Triple Threat_An MFMM Romance

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Triple Threat_An MFMM Romance Page 17

by Daphne Dawn

  I should leave them. Maybe disappear, but instead of running, I stay close.

  Wait for the senator to make his move. Get some dirt on him.

  No matter what I decide, it’s all just going to come down to when—before or after the gala? We’ve worked so hard on it, and so many will benefit.

  I don’t think I can just walk away from it. Despite the reek of danger that’s trailing at my heels right now, I want to believe I can pull off this event.

  Still, I don’t want to give the boys the satisfaction of kicking me out. I don’t want to see my replacement. I don’t think I can take it.

  I’m pacing the wide, long hallways of the mansion, thinking about all my trauma, but mostly thinking about the boys. Quick grins, sparkling eyes, hard cocks. The magnificent delight of being pinned between two hard bodies while another teases me.

  My passion has never been met before. I feel loved and satisfied for the first time. At the very thought of walking away from this, my eyes tear up and my hands tremble.

  There’s a knock on the main doors.

  Luckily, I wasn’t far away, or I might not have heard it. It could be a special delivery or something to do with the gala. I hurry to open it.

  The first thing I see is a mass of red roses. A young and smartly-dressed delivery boy pokes his head around the bouquet and smiles at me.


  His voice is young and light. He’s not from a delivery company; he’s from a private outfit. Very upscale.

  The roses are some of the finest I’ve ever seen. They would’ve been cut from the branch early this morning. Deep and red—roses of exquisite detail.

  “Yes, I’m Sofia.”

  I step forward and sign the small screen he pokes out under the bouquet and hands the large bunch to me. I thank him and turn away, walking slowly back into the house.

  I go into the kitchen and place the roses on the counter. This is such an expensive gift—it has the brothers written all over it. This is exactly the kind of thing they would do.

  All of them have a taste for finer things and always attend to details. I can feel my smile breaking out all over my face as I touch the petals gently, breathing in their sweet scent.

  The anxiety in my chest loosens, and I feel reassured, suddenly.

  They went to all this trouble just to cheer me up. Maybe I’m being paranoid, and they don’t want me to leave, after all. I see the small card tucked into the edge and snatch it out, quickly opening it.

  Dearest Sofia,

  Please meet me, your long time admirer. I promise you a very special surprise.

  It also comes with a special set of directions for my cab driver. Secret location!

  I’m so overjoyed I can’t stand still. All this time, I had nothing to worry about.

  I wonder what they’ve planned. Probably some wonderful food and wine, maybe a campfire. I think about the four of us lit by warm glowing flames and icy moonlight.

  I feel an ache deep between my legs.

  I know I’m grinning like a fool, but at least there’s no one around to see.

  I hurry back to my room to get ready and stand in front of the closet, running my hands over my clothes. I must pick something classy, but sexy.

  Something to get them in the mood.



  I get home to find the big house mostly dark. Looks like no one’s home yet. I hurry down to Sofia’s room, and I can see the glow of her light and hear her moving around.

  I’m so excited to see her. I can’t stop thinking about her. I’ve been working myself double time all day, trying to get out early so I can spend some time with her.

  I come up to the doorway and see her standing in front of her mirror, smoothing a black dress across her thighs. It has thick straps over her pale shoulders, plunging into a deep heart neckline with a tight bodice. The skirt is loose and short, showing off her fine legs.

  The fabric glitters in the half light with a shimmering, wet look.

  I move in the doorway, and she sees me in the mirror. As she turns around, the skirt twirls a little from its heavy, short flares, winking the view of her thighs between shimmering dark and shadowed skin.

  “Hi, Marco!”

  She’s enthusiastic, so happy. My heart lifts at her smile, but I’m not sure what she’s excited about or where she’s going.

  “Hello, Sofia. Had a good day?”

  “Better now,” she grins at me.

  She turns back to the mirror to smooth the bodice gently against her skin. I watch her stroke along under her breasts, and it starts getting me hard. Such long legs, under such a short skirt…

  She looks amazing.

  “Going somewhere special?” I try to make it light.

  She turns, smiling, skirt tossing about her thighs again.

  “I’m getting ready for a special date, ” she says, smiling broadly at me, and winks.


  What the fuck? Who? Where?

  I have half a mind to start fucking her right here and now, just to stop her going anywhere. She looks incredible.

  She strides over to the closet and grabs a bright red silken wrap and pulls it around her shoulders. The glittering, silky black dress was dramatic enough against her pale skin and fine features. The addition of the vibrant red to the outfit brings out the red in her lips and makes her eyes even darker.

  Like she needs more mystery.

  “Does it have something to do with the gala?”

  Maybe it’s a business dinner.

  “Oh no,” she chuckles. “I have all that covered.”

  She walks towards me, adjusting the wrap around her upper arms.

  “This is all pleasure, I think.”

  “I have something planned for tonight too. I was going to check with you…”

  “That’s okay,” she smiles. “I’m sure it’ll work out. I’m really looking forward to tonight.”

  “Yeah…This evening is pretty important to me. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you about it sooner. Just the anticipation, you know? So much to plan.”

  She’s beaming at me, literally. The good vibes are flowing off her in waves.

  I really don’t think I know what the fuck is going on.

  “I appreciate it soooo much,” she says.

  She comes closer and puts a hand on my arm, looking deep into my eyes.

  “I know how hard you’ve worked, and I’m so happy. Really. I’m so grateful for everything.”

  This is starting to sound scarily like a goodbye. I’m not sure of what to say.

  My plans tonight are important. I’ve worked up to it for a long time.

  I can’t let all my good work go to waste.

  She’s right in front of me, looking luscious, and I just want to get my head under that silky skirt and make her writhe and scream and cry my name. I’m quite desperate to prove myself to her physically. The idea that she has gone to this much trouble for someone else is really darkening my thoughts.

  “I have some important details I need to fix up, then I’m going to see where Franco and Antonio are.”

  She smiles like a kid with a secret.

  “Okay. You go ahead. I’m nearly ready to go.”

  She leans in, red lips curving in a gorgeous smile as she kisses my cheek.

  “I can’t wait to see you later,” she whispers close to my ear.

  With another ear to ear grin, she dances back to the dresser and starts putting on light touches of makeup. I’m completely baffled as I begin to walk away.

  I’m pretty sure Antonio had a big afternoon moving paintings between warehouses and planning for a new art show. He’s usually out late in those situations. Franco wanted to get the paperwork finished so he could start on a clean slate with the new accounts and the upcoming business change.

  He was planning a very late one too. So, she can’t be seeing one of them.

  Maybe it’s a quick dinner date with one of them?

  That doesn�
��t make sense. She was getting ready for a big evening.

  Something is wrong here. I just can’t put my finger on it.

  I’ve got a fierce little ember of anxiety inside me, and I’ve learned to trust my instincts. I have too much to do tonight, though. I really have to get moving.

  I head towards my office to get some final tasks done.

  As I enter and see my neatly stacked papers, I realize Sofia could’ve been in here. We have left her alone in the mansion multiple times. She might know everything about our operation and what we’re planning to do.

  I try to shake off these paranoid thoughts. It’s just uncertainty about the next steps of the business. There’s nothing wrong with Sofia—maybe she’s meeting a friend.

  We don’t know that much about her. In fact, we know next to nothing.

  I feel that anxiety again, but I find I can’t accuse Sofia, even in my mind.

  She’s such an amazing woman.

  If we can’t trust her, then we can’t trust anyone. She has appeared in our lives at exactly the right moment, like a sign that everything we’re doing is the right choice.

  It’s meant to be. And yet her behavior tonight is a little unnerving.



  It’s getting dark now as the cab cruises the streets. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and as we leave the main part of the city, I have to wonder where we’re going.

  Maybe outdoors? For some reason, I was thinking it would be an open, beautiful park with trees and lovely flowers. I just like being naked outside, I guess.

  That last time was truly amazing.

  I suppose I want to replay it, but with all the boys involved, not just one. Even though I enjoy the one on one, I find that without the others, it feels wrong.

  Like there’s something missing.

  We’re far out into the industrial area now, and I feel a bit worried.

  There are no gorgeous parks, theatres, or restaurants out here. The cab pulls up in a wide concrete car park where an old, rusty warehouse glowers over the empty spots.

  I get out cautiously, pulling the wrap around my shoulders.

  “Are you sure this is the place?” I lean through the window to speak to the cabbie.

  “This is the only place where those two streets meet up, ma’am. I can’t think of any other location. I have another fare to pick up, but by all means call me back if you need a ride out of here.”

  I nod and wave at him and start walking across the silent car park.

  The warehouse is tall and threatening. Some of the upper windows have been knocked out, and the walls are peeling, stained and broken with neglect.

  I stand looking up at the warehouse, and the knowledge hits me firmly in my chest.

  They know. They’ve always known. They were just playing with me the whole time.

  They’ve probably been waiting for the femme fatal to enter the picture.

  What a damn fool I’ve been!

  I got so distracted by their cocks I couldn’t keep my mind on the job.

  As hard as I try to stay angry, a sob escapes my lips as I clutch the red wrap around my shoulders. Tears brim in my eyes, stinging.

  My memory is a traitor—right here, right now, bringing up the sensations of their sweet, gentle lips. Their thrilling hands, hard cocks, and incredible stamina. I can’t help but remember the intensity of their eyes, not just one after the other, but how it feels when all three of them are looking at me at the same time.

  Ever had a man stare at you as if you are a dream?

  A look that says you’re more than just a woman. You’re an enigma, a mystery, and a goddess. Someone who can stoke his passion to its deepest burning and put on her cloak of class to charm the highest of society five minutes later.

  Imagine having three men looking at you like that.

  Amazing men. Smart, quick, intelligent men.

  I know the feeling in their eyes was real. Their hands didn’t lie!

  I feel the tears threatening to break free and spill down my cheeks, as I stand lonely and cold in the parking lot.

  I don’t want to get any nearer to the warehouse.

  I could be in sniper sights right now. The fear is starting to override my sorrow. If they know who I am and what I’m up to, they’ve lured me here to kill me.

  They might have many bodies buried here, under the floor.

  Perhaps my grave has already been dug.

  I can’t bear to think of them turning on me in anger. Accusing me of lying to them. Seeing those beautiful intense eyes going dark with hurt as they contemplate my treachery.

  Fuck. When I said the world was fucked up, I had no idea how fucked up it could get.

  I pull out my phone, wondering if I can call the cabbie back.

  A quick glance shows me there’s no reception. I’m so frustrated I almost smash my phone. A life of discipline stops me from doing so, and I stuff the useless thing back into my clutch purse.

  Looks like I have no choice but to start walking—in a ridiculously high heels, a fancy, very short dress, and a red silken wrap.

  Hopefully, I hit some reception not far down the road.

  Hopefully I’m not in sniper sights right now.

  Hopefully the brothers—or their henchmen—aren’t inside the warehouse, waiting to see what I do.

  I almost walk away when I turn back and study the windows thoughtfully.

  I’m pretty sure there’s no sniper. He would have fired by now.

  There’s no reason to wait.

  Didn’t Antonio say he had to move his art between warehouses?

  Maybe he has a special painting to show me. Maybe he wants me to help choose the pieces for his upcoming show. We might be hitting the club scene or a hot restaurant straight after we catalogue the art.

  Thinking even just one of my boys might be inside makes hope bloom in my chest.

  I want to believe it, so badly, that when I open the door, one or all will be standing there, smiling, opening some wine.

  Ready to kiss me, caress me, and tell me I’m the only thing they need.

  I take a few steps toward the warehouse.

  Maybe, even if it’s my doom that would be better.

  Make it quick. No more agonizing over choices that can’t be made.

  My heels click as my legs tremble, getting closer.

  A bright light blinds me, and I stagger back. My hand covers my eyes.

  I squint at the warehouse and see massive spotlights have been turned on.

  In the bright light, I can see a dark figure approaching. I blink the light out of my eyes as he gets closer. It’s not the right build to be one of the boys.

  My eyes adjust, and in the dark shadow across his face, I finally recognize him.

  “Senator,” I whisper.

  Now, I’m afraid.



  I get back quite late, after dinner. I can’t wait to see Sofia. My eyes are sore from looking closely at the paintings, and I’m tired from moving them around all day.

  I prefer painting more than organizing art shows. We need a few pieces for the gala, and it was time to make decisions. Sofia might make a real artist out of me yet.

  It had been her idea to auction off some of my paintings.

  I come into the kitchen and notice the roses.

  Both Marco and Franco look up from the table.

  “You’re late.” Franco cuts into some pasta and salad as I move towards the counter.

  You would have to be blind not to notice the roses sitting there. It’s a massive bouquet of very fresh and perfectly curled buds. I want to go straight to the oven and pull out some lasagna for myself, but the look of those roses has me unsettled.

  “Not as late as I thought you would be,” Marco puts in, closing his tablet with one hand and eating with the other.

  “Where’s Sofia?” he asks, turning to me.

  The bad feeling I had seeing the roses doubles up in my gut, and it won’
t fit in there anymore. Now, there’s a tightness in my chest too.

  “What do you mean, where’s Sofia? Isn’t she here?” I move over to the table as the others stare up at me in disbelief. From their looks and the casual dropping of forks, I think they’ve forgotten their food.

  “She’s not here.”

  Franco starts to get up. “I had to work late…that damn paperwork. I got it all done ready for the next stage…but, damn! Where is she?”

  Marco wipes his mouth as he stands up. “I saw her. She was here when I got home.”

  I can barely stop myself from grabbing him and shaking him.

  Marco does control. It’s his thing.

  It’s why Papa chose him to take over as head of the business. He thinks things through and doesn’t get emotional. It’s this chilly calm that allows him to speed Ferraris around the track at two hundred meters per hour or jump out of a plane.

  Usually, in business, I admire the skill. At the moment, it’s just pissing me off.

  “Yeah, can we not do the guessing thing right now?”

  Franco is standing up and tapping his foot. He doesn’t deal well with stress.

  Nor do I.

  I can feel myself shaking inside. Something’s wrong. Something’s really wrong.

  I want to crumple up and die. I let her down.

  I wasn’t here. I fucked up. She needed me, and I fucked up.

  Marco is clearly deconstructing the problem with his calm demeanor. Franco is getting jittery, which means he wants to hit something.

  “We spoke. She was getting really dressed up. She was super excited too, and saying the weirdest shit…Like she couldn’t wait to see me later, and thanks for everything.”

  “What?” Franco almost jumps out of his skin. “What did she mean by that? ‘Thanks for everything’ and goodbye?”

  “It sounded like it,” Marco admits defeatedly.

  I can’t speak. I walk over to the kitchen counter and lay my hands flat on it. I need to lean on it for support.

  The roses are a fine display.


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