Learning Lessons: A Losing His Wife Novel

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Learning Lessons: A Losing His Wife Novel Page 7

by KT Morrison

  “Well, that was great, Jess, thanks for dinner. I hardly get a home cooked meal anymore,” Tyler said.

  “My pleasure,” Jess answered him. Dinner was done. This was the home stretch. She was going to have to make things happen here, as scared as she was.

  Everyone was finished, staring at each other over the empty plates. She wasn’t ready for this. She had to stall him with pie.

  “I’ll clean this up a little later,” she said, “There’s pie, but we should sit a minute, maybe...”

  Pete said, “Why don’t we go into the family room and relax for a bit? Can I get you a whiskey?”

  “I better not, I gotta ride my bike home,” Tyler said. Shit, they were going to lose him.

  “Coffee?” Jess said, hearing the desperation in her own voice.

  “Sure,” he said. Whew. She’d bought some more time.

  Pete took Tyler into the family room while she got some coffee into the coffee maker. She had no idea, no plan at all, for how she was going to do this. Should she take her clothes off in here and just walk into the room naked? If he said no then everyone would see her sad face on her naked body. A little embarrassing. God, running down the hall after him trying to apologize, her flesh jiggling as she went. Not good.

  She’d have to be honest. Try and explain it to him, but make it interesting. If this worked they’d never get to that pie. All she had to do was find the nerve somewhere deep within her to get this party started. She talked a big game. She could be mean to Pete, humiliate his penis, tell him all the things she would do with Tyler. But that was when she was safe with Pete. She loved Pete, she knew him completely. She didn’t know Tyler. He’d given her a quick one in the back of the van, but he was a human being with a mind of his own. She wanted to use him like a living, breathing, warm human dildo. He could say no. Very likely say no. He could be disgusted by them. Who on earth would want to make love to a woman while her husband watched? He’d be right, they were kind of disgusting. And that’s what frightened her. The unknown. It was going to be up to her to warm him up, seduce him in front of Pete. She hoped Tyler would be okay with this. Hoped he wouldn’t be bothered with another man in the room while he did his thing. He could possibly freak out at the prospect, even be angry.

  The coffeemaker hissed away and she prepared to join them. She rubbed her hands together, they were sweating. That was sexy. Hope Tyler likes thirty-five-year-old women with sweaty hands who want to have sex while their husband watches. Was she a freak? Little-girl-Jess could never have pictured this day in her future. No sexual freakiness for young Jess. Meat and Potatoes. When did she get so crazy?

  Pete sat in his chair, the recliner, a La-Z-boy that he could lean back on and flip up the footrest. He’d run out of things to talk to Tyler about. He didn’t care about football, sports either, of any kind. It was getting a little weird in here. Jess came into the room finally, relieved him. She stood for an awkward moment, then smoothed her skirt under her and sat next to Tyler on the couch.

  Pete thought Jess might die right there next to him. All the colour had drained from her, she looked horrified. She knew what she had to do, but Pete thought she was going to lose the will. She didn’t look like the kind of girl who was able to make this happen. Not right now.

  He could see her trying to swallow, poor girl had got herself dry as a bone. There, she took a sip of her wine. Now she ran her hands up and down her thighs anxiously, even Tyler realized she had something important to say, and he looked to her to hear it. What was her plan? How was she going to do this?

  Then she said, “I was telling Pete how big your penis was and he didn’t believe me.”

  Well, Jess, nothing like diving into the deep end.

  “You what?” Tyler’s eyebrows peeled right back bunching up the skin under his pompadour.

  “He didn’t believe me.”

  “Uh-huh.” Tyler was in a bit of shock, maybe. Probably thinking this is the part where Pete pulls out a pistol.

  “Would it be all right if I showed him?”

  “I don’t know.” Kid didn’t know where to look.

  “I don’t want him to think I’m a liar.” She smiled. She was trying to be funny and light. Pete understood her strategy. This was all fun, Tyler.

  Tyler looked from Jess over to Pete, everything getting clearer to him. He sat closer to the edge of the couch like he was getting ready to leave. “Hey, I get it, you’re one of those couples. For what it’s worth it’s not the first time someone asked me to have sex with their wife. I just think it would be cool if you had let me know.”

  Jess said, “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “I get it.” Tyler stood up, he looked a little mad, maybe he just didn’t know how to handle this. Who would? This was insane.

  Jess was upset now—this was getting away from her and Pete could tell she wanted it to come together very badly. She said, “Hey, don’t be upset, it’s okay. We didn’t know how to let you know. We’re letting you know now. This is the best way we could come up with.”

  Tyler shook his head and shrugged, put his palms up. “You guys are crazy,” he said. But he wasn’t making his way to the door yet.

  Jess stood up to face him, she put a hand on his arm but she struggled with what to say.

  Pete said, “Tyler, it’s already done. I’m happy you two got together. For her. I love her, I want this for her. I want to see her happy.”

  Jess said, bolstered now, “We hardly got a chance to get into it. I feel like I just got a taste of how good it could be. We’ve got all night, it’s warm, it’s quiet, we won’t be disturbed. We can show each other a real good time. Go really slow tonight and make it last.”

  She didn’t come on too strong, didn’t rub herself on him, squeeze his muscles or hump his leg. She gave him his space. This is crazy, Tyler, she was admitting, but we’re not crazy people.

  “I won’t say a thing. Won’t even know I’m here,” Pete said.

  Tyler sat down on the arm of the couch. He wanted to stay. Wanted to be with Jess, he was looking to give himself permission. Pete knew it was going to happen now. If it wasn’t this kid would already be revving that crotch rocket down the street, annoying the neighbours.

  Jess moved into him slowly, her thighs pressed against the side of his leg. He looked at her and she gave him her best sexy, bashful look. Expectant, glistening eyes, parted lips. She’d sunk him. He couldn’t say no, not to Jess, not when she was right here and in the mood.

  She moved her lips towards his, drew him into her and he fell for it. Their lips touched and Pete shuddered. He struggled to keep it in, keep himself together. He heard his breaths raspy as he pushed away the urge for them to turn to sobs. His face was stone but inside he was screaming. It was horrible.

  The two of them looked so good together, their soft lips pressing into one another, he wanted Jess to feel that excitement, know that passion. But she was being ruined right now. Ruined for his touch. He would never make her wet by taking his shirt off. He would never have a head of hair like that. He could take as much steroids as he could handle, he just would never have a body like that. Jess would never dream about Pete’s cock. And all those things that Pete wasn’t and was never going to be were here right now for her to enjoy, pulsing under her fingertips. Would she ever even desire him after this? How would they survive something so enormous?

  His hand came up and covered his mouth, he pulled his cheeks down; a man witnessing a horror.

  Their kissing was passionate, they rolled their heads and slowly tasted each other. He could see their tongues sliding over one another, see Jess pull his tongue into her mouth, bite at it gently with her perfect teeth.

  Tyler’s hand came around her waist, rested on the crest of her buttocks. He squeezed her flesh gently, and she moaned. The wet sounds of their mouths working over each other were going to drive him mad. Smacking, slurping, kissing. The room was dead quiet but for those noises and they seemed too loud, too dirty for the room. B

ut he couldn’t deny that he’d stiffened inside his pants. He could feel himself throbbing down there, the head of his dick was pressing uncomfortably straight out, twisted in his briefs and sticking the front of his khakis out. He twisted it out of the fabric and pushed it to the side.

  Jess broke away from Tyler and they looked into each other’s eyes. It was like Pete wasn’t even in the room. Both of them stared into each other, breathing heavy. Jess rested her hands on his broad chest, ran them down his body, over his shirt. She watched her hands on him, watched her hands pull his shirt out of his pants and slide it up his body. She watched him being revealed. Pete saw him, vain, flexing his abs for her, straightening and crunching them down. She pulled the shirt up and over his head and he lifted his big arms for her, so she could get it right off. He let her take him in. He liked being looked at.

  Pete had to admit, he looked like he was out of a movie. His chest was a broad slab, capped by shoulders like cantaloupes. His waist was narrow, his abs bulging, defined. Jess drank it up. He saw his wife admiring his body, running one hand over him, feeling his hardness. She looked mesmerized.

  She bowed to him, kissed her way from his neck down his body, her hands up above her going over his chest and shoulders. She took a nipple in her lips and she sucked on it. She worked it gently, her head rocking around, her eyes closed as she pulled it into her mouth and gently ran her teeth on it. It was getting Tyler. His eyes closed and he leaned his head back. Jess worked on the other one, kissed her way over to it, took that one into her wet mouth. Her hand was on the ridged column of his midsection. Her fingertips squeezed at the slabs of muscle, her fingers traced the edges of each ridge, moving over him like she was drawing him.

  Then something bizarre. She stopped, gasped, high and breathy. Her thighs clamped together and he could see her rump flexing under her tight dress. She did it again, said, Ah, and hunched a bit, her hands turned to claws on his skin. Then she was immobile. Pete was one hundred percent certain his wife just came. His little brat got herself so worked up she just made herself come by touching this guy’s beautiful body. His heart went out to her. He wanted to cross over and give her a big hug, crush her against him. He was so happy for her. This was what he wanted. He wanted her to feel that crazy ecstasy, get herself charged up. Enjoy those feelings that Pete would never put into her. She was a beautiful young woman. Happy, healthy, hard-working, and kind. This was what she deserved in life.

  When Jess had his nipple in her mouth, and she felt its hard masculine shape under her soft lips, she felt something coming. Had felt the same thing in the minivan that first night with him. A shudder about to happen, like on the verge of a chill. Froze, waiting for it to happen. In the van, it subsided. Receded, and as it got farther it occurred to her that it could have been an orgasm. But that was crazy, you didn’t come from touching a man. And here it was again. Only now she was aware that it could be. Could be an orgasm. So she let it happen, coaxed it towards her. Like pushing away any thought that might break a sneeze when you were about to go off. This was no sneeze. When her hand went over his abs, felt them hard and ridged under her fingers, felt his tight bunched skin there, it happened. Her heart opened its bomb bay doors and something explosive fell out, plummeted to her sex and then went off. Low yield, maybe phosphorous, because it lingered and spread in waves, consuming her. It was gentle and warm, not fiery, and it spread through her, racking her body in clusters. Then it was gone, and she couldn’t believe it had happened. She came from touching this stud. Her eyes teared up, and she blinked one off and touched her eyelids to dry them. She looked back at Pete and he was beaming. Absolutely beaming. He knew her body, knew her reactions. He knew she’d just come. She chuckled once and covered her mouth.

  Tyler seemed bothered, like they were sharing something—jealous, worried they were making fun of him. “What?” he said sharply, frowning at her.

  “I just came,” she whispered to him and covered her mouth back up.

  It was Tyler’s turn to beam. “Really?” he said, he looked confident again.

  She didn’t even answer him. She attacked him with kisses, sucking his lips into her mouth and biting his tongue. That long strange orgasm had not sated her at all. It had the opposite effect, and now she was ignited with ten times the arousal she had before. She wanted his cock out, wanted it hard and plowing into her.

  Pete watched his wife’s hands urgently fumble with Tyler’s button and zipper on his tight jeans. She was trying to move too quickly. She hooked her hands into his waistband and slid his pants and shorts down, getting control of herself and doing it slowly. She had them down over his thighs, his cock pulled down, hiding somewhere in the bunched up fabric on his thigh. Jess’ lips were on him again. Kissing his belly button and down to his pubic hair. Her fingers traced along the edges of the muscles at his waistline, a sharp V that pointed down to his cock, showed her where it was in case she was looking. She watched her fingers on his skin. Then they were back on his jeans sliding the fabric down, waiting for the star of the show.

  It was revealed, the fabric clinging to it until his wife peeled them right down over the tip and his penis sprang up, bobbed and then fell to the side until the tip touched his thigh. It was huge.

  Jess looked at Pete over her shoulder. “I told you,” she said. Pete’s mouth was dry. Everything was dry. He could feel his heart pounding in his brittle body. His wife had been fucked by that. She loved it. Couldn’t wait for tonight so Tyler would put it in her again.

  Jess pulled Tyler’s pants right off him and dropped them on the floor next to the coffee table. She knelt down and pulled his socks off for him too. His cock hung next to her and Pete couldn’t believe how large it was, the engorged tip tapping against her shoulder.

  Tyler spread his legs, put his arms back on the edge of the couch and looked down as Jess put her mouth over one of his balls. She took up his sack in one hand, scooping them up and forward so she could suck on them. Even his balls were big. Jess moaned quietly as she sucked one in, let it drop then took up the other. She went on like that driving Tyler crazy. Her other hand went around his cock and held it out of the way, up against his belly. Tyler closed his eyes while Jess went on. Every once in a while he’d shudder and Pete thought he might come but he didn’t.

  Finally, Jess stood up before him and turned for him to undo her dress. He pulled the zipper right down to the top of her ass and she stood up, made sure he was watching, then she let it drop to the floor. Pete had a great view. Her perfect ass, firm and womanly, her red thong showing off its curves then diving down and disappearing into her warm places. Pete’s favourite place on earth. Her back was bare, she was braless. Her blonde hair danced on her shoulders, her arms were moving, she was rubbing her own breasts, giving Tyler a show.

  Tyler’s hands came around, gripped her bottom, her flesh yielding to his strong touch. His fingers ran under the panties and cupped her cheeks, then slid the panties down her thighs. The two of them were completely naked now. Pete’s stomach tightened again and a wave of dread washed over him. He felt suddenly nauseous and warm, too warm. Feverish. Part of his brain almost put him in action, he practically felt himself rise up off the recliner to tell them that that was it. That they had gone far enough and there wasn’t going to be anymore. Like if they stopped now he could preserve his dignity. His wife’s dignity. Preserve their marriage.

  He stopped. He knew he wouldn’t stop them. He knew he was going to watch her get fucked in just a few minutes. He could feel as terrible as he wanted but the result was inexorable. Tyler was going to take that huge cock and slide it up inside his wife and she was going to love it. Nothing was going to stop it. His hands clutched the armrests of his favourite chair.

  Jess told Tyler to sit back.

  “I didn’t get a chance to look at this thing in the van,” she said.

  Tyler smiled and he leaned back in the couch. She looked at his cock sitting between his legs, hanging, heavy looking, but hard enough that it
wasn’t resting on the seat. “That’s really big,” she told him.

  She spread her palm across the top of it. The shaft was longer than the spread between the tip of her thumb to the tip of her little finger. She stroked her open hand up and down it.

  Tyler’s hand explored her back, his touch felt so good on her. She could feel how large his hands were on her back. She cuddled herself into his side, felt how hard his body was against hers. He was going to feel so good making love to her naked tonight. She couldn’t wait to press her flesh against his hardness, feeling this huge penis inside her at the same time. Her breaths were short with anticipation.

  She put her fingers around his penis, gripped it lightly, and stroked it up and down gently, admiring it in her hand. He was three or four times as long as her fist, thick too, she’d have to squeeze it to get her thumb to touch her middle finger.

  She leaned over it, dipped her head above the tip of his cock and held it steady in her hand. She let a stream of warm spit from between her pouted lips, and it touched his glans, rolled down the underside of his cock. She ran her hand loosely through it, polished the end of it with her quick moving hand. Her fingers danced and squirmed over him, running through all the grooves and ridges of his engorged cock. He went to steel, she could feel his pulse through it.

  “You’re so hard,” she said and she laughed. He had swelled even larger now.

  “Shit, Jess, your hand feels so fucking good.”

  “Your cock feels so good,” she told him.

  “I’m not going to last, you’re going to make me come.”


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