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Info We Trust Page 30

by R J Andrews

  Binding, 95

  Birds, vision in, 82

  Bitgood, Stephen, 126

  Blixen, Karen, 134

  Boat stories, 206

  Bonacci fillius, 17

  Boole, George, 18

  Booleans, 18, 18, 19

  Borges, Jorge Luis, 52

  Boroditsky, Lera, 55

  Box, George E.P., 115

  Box plots, 101, 101, 119, 119

  Brahmi alphabet, 17

  Brahmi numeral system, 16

  Brightness, 81

  Brinton, Willard C., 29

  Brown, James, 14, 20, 21

  Browne, Robert, 110

  Brynjolfsson, Erik, 204

  Buddha, xii

  Buddhist philosophy, 42


  Cabinets of curiosities, 132

  Cairo, Alberto, 71, 120

  Calculus, 53

  Calendars, 52, 56

  Calvino, Italo, 42, 49, 99, 110

  Cameron, William Bruce, 156

  Campbell, Joseph, 7, 7, 164, 203

  Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction, The (Le Guin), 205

  Carroll, Lewis, vii, 37, 116

  Carse, James P., 7, 63, 142

  Carte chronographique (Barbeu-Dubourg), 74

  Cartesian coordinate system, 60, 62, 63, 63, 64, 95

  Case, Nicky, 174

  Categories moving about for better forms, 96, 102, 102, 104

  pulling together phenomena into, to be “seen,” 147

  sorting by value, 32

  visual cognition with, 41, 82, 83, 88, 147

  Category extension, 36–37, 38–39, 65

  Cathedrals, orientation of, 176–184, 188, 189, 192–196

  Census population data, 32–33

  Central limit theorem, 27

  Certainty, and truth, 118–120

  Chaos theory, 109

  Chaplin, Charlie, 204–205

  Chartres Cathedral, France, 182

  Charts. See also Bar charts cathedral orientation using, 178–179, 182, 189, 192–193

  connected scatter plot in, 104

  context for, 14

  design of, 205

  as diagrams, 163

  fictive motion language for, 49

  pie charts, 62–63, 62, 207

  polar coordinates on, 62, 63, 63, 64, 66

  three-dimensional volume on, 76–77

  time-series charts, 70

  visualizing data using, 184

  Chinese language, 17, 54

  Chronographique (Barbeu-Dubourg), 74

  Chronometric time, 53

  Chronostatic time, 53

  Chunking, 147–148, 190

  City dwellers' perspective in, 63

  grids in, 61

  shapes on maps for population of, 74

  Clay tablets, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26

  Cleveland, William, 43, 70, 87, 94, 96, 100

  Climate data sketch, 109

  Clocks, 54, 62, 62

  Coleman, Laurence, 131

  Color, 79–88 categories of, in visual cognition, 41, 82, 83, 88, 147

  conveying information using, 82, 84, 88

  effective use of palette in, 87–88

  emotional tone and, 152

  grey values and, 80–81

  highlighting with, 81, 83, 86

  learnability and semantic use of, 83

  luminance and, 80, 81, 85, 87, 88

  meaning conveyed by, 68

  perception of, 82, 84–85, 87, 88

  printing and, 84, 84

  quantitative palettes in, 86–87

  range of models for, 82–83, 84–85, 84, 86

  tables with, 32

  Color vision, 82, 84–85

  Color wheels, 82–83, 86

  Comics, 139, 160

  Comparisons data exploration using, 92–94

  juxtaposed, 94

  meaning built on, 189

  superposed, 94

  Confidence interval, 118–120, 118, 119

  Connected scatter plot, 104

  Context chart creation and, 14

  facts and need for, 14, 29

  individual perspectives on data stories and, 15, 20–21

  material origins of data and, 15

  Cosmic clocks, 54

  Counting, 45–56 assembly-number metaphor in, 46–47, 48

  common experience of tallying objects by, 46

  concept of zero in, 46

  distance-number metaphor in, 48–49

  fractions in, 46, 48

  length measurements and, 47, 47

  length-number metaphor in, 47–48

  newborns and, 93

  object-number metaphor in, 46

  systems for, 16–18

  timelines and, 52–53

  Courage, 10

  Creationism, 170

  Creation myths, 4, 52

  Creative Routines (poster), 3

  Creativity, 173, 198, 200–201

  Credible interval, 118

  Cruciform plans, 176–177, 196

  Curie, Marie, 204

  Curiosity data exploration and, 104

  design thinking and, 29–30

  human nature with, 138, 173

  information gap theory of, 38

  as motivated search for answers, 15, 37

  museum layouts and labels and, 127, 131, 132

  novelty in design and, 152

  storytelling and, 138–140

  variety of projects maintained with, 198–199

  visuals arousing, 145

  Currey, Mason, 3


  Daily Rituals (Currey), 3

  Dashboard design, 10

  Data context and material origins of, 14, 22

  daily rituals of creative people and, 3

  digital production of, 26–27

  effective presentation of facts in, 29

  encoding in a visual form, 42–44

  endangered species and, 2

  energy of, 190

  hero's journey as metaphor for encounters with, 7, 7, 9, 36, 121, 205

  importance of learning human side and origins of, 28–29

  information differentiated from, 30

  meaningful information made with, 4

  metaphors for visualizing, 19, 58, 68

  polar and rectangular mental maps and, 64

  reality as flow of, 56

  relationships and nodes in portraying, 65

  superficial contradiction between story and, 6–7

  tabular arrangement of. See Tables

  Unicode encoding of, 30

  value creation and new sources of, 27

  Databases, 19–20

  Data exploration, 89–110, 176 changed approach for finding new ways of seeing in, 104

  comparisons for, 92–94

  data sketches for, 90–91, 98

  mean (average) in, 97

  median in, 98, 98

  patterns for, 95–98

  profiles of data in, 100–101

  reordering data in, 102–104

  transforming data in, 104–108

  Data sketches climate example of, 109

  methods used in, 90–92, 91, 98

  trust in, 110

  Data storage evolution of, 26

  location and types in, 19–20, 19

  mental models in, 20

  tables for, 20, 31, 134

  value types in, 18, 18, 19

  Data stories, 4–10 context needed for, 14, 20–21

  conveying information using, 4, 6, 207

  critics of, 206–207

  design of, 133–142

  exploring and studying, 202

  fictive motion in, 49

  helmets illustration as example of, 8–9

  hero's struggles and, 5–6, 5

  interdisciplinary nature of, 9–10

  mind's eye in, 42

  narrative model for, 205–206

  superficial contradiction between data and story in, 6–7

  ways of packaging, 186

  Data storytellers as heroes, 9, 10
, 11, 164–165

  individual perspectives and context of, 15

  trust and, 172

  Data storytelling compressing information into relatable details in 21

  creativity in, 200–201

  diagram illustrating process of, 164–165

  diagrams in, 159

  digital tools used in, 201–202

  editing in, 186–187, 186

  encoding data in, 43

  humanize-probe cycle in, 35, 35

  lens metaphor for exploring and focusing in, 176, 186

  prototypes in, 201

  rejection of evidence in, 168

  remixing in, 201

  routines for, 198–199

  sampling and, 116

  workshopping in, 187–191

  world building in, 58

  Davis, Murray, 38

  Dean, Bashford, 9, 9, 128

  Decimal fractions, 17

  Decimal points, 18, 31, 113

  De Landa, Manuel, 158

  Demographics, 25–26, 32

  Descartes, René, 60, 61

  Design. See also Graphic design; Visual design axis mundi reflected in, xii

  precision in, 157–158

  solving problems in, 29

  Design thinking, 28–29

  De Stijl movement, 148, 148

  Deutsch, David, 41, 201

  Diagrams, 159–165, 161 arrows used in, 161

  concepts illustrated in, 163

  conveying meaning using, 157, 160, 161–163

  design of, 205

  engineering and, 159–160

  statistical charts as, 163

  visual storytelling with, 184

  working with data shown on, 164–165

  Dionysius Exiguus, 52

  Distance-number metaphor, 48–49

  Douglass, Frederick, 167

  Dragons heroes confronting, 5–6, 5

  mythology's portrayal of, 6

  Draw to Win (Roam), 163

  Duarte, Nancy, 138

  Dyson, Freeman J., 75


  Eco, Umberto, 54, 155, 170

  Eddington, Arthur, 13, 112

  Egypt, Ancient, xii, 17, 64, 127, 148

  Einstein, Albert, 50, 92

  Eliade, Mircea, xiii, 5, 36

  Elliot, T.S., 121

  Emotional design, 151–152, 153, 155–156

  Endangered Safari (interactive project), 2

  Engineering, 158, 159 diagrams in, 159–160

  precision in, 157–158

  problem-solving in, 158–159

  English language, 17, 54

  Equal sign, 32

  Euclid, 75

  Euler, Leonhard, 107

  Eve and Adam story, xii-xiii, 52

  Evidence beliefs and, 170–171

  data storytelling and rejection of, 168

  science and, 117

  Explanation cathedral story requiring, 188

  diagrams and, 160

  storytelling and, 7, 124, 134, 137

  truth and, 138

  Exploring data. See Data exploration

  Eyes color perception and, 84–85

  conveying information and, 44


  Facts context needed for, 14, 29

  data and effective presentation of, 29

  Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel, 71

  Ferguson, Kirby, 201

  Fibonacci, 17

  Fictive motion, 49

  Flatland (Abbott), 58

  Flesch, William, 171

  Floating point (floats), 18–19, 18

  Flynn, Kevin, 57

  Forster, E.M., 140, 141

  Fractions, 17, 46

  France, cathedrals in, 177–178, 188, 194

  Freedom From Fear (Rockwell), 144

  French language, 95, 198

  Frequentism, 114

  Fry, Stephen, 172

  Fukuyama, Francis, 171

  Future time, perception of, 50, 51, 55


  Gabler, Neal, 136

  Gaby, Alice, 55

  Gantt, Henry, 56

  Gantt charts, 56

  Gardner, Dan, 115

  Gautama Buddha, xii

  Geary, James, 41, 55, 152

  Gemini program (NASA), 92, 93

  Gemowe lines, 32

  Genesis (Bible book), xii-xiii, 52

  Geographic maps, 74, 161, 184

  Geometric representations, conveying information using, 158

  Géométrie, La (Descartes), 61

  Gesamtkunstwerk, 132

  Gestalt, 149

  Gestalt effects, 147, 148

  Gestalt psychology, 147

  Gesture drawings, 90

  Gettysburg Address (Lincoln), 16

  Glass, Ira, 187

  Globes, maps and curved surface of, 60, 63, 180

  Goldman, William, 139, 168, 197, 200, 200

  Gordon, J.E., 159

  Graphicacy, 43, 43

  Graphic design, 143–150. See also Visual design advertisements and, 144–145, 144, 145

  characters in, 144

  chunking information in, 147–148, 190

  grids in, 145

  guidelines for, 146–147

  power of story and, 143

  superficial decoration versus, 145, 145

  trade-offs in, 148

  World War II poster example of, 143

  Graphical information. See also Charts helmets illustration as example of, 8–9

  horizontal dimension and, 68, 69, 69

  importance related to size in, 43–44, 72

  individual fields with concept of and standards for, 9

  proportion and, 44

  shapes used in, 74–78

  skill in using, 43

  smaller shapes assembled into bigger patterns in, 77–78

  three-dimensional volume on, 76–77

  up direction and vertical dimension and, 68–69, 68, 69

  Graphs dashed line on, 71

  metaphor of display in, 43

  node-link networks on, 65–66

  scales used in, 71, 71

  time shown on, 70–71

  Graunt, John, 25–26, 27, 31

  Greece, Ancient, xi, 17, 26, 61, 104, 127, 128

  Greek language, xi, 33, 40, 41, 61, 107, 120, 149

  Gregorian calendar, 52

  Grids, in graphic design, 145

  Guy, William A., 25


  Hammett, Dashiell, 20

  Hangul Korean alphabet, 149

  Harari, Yuval Noah, 24, 56, 63

  Harmonograf, 56

  Hawaiian language, 44

  Helmets, illustration on evolution of, 8–9

  Heroes collective body of knowledge expanded by, 6

  data storytellers as, 9, 10, 11, 164–165

  dragons and monsters of abyss confronted by, 5–6, 5

  journey of, as metaphor for encounters with data, 7, 7, 9, 36, 121, 205

  narrative model for, 205

  time-series progression of, 70

  Hidalgo, César, 56, 126, 140

  Highlighting color for, 81, 83, 86

  line weight in charts for, 32

  navigation using, 130, 149

  spans of time with, 56

  Hill, George Roy, 187

  Hindu-Arabic numeral system, 16, 17

  Hinge diagram, 101

  Histograms, 100–101, 100

  Hofstadter, Douglas R., 21, 36, 39, 40, 41, 145, 147, 188

  Horizontal dimension bar charts and, 73, 74

  data exploration and, 109

  meaning and, 68, 69, 69

  progress bars and, 73

  time associated with, 69–71

  Howard, Ronald A., 118

  Huff, Darrell, 27, 95, 119

  Hui Tzu, 54

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 9

  I J

  Icons, 160, 190

  Imaginary numbers, 17

  Impact of Science on Myth, The (Campbell), 7

  India, numeral systems in, 17

  Infographics, 1
0, 54, 132

  Information design, 11, 160

  Integers, 18, 19

  Irrational numbers, 46, 48

  Isaacson, Walter, 185

  Ishango bone, 16

  Isotypes, 72

  Janus (Roman god), 112, 112

  Johnson, Mark, 37, 39, 39, 46, 49, 69, 170

  Johnson, Steven, 198

  Jung, Carl, 135, 142, 196

  Jurassic Park (novel), 109

  Juxtaposition in comparison, 94


  K, for kilo, 33

  Katz, Steven, 136, 139

  Kay, Paul, 83

  Kennedy, John F., 163

  Kent, Sherman, 113

  Keynes, John Maynard, 113

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 163, 163

  Kling, Arnold, 114

  King Records, 14

  Köbel, Jacob, 47

  Koffka, Kurt, 147

  Kolbert, Elizabeth, 168

  Korean alphabet, 149


  Labels, in design, 130–131

  Lakoff, George, 19, 37, 39, 39, 46, 49, 69, 170

  Language color names in, 83

  fictive motion portrayed in, 49

  number line location in, 49

  probability and, 113

  reading direction and, 53–54

  visual media supporting, 149

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 27

  Latin alphabet, 53

  Latin cross, 176

  Latin language, xi, xii, 10, 24, 52, 60, 92, 152, 158, 172, 174, 190

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 53

  Le Guin, Ursula, 205, 205

  Le Mans Cathedral, France, 182

  Length measurement bodily measures in, 47, 47

  cathedral comparisons for, 181

  charts and, 72–73, 74–75

  counting and, 47–48

  precision in, 157

  rulers and, 117

  travel distance and, 48–50

  Length-number metaphor, 47–48

  Leonardo Bonacci, 17

  Levasseur, Pierre E., 73, 189

  Levine, Marvin, 127


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