Her Master's Christmas

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Her Master's Christmas Page 11

by Lily White

  “Lift your arms above your head, beautiful.”

  She glared at me, but obeyed. Stepping forward, I quickly tied her arms with the ribbons hanging down from the ceiling and finished the piece with a star tiara I had made along with the clamps.

  Now in place, with her body on full display, Rebecca was the loveliest Christmas tree I’d ever had the pleasure to see.

  I opened my mouth to tell her as much, but the front bell rang and I checked my watch to find that my guests were arriving on time.

  Leaning down, I brushed a kiss over the thin, angry line of her lips before grabbing a Santa hat to place on my head and walking to the foyer to welcome the Society members into my home.


  One after the other, the Society members poured in, their courtesans dressed for the occasion with only a red bow to cover their breasts and another that wrapped around their hips. Most of those bows would be removed once the gift exchange began later in the evening, so I asked the Masters to leave their presents around the Christmas tree set up in the middle of the room. Unable to leave my post where I greeted the incoming members, I was pleased to be able to overhear their praise of the tree as they entered the room.

  Molly took the coats of the men as they strolled in and also took the smaller gift boxes and bags they carried in their hands. It took approximately thirty minutes for all the guests to arrive and as I was shutting the front door to make my way into the party, I found something was blocking it from closing.

  Turning to look, I was surprised to see a familiar shadow darkening my door and I pulled the door open wider to allow Master Anthony to walk inside.

  “I’m surprised you came,” I said as I helped him out of his coat and handed it to Molly. She traipsed away with the coat in her hands, and I noticed Anthony’s eyes narrowing in her direction.

  Returning his attention to me, he smiled, but the expression wasn’t exactly happy. It concerned me to see the dark circles beneath his eyes and the lines that marred his normally impeccable skin.

  “A Christmas party thrown by Aiden Oliver, the man who refuses to acknowledge the holiday,” he laughed. “How can I turn down an opportunity to see something as rare as that? Did Rebecca finally wear you down?”

  A genial grin tilted my lips. Anthony had spent a lot of time with Rebecca in the years that I’ve owned her as he had a tendency to stay in my home when he was visiting from the private island where he normally lived. At one time, Anthony had been a vocal member of the Society. Unfortunately, after the death of his courtesan several years prior, he’d become more reclusive and less involved with the Society as a whole.

  He hadn’t trained a new courtesan since his died and he hadn’t taken part in many of the Society activities. At the few social gatherings he’d attended, he had a habit of remaining in the background, enjoying the exhibitions and other type nonsense, but no longer taking part. Many of the Masters were concerned to lose a Master of Anthony’s rank and skill, but we were too respectful and concerned to have mentioned it to him directly.

  “Do you really believe I’d let a courtesan dictate what I do?”

  He laughed again and shook his head. “Normally, I would say no, but I happen to understand that Rebecca isn’t the typical courtesan. She has a way about her that I believe could wear even a Master of your caliber down.”

  I’d always known that Rebecca held a special place in Anthony’s heart, and I wasn’t surprised at all. She did have a special way about her, a fire inside her that drew men to her heat. Even with the game she’d been playing over the past few weeks while I’d been training Molly, I knew that spark inside her hadn’t been fully extinguished and I had every intention of proving that fact tonight.

  In answer to Anthony’s comment, I said, “I won’t pretend that Rebecca had nothing to do with the Christmas party, but not for the reason you might think. I’ve been in active training over the past several weeks and, well, this is all a part of it. In fact…”

  Pulling him aside so that nobody would overhear the conversation, I smiled at my old friend and decided that even if he didn’t participate in the sexual activities of the evening, he could still be a useful tool.

  “I have a favor to ask of you, Anthony, if you don’t mind assisting me with one last task I need to complete.”



  As the Masters began pouring into the room, I watched them direct their presents to sit around me on the floor, each one holding a small box handed to them by Molly. Every so often, the little bitch would smile at me, making it clear that she believed my being the tree for the evening somehow placed me a position less important than her. I wasn’t sure if that was true, and I knew Aiden well enough to understand that what he is most proud of usually takes a place front and center in any event he puts together.

  However, Molly hadn’t been with him long enough to understand his ways and I wondered what the evening had in store for her.

  For the first hour of the party, the Masters mingled amongst themselves, sipping their drinks and eating the small appetizers that the staff carried around on large silver trays. It didn’t appear that Aiden had planned for a formal sit down dinner and I was happy about that fact because I wasn’t sure how much longer I could sit in this position and wonder about his plans.

  Fortunately, I wasn’t the only woman who was wondering about the evening’s events and I listened attentively to the whispered conversations among the courtesans who were positioned around me. Most of them feared what was to come, but would play along in order to avoid whatever punishment their rebellion would cause. Whereas Aiden tended to be creative in his punishments against me or the other women he trained, he was against permanently disfiguring or damaging a courtesan. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case with all the Masters in attendance.

  As the greetings and polite conversation began to wind down, I saw Aiden clink a spoon against his champagne flute to draw the full attention of the party to him. His face was a blank mask. Cultured and astute, that expression was one that hinted to whatever demeaning demonstration he had in mind. As he was the Master hosting the event, it was his duty to begin the festivities by offering up the first round of entertainment.

  “I’d like to first thank all of you for joining me tonight for this celebration that I’ll admit is atypical for me.”

  The Masters laughed at Aiden’s admission. Christmas had never been something he participated in, even going so far as to decline invitations for parties thrown by other members of the Society in celebration of the holiday.

  “However, after arranging this get together and finally learning of all the fun that can be had during this particular holiday, I’ll admit I’m a changed man.”

  Light laughter filled the room, and Aiden’s eyes locked to mine. There was a wicked glimmer behind his stare. His expression made every muscle in my body tense because I never could tell what Aiden would do.

  “As all of you have now noticed, Rebecca has become one of the most beautiful Christmas trees I’ve ever had the pleasure to admire.”

  All the Masters turned to look at me, each one wearing an approving or lurid expression. Sweat trickled down my back, the slow slide of drops tickling my skin and causing me to squirm in my seat.

  “But despite her exceptional beauty, Rebecca isn’t quite the entertainment I’d hoped she would be. His eyes finally pulled away from mine and his gaze locked on Molly.

  “Molly, come to me and drop to your knees.”

  She was too eager to obey. I watched Aiden’s expression as she approached and there wasn’t a drop of heat or humor to be found. If anything, he appeared annoyed and angry. By the time Molly had dropped to her knees as instructed, he returned his attention to the crowd, a dazzling smile lighting his face.

  His voice was elegant and refined, his tone that of a man who understood he controlled the world around him. I would miss his voice when I was gone, but I couldn’t allow myself to cry in front of a crowded r
oom. My eyes scanned the many faces surrounding me, but I wasn’t able to determine which man would be my new owner.

  Champagne flute in hand, Aiden looked magnificent in a black tuxedo. Every person’s focus was on him and he was even more stunning while in his element.

  “While deciding on the entertainment for the evening, I took some time to research different Christmas themes, and the one I’ve decided on is a little more whimsical than is expected of me.” He grinned mischievously. “What can I say? Perhaps a touch of the holiday spirit has somehow found its way into my dark heart.”

  More soft laughter filled the room, but I knew better than to relax. Aiden was building up to something and I feared it would be my body that bore the brunt of whatever ghastly scheme he’d planned.

  Aiden snapped his fingers and the scene that played out in front of me caused my jaw to drop. Christmas music blared from the speaker system in the room. The happy festive beat was in stark contrast to the lights that dimmed around me leaving my body as the focal point of lighting in the room.

  Another light turned on above one of the hidden tables in the room. Aiden stepped up to the table as soon as it was illuminated and pulled away the sheet that had previously hidden it from view. A simple bench that looked like something you’d find in a medical office, the table had stirrup footholds in the front and two thin cross-sections running perpendicular on either side of the top half.

  “Molly, crawl to me, beautiful. I’ve just uncovered your seat for the evening.”

  My eyes shot to Molly and I noticed the look of fear in her eyes. The smile that had previously graced her lips was now absent, and she wasn’t as quick to crawl over to Aiden as she had been during her training over the past few weeks. I wondered if it ever occurred to Molly that she would be the plaything to any man besides Aiden. Given the eager murmurs in the room, I also wondered if Aiden would subject her to the whims of every man that stood in this room. He’d never gone that far with me while I’d been his courtesan, but it was a practice I’d seen many times before at other social functions held by the Society.

  When Molly didn’t immediately crawl towards Aiden, Master Collin kicked out his foot to shove her forward. She fell over, but caught herself with her hands, bracing her body before her face had a chance to hit the floor.

  Laughing, Collin called out, “It seems your newest trainee isn’t as obedient as your others, Aiden. By chance, are you losing your touch?”

  Aiden smiled at Collin before focusing his attention on Molly once again. “Are you going to obey, Molly, or do I need to force the issue in front of all my guests?”

  Molly was crying by that point, but I couldn’t feel sorry for her. If she’d allowed herself to believe that she was Aiden’s prized pet after all the times I’d warned her about the Masters, then she could only blame herself for what would happen now.

  “Y-Yes, Master,” she managed to breathe out.

  After crawling to Aiden, and following his order to climb up onto the table, Molly cried silently while he locked her feet into the stirrups, had her lie back and locked her arms into the two thin cross-extensions on the sides.

  “Let the games begin,” he laughed. Another snap of his fingers was followed by the sound of jingle bells coming down the hallway. Over the noise, he called out, “What would Christmas be without Santa’s workshop? I’ll play the role of Santa and Molly, as many of you can see, is Mrs. Claus. After a long season making presents for all of the little kiddies of the world, my employees deserve a present of their own. Allow me to introduce you to the elves.”

  Excited murmurs transitioned into boisterous laughter and surprised gasps as ten little people came dancing into the room wearing Christmas themed leather kink costumes. Several of the men and women wore large strap on cocks, while others carried crops and small canes that resembled peppermint.

  They formed a semicircle around the bench where Molly was strapped down and flicked the crops against their hands as they danced excitedly to the music that filtered through the room. My heart was in my throat from surprise, but I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. If this was what Aiden decided he would do with his prized courtesan, then I was happy to take second place.

  Stepping away from the table, Aiden watched the little people encircle the table, their hands, mouths and other appendages all over her body as they enjoyed the present that Santa gave his elves on Christmas day. I couldn’t take my eyes off the spectacle and I cringed when one man in particular chose to fist Molly with his arm rather than using the strap on cock that he wore. Another man straddled Molly’s face to shove his cock into her mouth, bouncing over her as she struggled to pull away.

  Aiden leaned down to whisper something in her ear and her behavior changed immediately. Moans rolled out from the back of her throat as tears slipped down her cheeks and her lips finally closed over the man’s dick. Giving the audience a chance to watch the scene for several minutes, Aiden finally turned back to the crowd and smiled. “Now, that is what I call teamwork.”

  After the laughter in the room died down, Aiden said, “Mrs. Claus and the elves will be here all night for those of you who’d like to watch and be entertained, but the hours are creeping forward and I’d like to move on to the Society gift exchange before it gets any later in the evening.”

  All night? He planned to leave her there all night?

  For the first time since Aiden brought Molly into his home, I genuinely felt sorry for her.

  Names were called and Masters would pair up to exchange the courtesans they brought with them. Merrily, they’d take the packages from their courtesan’s hands and gift it to the other Master. I watched as those gifts were opened and stared at the odd sex toys and other types of instruments that were being given.

  After the exchange was made, the Masters were told that they could use the different sexual furniture hidden beneath the sheets in the room with the courtesan gifted to them, or they were led away by the staff to use some of the private guests rooms that were set up in the back of the house.

  It took several minutes for all the courtesans, but one, to be exchanged. While all of this was occurring, I noticed Aiden leaning against a doorway. His hands were casually tucked into his pockets and his eyes were locked on me. The intensity of his stare caused me to flinch in my seat, but it pleased me to see that he wasn’t joining in on the gift exchange.

  Those Masters that hadn’t brought a courtesan or gift with them had gathered around Santa’s workshop to laugh and joke about the things being done to Molly, or they’d gathered around some of the other Masters who were putting on exhibitions with their gifted courtesans at the tables and other benches displayed in the room.

  “Hello, Rebecca. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you.”

  My gaze was still locked on Aiden when that slimy voice spoke to me, and Aiden smiled when he saw the revulsion on my face. Pulling my eyes from him, I narrowed them on a man who disgusted me.

  “Hello, Henley.”

  His laughter rattled my nerves and his smell, while not as repugnant as it had been in the past, was still a little too ripe for my taste.

  “It’s a pity Aiden hasn’t offered you up as a gift this evening. I would have traded anything I had with the man he gifted you to just to have you.”

  For the first time that evening, I was thankful I was a stupid fucking tree. After swallowing down the bile that attempted to escape my throat, I opened my mouth to respond, but was interrupted by another familiar voice.

  “Henley, it’s good to see you again, brother. Did you, by chance, happen to see what Chad gave to Collin for use on his courtesan?”

  Henley turned to Anthony and smiled. “No. Is it something that would interest my darker tastes?”

  Anthony laughed. “I’m not one for ass play, unless it’s my dick buried inside a woman’s behind, but I know how you enjoy women who lick your hole. I’d go take a look. That particular toy traps a woman’s tongue on the outside of her mouth. The poor b
eauty has been licking all sorts of things for the past half hour while her new Master rides her from behind. If you hurry, I think you can drop your pants for her and show her what it really means to brown-nose.”

  The lascivious grin on Henley’s face sent shivers down my spine. I was thankful he took the bait and walked away.

  “Rebecca. What a lovely tree you’ve become.”

  A relieved sigh blew over my lips to be left alone with the only other Master I genuinely enjoyed spending time with.

  “Thank you, Anthony. For the compliment and for saving me from that…thing.”

  Deep laughter vibrated his chest and he beamed down at me with a smile that barely wiped clean the tired lines on his face. For the entire time I’d known Anthony, he’d been a light in the dark shadows of the Society. Although, still a Master, his tastes were more sensual than dark. With one interested look he could make any woman preen in place, and every courtesan hoped he would eventually take them home. Since his courtesan died, he’d never shown any interest in having another.

  “Yes, Henley is something else, isn’t he? I genuinely feel sorry for every woman that crosses his path. Aiden told me he allowed Henley to keep you for a week as punishment. How did that go?”

  Thankfully, Aiden had loaned me to Henley with specific instructions, namely that the man couldn’t fuck me with any part of his actual body, but that hadn’t stopped him from finding inventive uses for his closet of toys.

  “I’d tell you all about it, Anthony, but I believe Master would be upset if I puked in the middle of the party.”

  More laughter shook his shoulders, and I peeked over to find that Aiden had left the room, as well as the one last courtesan that had been seated by me. My heart raced beneath my ribs to discover his absence, and I assumed he’d taken that last courtesan to a private room, but I had to let my jealousy go. As far as I knew, I was being sent off at the end of the evening and I still hadn’t figured out which man was the new buyer.


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