Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 32

by Maia Starr

“I did not know where else to go.”

  “You ran away from the Waysaw Zenkians. You are a human slave,” he said.

  “I am. Please do not send me back there,” I pleaded.

  “I will not do that. We do not think the same way as the Waysaw Zenkian do. We are different here,” he said.

  “So I have heard; that was why I came in this direction. I had no other place to go. I do not know your strange planet. I was brought here against my will, as I'm sure you know.”

  “I do know. I apologize for what you have suffered by the hand of the Zenkian in the city. As I said we are not like the Waysaw,” he said gently.

  “Here, this is some water with a pinch of salt. The doctor ordered that you should drink it when you woke; it will help hydrate you,” he said moving toward me and getting the cup off the table next to me. He handed it to me. I smelled it; I smelled nothing. I took a small sip; it was salty water, just as he said. He looked at me and arched an eyebrow at me, amused at the fact that I was not trusting him.

  “Why would you not trust me? If I were going to harm you, wouldn't I have done it while you were passed out? If I wanted to drug you, I could have done so. If I wanted to kill you, I could have done so,” he said.

  “That is true,” I said. I drank the water. He grabbed the cup and then poured me some more water from a glass container. Then he set it down beside me.

  “I have told you my name, human; will you not do the same for me?” He asked.

  “My name is Samantha Gaines,” I said to him. My eyes grazed over his large blue-skinned body. He was wearing a tight gray uniform, almost like the ones the Waysaw wore. I guess it made sense since they were once the same. It was very fitted on his strong, broad chest and hard abs. I turned my eyes from him and looked at my own tattered and shredded white dress. It was a slave dress meant to be pleasing to the eye, not something to swim in and cross vast lands.

  “I will fetch you a new dress. I must ask you to stay here and do not wander off. I could get into great trouble if anyone found out that you were here. You see the Grantsion Zenkian do not allow any interactions with humans. I am breaking the rules by having you here, but I could not leave you out there,” he said.

  “Thank you for taking the chance then. I greatly appreciate it. I would be dead if you had left me out there to die,” I said really feeling some appreciation toward this blue alien.

  “You are welcome. There is one that I have entrusted with this secret. She is a doctor, and she has already seen to your well-being. I didn't have a choice since I did not know what kind of condition you were in. Her name is Malaya; you can trust her. I am going to go catch her and send her to you while I go find new clothing for you. Again, you must remain here,” he said.

  “I understand,” I said. He walked out of the room. I was surprised at how much I actually trusted him. I think it was because if he were brutal, he would not be hiding it. I had been face to face with brutal with Commander Jenku Vade, and this blue alien soldier was not like that at all. Even his eyes looked kinder.

  I stood up and looked around. It was very different than the rooms of the Waysaw, yet similar in many ways. The technology was the same, only the room itself was obviously carved into the rock. Instead of glass walls, there were rock walls, except for the side that faced out. I walked to it and looked out the massive window. Outside was a large ledge of rock almost like a balcony. There was a speeder parked there; I assumed it was the property of Trent. I was grateful to him. Again I thought about how he seemed very different almost immediately; there was a kindness to him that I was not used to form the Waysaw Zenkian in the city. Why was I thinking of this Zenkian named Trent and his kindness over and over again?

  As I looked out the window, I wondered if I truly was safe. I wondered if the Waysaw would look for me far and wide. Would they send someone to see if there were any humans in these mountains? I had so many questions, and I didn't know how to obtain the answers. Maybe this could just be a pit stop, and Trent would know a better hiding place for me somewhere else on the planet. Or maybe they could help me get back to Earth? That would be the greatest thing of all.

  A few minutes later, the door opened. I froze in place, not knowing if this was someone that did not know the secret.

  “Samantha?” I heard a female voice say. I came out of the corner where I was standing into the middle of the room. There was a very tall Zenkian female. She was obviously a Grantsion Zenkian. She looked just like them with the same blue skin. She had brown hair that was up in a braided bun. She had blue eyes, and she was actually quite beautiful. I was impressed by her elegant demeanor and grace when she walked toward me.

  “Yes, I am Samantha,” I said.

  “My name is Malaya. Trent sent to me to you to check on you. I am a doctor here,” she said as she looked at me up and down. I suddenly felt like I was trashy due to the torn clothing.

  “I understand. Thank you for your help,” I said.

  “Please sit down so that I may look you over,” she said as she put her bag down. She pulled out a few devices, some that I had seen before in the city. She used them to check me and my condition. I felt fine, now that I had rested, but I did wonder if she knew. Was my secret about to be exposed?

  “Samantha, I am no expert on humans. In truth, I have only examined one before you, several years ago, but you seem to be in good health. You were only suffering from exhaustion and dehydration, but that is all,” she said.

  I sighed in relief. “Thank you, doctor. That is good to know.”

  “And your child seems to be fine as well,” she said.

  I looked at her with wide eyes. I had been busted.

  “I, it is just that...” I tried to say something but I couldn't.

  “Is that why you ran away?” she asked.

  “Please do not say anything. I mean the Zenkians no harm. I cannot have my child raised by the monsters there in the city. I just want to go back to Earth,” I pleaded with her. I could not have this secret out. If Jenku Vade found out that I was with child, he would definitely not let the hunt for me ever stop. He would want this child. I would be punished, of course, and probably locked in a cell. This female Zenkian held too much valuable information, and she was a stranger to me. Perhaps it would have been better to still be out there in the outlands wandering around. At least then no one knew my secret but me.

  “I think that going back to Earth is an excellent idea. You put Trent in a lot of danger by being here. I would not like to see him suffer because he helped a strange human. The sooner you leave here, the better,” she said with a tone of anger that let me know she really cared about Trent. Perhaps they were even lovers; I didn't know anything about him or her or where I was.

  “I understand,” I said not wanting to egg her on in a fight.

  “Do you? Our superiors do not even allow us to communicate with humans. Everything of Earth is forbidden to us; Trent is breaking the law by harboring you. I am helping and would be punished as well, though not as severely as him. I don't know or care who the father of this child is, but you should make plans to leave this place before it is obvious that you are with child.” She stood up and grabbed her things. I could tell that she was very angry. I did not want to stir the pot considering I had no leverage or knowledge. I stayed quiet as I watched her walk out. She was obviously pissed, and I figured it was much more than just my presence that was making her angry; she had feelings for Trent.

  There was something about her that I did not trust. But I had no say in that. Trent trusted her to keep the secret that I was there in his home, so that was all that mattered. I did not see this female Zenkian betraying Trent, so that was good enough for now, and for now, I was happy. I had successfully escaped from Jenku Vade in the city. But I was still on his planet, and I would feel safer if I could get back to Earth. But how could I do that? These rebels did not want anything to do with humans. They did not go to Earth the way the Waysaw did on a routine basis. But maybe there was a pla
ce on this planet that I could hide and live in peace, with my child, or some other planet. I just needed to get far away from Vade. I hoped that Trent would help me in my mission. If he didn't, I would be on my own, but that would be no different than before. I was strong. I could do this.

  Chapter 4

  Commander Trent Qoln

  “The human checked out well, as far as I know. I believe she was just suffering from exhaustion and dehydration and nothing more. She is up on her feet and moving around and the color has even come back in her pale skin,” Malaya said to me.

  “That is good news. I was worried. I would not know what to do with a sick human,” I said as I walked back and forth inside her home.

  “As opposed to what to do with the healthy human? What are you going to do with her, Trent? She cannot stay here with you; you know that,” she said.

  “Yes, I do know that. I just need a few days to figure some things out. Maybe she has a plan and just needs help with it. I could help her get to where she was going,” I said to her.

  “A few more days? That long?” Malaya said.

  “When things are done in haste, that's when mistakes are made. There is much for me to find out before I can make a plan. Besides, I want to question her. She was living with the Waysaw in the city. She could have valuable information for us about them that only someone living there could know. She is a tool of war as far as I'm concerned,” I said to her.

  “What if she is a spy?” Malaya asked.

  “I doubt that. I don't think she would put her well-being on the line the way she did. She was running from something. I will take this clothing to her now. Do not worry Malaya; this will all be over before you know it. Just keep your secret and say nothing to no one. I will take care of the rest,” I said as I walked out.

  I walked along the elevated cliffside paths to my home. I was glad that the human was all right and happy that she was speaking. I was fascinated by her. I wanted to have a real conversation, not just about what she knew about the Waysaw, but about humans as well. They had been forbidden to us; that only made it more fascinating to me. I wanted to know more about her and see more of her.

  I walked into my home and locked the door behind me. I could not have any unexpected visitors; not now. I walked into the main living area; she was not there. I felt panic; I hoped that she did not leave. She would not last long out there in this village and would be taken into custody immediately. I moved to the back where I found her sitting in a tub of hot water. I stopped. I was frozen as I watched her pour water on her back. Her pale skin was delicate and smooth. Her red hair was down and wet, clinging to her body. At this angle, I could see the side of her breast and a glimpse of her nipple. It was erect. I felt myself growing hard. I was not expecting to find the human like this, and I was not expecting to be so aroused by her wet body. She was so petite, and I had an urge to take her against my body. I wanted to enter her. I suddenly understood why the Waysaw Zenkian found these human slaves so irresistible. I sighed.

  “Agh!” she must have heard me and looked over her shoulder. She wrapped her arms over her breasts and slid further into the tub.

  “What are you doing?” she said.

  “Sorry. I am sorry, Samantha. I brought you this clothing,” I said smiling.

  “Thank you; you can set it down. Can I get some privacy?” She asked.

  “Of course. I was just about to gather food to eat. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I am very hungry. Thank you,” she said still slumped down in the tub.

  “I will return shortly,” I said.

  I walked out of the bathing area back into the main living room. I took a deep breath. I had to calm myself. Seeing her naked body was a lot to take in. It was the first time I had ever seen a naked human female, and I liked it. I liked it more than I had expected to. I really had to restrain myself from touching her. After I was able to get things under control and get back to normal, I once again left my dwelling and went down to the kitchens.

  The kitchens were filled with joyous Zenkians preparing meals. It smelled of thick spices and herbs. I looked around, suddenly feeling suspicious that maybe someone had heard about the human or seen me bring her in the night before.

  “Commander Qoln! We never get you in our kitchens! Can’t wait for the meal services?” Rekon said. He was the overseer of the kitchen structures and food systems.

  “I am just famished and have work during the services so I thought I would take a meal in my dwelling,” I said joyously.

  “That is a good reason. You are always welcomed in the kitchens, a battle hero such as yourself,” he said patting me on the back.

  “Just doing my part, and thank you for the welcome,” I said.

  “Here,” he said handing me a tray.

  “Give the commander anything he needs!” he said loudly to all the cooks who had smiles for me.

  I filled the tray with roasted meats, fruits, and vegetables. I loaded it with enough for leftovers so that if she grew hungry a bit later, she could snack before I brought her the next meal. I carried the food back to my home. When I walked in, I did not see her.

  I set the tray down on a table. “Samantha? It is I, Trent.”

  She came out into the main area.

  “I am sorry, it is just when I hear the door open, I do not know who it might be, so I went to the back to hide.”

  “I understand. Thank you for being thoughtful about that. Come; I have brought food. You must be starving,” I said. “Will you join me in eating?”

  “Yes, thank you,” she said as she walked to the table.

  “I see the dress fits you well,” I said looking at the dress on her body. She was now very clean and smelled fresh with the long dress draped on her.

  “Yes, thank you, though it is a little long,” she said dragging about three feet of cloth on the floor around her.

  “Yes, the females here are just as tall as the men. I can cut the excess off if you’d like later,” I said.

  “Thank you; I can do it myself if you will just give me the instrument to do so. We call them scissors on Earth,” she smiled as though she was reminiscing.

  “I would like to hear more about your Earth home. Here, I have roasted meat, fruit, and some greens for us to eat. I believe you have probably had most of this in the city.”

  “Yes, I have. Thank you for all of this. Also, Trent...” She said as she looked at me with a bit of sorrow on her face.

  I looked at her concerned. Her pink lip began to tremble a little. For some reason, I felt the urge to pull her into my arms and to console her. It was a feeling that I had never had with any other female.

  “Yes, Samantha?”

  “I want to say thank you for saving my life. I know how dangerous it is for me to be here. You did not have to stop to get me from the outlands, yet you did. I am forever grateful. If there is anything that I could do in return to repay, you just let me know. I don't have much to offer you, but if you think of something,” she said.

  “You don't have to thank me, but I accept. I would not leave any creature, human or Zenkian out there like that to die. It is not the Grantsion way. But there is something that you can do for me,” I said.

  “What is it?” she asked with wide eyes as she bit into a piece of meat.

  “After we eat, perhaps you can answer some questions for me about the Waysaw. As you know, we are at war with them. I assume since you ran away that you are no friend of theirs either. I don't blame you with what they have planned for Earth. So if there's any information that you might have to share with me, it could greatly help us in this fight against them.”

  “I understand. I am more than happy to answer your questions,” she said with a smile.

  “Good, I am happy to hear it. Now please, eat. You are too thin,” I said.

  She laughed and took another bite of the meat. Her cheeks were full as she chewed and it made me want to laugh a little. She was irresistible in an adorable sort of way. It was unu
sual to me. I could not take my eyes off of her.

  “Are you alone, Trent? Do you not have a wife and children?” she asked in between bites.

  “No, I have not taken a wife yet. Once I do, I would like to have children. Right now my focus is on my work as a commander.”

  “You are a commander? You must be very skilled,” she said.

  “I like to think so,” I said.

  “Do you like your work?” she asked.

  “I do. I love it,” I said.

  This was how we spent the time eating until we were finished. Then I got down to the real questions.

  “Thank you for the meal,” she said. She had eaten everything I’d brought for her, even to snack on later. I was impressed with her appetite.

  “You are welcome. Now if you don’t mind, the questions….” I said.


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