Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 34

by Maia Starr

  Samantha Gaines

  Trent’s words washed over me like a warm blanket. I felt safe in his arms. I felt safer than I had in months. He said he would never let Jenku touch me again, and I believed him. He was honorable, and I knew he spoke the truth to me. It made me feel turned on and I desired him, this alien hero of mine. I had never felt like this for anyone, not even a human man. There was something going on between us that I could not describe. It was a thick chemistry and sensual tension that was driving me over the edge.

  He kissed me deeply and passionately. I melted against his uniformed chest. I wanted to confide in him. I wanted to tell him everything, but I could not. I was worried that if I told him I was pregnant with Jenku’s child, he would not want me. He might even see it necessary to send me back. No, I had to keep it a secret, at least for now. I had been through so much brutality that I wanted to give myself the happiness of enjoying his tenderness and the pleasure that would come with it.

  “Take me to your bed, Trent,” I whispered between kisses. He groaned in response.

  “Are you sure, Samantha?” he said in a voice filled with desire.

  “Yes, just be gentle with me,” I whispered.

  “I would never be anything else,” he said as he picked me up. He scooped me into his arms and carried me to the bed. He gently lay me on my back. Then he stepped back from me. There was a zipper that went along the side of his chest. He unzipped it and opened the top of his uniform. He pulled it off. His beautiful blue skin was exotic to me. His muscles were rippled and toned. He smiled a dashing smile at me. He pushed his long black hair behind his ears, and I bit my lower lip at how this one gesture alone was sexy to me. Then he pulled off his military style boots and unzipped his uniform grey trousers. He pushed them down to the floor. He now stood there naked in front of me. He was gorgeous. He was so different than the red-skinned Waysaw Zenkian, and not just his skin color. There was something different in his demeanor.

  My eyes roamed down his strong chest to his hard cock. It was blue and smooth like the rest of him. His hard shaft was long and thick, and he wrapped his hand around it just as I was looking at it. “Like what you see?” he said.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Now you,” he said. “Take that dress off.”

  “Yes, Commander,” I said, untying the dress from behind my neck. It fell down to my waist, exposing my breasts. I heard him breathe harder. I laid down and pulled the dress down as I arched up my hips and slid it off of me. I kicked it to the bottom of the bed.

  “Fuck, you are beautiful Samantha. I couldn’t imagine how beautiful you were until now,” he said looking at me up and down.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “I must taste you,” he said as he moved to the bottom of the bed. I was confused as to what he was doing. He wrapped his hands around my ankles and pulled me to him. I giggled as he did so.

  “What are you doing, Trent?”

  “Making you my meal,” he said. He knelt down at the edge of the bed onto his knees. He opened my legs wide. Then he kissed my knee, and then the inside of my thigh. His kisses were warm and gentle.

  “Mmm,” I moaned.

  He licked my inner thigh and then the other. Then he moved up my body until he was placing soft kisses all over my wet slit. “Oh god,” I whispered.

  Then he licked along my wet center with one swift lick.

  “Mm, you are so wet, Samantha. I can taste you in my mouth,” he said.

  “Oh, Trent,” I whispered. “Yes.”

  He licked me harder and faster. I was on the brink. I could not hold on any longer. “Oh, I’m cumming. I’m cumming,” I said as I exploded with a million pulsing rhythms on my center. I was wiggling underneath him as he continued to lick and taste me.

  I heard a sudden gasp and a bang. We both turned to see Malaya standing there. She had dropped her bag on the floor in surprise. Trent said nothing and I said nothing. We were both in shock we didn’t even move. I was still in the middle of having an orgasm.

  “I’m… I’m sorry. I thought you wanted me to check on…” but Malaya didn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she picked up her bag and ran out. My eyes were wide with embarrassment and the waves of orgasm. Trent looked up at me from the place between my thighs. Then he laughed. I laughed too.

  “Sorry about that,” he said. Then he got up and walked away from me.

  “Where are you going?” I whispered.

  “To lock the door. I guess I forgot when I barged in here earlier,” he said.

  “Now, where were we?” he said as he stood at the edge of the bed.

  “We were right here,” I said as I sat up and got up onto my knees on the bed. I wrapped my hands around his cock. With him standing and me on my knees on top of the high bed, I was at the perfect height. He groaned. He looked down and watched me as I used my hands to massage his hard staff. Then I licked the tip of it making circles with my tongue.

  “Oh fuck, Samantha. That feels so good,” he moaned.

  “Good,” I said. Then I pushed his cock into my mouth.

  “Mmm, Samantha,” he whispered. I moved my mouth back and forth on his rigid member. I wanted to do for him what he had done for me. I had ached to put his cock in my mouth the moment he took his clothes off. He was so damn hot and sexy. He was the most gorgeous alien I had ever seen, and by now I had seen quite a few of them. He groaned and pushed his hand into my hair as I massaged him with my tongue.

  “Fuck, you have to stop, Samantha. I’m going to cum, and I still want to do other things to you,” he whispered.

  “Stop doing what?” I teased. “This?” I said as I pushed his cock into my mouth again.

  “Fuck. Yes, that,” he barely got the words out as he tried to gently push me back. I pulled his cock out of my mouth and giggled.

  “You are something else,” he said.

  “Thank you. So are you,” I said.

  He put his hands underneath my arms on my armpits and picked me up with such ease. I felt like a rag doll. He pressed me against his body and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He kissed me. I could taste myself on him. I loved feeling his hard, blue body against mine. Then I felt the tip of his cock press against my center. I stopped kissing him and looked at him with wide eyes.

  “I told you I wanted to do other things to you,” he said.

  “I can feel that you do,” I said. His hand went down my back and cupped my bottom. Then he guided me onto his cock and slid me down, entering me just a little.

  “Oh god, that feels heavenly,” I whispered as I pressed my face against his hard chest.

  “Yes, it does,” he said. Then he slid me down more and more. Inch by inch his hard, thick cock slid into me. I was moaning and biting onto his chest as he did so. Then he reached the depths of me, and we both sighed and moaned. We stayed like this as he moved to the bed and laid me down on my back without pulling out of me. I was impressed with his maneuvering.

  Then he swayed his hips back and forth as he hovered on top of me. His cock slid in and out me slowly, then faster, and then slow again. I grabbed and scratched at the sheets feeling this extreme pleasure. Then I moved my hands onto his back. I could feel the tension of his muscles. I ran my hands down and up again. I grabbed and squeezed his toned bottom.

  “Samantha, you are so wet. You feel so tight,” he said.

  “And you feel so big,” I whispered.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. Then he moved faster and faster. Then he pulled out of me. I did not know what he was doing. “Move this way,” he said as he rolled me onto my side. Then he got behind me, spooning me. Then he entered me again, sliding in and out of my wet center. It felt so damn good to have his entire heated body against my backside of my entire body. I could feel his strength, and I felt sheltered from everything. I felt safe and so turned on. I was going to explode again. His hand on my hip was steadying me, and then it moved up my body and clasped onto my breast. He squeezed my nipple and then
the other as he slid in and out of me.

  “Oh god. I’m going to cum again. I’m cumming,” I whispered.

  “I am too,” he said in a strained voice. He moved faster and faster and then I felt the warmth of his juices flow inside of me. Sex with this rebel alien was the best sex of my life. I breathed heavily as I enjoyed the sensations of my orgasm. I turned to him over my shoulder. He put his mouth on mine, kissing me. He was still inside of me as we lay there in this spooning position and kissing each other. It was perhaps the most romantic moment that I had ever experienced, and I did not want it to end. Though I knew that I could not stay with him. His race forbade him to be with human females. We could not be together, and it was possible that tonight would be the only time that we were together like this. Therefore I was going to indulge in every second of it.

  “Now don’t go to sleep because that was just round one,” he whispered to me as he kissed my shoulder.

  “Oh, is that so?” I asked playfully.

  “Yes, that is the truth. Maybe I will let you stop to eat and regain your strength, but we are not moving from this bed. Tonight, you are mine,” he whispered.

  “I like that sound of that, Trent,” I said.

  I really did. For the first time in my life, I was alright with belonging to someone as long as that someone was this strong alien Commander Trent Qoln. He was a rebel, and I guess in some ways so was I. We were supposed to be together.

  Chapter 8

  Commander Trent Qoln

  Being with Samantha in an intimate way was unlike anything I had ever felt. I understood more than ever the fascination that the Waysaw Zenkian had with the humans of Earth. Though it was no justification for taking them from their home.

  I lay next to her looking at her soft pale skin and running my fingers through her red hair as she sighed softly in pleasure.

  “That was intense,” she whispered.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” I said.

  “So what happens now? I was not planning for this,” she said. “But now I feel like we need to take some plan of action. I can’t stay here forever. You said you ran into a patrol looking for me. We have very little time, don’t we?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am afraid that you are right. We need to do something. I am not sure what. What choices are laid out for us?” I said.

  “Us?” she asked.

  “Yes, we are in this together now. Whether you like it or not. I’m not going to leave you alone in this. This is my problem now too,” I said.

  “I think we should come clean to your leaders. I think we should go to them, but on different terms,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “This sounds dangerous.”

  “I mean we can tell them that you just found me today while out on patrol and brought me in because you could not leave me out there. Then I can say that I have run away but that I also bring them a message. Then I can plead with them to consider a pact with Earth to fight against our common enemies the Waysaw. I will represent that pact. I think if we tell them this, they will overlook the fact that you brought a human here,” she said.

  “That could work. It does help with the rules of no human interaction, and we do want to fight the Waysaw, and having an Earth ally would be of great importance, but you are forgetting one thing,” I said.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “Even if they agree to what you say, they still will not agree to intimacy between a Zenkian and a human. That is will be forbidden no matter what,” I said.

  She sighed. “I understand and appreciate this rule. If the Waysaw had this rule, then there would be no human slaves.”

  “Yes, that is true. It is a good rule. One that I just broke over and over again,” I said.

  She laughed, “…and over and over, and hopefully over and over again before we leave this bed.”

  “You can count on it,” I said kissing her and rolling on top of her.

  She laughed and pushed me away, “Trent! This is serious. We are having a conversation here.”

  I groaned in frustration. “All right. So what were we talking about? You have already distracted me.”

  She laughed. “We were talking about a plan for me to go in front of your leaders. You will take me to them as though you just found me on patrol and I will plead with them my case. Earth needs help; we are no match for the Zenkian. And the more that the Waysaw steals from Earth’s resources, the stronger they become and will overtake the rebels. Together we can stop it, and it is in both our interests.”

  “You would make a good leader,” I said admiring her.

  “Thank you; so you agree to this plan?”

  “Yes, let’s go,” I said getting up from the bed.

  “Wait. What? Now?”

  “Yes, the sooner, the better. But you must put on your old tattered dress. You can’t be in the dress I gave you. It is an obvious Grantsion quality, and you must follow my lead.”

  “Yes, I can do that,” she said hopping up from the bed. Watching her naked body move across the room turned me on. I had to focus. We had a mission, and I could not be distracted from it no matter how damn hot her petite body was. She pulled out the tattered dress she wore when I found her and put it on. She slipped on her sandals and then pulled her hair up and tied it.

  I got dressed, and then we moved out quickly onto the ledge outside my dwelling and into my speeder. I drove to the outlands doing a quick loop and then moved back into the Grantsion village area.

  “Are you sure you are ready for this? I don’t know how the leaders will react,” I asked.

  “Yes, I am ready. I have hope,” she said.

  “Your hope gives me hope,” I said.

  A few minutes later, I landed the speeder in front of the leader chambers. It was a grand hall carved into the rocky cliffside. I opened the door to the speeder and grabbed Samantha by the arm. “Just go along with me. I have to make you look more like a capture,” I whispered to her.

  “I understand,” she whispered back.

  Zenkian around us began to take notice of the human. They were stopping and staring and whispering among themselves. Soon there was a commotion as I led her into the chambers. As soon as I entered, the guard looked at me.

  “Commander Trent Qoln to speak to the leaders. I found this human while on patrol. She is requesting an audience with them,” I said.

  The guard looked at her up and down taking in the shock of seeing a human. It was probably the first time he had seen one. He nodded and then walked to another guard in this distance and conversed. Then he returned. “Wait here. Your request is being taken to the leaders now.”

  I nodded in agreement and then we waited for about ten minutes while the leaders were called to the chamber. I squeezed Samantha’s arm in support to show her I felt her nervous energy. I was with her, no matter what. I had already decided that.

  “The leaders will see you now,” the guard said opening the door to the chamber. I felt Samantha sigh.

  “What is this, Commander Trent Qoln? Speak,” Leader Nizok said.

  “This is a human. I found her in the outlands on patrol. She has told me that she is a runaway slave of the Waysaw. As they are our enemy and we are against what they do to humans and to Earth, I felt it was my duty to help her. She has informed me that she wishes to speak to our leaders as well,” I said.

  The leaders looked at each other.

  “Commander, you know the rules about human interaction,” Nizok said.

  “Yes, I do. I am extremely apologetic, and I did wave the rules when I was saving her. But was I to let her die? My honor as a Grantsion could not allow that to happen. She could also be a valuable ally. She could have information that could help us,” I said.

  “And what is this message she brings?” Nizok said.

  I looked at Samantha and then at the leaders. “She wishes permission to speak.”

  “Yes, permission granted. Speak, human,” Nizok said.

a cleared her throat. “I would like to thank you and this Zenkian for saving my life. I have been through peril running from the Waysaw city. I was taken from Earth against my will and forced to be a slave. Thank you for your refuge. The Waysaw Zenkian are my enemy. They are the enemy of all of Earth. They are your enemy too. The Waysaw invade Earth and take resources. The more resources they have, the stronger they become. Soon they will have enough resources to make them stronger and stronger, and they will have what they need to defeat you. Because of this, I implore you to contact Earth in order to form a pact to fight the Waysaw together. I am a human, and I have seen inside Waysaw City and I know what it is like. I have seen the Grantsion Zenkian now and the kindness that this commander has shown me by saving my life today. I would be the perfect person to speak with the humans to speak about a pact like this. Will you think this over?” she asked.


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