drew Book/Scribner. New York, 2005. (Kindle Edition).
166 “Slovar russkogo publichnogo yazyka kontsa XX veka.” Kommersant Vlast. No. 24. June 23, 2003.
167 Krantz, Patricia. “Fall of an Oligarch.” Businessweek. March 1, 1999. http://www.businessweek.com/1999/99_09/b3618098.htm
168 Karatsuba, I.; Kurukin, I., Sokolov, N.; Vybiraya svoyu istoriyu. Kolibri: Moscow, 2005, pp. 618-619. See also: Hoffman, David E. The Oligarchs. Wealth and Power in the New Russia. Public Affairs: New York, 2003, pp. 297-315.
169 Ibid.
170 Hoffman, David E. The Oligarchs. Wealth and Power in the New Russia. Public Affairs: New York, 2003, pp. 319.
171 Ibid. pp. 322.
172 See Cohen, Stephen. Failed Crusade. Norton: New York, London, 2001, p. 33.
173 Liesman, Steve; Higgins, Andrew. “Seven-Year Hitch.” The Wall Street Journal. September 23, 1998, p. A1.
174 Freedlan, Chrystia. Sale of the Century: Russia’s Wild Ride from Communism to Capitalism (New York: Crown Publishers, 2000), p. 157.
175 Popova, Nadia. “Chamber to Oversee VEB Loan to RusAl.” The Moscow Times. November 1, 2008. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/chamber-to-oversee-veb-loan-to-rusal/372105.html
176 For more on the members of the board and their powers, see http://veb.ru/en/about/officials/nabl/.
177 The letters were obtained and published by Slon.ru in December 2009. http://slon.ru/russia/vsya_pravda_o_prosbah_deripaski_k_putinu-194826.xhtml
178 Lapechenkova, Irina. “Fosagro rasschitivayet sozdat sovmestnoye predpriyatie.” RBC Daily. October 5, 2011. http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2011/10/05/industry/562949981659020
179 From a press conference attended by the author on September 14, 2011.
180 Pomerantsev, Peter. “Putin’s Rasputin. London Review of Books. October 20, 2011. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v33/n20/peter-pomerantsev/putins-rasputin
181 “Top Kremlin aide says Putin is God’s gift to Russia.” Reuters, July 9, 2011. http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/07/08/idINIndia-58163920110708. See also: “Former Kremlin ideologue Surkov calls Putin ‘white night’.” The Moscow News. July 29, 2013. http://themoscownews.com/politics/20130729/191804851/Former-Kremlin-ideologue-Surkov-calls-Putin-white-knight.html
The Putin Mystique: Inside Russia’s Power Cult Page 34