23 kilometers West of Ciego de Avila
October 2, 2018 L Day plus One
11:02 AM
As the bullets furiously peppered the train cars the first of the large mortars fired by the rebels hit just north of the tracks near the front of the train. The next rounds safely straddled the tracks and were laid on to make sure no enemy pushed through the ambush zone. He just did not have enough troops to cover the front. As the communists scrambled out of the railroad cars a group of about forty surged away from the tracks to the south. They must have perceived that there was less fire from that direction. The mortar fire jumped in front of the hard charging Communists.
Then it walked in slowly on the troops like giant exploding footfalls. The soldiers fell back into thicker foliage near the tracks but there was no escaping the falling rounds. Twelve T-62 tanks stately rested on their flat cars. The hatches remained closed, the tanks lifeless. The train had come to rest close to the blown track. Putting the T-62’s well within the firing range of the rebel riflemen. As the surviving tank crews scrambled toward their tanks they found themselves under the murderous fire of the rebel infantry and their machine guns. One tanker managed to climb a tank and open its hatch before succumbing to the onslaught but that was as close as they got. The bodies piled up outside of the railroad car exits as though they would not stop. Some of the Communist soldiers had had enough. Out through a window of one of the middle cars someone started to wave an olive drab tee shirt stuck on the end of a metal tube. The fire switched to the other targets till they too started waving flags. The ambush grew in intensity, ebbed away, then resumed several times throughout the twenty minutes that followed.
This was followed by still more waving flags till the only threat that remained were two pockets of communists that made it to cover. The rebels closed in on the remaining Communists. They stubbornly resisted for two long hours till the mortars and grenade launchers annihilated them. As the rebels approached what was left of them they found a wounded soldier flat on his back with what looked like a shirt sleeve attached to the end of his rifle sticking into the air. The epaulets gave him away as a political officer of the Territorial Militia. Nearby was his Makarov 9mm handgun. Among the thirty six dead and wounded they found that three had been executed by a handgun bullet to the back of the head.
Guantanamo Naval Base, Free Cuba Sector May 5, 2018 Six months before L-Day
The press gathered around the high tech weapon. It was a futuristic looking machinegun set on a tripod. A Soldier was sitting flat on his butt with his legs draped over the legs of the tripod. He held the gun handles as he peered through a view finder and acquired the target some 300 meters away. The uniformed spokesman began, “This is the XM307 Advanced Crew Served Weapon or ACSWxlix. “This machine gun is made up of a new array of technology making its way onto the battlefield.”
“This is completely new and this weapon will enter widespread service by in the U.S. Army in 2009.”
“The XM307 is a radical advancement on current machine guns. The idea behind the XM307 was to develop a lightweight system that was two man portable but still gives you the fire power of a heavy machine gun such as the M2 50. caliber heavy machine gun or the mark 19, 40mm grenade machine gun. This system is 44 pounds. When it’s broken down it is very easy for 2 men to carry it through the battlefield. Compared to the Vietnam and Gulf War era machine guns that it will replace, the XM307 is a state of the art user friendly weapon. On average it is one quarter the weight of its predecessors. And has firepower ten times as deadly as the earlier guns. The system utilizes a 31 round box magazine that can be fed from either side of the gun. There’s an electronic fire control with a laser range finder, it has infrared capability and can see at night or through smoke and dust. The XM307 can fire 250 rounds of 25 mm rounds per minute. In order to utilize the system the gunner looks through the sight and acquires the target he then lazes to the target and gets a range. Once the target’s range has been established the gun’s internal computer takes over. It instantly calculates what is called a ballistic solution using information about wind and weather conditions acquired by electronic sensors the computer works out exactly where the gun should be pointing. The gunner re-elevates once he gets his adjusted aim points and fires. The round goes out and you get pinpoint airbursts at the target. In combat conditions targets are often difficult or impossible to see especially when they are moving. The advanced laser tracking system of the XM307 will now give the soldier an enormous advantage on the battlefield. All he has to do is push a button. Unlike previous machine guns one of the XM307's most potent features is it’s so called ‘smart ammunition.’ These can be pre programmed to burst in the air above the target. This fuse is electronically programmable it has an onboard electronic processor which tells the round when to burst. Once the guns laser establishes the range of the target the computer tells the ammunition’s internal microprocessor exactly how far to go before exploding. Targets can be as far as two thousand meters – about one and a half miles away. “With this round the idea is to airburst the round several feet above the target making use of all the fragments coming off of that round thus improving the probability of killing that target. We can attack targets that are hiding behind sandbags, behind walls where you cannot do that with heavy machine gun that’s firing bullets.”
“The XM307 is a remarkable improvement on the machine guns that it will replace.”
“The fifty caliber M2 machine gun weighs about 170 pounds with its tripod and ammunition. It requires sandbags for firing and it requires about 14 cans of ammunition to get the same lethality we get from one can of ammunition of the XM307. The Mark 19 40mm grenade machine gun is an indirect fire weapon and also requires sandbags for firing and requires 8 cans of ammunition from the 40 mm family to equal the lethality that you get from one can of ammunition from the XM307”. He walked over to the Soldier manning the gun and lightly touched the top of the gun. “This is the XM307. It requires no sandbags for firing. It sits still while firing. Please gather around the monitor right behind you to see the target. The rounds will go through the window and explode in mid air. Well, that’s how it’s supposed to work anyway,” he said with a smile. He then touched the Soldier on the shoulder and said, “OK Sergeant.” The Soldier fired a 3 round burst at the target. It was a cinder block wall with a window space in the middle of it. Behind the wall hidden from view were three life size dummies in full combat gear. Two sandbag walls lined the perimeter of the ‘room’. A video camera recorded the scene and projected the image on a TV monitor. It showed three angry dark puffs of smoke exploding at shoulder height in the middle of the dummies. Plainly visible was the shrapnel ripping through the dummy’s clothing, sandbags and raising a shock of dust from the ground.
“And if all this were not enough, when you run out of this specialized ammunition, the XM307 machine gun can be converted in the field to a fifty caliber machine gun in under two minutes. Fifty cal ammo is cheap and available.”
The uniformed spokesman walked over to a portable table and picked up a very military looking piece of equipment and continued. “Developed in tandem with the XM307 is the Selectable Assault Battle Rifle or SABRl. You will notice that its biggest advantage is that it has a much better acronym that its machine gun counterpart -- pronounced Saber. The American military’s unfortunate designation for this beautiful weapon is the M29. This futuristic infantry weapon has many features similar to the XM307 but this gun has an added advantage. It is really two guns in one. It can fire two completely different rounds of ammunition from two separate barrels. The SABR fires 20mm air bursting rounds as well as the standard 5.56mm NATO round. The 20mm has the same type of computer control as you have seen on the XM307 machine gun. The two sections can be separated, turning it into the world’s lightest fully automatic rifle. These weapons are only two of the dozens of different, advanced weapons systems that we could employ that the Communists can’t. From our F-15’s to our M1A Abrams tanks to our te
am warrior units and more than I can name, Castro would be well advised to stop saber rattling and let us live in peace.
The Miami Herald Oct 1st, 2018
“The elderly and enigmatic leader of the Free Cubans… Joshua Marti is seems to be deeply rooted in his own mix of Catholicism and anti-communism. He is a ferocious opponent of Castro and Communism worldwide… Speaking before a group of financial backers May 20th 2018 he said,
“I want it clear that I am not speaking on behalf of God on any subject. To my knowledge, He has not given me his authority to do so. But it is my personal opinion that our Heavenly Father would not forever exclude from his presence a son or daughter who has sacrificed their lives in the fight against the forces of Evil. Let me make an absolute declaration so there will be no confusion on this matter. The fight against Communism is a very real part of every man's duty. It is the fight against slavery, immorality, atheism, terrorism, cruelty, barbarism, deceit and the destruction of human life through a kind of tyranny unsurpassed by anything in human history. Here is a struggle against the evil, satanical priestcraft of Lucifer.”
In November 2017 he spoke to a large group of newly recruited members of the Free Cuban Armed Forces and was quoted by the Miami Herald as saying,
“I must tell you quite plainly that the benefits of liberty for ourselves will probably not equal the sacrifice we must endure to secure this liberty. It is for others that we bear this burden. For our wives and children, their children and future generations. 200 years from now good and righteous Cubans will study about this turning point and will come to endear us for the sacrifices we will have made.”
At the start of the refugee rescue operations on 6/23/07 Mr. Marti wrote:
“We must be prepared to accept the fact that this struggle will be long and difficult but the end is sure. There will be a reward for all those who have borne such heartache and sorrow. The day will dawn on a world where all of the children of God will live in liberty under governments who hold those liberties sacred. Freedom will cleanse the earth like a wild fire sweeping despots from their seats of power.”
About his personal beliefs as taken from an internal memo to his staff around May 2017 Mr. Marti states: “ … I state for you these things with no supporting arguments simply that you may better know the policies I want implemented… There is a God. God wants us to be free. Free to choose our own path in all things. That is his plan. Satan wants to control and coerce. That is his plan. All of Gods children should be as free as is possible while still maintaining the rights & safety of all. Great and unforeseen blessings will be ours if we follow God’s plan…We are all too aware of what awaits our brothers and sisters in Cuba if despotism continues.”
June 12, 2018 Guantanamo, Free Cuban Sector, Mr. Marti gave an extended sermon to the troops. We excerpt from his book -- The Sermons and Sayings of Joshua Marti,”
… The struggle that we are now engaged is but a continuation of another war that has gone on since before the world was created and will continue for some time yet to come. John the Revelator speaks of that struggle: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, “And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Rev. 12:7-9)
“That war in heaven has continued here on Earth and has never stopped. It is the war between truth and error, between agency and compulsion. Satan and his allies have used every stratagem in this intense and bitter conflict. They rely heavily on lying and deceit. They’ve employed fame, money and wealth. They’ve murdered, tortured and instilled fear to thwart God’s plan for his children. We struggle against these forces even within our own ranks. Those among us who would destroy faith, to belittle, to demean, to bear false witness, to tempt and induce our soldiers into practices inconsistent with the teachings and commandments of God.
On this earth the struggle began when Cain slew Abel. Many other examples are found in the Old Testament.
It culminated in the greatest evil of all when it was given voice in the vile accusations against Jesus the Christ who taught the gospel of peace, who healed the sick and gave all people hope and the love of God. Evil men, motivated by that evil power tortured our Savior, nailed him to a cross, mocked and murdered him. Being the Son of God, he overcame death and through his atoning sacrifice brought salvation from death to all men.
This struggle goes on. It is only the battlefield that has changed. The principles we fight for remain the same. We are the army of the Lord, he is at the head of it. We must be united behind him. If we are not, we will not be victorious. We cannot have division within our ranks and expect victory. We cannot have disloyalty to our superiors and expect unity.
We cannot be unclean and expect the strength we need from heaven. You cannot be involved in immoral activity. You men, you cannot be unfaithful or untrue to your wives or to your families (even though your separation is long and difficult) and be valiant warriors in this contest to bring freedom to all God’s children. You should not drink alcohol or take drugs that will weaken your mind, spirit and body. You cannot be dishonest or unethical in your personal affairs without tarnishing your spiritual armor.
In this army there must be commitment. There must be devotion. We are engaged in a great eternal struggle that will save the souls and lives of the sons and daughters of God. The Lord requires it of us and there is nothing the Lord has asked of us that in faith we cannot accomplish
As I look at your young faces I think of the children of Israel when they fled Egypt. They camped beside the Red Sea. Looking back, they saw Pharaoh and his armies coming to destroy them. Fear gripped their hearts. With the armies behind them and the sea before them they cried out in terror. “And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. “And the Lord said unto Moses, … speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward” (Ex. 14:13-15; italics added). The sea parted, and the children of Israel went forward to their salvation. The Egyptians followed to their own destruction.” We will go forward trusting in the Lord. We have been commanded: Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:13-17).
The war goes on. It is waged across the world over the issues of agency and compulsion… It is waged within our own ranks and in our own lives, day in and day out; it is waged over questions of loyalty and fidelity, of obedience and integrity. We are all involved in it. We will win. The future never looked brighter. God bless us, my beloved brothers, in the war that is so clearly laid out before us. May we be faithful. May we be valiant. May we have the courage to be true to the trust God has placed in each of us. May we be unafraid. “For [to quote the words of Paul to Timothy] God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. “Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” (2 Tim. 1:7-8)
Mr. Marti speaking to prospective Cuban American recruits in Miami on March 16th, 2017 was quoted: “We have all been freeloaders eating the fruits of liberty from trees planted by other men that went before us. They paid in blood and treasure for the freedoms you now enjoy. Now, destiny is calling you to secure these precious things not for yourselves, but for generations of Cubans yet unborn. Join us in this cause.
I promise you that if you ask your God in prayer he will impress upon you that it is the right thing for you to do. (James 1:5, 6). As members of the Cuban American Battalion, there are no minimum time requirements for your service. You may choose one or two year enlistments or you may choose no restrictions on your time at all. You would be free to come and go as you please”….
And continued “ The new Free Cuban Government not only will pay the United States back for all expenses it incurs on behalf of our fight for freedom but she will gain a friend and ally in the Roman sense. Its wars for freedom and security around the world will be our wars. Our young men will die beside their young men in the cause for liberty, democracy and security in the world. It is not just as repayment for their help in our time of need but because we share the same values.”
The Cuban Liberation Handbook Page 10