Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2)

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Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2) Page 1

by Harley McRide

  Burned by Abi

  Number II of Devil Savages MC

  Harley McRide

  * * *

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Contains extreme violence. Ménage – MFM.

  In book two of the Devil Savages MC: Abi Moon was raised by her brother, Sledge, after their parents passed away. Sledge did his best with the help from the only family he had left—the Devil Savages. He shipped her off to boarding schools and college, in the hope of keeping her from the hard MC life. What he didn't expect was while at college, she'd worked hard—just not on her studies. She found a new major in mixed martial arts and devoted her time in the octagon instead of the classroom. With a fierce attitude and the talent to back it up, she heads home to the one place her brother had worked so hard to keep her from. Upon her arrival, Sledge quickly learns even good intentions can turn bad when she makes even the toughest and roughest of bikers feel like emotional teenage girls.

  Yo Neg’s been nursing his pride since the night a woman used him for a one-night stand and walked away without looking back. But imagine his surprise when that same evil vixen waltzes back into his life—and still wants nothing to do with him.

  Tank lives and breathes the MC life and never considered locking himself down with an ol’ lady. He enjoys the love ‘em and leave ‘em relationships the rats and bitches are more than happy to provide. His beliefs start to change after one taste of the most forbidden and untamable Abi. The problem—he's best friends with her brother.

  With the Diablos in their territory and lives hanging in the balance, the Devils fight to protect their own. Can Yo Neg and Tank keep the club protected and manage to beat Abi at her own game? Or does Abi prove to them that you can take the girl out of the club, but the woman who returns, forever has the blood of the Devils running through her veins.

  Burned by Abi

  Devil Savages MC

  Book Two

  by Harley McRide

  © Copyright September 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.

  ISBN #

  All cover art and logo © Copyright September 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  I want to give a huge thank you to my editors and publisher for making my dreams come true. For all the strong women like Abi who don’t count on fate for their destiny but make their own path, this one’s for you. Hugs and happy reading!

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Books by Harley McRide

  Excerpt from Bringing Harmony

  Excerpt from Sanctuary Within the Breed

  Excerpt from Beat to Their Heart

  Excerpt from Taming Chaos

  JK Publishing, Inc.


  It’d been a busy few months at the club since Brent was taken down as the mole who had been feeding Savage information to the Diablos. They’d disposed of Brent and Krista both, eliminating one last hurdle in their way of taking the Diablos down. Rose had moved into the clubhouse with her two new husbands, and was settling in as head of the ol’ ladies.

  It was at the leaders' wedding that Yo Neg’s past had come back with a bitch slap to his pride in the form of a brown-haired beauty with curves in all the right places. For one night, Yo Neg had lost his game, experiencing the same sting he brought to so many women as he walked out in the late night hours, leaving them to wake up alone. He’d buried his experience as deep as he could and left it there until she walked back into his life, looking better than ever and still uninterested and cold. Somehow, the little hellion had turned him into the bitch in the dynamics and that shit didn’t sit right at all.

  Not only was he shock to find her in his world, but the sister of one of his best friends. If Sledge ever found out about that night, blood would be shed, he was sure it would mainly be his. He vaguely remembered her when she was little, then he had not joined the Savages as a member until after he’d gotten out of the Army, and by that time she was long gone. Being only a few years older than her, mostly of what he’d known was the stories and talk about her and Sledge’s other siblings. He’d pictured acne and braces, not long legs and a huge rack. He could only hope her little homecoming appearance wouldn’t be a permanent arrangement.

  Chapter One

  Yo Neg tossed back another shot, emptying the bottle. It'd been two months since the wedding and their conversation, and despite everything they had going on, he couldn't quit replaying the moment over and over. His vision was blurred, but still the images of the long legged beauty haunted him. That night he found the one woman he couldn’t shake. Was it because she was the one who left? Did he crave the cha
se? Hell, he wasn’t one to chase any pussy—then again, nor was he one to sit like a fool and drink a woman off his mind either. The night flashed continuously in his mind, driving him to the brink of insanity.

  It had taken all the strength Yo Neg had not to toss the sexy brunette over his shoulder and carry her off. When Sledge had introduced her to them, her cocky smirk said it all. She knew good damn well what she had done and that he couldn’t say shit in front of Sledge without getting his face rearranged and risk ruining the wedding, which would lead to even more reconstructive surgery. The entire night he waited for a chance to get her alone, and when a moment of opportunity appeared, he struck. But of course the hellion had to speak first.

  “Well well. I figured you’d already be hitting the rat hole for the night. So, which lucky lady will get the honors of the white boy dick tonight?”

  “None. I plan on finishing something.” He leaned in closer to her, his head cocking to the side as the corners of his mouth tugged up.

  Abi laughed, her brow arching. “It was finished before it started. Move on to someone who’s willing to stroke your cock…and ego.” YoNeg grunted.

  “Mmm. But I wasn’t done letting you fill that position. Imagine my surprise when I reached over to grab that hot ass of yours only to find the bed cold and empty.” Yo Neg tried to keep his tone casual, not wanting the dark-haired beauty to read too far into it. He still hadn’t sorted out the reasoning for his reaction and damn sure didn’t want her to pick up on the fact she’d gotten under his skin.

  “Aww, sorry, babe. I had places to go, people to do. You know how it is.” Amusement flashed in her eyes taunting him.

  “Playing hard to get isn’t flattering, Abi. Why don’t you just admit you ran scared because I gave you what you need…what that sweet little pussy craves…” Yo Neg leaned in, tracing his finger across her plump lips.

  “It was good, but forgettable. Don’t flatter yourself too much, white boy. Run along and go find some dumb bimbo before you embarrass yourself even more.” She patted his cheek and smiled. All of her body language and words were cold and detached but what he saw in her dark eyes that peaked his interest and intoxicated him. The huge almond-shaped black pools were a window, giving him a clear view into her heart. Lust. Need. Fear. Abi could pretend to be some badass cold hearted bitch, but that night what they shared between them and what he read in her soul, he knew better. She’d been nothing but pure passionate woman for those few hours before sunrise, her hard exterior lowered. Inside, Yo Neg had seen her for who she really was. “I seem to remember the night a little differently. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it you who was on your knees begging for more? Screaming my name repeatedly as I worked your body like a puppet… How many times did you come that night? Twelve? Thirteen? I know it was over six before I shoved my dick in you the first time…” He took a step closer to invade her space with hopes to shake her composure. Abi didn’t flinch. She held her ground, pushing back even more.

  “Oh yes, that’s right. It did take you four times to get the job done, didn’t it? See you around, white boy.” Her snarky tone only turned him on more. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, giving him one last once over and disappeared into the crowd, leaving him pissed and his dick throbbing.

  She hadn’t been seen since, which was probably for the best. He’d taken a different woman, sometimes more than one each night since with the hopes of erasing her from his system, to put her out of his thoughts but it had been to no avail.

  “Hey, Rumble in ten. You don’t wanna be late.” Tonto grinned as he walked by, lugging a case of beer. Good. Maybe focusing some of his pent up frustration on the fuckin’ Mexicans would do him some good.

  Yo Neg rounded the corner, falling in next to Tonto as they walked upstairs where the meetings were held. “Party tonight?”

  “Yeah, why? You need to scratch an itch?” Tonto laughed.

  “Always. We need some new pussy in here though. It’d be nice to feel something rub against my dick for once when I fuck. These rats are beat out, stretched out, and washed up.”

  Tonto laughed. “I’ll see if I can’t round up some fresh after Rumble. There’s been a bunch of requests, I just haven’t had time to go over their background checks and shit. Put your order in with Sandman after and we’ll get some delivered.” He pushed through the door into the room where people were already trickling in to take a seat. He dropped down in his normal spot, propping his foot up against the metal desk that sat in front. Once the room became overstuffed once again with members, Tonto got their attention.

  “Yes, I know we need to move Rumble to a bigger facility and we are working on it. Hang tight and I’ll try to make it fast. First order of business, I want you all to welcome back a family member of the Savages, Abi Moon. Even against Sledge's protests, She's been one of us for most of her life, even against all of Sledge’s protests. He couldn’t keep her away, so come on up, Abi.” All eyes turned to the back of the room to see the small girl they all once knew. Yo Neg, on the other hand, dropped his head into his hands, staring at the floorboards. “Fuck me,” he mumbled to himself. He’d only seen her a few times when he too was young coming to the family get togethers with his father, but she had changed so much since those days…as had he.

  “You wish,” Tonka said only loud enough for him to hear. Yo Neg looked up to find his brother reveling in his misery with a shit-eating grin. Before Yo Neg had time to retaliate and cover his ass, Abi was standing directly in front of him, smiling smugly.

  “It’s good to be back home. College was fine, but now that it’s over, there’s no way Sledge can keep me away from my home.” Her smug smirk set his teeth on edge. Women usually weren’t allowed in Rumble but given she had been a Savage since she was still in pigtails despite being sheltered from most of the life, it was only fitting to give her a proper reintroduction.

  Abi had been shoved in one boarding school after another, kept away in Sledge’s poor attempts to give her some normalcy and out of the biker life. His failed attempts only made her seek them out more. When he’d finally gotten her through high school, he didn’t waste anytime sending her to the University of Ohio. But the university didn’t offer much to entertain an eighteen year old, so it wasn’t long that her rebellious boredom landed her into a gym that happened to train and house some of the nation’s top MMA fighters. Halfway through her education, MMA took priority and she’d dropped out of her last two classes, taking to the gym full time.

  Sledge had visited a few times, and his choosing to fund housing for her off campus in attempts to keep distractions at a minimum had worked to her advantage once she’d dropped her classes and put all her time into training. She’d managed to keep it a secret for the rest of her time attending college and so far, he was none the wiser.

  “We’ll get you settled in after Rumble. It’s good to have you back where you belong, kid.” Tonto hugged her and nodded for her to take her leave. She intentionally walked by Yo Neg, brushing her bare leg against his as she passed. Little bitch. Yo Neg held back a growl, both from his throbbing cock and irritation. A few welcome backs were murmured and hugs given as she made her way out, the smirk still tugging at the corners of her lips.

  Once the door had firmly closed behind her, Tonto continued with the meeting. “We’ve received word that there’s been Diablos spotted popping up out of nowhere just outside of the Arizona desert. Now, since there aren’t any holes in the fence, they are entering via another route. My guess is they are going Fast and Furious through tunnels. After our meeting with the Ops Warriors, most of you know I informed Creed that we would take the ride to check some shit out since we are only a couple hours away. So, I want to send a scout team out. If we can find the rats' hole, it’ll lead back to their head honcho. Eliminate the leader and the brainless cockroaches won’t know what to do.”

  “After, we can cut off their way across the border and leave the fuckin’ bastards where they belong, it’ll take awhile
for them to come up with another hair brained idea and we can be one step ahead of them.” Digs folded his arms, his normal intensity radiating off him.

  “Exactly. We ride tonight. The sooner we can get this shit sorted and finished, the sooner we can get back to normalcy around here.” Tonto continued discussing the so called ‘normal’ business, including financial reports from their businesses and an approximate re-opening of the Pit. With the Diablos hot in the area and since the last little hiccup they’d had, the club had made an anonymous decision to shut their less than legal fight club down and stick to the legal fights and businesses. They’d taken a hit in profits, but had made other ways to compensate their lacking money flow. With headline named bands playing at the casino and popular faces dancing on the poles, they’d still come out banking.


  After Rumble, the usual club shindig was in full swing. The ol’ ladies and bitches had prepared enough food to feed an army—which was what they were doing. Spaghetti, bread, salad, and enough dessert selections had the men sitting fat and happy with only one thing on their mind—babes and booze. The rats were already out in full swing, leaving little left to the imagination on what they wanted. Most were half-dressed, walking around in not much more than a Band-Aid for a skirt and a sheer bra or nothing at all covering their tits.

  Yo Neg and Tonka sat in the far back corner, watching the night unfold. “Where’s the fresh meat we were promised?” Tonka grumbled. He, like YoNeg, was tired of the same worn out asses night after night. They hadn’t been on a ride in weeks, so getting new cunt was harder in the civilian world. Bitches expected more than they were willing to give. Even the dancers were clingy little sluts, thinking if they got the ‘D’ they were entitled to the cash stack.


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