Rose Farm Trilogy Boxset

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Rose Farm Trilogy Boxset Page 26

by Kennedy, Brenda

  He watches me. “I think they probably do, yes.”

  Abel Lee

  When Pops called and told me they found Heather Sue dead, I had no idea how I was going to tell Savannah Mae. The police called Ethan into the station to ask him a few questions. He’s not a suspect, but I think maybe in the beginning he was.

  When Pops said she was unrecognizable, my mind drifted back to Megan Rose. She was also unrecognizable. I hate to think that this small community may have a serial killer, but it’s starting to look like that. The target seems to be young women who are the age of Savannah Mae and Mia.

  I spent most of my time this evening on the phone. I was talking to Pops, Levi, and Ethan. They are all concerned for Savannah Mae’s and Mia’s safety. If a serial killer is at large, and he’s targeting women Mia’s and Savannah Mae’s age, we all have a reason to be concerned.

  I look at Savannah Mae. “Ethan won’t be at work tomorrow, but Kevin will be.”

  I’ll try to get some more information from Kevin. Savannah Mae and I usually watch the news before bed, but not tonight. She cuddles into me, and I hold her tightly.

  “I need to call Ethan tomorrow. Who could be terrorizin’ our small town?” she whispers.

  “I wish I knew.”

  She sleeps restlessly, and I lie awake trying to figure out the best way to keep her safe. If I tell her to do something, she won’t do it. If I tell her to stay in the house and keep the doors locked, she’ll rebel and do the opposite. Well, ordinarily she would, but maybe not now with this going on. Maybe this is enough to scare the entire community.

  In the morning, Savannah Mae gets up early to work the morning shift at Peaches Place with Mia.

  “There’ll be a lot of talk about Heather Sue at work today,” she says.

  I look at her as she applies a small amount of lip gloss to her pink lips. “I know, try not to engage in it. Most of it will be speculation. The police won’t be releasing details yet.”

  She holds her stomach and says, “There’ll be a lot of truth to what they say. It’s a small town and word spreads quickly.”

  Yeah, maybe she’s right. “Try not to participate in the gossip, it’ll just be upsetting. What time do you get off work?”

  “Three, but I need to go to the pharmacy on my way home.”

  If I didn’t have Sawyer Jackson here, I would drive her to work and pick her up when she got off. It’s still dark out and I don’t want her out alone.

  “Is someone at the restaurant when you get there?”

  “Bill should be there, but if not, Mia and I have a key.”

  My mind runs wild with thoughts of Savannah Mae and Mia walking into the restaurant alone, and the things that could happen. “I’ll drive you. I don’t want you walking in the restaurant alone.”

  She looks at me but doesn’t argue.


  We drop Sawyer Jackson off so her mother can watch him while we both work today. She waits in the car and I carry Sawyer Jackson into the house. He’s still asleep and doesn’t wake.

  Next, I take Savannah Mae to work. The sun is just beginning to rise. Bill is already inside the restaurant and I’m relieved. I watch as a truck pulls up behind us. Levi is also dropping off Mia for work. Can’t be too cautious.

  “I’ll be here at three to get you.”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  I lean over and kiss her goodbye. “It’ll be all right.”

  “I know. I just wish I didn’t have to work today. It’ll be hard to fake a smile for my customers.”

  “I’m sorry.” I watch as she gathers her tote bag and walks inside the restaurant. Levi and I both wait and make sure the girls are in the restaurant safely. I follow him to Momma and Pops’ farm, where we’ll do the chores and have breakfast together. We’ll also discuss the events of yesterday and try to make sense of everything that’s happened.

  At work, all of the guys talk about Heather Sue during the morning coffee break. Kevin listens, but he doesn’t add anything that is being said. I do what I recommended Savannah Mae to do. I try not to engage in the rumors, but I have to wonder if what they say is true, and I also have to wonder where they got their information. I don’t ask. I do pay a lot of attention to Kevin. I’m sure that Heather Sue’s murder is taking a toll of the entire family, even if Ethan and she were broken up.

  I leave work early to pick up Savannah Mae from work. I have a coffee while I wait for her to finish up with her tables. Mia and Savannah Mae both look broken, and the mood in the restaurant is somber, as it should be. A young woman has lost her life. I didn’t know her, or about her, other than what Savannah Mae has said about her.

  Ethan walks in and the restaurant becomes quiet. He joins me at my table and Savannah Mae brings him over a black coffee.

  “You okay?” she asks.

  He picks up the mug of black coffee and stares into it before lookin’ up at Savannah Mae.

  “Yeah. Just tryin’ to wrap my head around all of this.”

  “Ethan, I’m really sorry. I don’t know what to say.”

  A few customers leave and Mia walks over and joins us at the table.

  “I know. It’s just so surreal. I can’t believe she’s gone,” he says sadly.

  “I’m sorry, too, Ethan.”

  “Thank you, Mia.”


  I sit at the table across from Abel with Mia and Savannah Mae standin’ near. I came in here because I knew Savannah Mae would be workin’. I wanted to talk to someone, but now, I’m not sure it’s a good idea. My ex-girlfriend was just found murdered in her own home. Blood covered her battered face and body. When her mother found her, she said she didn’t know for sure it was Heather Sue. She said if it weren’t for Heather Sue’s boots she couldn’t have known it was her.

  Who would do such a thing? Who would want to hurt Heather Sue? I feel like I just need someone to talk to. Of course I can’t talk to Savannah Mae. She doesn’t need to hear the gruesome details of Heather Sue’s demise. I had nightmares about it, and I don’t want Savannah Mae to have the same thoughts that will haunt me for who knows how long. Weeks? Months? Years? A lifetime?

  “I’ll be back, I need to finish up my work. Don’t leave without seein’ me,” Savannah Mae says.

  “I won’t.”

  “I need to go, too. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am.” Mia looks sad.

  “Thank you, Mia. I appreciate that.”

  When the girls leave, I look up at Abel.

  “Are you really doing all right?” he asks.

  I shake my head. I sit there with my hands tightly wrapped around my mug of hot coffee, absorbin’ its warmth into my chilled body.

  “It’s just so hard to believe. I know we were broken up, and I know the things she’s done keepin’ me away from Sawyer Jackson when he was in the hospital weren’t right, but she certainly didn’t deserve death and especially to die like she did.”

  Abel watches me. “You need someone to talk to?”

  “I think I do.”

  He looks around the room. “Let’s not talk here, let’s go outside.”

  He lays some money on the table, and I also toss some money down with his.

  Abel stands and says, “I’ll wait outside for you guys. Mia, I can take you home, too, if you need a ride.”

  “Great, thanks.”

  I follow Abel outside and towards the back parkin’ lot. I parked next to his truck and now I lean against it tryin’ to collect my thoughts. He also leans against his truck and remains silent. “Someone barged into her house and cut her throat.” I pause and take a deep breath. “They cut her ear to ear.” I don’t wait for him to say anything. “She was found in the kitchen covered in blood.” I keep goin’. “The think the police believe it’s the same person who killed Megan Rose.”

  I know what he’s thinkin’. No one knew exactly how Megan Rose was killed. “Are you sure?”

  I nod. “I had to go to the police station yesterday. They had an e
ntire board covered with things pertaining to Megan Rose’s murder. I think I was a suspect at first.”

  “Do they have any clues who did this?”

  I shake my head. Shovin’ my hands into my jeans pocket, I kick a rock, and cross my boot over the other. “I don’t think they have a clue. If I’m honest with myself, I’m worried about Savannah Mae, her sister, Mia, and the other women in this town. I’m not sure these killin’s are random.”

  “You think they’re linked in some way?”

  “I do, yes.”

  Savannah Mae

  As soon as Mia and I finish up, we leave through the kitchen door. Abel Lee and Ethan are standin’ in the parkin’ lot talkin’.

  “It looks like they’re in deep conversation.”

  I look over at them and I have to agree. “Yeah, Ethan doesn’t look good.”

  “Neither does Abel. I don’t feel too well either.”

  I look at her and ask, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s not the baby. Just a lot to take in. Heather Sue’s murder touched a little too close to home.”

  “I know. I really thought Megan Rose’s murder was an isolated occurrence.”

  Mia drops her voice to a whisper. “Don’t tell anyone, but I think the murders are related. Two murders in our small community within a few months. I don’t think that’s coincidental.”

  “I don’t either.”

  When we finally reach Ethan and Abel Lee, they’re no longer engrossed in a conversation. We talk briefly about Heather Sue and any plans for a memorial service her mother, Jean, is plannin’. We learn that as of right now, nothin’ has been mentioned about anything.

  Ethan tells me it’ll be a few days before he can get Sawyer Jackson.

  “Heather Sue’s mom, Jean, wants me to help her clear out Heather Sue’s rental house.”

  Abel Lee speaks up. “Do you need help doin’ that?”

  I get chills just thinkin’ about goin’ in the same house she was murdered in.

  “The police should be done today. They were collectin’ evidence and checkin’ for fingerprints. I told Jean that tomorrow would be a better time to go. We could use the help, but you’ll be workin’.”

  I want to offer to help, too, but I don’t. I don’t think I could walk in the same house she was killed in. I get a visual of a chalk outline of a bloody body. I shiver.

  Abel Lee looks over at me.

  “Are you cold?” he whispers.

  I shake my head as I wrap my arms around my torso.

  “Here’s the keys, why don’t you and Mia wait for me in the truck? I’ll just be another minute.”

  I take the keys from Abel Lee and Mia says, “I’m really sorry, Ethan.”

  “Me, too,” I chime in.


  We get in the truck and I start it up. The ice runnin’ through my veins has chilled me from my bones to my skin. I’m grateful that the roar of the truck has muted the conversation Abel Lee and Ethan are havin’ outside. After a few minutes, Abel Lee joins us in the truck. He turns the heater from low to high before he pulls off.

  “How about we get Sawyer Jackson and we all go and visit Momma and Pops? Mia, you don’t have other plans, do you?”

  I thought Abel Lee was goin’ to drop us off and go back to work, but I see he has other plans.

  “No, I don’t have any other plans. Levi’s still at work,” Mia says.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  We are all quiet on the drive to get Sawyer Jackson. When we get there, Abel Lee runs in and gets my son. I haven’t had time to talk to Mom and Daddy about Heather Sue. I’m suddenly worried about my sister. If Mia is right, and these murders are related to one another, could my sister be in danger? I quickly text Samantha Marie to see if she’s all right.

  I don’t voice my fears. I don’t need to start a panic with Mia or my parents. The more I think about it, the more I become worried. My phone chimes that I have a message.

  Samantha Marie: I’m between classes, what’s up?

  Savannah Mae: Just wondering what you’re doin’ after class.

  Samantha Marie: Goin’ home to study.

  Savannah Mae: Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Learn somethin’ today. xoxo

  Samantha Marie. Haha. Very funny. Xoxo

  I feel better knowin’ she’s safe. “I think spendin’ time with Nelly and Bud will do us some good.”

  Mia adjusts her position in the back seat. “Me, too. On top of the hill, it feels like a whole other world.”

  I don’t spend as much time on the farm as Mia does. Nelly and Bud are very laid-back and lovin’ people. I know whenever I’m there, I have a feelin’ of peace and calmness. I watch as Abel Lee walks out of the house carryin’ Sawyer Jackson. Mom waves from the doorway as they walk off the front porch. I smile when they get closer to the truck. I’ve missed my son. Abel Lee fastens him safely into his booster seat before driving up the steep driveway to Bud and Nelly’s.

  When we get there, Nelly greets us on the porch wearin’ an apron. We get out of the truck, and I have to wonder if Abel Lee didn’t call her to let her know we were comin’. I wait for Mia to get out from the back seat. Her belly is pokin’ out there and she grunts as she climbs down.

  I tell her, “I should have sat back there, I wasn’t thinkin’.”

  “Oh, hush. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t get in and out of a backseat.” She laughs as she tries to steady herself.

  ”Okay… whatever you say.”

  Sawyer Jackson runs up to Nelly’s open arms. I watch as she hugs him sweetly. Mia waddles up the stairs as Abel Lee and I walk behind her. Nelly greets us warmly, and I soon feel like family.

  When we get inside, I learn that Bud is still at work at the old schoolhouse. I feel bad that Abel Lee isn’t there with him. There is no talk of Heather Sue, no talk of Megan Rose, and no talk of murderers at large. Mia puts on an apron and starts helpin’ Nelly with dinner. Sawyer Jackson is already sittin’ at the table with a plate of cookies and milk in front of him. I feel like I should be doin’ something.

  “Do you need help with anything?”

  Nelly looks up from the counter that is covered in flour.

  “No, dear, I think we have it. Just relax until dinner.”

  “Do you and Sawyer Jackson want to go for a ride on the horses?” Abel Lee is standin’ at the kitchen door. My eyes light up with excitement. I love going horseback ridin’.

  “Mommy, can I stay here?”

  “You don’t want to come?”

  “Nope, I wanna stay here and eat cookies.”

  I look at Sawyer Jackson and Nelly says, “You two go on. I’ll keep an eye on Sawyer Jackson.”

  “Are you sure, Nelly? I don’t want to impose.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. You two go on.”

  “Let me get you a jacket.” Abel Lee walks out of the room and returns with one of his hooded sweatshirts.

  “Thank you for watchin’ him for me.”

  Nelly looks up and smiles and says, “Oh, Savannah Mae, I’m glad to watch him.”

  “Thanks, Momma,” Abel Lee says.

  I follow Abel Lee outside to the barn while pulling his hoodie over my head. I inhale his scent from the sweatshirt.

  “You want to ride Colonel?” he jokes.

  I laugh and it feels nice.

  “No, I’ll ride Bluebell. I don’t think Colonel likes me so much.”

  He opens up the barn door and says, “Colonel’s just misunderstood. I had a long talk with him and he’s doing much better with his social skills.”

  I look at Abel Lee, and his brown eyes sparkle with mischief.

  “Social skills? He has a severe lack of social skills, so I think I’ll pass. Bluebell’s more my speed.”

  “Have it your way.”

  Once we saddle up the horses, we gallop down the field towards the sunset. I feel free and happy. I haven’t ridden a horse by myself in a few years. Daddy had horses fo
r my sister and me when we were growin’ up, but that was years ago.

  We stop when we get to the evergreens and I can feel him watchin’ me. “I didn’t know you rode.”

  “Been ridin’ since I was a child. Hard to be raised in Rose Farm and not know how to ride horses.”

  He laughs. “I guess you’re right. Do you hold some Perry County blue ribbon for horseback ridin’?”

  “You makin’ fun of me, Abel Lee?”

  “No, Ma’am, just asking.”

  He dismounts from Colonel, as I do Bluebell. We walk around the spruce pines holdin’ hands.

  “Is this where you cut down the Christmas tree for my house?”

  “It is. Pops always replaces the cut-down trees with new ones in the spring. This is one of my favorite places to come. It reminds me of you.”

  I lean into him and get a warm loved feelin’ inside. “Hard to believe we’ve known each other only a few months.”

  “I’ve known you a lot longer than a few months. But we’ve been dating only a few months.”

  “Feels like longer.”

  He wraps his arm around me and holds me tightly. We walk around the evergreens breathing in their pine scent. I can see where trees have been cut down and new ones have been planted. “This is a great piece of property.”

  He looks around at the flat land and at the sunset. “It is. Levi and I used to fight about which one of us would be the first to build a house here.”

  I look up from my hug. “That’s a great idea. Why don’t you? Levi and Mia bought a house in Crooksville. This would be perfect for you.”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know. I was young when I was thinking about it.”

  I rest my head back on his chest as we walk back towards the horses.

  “I wouldn’t think twice about livin’ here. I think it’s the perfect place to raise a family.”

  Once we get back on the horses, I take off and yell behind me, “I’ll race you back to the barn.” I swat Bluebelle on the butt and she runs faster.


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