Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2)

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Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2) Page 10

by Harley McRide

  Tonka and Sledge crossed the room toward Yo Neg. Tonka’s expression was cold in anticipation for the falling out that was about to take place. He and Yo Neg had no choice but to fess up.

  “What chance was that, Yo Neg?” Sledge’s shoulders squared off and he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Of all the times for this to be dragged out into the open… Tonka went on defense, his hackles rising.

  “None of your fuckin’ business, Sledge. Leave it alone.” Tonka took a step forward, blocking Sledge from Yo Neg.

  “He fucked my sister. It’s my business.” Sledge didn’t back down.

  “She’s an adult. Who she wants to sleep with is her business, not yours. You should be more concerned at the shithole death trap you had her living in. If you’re out to protect her, you have a fucked up way of showing it.” Tonka’s temper mounted.

  “Tonka, not your fight. Get the fuck out of the way,” Sledge said, not taking his eyes off Yo Neg.

  “It is my fight. Abi belongs to me,” he confessed. His timing couldn’t have been worse, but it didn’t matter. If he had to fight his best friend over her, so be it.

  “And me,” Yo Neg added. Well, it was nice to see he wasn’t the only one with impeccable timing. Sledge stepped up, his chest bumping Tonka’s.

  “What did you say?” he whispered.

  “You heard me. Now back off.”

  “Back off? You fuck my sister, and tell me to back off? We’ve been brothers a long time. You of all people should know that ain’t gonna happen. If you were anyone else, your fucking throats would be slit and your bodies rotting in the desert. I may not kill you two, but you’ll wish you were fucking dead!” Sledge drew back his sledge-like fist and punched Tonka in the jaw, sending him stumbling a few steps backwards. Yo Neg got the same treatment, only he was ready for it. In a quick dodge, Yo Neg weaved to the side and hit Sledge in the side of the head, ringing his ears. Tonka stood back, allowing Sledge the benefit of a fair fight. He’d get his turn all right, and when he did, Sledge wouldn’t ever forget his place again. The two went blow for blow, equal in strength and maneuver. Hell, they should considering the three of them had learned their street fighting skills in the backyard as kids. They knew each other’s fighting tactics and weaknesses.

  Sledge caught Yo Neg in a right hook that left him shaken enough he knocked him to the ground, momentarily giving him an upper hand. A crowd had begun to gather, none stupid enough to stop them. Fights within the club were rare but did happen and was to be expected with all the raging testosterone and egos. Tonka caught Tonto positioned at the back, his eyebrow arched in warning. Tonka knew enough not to jump in. Sledge was his best friend, and when he kicked his ass, it would be a fair fuckin’ fight. So, he sat back and waited.

  As Sledge climbed on top of Yo Neg and reared back to hit him, a black blur jotted into the mix and shoved him off. “What the fuck!” Abi looked at the three of them, daggers shooting out of her eyes. With Tonka’s eye already turning purple and the other two showing more wear for the worry, there was no escaping her.

  “Stay out of this, Abi!” Sledge bellowed at her.

  “Wrong answer,” Abi spat, cocking back and knocking him off Yo Neg. Tonka stepped forward and grabbed her, keeping her off Sledge. “Get your fucking hands off of me now!” She threw an elbow and hit him in the ribs, tossing her hands up in the air. “Who’s next?” When the three of them just stared at her, she laughed. “That’s what I thought. Stay the fuck out of my business.” Abi turned and blew out the door, the sound of her bike roaring to life as she spun out of the parking lot. The moment she hit the pavement, she gunned it.

  Chapter Eight

  Abi ordered another drink in hopes the burn of the booze would douse the adrenaline rush so she wouldn’t go back and beat Tonka, Yo Neg, and Sledge within an inch of their life. The entire situation was wearing on her, breaking down her guard. She didn’t want to admit having feelings for either Tonka or Yo Neg, but her heart begged to differ. For a split second, she felt something she’d never felt before and damn sure didn’t want to analyze it. Admitting and pondering always ended in pain. That’s why she’d turned to fighting. In the ring, everything disappeared. It wasn’t about anger and emotion, it was about technique. That’s what set her above the other women in the sport. Most women ran off emotion. If they got hit or hurt, they got angry. Abi didn’t. She turned her anger and pain into energy and focused on her training.

  When she finally began to feel her heart rate steady and allowed the tunes from the jukebox to work on her mood, two familiar faces walked through the bar. It didn’t take them long to pick her out of the crowd and head in her direction, much to Abi’s aversion.

  “Hey, girl! What are you doing slumming it? You should be out somewhere fancy being wined and dined by some rich suit after the fight you gave!” Chelsea pulled up the barstool next to her, smiling. Abi actually liked Chelsea for the most part. The little pixie was a sweetheart with a kick ass attitude that wasn’t much different from her own. Cherry, the one she’d seen rubbing up on Tonka later that night, remained standing in her bitch pose. She had one hip cocked dramatically, her arms across her barely clothed chest, and a sickly amount of make-up on. At least she embraced her inner gutter slut. Kudos for that. Still, Abi’s fist itched to chisel some of it away.

  Abi laughed. “Some day maybe. What are you up to?”

  “We’re here for ladies’ night. Rumor has it, there’s a bus full of sexy soldiers coming in from a long, long deployment. This is the bar they stop in when they come through…” her eyes sparkled, “and we are going to give them a proper welcome home.” She pointed down to her outfit. Abi had to stifle a laugh at the red white and blue sparkling strips of material over her nipples and around her waist. The so-called skirt looked about as big as a Band-Aid. If the girl coughed or bent in any direction, all of her goods would be exposed. Knowing the rats, she didn’t have a stitch of underwear on. Her outfit was more tactful than Cherry’s. Hers looked more like she used Kindergarten paste to glue strips of scrap material from Chelsea’s outfit on. If she was going for the ‘trying too hard’ look, she nailed it.

  “Very patriotic. It’s good to see you doing your part to support the troops.” Abi had to gulp her drink to keep from popping off jokes. She didn’t want to insult the girl, and wasn’t ever one to judge… There were just so many things she could say that her mind was overloading. So so so many jokes…

  “Just doin’ my duty. We have a bunch of games to play to keep it fun… Give a hummer, suck a ruck sack, raise the flag… I just hope they show up.” Her sincerity in the situation was what made it funnier. The girl loved to fuck, and had no shame. It was nice to see her passion and dedication. Too bad it wouldn’t earn a living or the girl would be set for life. Then again, maybe she’d find that sex crazed sugar daddy that could keep up with her and take care of everything.

  Abi giggled. “Very…creative. I’m sure they will appreciate the effort.”

  “Ooh there’s Jules. She’s the one who called about them arriving tonight. I’ll be right back.” Chelsea hopped off her stool and bounced across the room to the normally clothed blonde. Well, normal in the sense she didn’t look like she was at a Playboy mansion party. She still had on a mini skirt, but it was at least three of Chelsea’s sewed together. Her thigh high-heeled boots and halter top made her look like a nun next to these two. Abi turned her attention back to her drink, forgetting that Cherry still stood there.

  “So, you planning to join in the celebration?” Cherry’s eyes roamed up and down Abi, her face drawn.

  Abi laughed out loud at the presumption and her over obvious insecurities. “Nope, they’re all yours.”

  “Oh what? You think you’re too good or something? Or is it because you are hung up on Tonto and Yo Neg?”

  “No, I—” Cherry cut Abi off.

  “Those two are out of your league, sweetheart. Guys like them want a real woman, not a woman trapped in a man’s body.
They want a soft body to sink into, not feel like they are fucking another dude. You’d do best just to realize that now and save yourself the trouble.” Her words cut through Abi like a blade. She wanted to be pissed at the girl, and despite how catty the bitch had meant it or not, it hit a nerve. She was right.

  “Watch yourself, rat. I’m a hell of a lot more woman than you can handle and won’t think twice about messing up that pretty little face of yours.” Abi leaned against her elbow, sizing up the woman. If she meant it as insulting, she was stupid. There was no way a cracked out buck five bag of bones would insult someone who had spent the past few years in a gym.

  Cherry put up her hands in defense, smirking. “It’s not my fault the truth hurts. He came to me, not you…remember?” She left out the part about them not technically sleeping together, fighting the snarl at the memory. “Listen, I’m not trying to be a bitch. I don’t want to see you go through the same thing all of us have time and time again. Why do you think I became a rat? It’s easier to not expect anything but a good time. If by some chance I make it to be a bitch or an ol’ lady, surprise for me. If not, no harm, no foul, great sex.”

  Damn her for trying to act like she’s my friend or something. The worst part was she had a point. Not a very positive spin on life in general, but realistic and not far from the way Abi had thought since the day her parents had died. She could understand her attitude, but wasn’t in the mood to talk. The whole point of her little bar outing was to forget, not discuss it with some skanky rat.

  Cheering and applause exploded from the front of the bar. Abi turned to see what the fuss was about when Chelsea came bouncing back over and grabbed Cherry’s hand, possibly saving her ass from a beat down. “Come on! They’re here! Abi, you coming?” Her face was aglow with excitement. Abi couldn’t help but smile.

  “No, you two go ahead. Treat those boys right and be sure to thank them for me.”

  “Will do. Come on! We need to be the first picks if we want to get the good ones. Hurry your skank ass up!” Chelsea was definitely a spirited little hoe, and there was no doubt she’d make a lot of lonely soldiers happy. The bar began to fill up with camouflage everywhere. Time to go. "Check please!” Abi called to the bartender. It took him a little while to get to her with the rush of new orders, which gave three separate horny soldiers time to give her their spill in some of the worst pickup lines she’d ever heard. All three of them used their long deployment story in the hopes of a sympathy fuck. Abi laughed and declined politely, but couldn’t help but enjoy the confidence boost they’d given her. Why couldn’t the two men she actually wanted feel the same about her as these men? They were all sexy as sin, built, and looking for a wild night, but that wasn’t much different from all the bikers.

  When she finally managed to get her check paid and make her way out the door, Abi welcomed the warm night air. She looked up at the blanket of stars and full moon above and let it soothe her soul. Tonight was a perfect night for a ride. She pulled out on to the main road and opened the throttle, letting the road lead her.


  Tonka met Yo Neg at the bar, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of Diablos. There were Savages strategically scattered throughout and stationed at each of the exits just in case they wanted to make an appearance. He ordered a drink and settled into the booth facing the door. “Do you realize this is the longest either of us have gone without a piece of ass?”

  “Hello to you too, but you’re not my type,” Yo Neg swigged his beer.

  “Fuck you, you know what I mean.”

  Yo Neg shook his head. “Yeah. So, what’s your plan?”

  “Not this. Hell, we both knew when we started this shit that Abi wasn’t a casual piece of ass. If she starts to feel that it is, she’s gone.” Tonka huffed out a deep breath. “It’s time to step up or shut up.”

  Yo Neg rubbed his chin in thought. “You think it could work? I mean, the three of us? Forever’s a long time.”

  “Worked for Tonto and Sandman so far. Hell, Rose has been the best thing that’s ever happened to them. I don’t see why there’d be a problem. We’ve been friends a long fuckin’ time. It’s not like we haven’t shared women before…”

  “Taking a woman together is different than sharing a woman. Hell, how do we know if she’ll even be open to something like this? Settling down is the last thing on her list right now.” The last thing Yo Neg wanted was to lock her up and make her unhappy. Abi was wild, and needed room to run. The only place he ever wanted to take full control was in the bedroom, and given her response, it was what she needed too.

  As much as Tonka didn’t want to admit it, he had a point. “Who said anything about settling down? The only difference will be her in our bed every night. She can still follow her dreams. We aren’t taking that away from her or expecting her to be barefoot and pregnant chained in the kitchen. I can’t lose her, Yo Neg. I’m in love with her.”

  Yo Neg sat silent a few minutes, his eyes glued to the label on his beer bottle. When he looked up, Tonka saw a new side of him. “So am I. What do we do?”

  “First of all, we need to talk to Sledge. It’s only right he knows our intentions and whether he kicks our asses or not, it has to be done. Then, we go to Tonto. Our girl is over qualified for just a normal ol’ lady position in the ranks. She’s an asset whether the guys want to acknowledge it or not.”

  Yo Neg snorted. “That’s an understatement. That girl is badass to the core. I just hope we never piss her off enough to see her full capabilities. I’d hate to get my ass kicked by my wife.”

  “No shit,” Tonka snickered.

  “If I’m going to be stuck with someone the rest of my life, I guess I could do worse than having to see your ugly mug every day. Let’s do this.”

  “All right. To the rest of our lives, may our sexy little kitten not claw out our eyes, and marry us without us having to tie her ass up,” he raised his glass, laughing.

  “Here here.” Yo Neg downed the rest of his beer, waving over the waitress for another round.

  “I don’t know about you, but if I can’t get pussy, I’m getting drunk.” Tonka turned to the waitress, “Can you bring a bottle of Tequila and a couple shot glasses?” She batted her heavily painted eyes and smiled.

  “Sure thing, sexy. Is there anything else I can get you?” He knew what she was offering, and grunted. Not from you, but if you could coax Abi into being naked in our bed when we get home, that’d be great, he thought. How had one woman ruined him on all tail? He couldn’t even appreciate the bitch’s half exposed tits. He shook his head with a grunt, waving her away.

  “Yeah, I feel it too, bro. We need to get this fixed sooner or later or my balls are going to fuckin’ fall off. No man should go this long without pussy. It’s unethical.”

  “Agreed. Jergen's lotion for jerking isn’t working. I’m getting carpal tunnel.”


  Dawn had already peaked when Abi pulled in and parked at the clubhouse. The drive had been greatly needed. Now, she wanted a long soak in the tub—after locking the fucking adjoining door—and to curl up in the big soft bed. She quietly walked up the porch, greeting Prospects Beau and Eric on the way in.

  “Everything go okay last night?”

  “Yeah. Had a few punk kids drinking out back we had to deal with, but other than that it was quiet,” Beau answered, his blue eyes heavy. It was about time for another two Prospects to take over for them and from the looks of it, none too soon.

  “Good. Have a good night.”

  “You too.” Beau was one of the Prospects that still held a bit of innocence to him. He had the heart and desire to be a biker but less haunting him from his past than most of them.

  Abi walked in and up the stairs quietly to her room, careful to open the door without waking everyone up. Before she could get inside, Tonka’s door swung open, his glare falling on her. He stood totally butt ass naked looking like someone pissed in his corn flakes. “Where the fuck have you been?” His voi
ce was a low rumble. She cocked her head slightly, wondering if she’d heard him correctly or if he was really that stupid. Did nothing she’d said earlier sink in? Did she need to bash him upside the head for it to make sense too?

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Where. Have. You. Been.”

  Abi groaned, feeling her temper take flight once again. So much for the long ride therapy. “Did you not understand earlier? I thought I made it perfectly clear that you don’t get to ask those questions. You have no fucking claim on me, nor do you have any business knowing what I do or don’t do. I suggest you haul your naked ass back to your room before I give you a taste of what my brother got tonight…except, I’ve had a really, really, really bad day. One punch isn’t gonna cut my little attitude problem.” She narrowed her eyes, squaring back her shoulders, daring him to test her. He didn’t back away. Instead, the stupid ass closed the distance between them in two huge steps and grabbed her arms, pinning her against the wall. He lowered his face to hers, and said, “When you fucking leave this building, you take a fucking Prospect with you. You may think you are some badass hot shit, but I promise even you can’t take on a group of Diablos all pointing guns at your fucking skull. They will rape you, cut you, torture you, and toss your body out for the fucking dogs to eat. Quit being stupid!” He pushed off the wall to walk away, but not quick enough. Abi Jabbed him hard and fast in the kidney with her left fist and raised her knee at the same time until he thought he could taste his nut sack. He doubled over to the floor, groaning. She stepped over him and went in her room, slamming the door behind her.

  “You’re gonna pay for that. That little ass is going to be red!” he gasped through the closed door.


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