The Vampire's Prisoner (Tales of Vampires Book 2)

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The Vampire's Prisoner (Tales of Vampires Book 2) Page 12

by Zara Novak

  Edmund climbed onto the bed, carried Ruth across the mattress and sat so the headboard was against his back. Ruth was straddling him now, her legs open wide and her pussy pressed against the hard ridge of his cock.

  She lifted herself up, wrapped a hand around the thick girth of his oak and nestled it into her wet folds.

  Edmund placed a hand on her throat, lifting her gaze to his.

  “Tell me what you want.” He growled.

  Ruth rolled her pussy over the tip of his cock and lowered herself slowly.

  “You master.” She pushed her lips against his and sank down onto his shaft. “I want you.”

  14. Kat

  Kat’s night had been plagued with a seemingly never ending stream of erotic dreams featuring Ansel. She couldn’t figure out why her unconscious mind was so obsessed with the idea of the man, but she wondered the same thing for her waking mind too.

  The room that Ansel had escorted her to was nice, much like the rest of the stone house they were staying in. The house was really less a house, and more like a miniature castle. This bedroom was furnished with a large four poster bed. The dark wooden posts on the bed were covered from floor to ceiling with intricate gothic carvings. Long drapes of red silks hung between each corner.

  There was an antique floral carpet across the smooth stone floor, an exquisite chair and dresser, and a large wardrobe over on the left hand wall by the door. To her right there was the large bay window which she had sat in last night. Ahead of her there was a door which led to a surprisingly nice bathroom, decorated in a modern fashion which kept with the dark and gothic nature of the house.

  She had intended to wake early, and make the most of the daylight hours to put some distance between Ansel and herself. Her sleep had been so fractured with dreams of him, that when she did wake it was nearly four in the afternoon, meaning there were only a few hours of daylight left anyway.

  Kat lay on the bed for a bit, contemplating how to proceed. She beat the frustrations caused by the dreams out of her, and when she was finished she lay breathless and naked on the silk covers, hating the juvenile lust she felt for her captor.

  It was nearly five now, and it was time to investigate. Kat didn’t know if she had the courage in her to try and escape, but she reasoned that while the sun was out at least, Ansel wouldn’t be able to walk the hallways of the house as she could.

  After a quick and much needed wash in a walk in shower that she was very fond of, Kat dried herself off and dressed in some clothes that were hanging in the wardrobe. She found a pink summer dress that was her size and skipped out of the room and into the hallways silently, determined to try and come up with a plan for escape.

  In the day time, Kat could really appreciate just how beautiful the old stone house was. She reckoned that it had to be 18th century at least. Living in Dead Rest all her life, Kat assumed the town was made up of only suburbs and McMansions. She had no idea that something like this could exist within it’s borders. The house was three stories tall and she had recalled Ansel saying something about a basement the night before. She pottered about for half an hour or so, exploring the various rooms of the place. She was careful to avoid any room where the doors were closed, as she didn’t know where Ansel had chosen to sleep. There was an old billiards room, a dining room, a library, rooms full of old artwork and portraits of people long gone.

  It struck her as peculiar that there was no electricity in the place at all. All lights were either candles or gas lamps. The downstairs area was made up of the living room she had been in the night before, a long kitchen and an old conservatory that was at the back of the house. The conservatory was accessed either through the kitchen or the living room.

  All the other windows in the house had the same black wooden shutters drawn half over them, and the conservatory was the only place that had full range of light in the day as far as she could tell.

  Having done enough exploring, Kat decided to try and find a way out. It probably wouldn’t do to escape today. Looking at her watch she reasoned that there was only perhaps half an hour of daylight left. Still, she could look for a way out today and use it tomorrow, rising early to get a much needed lead on Ansel.

  There were no doors in the conservatory that Kat could see, but she did take a minute to look out through the windows at the beautiful garden at the back of the property. The flora filled lawn was surrounded by a rich expanse of forest.

  The only other two doors Kat could find in the house, was a door at the side of the building, and the front door, which were both locked. She even grabbed a gas lamp from in the living room and went down to the basement to try and find something. It was there that she saw a small wooden doorway cut into the back wall. She tried the handle for that door but it was locked too. Her heart dropped in her chest and she made her way back up stairs to get some food.

  For the age of the place, the kitchen was probably the most modern feature. It was a stunning combination of pristine new work tops and the old decor that surrounded the rest of the house. It was also the only room in the house that appeared to contain any technology. There was a small flat screen TV in a corner above the breakfast bar, and an LCD panel on the wall with two sets of buttons: ‘Shutters Open’ and ‘Shutters Closed’.

  Kat didn’t need to be a genius to figure out what that meant. She considered opening the shutters for a second and then decided against it, not wanting to accidentally turn Ansel into a cloud of ash and smoke.

  She rummaged through the old cupboards and found a tin of beans. Kat heated the beans on the old gas stove and ate them out of the pot with a wooden spoon while she watched the local news on the small TV. The news team were standing on the street outside the club Avalon. Kat turned the volume up and listened closely.

  “…here on scene at the place where the shooting took place last night. Two gunmen entered the club at approximately 9pm and started shooting - miraculously there were no casualties and no injuries, but police are reaching out for witnesses to come forward to help identify the gunmen, who are both sought by the police for questioning…”

  Kat turned the TV off, satisfied with what she’d heard. She finished her food and breathed a sigh of relief. According to the woman on the TV there had been no casualties and no injuries, so Kat could rest easy for now knowing that Ruth was okay.

  Cleaning up after herself, Kat wondered into the conservatory to appreciate the last crumbling remnants of daylight. The conservatory was wide and spacious, with a couple of cushioned wicker chairs placed around it’s edge. In the far corner looking over the garden at the back, there was a chair and a writing desk. Kat took a seat at the desk and opened it up to find a pad of blank paper, along with an ink and quill.

  Good as time as any to make progress of my journalism assignment. She mused while dipping the quill.

  She held the nib over the paper and stared through the conservatory window at the forest below. Kat wanted to try and put the last two days into words… she tried to find a way to sum her experience up in a way that would relate back to the history of Dead Rest.

  Images of Ansel’s muscular torso flashed through her mind instead, accompanied by a stream of images that had been in her dreams last night. She felt her stomach twinge with need and set the quill down.

  I need to get a grip on my emotions. She thought.

  Ansel’s behavior last night made it more than clear that he was prepared to keep her here by all means necessary. She hated how much control he had over her, but most of all she hated how much she wanted him.

  He’s a vampire. He’s dangerous.

  Her mind reeled back to the dream she had where he had taken her from behind. She’d had that dream several times last night. His smooth and muscular hands coursing over her creamy white flesh. That long and rigid mass in his underwear pushing against her dripping crotch.

  It made her wet now just thinking about it. Kat pushed the chair back from the desk and fanned herself with her hand.

need to get a grip girl, you’re being ridiculous.”

  It was like there was a part of her wanting to run, and a part wanting to stay to see what devilish things he’d do to her. She knew he was dangerous… he was a vampire for god sake, but that didn’t lessen how much she wanted him at all, if anything… it made her want him more.

  She must have had half a dozen dreams about Ansel last night, and they’d all ended the same way: His teeth, sinking into her flesh. The dreams had seemed so real… so vivid. Kat always had dreams, but they had never been that clear before. Standing to pace across the cool tile of the conservatory, she couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with her cognizance now.

  Another image of him drinking from her neck flashed into her mind and Kat swore she could feel the warm burst of heat as his teeth entered her flesh. She held her fingers to her neck and stared out into the back garden quizzically. The skin was smooth as it had always been, but it felt so real.

  Then there was the conversation she had briefly overheard last night. Out of everything that was the one she probably feared the most. She’d had another dream and went to sit on the bay window. It was there that she’d heard Ansel talking to someone down below. He’d mentioned something about being out of blood. She couldn’t quite get the full grasp of the conversation, but there was a part of her that wondered if he was going to drink from her…

  “Everything okay here?”

  Kat jumped at the voice and turned on her heels with a small shriek to see Ansel stood in front of her, wearing only a pair of pajama pants.

  “Ansel!” She gasped. “You frightened the life out of me.”

  He stepped forward into the conservatory and his lips curled into that irresistible smile. “My apologies. I thought I’d come and check if you wanted to come with me into town.”


  Kat’s ears perked up. If they were making a trip out into the public, this might be a chance for her to get away.

  “Yes.” Ansel said. “I mentioned last night I need to pick up some supplies. I figured you might want to come with me. We could get some food for you while we’re gone.”

  “Sure…” Kat stammered. “Sounds great.”

  A warm smile spread over Ansel’s face. “Great. I’ll just go throw some clothes on. I’ll be back in five minutes.”

  Kat smiled quickly and nodded. Ansel retreated and she turned back to look at the dying light in the garden, her mind only able to concentrate on one thing: she really wished he’d leave the clothes off.


  Ansel pulled the SUV up to the curb and they both climbed out into the cool summer night.

  “Vogan Hunting Supplies…” she said while reading the sing out loud. “I didn’t think there were many hunting shops in Dead Rest. Isn’t it banned around here?”

  They headed inside and Ansel nodded at a guarded looking man behind the counter. “Animal hunting is. But this isn’t your regular hunting shop…”

  They walked through the aisles of the shop and Kat eyed up a whole collection of medieval looking devices that she’d never seen before. Silver nets, silver bullets, black cases full of thick metal stakes. Ansel came to a stop at a display in the corner and looked over a shelf full of cannisters.

  “What is this store Ansel?” Kat whispered to him and looked around the shop. Apart from the one man at the counter, there were two or three other people inside the store, and Kat noticed that they were all staring at them.

  “Oh this a store for vampire hunters.” Ansel said with a dry chuckle.

  “Vampire hunters are real…” Kat repeated.

  “Well yeah!” Ansel chuckled and grabbed a cannister off the shelf, turned on his heels and walked over to the other side of the store and stopped by another display. “Vampires are real aren’t they? Only makes sense there would be people out there hunting them.”


  “But what? You think you’re the only person who knows that vampires exist?” Ansel rolled his eyes. “Come on Kat. You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff they sell in here though, it’s nonsense - Look at this.” Ansel dipped his hand into a bucket full of ‘Blessed Gemstones’ and let them sieve through his fingers harmlessly. “Some of it works though.” Ansel took off again and Kat followed, keenly aware the people in store had started walking toward them.

  “Right…” Kat trotted after Ansel keenly. “But what I’m saying is… should you of all people really come in here. Isn’t this a bit dangerous?”

  Ansel scoffed. “Hardly. These idiots are just a bunch of harmless whack jobs. Do me a favor and pick this reel of silver chain up will you? I don’t really want to touch it.”

  Kat did as he asked and followed Ansel around as he picked up a few more supplies.

  “But what are we doing in here?”

  “I’m going to need a few things if I’m going head first into the domain of the Red Circle, Kat. Never hurts to have a few aces up one’s sleeve.”

  A few minutes later they dumped the supplies onto the counter and the teller was ringing everything up through squinting and suspicious eyes.

  “Ain’t seen you in here before.” The teller drawled through a mouth full of chewing tobacco. “Where exactly is it you’re from?”

  Glancing behind her nervously, Kat could see the other two people in the store had stopped their shopping and had come up behind to surround her and Ansel. Kat tugged at his jacket. “Um… Ansel…”

  “Not from around here.” Ansel said with a broad smile. “Just in town for a few days. Picking up some much needed supplies to hunt those fucking vampires. Can’t stand those bastards. Yuck.”

  The teller stopped what he was doing and stepped back from the counter. “You’re a bit pale looking for my liking… how bout we test you on a bit of holy water?”

  Ansel glanced back behind him this time, registering the two men at their rear. He cleared his throat and uttered one word with intense clarity.


  Kat looked around in surprise at the frozen men around her. Ansel grabbed the bag of supplies off the counter and dropped a hundred dollar bill. “See you next time buddy. Not that you’ll remember. Come on Kat.”

  He walked out the front of the shop, leaving Kat looking dumbfounded at the frozen men around her. Kat hurried outside after Ansel and jumped into the SUV with him.

  “What was that?!” She gasped through an impressed smile.

  “What?” Ansel pulled the car back onto the road.

  “You… froze them! That was… that was pretty fucking cool!”

  Ansel smiled to himself. “It’s not always necessary. Last time I was in there those hicks didn’t even realize I was there. I think having you with me drew a little extra attention though. Each time they round up on me I just freeze them. When I come back a couple of weeks later they never remember me.”

  “But you can… freeze people?”

  “I did it to you last night didn’t I?” Ansel said as he pulled the SUV into an alleyway. “It normally only works with people that you have an intimate connection with, but those guys are so dumb - anyone could influence them.”

  Kat’s stomach chilled, recollecting how Ansel had controlled her body with such ease. She’d fallen prey to his charms and charisma again, forgetting that she was essentially being held with him against her will. She looked up and noticed Ansel had pulled up in an alleyway.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “Just picking up a delivery. I ran out of some… personal supplies last night and I need a replenishment.”

  A few minutes later a hooded man carrying a large case walked into the alleyway and knocked on Ansel’s window. Ansel rolled it down.


  “Mr. Draco, got 27 pints for you right here. Want it in the trunk?”

  “Much appreciated. Thanks.”

  Ansel peeled a number of hundreds off a roll in his pocket and handed it to the man. ‘Lazarus’ placed a case of something in the trunk an
d a few minutes later they were on the road again.

  “So… that was the blood you were talking about last night.” Kat said out loud.

  “What?” Ansel looked over at her. “You heard my call last night then huh?”

  “Yeah… I - had a nightmare and ended up sitting in the window to cool myself off for a bit. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anything, it’s quiet out there though and your voice just kind of floated up. I thought-” Kat cut off.

  “You thought?”

  “Nothing.” Kat shook her head. “It’s stupid, but I thought the call was about drinking from me or something.” Kat felt her cheeks burning red at how stupid her comment sounded. “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay.” Ansel smiled. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m sure you taste great Kat… but I’d never drink from you.”

  “Oh. Okay.” Kat said, not really understanding why she felt dejected at that. “Where are we headed now?”

  “Picking up some food for you then we’ll make our way back. We’ve been out long enough now. I don’t want to stay out any longer than we have to and risk getting caught. Where’s your favorite place to eat?”

  They grabbed takeaway food from one of Kat’s favorite restaurants in Dead Rest and made the drive back to small stone house on the hill overlooking the town. When they got back, Kat felt a strange surge of defeat. The whole time she had been out in town with Ansel had been an opportunity to escape, and she’d failed to do anything about it. The thought hadn’t even crossed her mind.

  A small porch sat at the back of the property outside the conservatory. Ansel set up a table and chairs for them, and they both sat quietly, enjoying the summer night and their meals. They ate dinner under candlelight, listening to old vinyls on a record player that Ansel had brought up from the basement.

  Kat hated to admit, but here against her will or not, she was having a fantastic evening. After they finished eating, Ansel disappeared for a moment and returned a second later to reveal another piece of technology that was hidden within the house.


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