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Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2)

Page 13

by Harley McRide

  Yo Neg looked down at her and wiped her face, his voice soft. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, Abi.” He pushed his dick in her mouth, groaning. “That’s it. Suck your juices off my dick.” She groaned again, tasting herself on him and sucked him down until her chin hit his balls. “Fuck!” he gasped.

  “She sucks dick like a fucking pro, huh?” Tonka bragged.

  “Fuck yes she does. Wear that tight little pussy out. Make her come until we are done with her.” Yo Neg set a pace, sliding between her lips.

  “My pleasure,” Tonka howled. He reached under her and found her clit, rubbing it in circles. Her hips bucked backwards against him and this time he gave her what she wanted. Together, the two fucked her into a never ending orgasm that had them both firing off inside her. Tonka fought the vise grip she had on his rod, slamming deep up in her and exploded squirt after squirt of his seed to fill her cunt, jerking with a loud roar. Yo Neg was right behind him, spilling his seed down her throat. He held himself in her mouth until she’d swallowed the last drop and pulled out, dropping back onto the mattress. He gently pulled her up in his arms while Tonka went to get a warm cloth to clean her up.

  “You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever known, Abi.” He wiped the hair off her face, dropping feather light kisses along her brow.

  “You’re pretty awesome yourself, stud.” Her sweet smile melted his heart. She stared at him for a moment, finally speaking again. “I’ve never loved anybody like I love you guys. I’d always just thought there was something wrong with me. No one has ever satisfied my needs like you two do.”

  “That’s because you’ve never trusted enough to hand over all control to someone until us. You’ve always been ours, Abi. I love you.” Tonka kissed her cheek, throwing the cloth in the direction of the bathroom, and then crawled up beside them. She rolled over and kissed him, grinning. “Just keep in mind, I may let you two run things in the bedroom, but that’s as far as it goes.”

  The guys chuckled, tickling her until things heated up again. The rest of the night they made love to her over and over, branding her as theirs forever.

  Chapter Eleven

  Figures they’d give her the wrong time so she’d be late. Good thing she anticipated that and left an hour earlier than he’d said. His glare when she pulled up made her grin. Asshole.

  They were already pulling into formation so she took her spot toward the back, in front of the three Prospects that were joining them but behind the other patches. She may have a place within the ranks, but her new initiation meant she needed to pay her time to regain a spot further up. With her being the only female even considered to be on the inside more than the ol’ ladies, it was best she kept to the back on runs anyway.

  Yo Neg saw the purple and black Harley roar up to the group and fall into formation and cussed. He’d had no idea she’d be joining them and didn’t like it…not one bit. She may be tough, but she had no business going out on a ride like this. It was too damn dangerous. What the fuck was Tonto thinking? Goddamn if she wasn’t dressed to kill. The idea of riding hours with a raging hard-on didn’t sit well, so he willed his attention elsewhere. “You see what just pulled up?” he said, leaning over to Tonka.

  “Yep. You didn’t actually expect her to not figure it out and show up did you?”

  “Uh, yeah. I told her the wrong damn time even. How the hell does she do that?”

  Tonka sighed. “I don’t know, but just think, she gets a few good kills in now, she’s going to be all amped up tonight. This is beneficial to us.” Tonka’s mind once again went to sex.

  “Good point. I guess we will just have to punish her that much more for putting herself in danger like this. Here.” Yo Neg handed him an extra pistol. “The more fire power, the better to keep her safe.”

  Tonka nodded. “She’s loaded to the hilt with iron. I stocked her saddlebags this morning, just in case.”

  Yo Neg agreed. She may not be at home where they wanted her, but at least she was amongst some of the toughest, most badass men around. He saw some of the others strapping on their helmets and let out a deep breath. Good. The faster they got going, the faster this shit could get done.

  After the first few miles, Abi relaxed into the soft hum of her Harley, allowing the warm breeze to settle her soul. It didn’t take long for the last little bit of frustration to dissipate, leaving her mind focused on the warm night air and blanket of stars above. Nothing compared to an Arizona summer night. It was as close as one could get back to their heritage; back where her ancestors hunted the land and slept under the very same stars. Abi took in a deep breath, allowing the nostalgia to take over. “Mmm,” she hummed. The rest of the ride was peaceful, like the calm before a storm. It’d been a while since she’d gotten her hands dirty, and as wrong as it may seem, she couldn’t wait.

  Just before they reached the divide, Tonto led them off onto a highway rest stop for them to go over the plan. He pulled out the map of where the tunnel was thought to be and had the others gather around to point out each member’s routes. “I need one group to head off the west side. Sandman, you take the lead. Once you get inside, you’ll come to a fork half a mile underground. Split off and set the detonations here,” he pointed to an ‘x’ marked on the map, “here,” his finger moved to another red mark before pointing to the last one, “and here. Same thing for Yo Neg, hit the same spots in your tunnel. As soon as we clear the mouth of the cave, both of you hit the button. If we’re lucky it’ll bury some of them sonofabitches alive.”

  “Then how are we gonna find the motherfucker in charge?” Gage asked.

  Tonto’s eyes lit up. “The third tunnel. It’s about a hundred miles east of here. If I had to put money on it, I’d just about guarantee that’s the route to the center of their operation. If not to their headquarters, to another spot up on the totem pole that will lead us in the right direction. For now, we destroy what we can and get out. Later, we can come back up to see what’s waiting behind door number three. Any questions?” He looked around, seeing the same hate filled eyes he held glaring back at him. Good. They were pissed. If things went right, hopefully they might see a little action tonight and blow off some steam. All the guys had been chomping at the bit to make someone bleed and tonight was as good as any.

  As Tonto led them toward their target, Yo Neg focused on the task at hand. With a new distraction, he felt somewhat normal again. It was time to go to work and get his man card back.

  It wasn’t long before they cut their headlights and neared the border, taking extra caution not to be detected by the U.S. border patrol. That’d be some ironic shit if they did, considering Mexico had a soldier in prison for doing his job and the U.S. had yet to get him home. God only knew what they’d do with bunch of hard ass bikers with a bad rep making pleas of trying to stop drug trafficking.

  They neared the tunnel opening that was a couple hundred yards away, only able to locate them with the aid of a GPS system. This was the third tunnel Tonto had mapped out, that if their Intel was correct, led to both openings which were heavily camouflaged behind trees and bushes that made them next to impossible to see with the naked eye. The two teams split off, entering cautiously through the darkness. Once inside, the narrow mouth opened up wide enough to fit two cars with passing space. Dirt flooring and walls gave the feel of being a groundhog, with rough jagged rocks sticking out from all directions. The stifling air made his lungs heavy, weighting down his chest as the dry heat seeped through his skin.

  They’d slowed cautiously, unsure what the road ahead might hold. With only one way out, it made tension so thick a knife couldn’t cut. If an ambush awaited ahead, they were fucked. It’d be a full on shootout. The darkness led on for a few hundred yards before they came to the first drop light hanging off the side of the wall. Its dim glow showed just enough to help them navigate through the dirt hole. As they neared the center, it hadn’t changed much. Pot marks in the walls gave the impression the majority of dirt had been hand dug
by what they could only assume was enslaved or forced workers. Mexico wasn’t exactly the most friendly when it came to work environment or conditions, they were equal opportunists, not equal opportunity employers. Women, children, old and young, were all forced into hard labor by the cartels until they either worked themselves to death or the job was finished and they were disposed of. Knowing the Diablos, there was no level they wouldn’t sink to.

  Gage and Tonka placed the explosives in the three locations as instructed and readied them for detonation before they turned to head back. Headlights behind them caught their attention and got them moving only moments before bullets whizzed overhead. “Let’s move!” Yo Neg yelled. The group sped back toward the exit, all watching over their shoulder at the group of gangbangers closing in.

  The moment they hit the opening, Yo Neg pushed the button on a small remote detonator and blew the tunnel, timing it just right where everyone made it out moments before the mouth caved in. Unfortunate for the Diablos, a few managed to escape unharmed…for the moment.

  Abi spotted two gunmen running toward Gage and aimed the 9 mm, dropping them both off in the blink of an eye. She turned and saw the guys handling a few escapees off to her left so she kept her eyes roaming for any signs of others. About a hundred yards away a Diablo was crouched down in the grass with a blade trying to sneak up on Yo Neg while he worked on getting Intel from their captive. “Oh no you don’t you dirty dickhead,” she mumbled. She swung out wide, keeping her footsteps silent as she moved in behind the piece of shit. By the time he realized she’d walked up on him, it was too late. Abi kicked the knife out of his hand, sending it flying. She kicked his torso, dropping down to her knees in full mount for a better reach. Hit after hit she peppered his face. The commotion got the others’ attention and they hurried over to help.

  “You can either talk, or we’ll make you talk. Where is the leader of the Diablos?” Tonto asked.

  “I’m not telling you shit, cholo. Go fuck yourself.”

  “Wrong answer, maggot. Now we make you.” Abi reached down to her side, extracting the blade out of the sheath that hung from her belt loop.

  “What, this is what you are going to get me to sing? A fucking whore?”

  “No, she’s an enforcer, and I damn sure wouldn’t want to be in your shoes. Little word of advice? Don’t piss her off, fuckhead.” Sandman laughed.

  Abi grazed the knife over the man’s cheek, catching the tip of the blade in the corner of his mouth. “Answer,” she said, her voice calm.

  “Fuck you, puta!” he said, spitting at her.

  “I thought you’d say that. I think you’re a little too tight lipped. Let’s fix that.” She dug the blade deeper between his lips and tugged, slicing his mouth open almost to his ear. He let out a rabid scream, tugging against the guys who held him. “You can either answer, or I’ll make the other side match. You’re choice.” When he didn’t say a word, she cut open the other side of his mouth, this time intentionally shoving the blunt metal past his jaw joint and severed it in two. The Diablo passed out from the pain and loss of blood and she huffed in frustration.

  “We don’t have to worry about him running his mouth anymore,” Chief snorted.

  “Fuck!” Abi fumed.

  “He wasn’t going to talk anyway. Finish him off and make it messy. We want the buzzards and animals to get rid of the evidence before sunrise.” Sandman turned and walked away. Abi stabbed the blade through the chest bone and gutted him all the way down to his groin. Before she went any farther, she pulled down his pants, almost puking at the smell.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Tonka asked.

  “This.” Abi got his jeans open and pulled the knife out of his gut, swinging it hard enough it severed the Diablo’s dick and balls off his body. The guys hissed, turning their heads.

  “Damn, you’re brutal. If didn't know you were related to Sledge before, we would now. No mercy, and we like it,” Tonto said. “You are definitely one woman I’d never want to piss off.” His eyes fell on Yo Neg and Tonka in sympathy.

  “Why do you think we try so hard to keep her happy? I damn sure don’t want to wake up one morning and find my cock and balls marinating in a jar.” Tonka grabbed himself, the memory of her deadly knee returning.

  “I’m going to have to bleach my fuckin’ knife now, the nasty fuck.” The men all looked at her in surprise. They couldn’t help but be impressed at her brutality. If anyone had any doubts whatsoever of her worth in the club, there wasn’t any now.

  With no left survivors, they did one last search and headed back home. The third tunnel might have been a dud, but if they could make these three tunnels undetected, they knew there was no doubt there were more.

  On the ride home, Tonka and Yo Neg pulled off on an exit, luring Abi to follow. They drove the dark road a few miles out until they reached a dead end road and parked, tossing their helmets to the side.

  “What are we doing out here in the middle of nowhere?” Abi asked.

  “Fucking. Strip. Now.” Yo Neg watched the arousal wash over her at his words. Once she stood before them totally naked, he pointed to his bike. “Lean over it and don’t let go. Your pretty little ass could have gotten hurt back there, taking on a Diablo by yourself. Now, we are going to make you pay the price.” From the wobble in her walk, it wouldn’t take much to set her off. Good. That’s exactly what they wanted.

  Swat after swat came down on her bare ass, her yelps turning into guilty moans. “Mmm. I love to hear you scream our names. Hold on baby and let us take you for a ride.”

  “If you think you can handle it…” she taunted, gasping when it got the response she’d hoped for.


  Heaven grabbed Alice and Lacey, Rose’s younger sisters who were now over eighteen and more wild than ever, by the hair and drug them out the door. “Do you have any idea what the fuck you two were about to get in the middle of? That wasn’t flour on the counter. That was fucking meth!”

  “Ooouch! We know! Just because it’s there doesn’t mean we were going to do it! We were just having fun!” Lacey squealed.

  “You were having fun, in a damn bar! If the Savages didn’t have ties with the owner I’d of called the damn cops and had his liquor license revoked you little brats!” Heaven growled.

  “We are grown. Rose can’t keep tabs on us like this. She isn’t even in charge of us anymore! I was ten minutes away from hooking up with the guitar player, dammit!” Alice yelped when Heaven tugged her wig harder, making her whole head sting.

  “That is no place for the two of you. You want to have fun, fine. But it’s not going to be somewhere where you can get roofied and end up in an emergency room after being raped and beat. Get your asses in the car now!” Heaven shoved them toward her car, swinging open her own door harder than necessary. Of all the places for these two to sneak into, Club Zero was worse than any biker bar she’d ever been in. It was notorious for drugs, girls getting mickied and raped, waking up the next day with no memory other than a hell of a hangover, and the string of missing girls that never showed back up after their night o’ fun. With Rose’s pregnancy in its final term and her stuck on bed rest, Heaven was flying solo.

  She pulled in to the clubhouse and killed the engine, spotting Twelve Gage and Colt working on a bike. “I need zip ties and some place to hold two heathens!” she yelled. Colt looked at her curiously, unsure what the hell she was talking about. He cautiously walked over to her and propped an arm up on the roof of her little sports car and smirked. “What has you all pissy?”

  “Two eighteen year old girls.”

  “And you brought them here?” he asked, his eyebrow arching.

  “Yeah, considering they are Rose’s sisters,” she huffed.

  His facial expression changed in understanding. “Oooh. Damn. Okay, put them upstairs on the far wing down at the end. They can share a room next to yours, that way you can keep track of them without Rose catching wind and trying to get out of that bed. She’s
done been carried back three times when Prez and Sandman left. Prez said cuff her ass if we have to, but none of us are that stupid. I don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night with a gun pointed at my dick.”

  “That’s probably a good decision. Let me get thing one and thing two locked up and I’ll go check on her.” Heaven heaved a deep breath, swearing. “I’m never having kids. Ever!” She swung open the back door and let the terrible twosome out, pointing to the clubhouse. “Go in and wait for me. If you so much as breathe in the wrong direction, I’ll beat the living shit out of both of you, got it?”

  “You can’t do that… I’ll call child protective services,” Alice spat in a snotty grumble.

  “You aren’t a kid, and if you think the cops are going to side with you after I explain the shit you have been in lately, you’ve got another thing coming. Don’t push me, little girl. I’m not your mother, and I’m not your sister. I will tear your shit up, got it?” She waved her finger in their face, her shoulders squared off. She was pissed enough that if either of them even smirked again, she was going to slap the shit out of them. Both girls stormed off, their stomps over dramatic even for them. She shook her head in disbelief.

  “Don’t let them get you so worked up. Let them stick around here for a while. They’ll get their shit straight,” Twelve Gage said, walking up behind her. He rested his hands on her shoulders and began to rub at the knots that had formed since her babysitting duties had started the moment she got the call two hours ago.

  “Damn. Thanks…” She rolled her neck, feeling the muscles start to relax. “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me, Twelve Gage. Either you want something, or you’re sick.” He huffed against her hair.

  “I’m not sick. Can’t a guy just be nice without wanting something?”

  “No,” she giggled.


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