Her Master's Christmas

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Her Master's Christmas Page 4

by Lily White




  The spanking wouldn’t stop.

  My jaw hurt from how tightly I clenched my teeth, my vision completely blurred when I attempted to open my eyes. Pain shot along my fingers from the strength of my grip on the handles. With every strike, I was split apart little by little, each blow removing a part of the confidence I’d once had about my relationship with Aiden. It was possible I was wrong to ever think he cared, and given the strength with which he now hit me, I was right back to where I’d started with him, a slave only to his every demand.



  The spanking stopped.

  Wood against tile, the paddle dropped to the floor, bouncing with a loud clatter that added to the tension in my body. Aiden’s hand ran across my cheeks, his touch a blistering swell of pain over my skin.

  “The color is beautiful, Pet. Festive, just the way you like it.” His footsteps fell heavy as he crossed the room to grab his camera. He always took pictures of his work, constantly switching out the poster sized prints of his favorites that hung on the dining room walls.

  After placing the camera down, he said, “Maybe I can learn to like Christmas after all.”

  The padding beneath me was soaked with my tears, my body trembling beneath Aiden’s touch as he continued to admire the mess he’d made of my skin. My breath caught in my lungs as I waited for the soothing balm he normally used after a spanking, but the cool relief I needed never came.

  Instead, I felt Aiden’s fingers press between the cheeks of my ass. Sliding the tips down, he pressed two fingers inside my cunt, his thumb finding and pressing up into my ass.

  “So wet,” he cooed. “Even in the face of pain, you respond so perfectly.”

  The distinct sound of a zipper was a whisper in the room, his hand pulling away as the head of his cock replaced his thumb. I bit my lower lip as he pressed just the head of his cock inside my ass, his fingers seeking out my clit to run circles over the sensitive flesh.

  He continued rubbing until my body relaxed and opened up enough to take the width and length of his cock, but that was all he’d give me. Locking his hands down on the edges of the table on either side of me, he held both the bench and my body in place as his hips began to thrust. With every push inside, pain shot along the tender skin. There was nothing sensitive or gentle with this act. Yet I would still give him everything he demanded.

  A hiss of pleasure sounded from his lips, and I wanted nothing more than to look up into his beautiful face to see forgiveness replace his anger. I’d submitted to him. I’d given him control of a piece of me that he’d been the only man to ever touch. I clenched my eyes against the orgasm that was building as the bones of my hips pounded against the padding of the bench.

  But Aiden wouldn’t give me the relief of an orgasm, not when it was punishment he had in mind. He knew my body so well because of the years we’d spent together. He knew every hint and every tell that I was about to break apart beneath him. And knowing that, he found his own release deep inside me, but pulled out just before he knew I would come.

  I wanted to cry about having been left unsatisfied on that precipice. It hurt worse than the blistered skin, worse than the disappointment Aiden had felt in response to my behavior.

  “Have I made you happy, Rebecca? Have I given you enough as your Master?”

  It was a trick question, one I’d learned all too well in the first several days I’d spent with him.

  With a broken voice, I answered, “My happiness doesn’t matter, Master. Only yours.”

  Playfully, he slapped at the sore skin of my ass. “That’s a good pet. You can stand up.”



  She could barely stand, much less walk without assistance. I’ll admit I’d been more forceful than I’d intended, but I warned her many years ago what would come with her rebellion. Based on the fact that she had several incidents of rebellious spirit in one day, I felt it was necessary to remind her of that threat.

  With my arm wrapped around her waist, I helped her from the playroom into the bathroom for a shower. It took everything in me not to bend her over and run a soothing cream over the inflamed skin of her ass. However, doing so would be a courtesy - one I couldn’t afford to give her if I wanted to make my point in this perfectly clear.

  Turning the knob on the shower so that the water was a bit too hot, I stepped aside and motioned for her to climb in. Despite her awkward gait, she was still a sight to be seen, a woman so beautiful that it affected you on a basic level. The marks on her ass made me smile. I always appreciated seeing my brand on her skin. But watching her climb into the shower made me smile for a different reason entirely. My eyes were glued to her body as my mind raced back to the first time I brought her into this bathroom.

  A bucket of ice was all it had taken to break the little beauty down, to fracture the tough shell of independence and quiet strength that surrounded her.

  She winced when her damaged skin met the water, but eventually her body relaxed into the spray, her lips parting as her head fell back. In moments such as this, she seduced me by doing nothing more than existing.

  “We have forty-five minutes until our rendezvous. After you finish your shower, you’ll need to get dressed so we can get going.”

  Without looking at me she answered, “Hopefully, Molly won’t run away as soon as she sees me walking like I just climbed off a horse.”

  A single brow arched above my eye. Her words were just another tiny flare of her rebel spirit, but I’d allow it simply because the imagery made me laugh.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  Her head turned to the side and she stared at me. “I told her you were awful in bed. That’s how I explained away wanting to fuck her in the bathroom while I had a very handsome man waiting for me on the other side of the door.”

  I should have smacked the smirk from her face, but I also had to admire the quick thinking on her part. Sneaking around behind a rich husband’s back made the game that much more fun to play, especially for a girl like Molly.

  My face a blank mask, I replied, “I’ll just have to show her how untrue your statement was. Maybe I’ll let you watch, just so you can see the look of ecstasy on her face.”

  It was slight, but her body flinched at the threat. Rebecca had fallen in love with her Master many moons ago, and I knew it bothered her every time I brought a new courtesan in. She’d never made a complaint, and at times she’d joined the fun, but there was always the hint of jealousy in her eyes whenever I had my dick buried in another woman’s pussy.


  “Let me make sure I have this correct,” she said, her face masked by shadow in the interior of the car. Unlike the Aston Martin I’d taken to the party, this car was a non-descript sedan I kept on hand for just this type of situation.

  “I’m supposed to wait by the sinks, and you’ll be hidden somewhere in the bathroom? How will that work? She’ll see you as soon as she steps in.”

  “That is where research and experience comes in handy, Pet. Any person in this profession knows how to hunt.”

  Turning to look at her, I taunted, “Some women are difficult to get alone. You on the other hand were easy. Easier, even, than Molly.”

  Her eyes narrowed at my words. The anger thrilled me, that tiny bit of friction that made her body grow hot.

  “Do you remember it, Pet? All alone in that big gallery, staring at a painting of what you would become. It took, what? An hour to convince you to leave with me? A single cup of coffee to make you putty in my skilled hands? And to think, you practically drew me a map of where to go to steal you away from the world.”

  She turned her head towards me so fast it made me wonder if she hadn’t just wrenched a muscle in the process. “How did I draw you a map?”

  A sly smile creased my lips. “Your social media pages were blowing up with your complaints that nobody was available to g
o with you to the art gallery. I believe there was even a little yellow face with a tear falling down its cheek.”

  My head fell back against the seat as I stared at her. Feigning surprise, I teased, “Oh, had I never told you that part?”

  Her answer was to turn her head away, to train her eyes out into the pitch black depth of the park that surrounded us.

  “I’ve been to this park before, Rebecca. The bathrooms only have an emergency light on above the sinks this late at night. I wouldn’t have chosen this location if that wasn’t the case.”

  When she didn’t respond, I continued, “What that means -”

  “I know what that means,” she snapped, effectively cutting me off and drawing my anger. Her face was a shade of red I knew well, her lips pulled into a thin line of rage that made me smile in response.

  “Ah,” I taunted, “Are you mad about how easy you were?” Reaching over, I gripped her chin between my fingers and pulled her face around until my eyes found hers. “You have no reason to be angry. If it hadn’t been for your carelessness, you wouldn’t be here with me right now.”

  In any other situation I would have admonished her for her childlike behavior, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. We had a future courtesan to claim. “We should go. It might take you a while to walk to the bathroom with your ass as swollen as it is.”

  The reminder of what I had already done to her this evening stopped her tears. Rebecca was smart enough to know that I had no qualms punishing her for her behavior while I waited for Molly to wake up and calm down in the dark room.

  I stepped out of the car, rounding the front to open her door for her. My actions weren’t so much about respect as they were control. She didn’t move until I told her. She didn’t open the door because permission wasn’t given for her to do so. It didn’t take long to drive that knowledge home with Rebecca when I first acquired her, and in the length of time she’d been mine, it became habit.


  Strolling towards the bathroom with Rebecca a step behind me, I considered the word I used to describe a courtesan. There were many Masters who kept courtesans for themselves. It wasn’t an odd occurrence, or anything unheard of within the society.

  Except for when it came to me.

  Rebecca had been the first I kept for myself, a fact that had drawn attention from other Masters - and even a bit of jealousy. I couldn’t count on two hands how many had requested to purchase her over the years I’d had her, how many had waited patiently for me to grow bored, or annoyed with the complication she presented.

  Training new courtesans wasn’t easy when you had one that had given her Master her heart. That, on its own, didn’t bother me. Every courtesan’s heart belonged to the man who first transformed her. But there was bound to be a problem eventually. Women didn’t get along when they felt the need to compete.

  “May I ask a question, Master?”

  My attention snapped to Rebecca and I fought back a smile to see she’d finally stepped into line. “Yes.”

  “How did you find this place?”

  It was an odd question. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve known you for several years now, and a man like you can be found attending glamorous parties, art galleries, wine tastings, society meetings, any place or event where the rich gather. But this place? I wouldn’t even call it a park. I’d call it a serial killer’s playground. Hell, I’m half expecting to walk into the bathroom to find some scary looking man holding a dismembered head while fondling himself with sandpaper.”

  My lips pulled into a grin I couldn’t contain. The imagery of that last comment was unexpected.

  Clearing my throat of the laughter I’d managed to stifle, I answered, “I’ve had two weeks to prepare for this particular job, Pet. Proximity means everything in order to lure Molly away from her handlers, and the park is far enough away from where Molly is being taken that nobody will suspect it was me. Fortunately, I happened to already know of this place because I’ve hunted in it before.”

  Twisting to glance at me from over her shoulder, Rebecca looked disturbed. “Why would you want any woman that hangs around here? I thought high class was your chosen standard.”

  Nodding my head at the truth in her statement, I replied, “This particular woman actually came from a high class family. Her behavior was quite rebellious from an early age and she fell in with degenerates. I followed her here one night to find that she was buying drugs from a man who sold out of this bathroom. After she’d made her purchase and scampered around the corner to take her first hit, she did my job for me by knocking herself out. All I had to do was pick her up and walk her to my car.”

  My thoughts returning back to a woman I’d trained and forgotten about by the time I’d met Rebecca, I smirked to remember the strength of her. Not quite as strong-willed as Rebecca, that woman had been a challenge for a new Master, her life story heartbreaking because of the despair that saturated every part of her soul. She had a child, and I regretted that fact. However, knowing that the child went to its grandparents to be raised allowed me to believe that losing its mother may have been the best thing for it.

  By the time I was done with that woman, she was more broken than I’d liked. Courtesans were meant to seduce, not cower. But that woman had cowered in the presence of any person that intended to own her.

  The bathroom was nothing more than a concrete box separated into two individual sides. There were no doors, and it had a filthy plastic roof that was only useful to keep out the rain. Fortunately, the open flow of the building allowed enough wind to travel through that the smell of urine and excrement was only a minor annoyance.

  One pale light shone above the bathroom sinks, and one warped mirror reflected the expression on Rebecca’s face as we entered the side marked for ladies.

  “Please tell me you don’t expect me to have sex with Molly in this place.” Disgust flashed behind her eyes, her expression wrinkling as she surveyed the drying clumps of paper towels and toilet paper littering the mud drenched floor. A trashcan sat to the side filled with soiled diapers, feminine products and other such items I had no desire to explore. If this were a humiliation punishment, yes, I would force her to have sex with someone up against the sinks or perhaps one of the walls filled with amateur graffiti. I was only interested in taking Molly from this location, not spending enough time here to watch Rebecca fake an orgasm while crushed up against whatever wet substances were smeared on the walls.

  “You’re in luck,” I answered, my tone acerbic as I made my way back to the largest stall. Pulling a pen from my pocket, I used it to push open the stall door. Disgusting was too simple a word for what I found. “I have just as much desire to be here as you. We’ll make this as quick and easy.”



  My stomach threatened to expel every ounce of food and alcohol that churned within it, the burning taste of bile pushing up my throat until it forced me to swallow the foul substance down. Somehow, the night had gone from good to bad to worse in a handful of hours, leaving me whiplashed from how quickly my circumstances had spun around me.

  Unable to sit comfortably, and barely able to manage standing by the sinks that were as dirty as they were old, I knew better than to complain. Aiden wouldn’t stand for any more remarks or arguments this evening, and I teetered on the edge of sanity when it came to the anger that filled me.

  He’d promised me a date night as long as I fulfilled the request he’d made of me. I’d delivered on that agreement, but made the mistake of thinking that a date with Aiden gave me enough footing to speak my mind.

  All I wanted was something that made it clear I was his. But the request had been too bold a move on my part, and Aiden had taken the freedom and familiarity I felt as his courtesan, tossed it down and crushed it beneath his expensive, black shoe.

  The fire across my ass hadn’t yet subsided, but I cherished that pain for the reminder it left me.

  Aiden didn’t lov
e me as much as I’d hoped he would. He didn’t hold me in high regard. He would never formally claim me as his.

  Those truths sank their claws deep into the rejection I was feeling as I waited for Molly to appear, and they caused panic to erupt inside me when I saw the headlights of a sleek, red sports car.

  “She’s here,” I announced, loud enough that Aiden could hear me, but low enough that my words wouldn’t echo out over the stillness of the park.

  Climbing out of her car, Molly stumbled a bit when she shut the door. Bathed in the dim light of the street lamp above her head, she looked a mess with her brown hair clumped and tangled where it fell over her shoulder. The bottom of her dress sat askew over her thighs and the top was barely covering her ample breasts. She hopped in place as she attempted to put her heels on her feet, but eventually gave up to toss them back in her car and start in my direction barefoot.

  The poor girl was obviously drunk and I worried what would happen if Aiden used a drug to knock her out. Would the effects kill her when combined? Would Aiden even care if they did?

  Her expression wrinkled as she looked around the park. Besides a few run down climbing gyms and a set of swings with rusted chains, there wasn’t much else except for the bathroom facility and a few trees that only served to darken the shadows further. Molly stopped altogether when she reached the center of the park, and when it appeared she would turn back to walk to her car, I stepped away from the sinks and out of the building.

  “Molly,” I whisper shouted, hoping like hell she would hear me and I wouldn’t have to raise my voice. There weren’t any other vehicles in the parking lot, but that didn’t mean there weren’t other people around. This place was perfect for the dangerous drug dealer or homeless vagrant to be loitering around.

  Spinning at the sound of my voice, Molly smiled to see me. I waved my hand for her to follow and returned to my position by the sinks.

  Aiden remained hidden within shadow, so still he was barely discernible against the back wall. I worried that Molly would see him, but as soon as she entered, her inebriated eyes landed on me, a wicked, and somewhat wobbly, smile adorning her lips.


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