Mated To The Cyborgs (Interstellar Brides: The Colony Book 2)

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Mated To The Cyborgs (Interstellar Brides: The Colony Book 2) Page 7

by Grace Goodwin

  I worked my thumb carefully inside, massaging the circle of her tight muscles as she squeezed me, pussy and ass clamping down like a vise as Tyran stretched her mouth wide with his cock.

  Kristin squeezed me, deep inside, using muscles only a woman can master to drive me out of my mind. I couldn’t hold back, couldn’t do anything but succumb. My balls drew up in a tight explosion and I came, filling her with my seed as my shout filled the small chamber.

  Tyran’s satisfaction was palpable, and as much as I didn’t understand his need to be in command of all three of us, I had no desire to argue, not when our mate’s pussy was spasming around me with her own release. I felt her come around my thumb as her entire body pulsed and exploded. Her scream was muffled by Tyran’s cock and he groaned.

  Pulling free of her mouth, Tyran didn’t even let her catch her breath. He lifted her off me and I let her go, curious where his wild claiming would go next.

  “Sit up, Hunt.”

  I was done arguing, or trying to figure him out. I sat, and Tyran turned Kristin about to face me, then lowered her to her knees in front of me. Her eyes were glazed with pleasure, her pink lips swollen and plump from the pressure of being wrapped around his cock.

  He fell to his knees behind her and with a quick shift of his hips, thrust his cock up into her pussy. She gasped, her head thrown back to rest on his chest even as her arms reached for me to steady her.

  “Yes. God. Do it. Fuck me.” Her demand was silky and hoarse, her skin flushed a dark rose as he filled her, thrusting over and over hard enough to make her breasts bounce and her breath catch in her throat. She looked at me, her pale eyes blurry, yet intense. She saw me, felt me. Felt both of us.

  “Suck her tits. Play with her clit. But if she talks again, makes any demands, stop.”

  My lips were around her nipple, sucking her deep, before he’d finished talking. I felt the little bud harden on my tongue. And gods, she tasted even better than I’d hoped, all soft and feminine and mine.

  I couldn’t stop the growl that came from my throat as I thought the word. She might be matched to Tyran, but she was still mine. My seed coated her pussy, easing his way. My hands were on her body. She was trapped between me and Tryan, and I realized it didn’t matter who was first and who was second. She was ours.

  Dropping one hand to her wet folds, I found the sensitive nub and stroked her, pinched and plucked, careful to pull back, to stop before she could find release until she bucked against Tryan’s arm around her waist, desperate for something Tyran had not decided to give her yet. Yes, I saw what Tyran was doing, pushing her to the brink of pleasure, making it stronger, more intense, amazing.

  She whimpered, her hands clawing at my chest, leaving marks I would wear like badges of honor. No ReGen wand would be allowed to heal them. Should the doctor try, he’d receive a fist to his face. They were mine, as she was.

  “Do you want to come, mate?”

  “Yes. Please!” She tried to use her legs to gain leverage, but Tyran was too strong, his arm banding about her waist, holding her to him, holding her up. Holding her exactly where he wanted her. An Atlan beast couldn’t defeat him in raw strength. Our small, fragile female had no hope of breaking his hold, or his will.

  He leaned forward as I played with her clit, rolling it slowly between two fingers as his lips traced the curve of her ear. “Do you want me to fill you up? Fuck you? Let Hunt rub your sensitive little clit until you come all over my hard cock?”

  She shuddered, her eyes drifting closed. I didn’t like that. I wanted to watch her come apart, as Tyran had moments ago. I wanted to see the fire in her eyes.

  “Open your eyes, mate.” My voice was deep like Tyran’s and had the sharp bite of command.

  Her eyelids lifted and I held her gaze as Tyran shifted under her, lifting her up with the slow, hard glide of his cock filling her from behind again and again. “Watch him, mate. Don’t try to hide from us. We know everything. We feel everything you feel. We know what you need and we’ll give it to you. We’ll give you everything.”

  “Yes.” She licked her lips and my cock swelled in response. Already, I wanted her again.

  “Then come, mate. Come for us.” Tyran stopped holding back, pumping into her like an untamed beast as I worked her clit. She shattered in seconds, screaming her release, but that wasn’t enough for Tyran, his barked command that she come again all the more shocking when she did. I felt it rolling through her, unstopping.

  Tyran gave in at last, his release hitting me through the collar like an ion blast as he filled our mate’s pussy with his seed. She had taken both of us, any child we created would truly be ours now as we would have no way of knowing who had sired it. But that was fine with me. I didn’t care. Kristin was ours. She was beautiful. Sensual. Like wildfire in our arms.

  Tyran pulled his cock free and she slumped forward, into my embrace. I caught her and cradled her to me as Tyran brought over the long-forgotten blanket. We wrapped her up and once he was sure she was settled, protected and sheltered in my arms, he turned away without a word to don his armor.

  Kristin was ours, but I worried as I never had before that Tyran might never truly be hers, that he might be too broken, too dark for even her softness and light to reach.

  Chapter Eight


  I gasped and sat straight up. The room was dark and I had no idea where I was. A dream lingered, but it was forgotten, becoming blurry and slipping away even as I tried to remember. My bedroom had a window to the right of my bed. I rolled over, looking for the shine of the neighbor’s porch light surrounded by a dark silhouette, but the window wasn’t there. The bedding felt different, too. Softer. And the floral scent of my fabric softener was noticeably absent. Instead I smelled musk, and man and sex.

  While I wasn’t exactly afraid of the dark, I kept a nightlight on in the bathroom. I’d stubbed my toe one time in the middle of the night stumbling to pee and I’d never wanted to do that again. But no light filled the space. I could feel the walls of the room, the ceiling pressing down on me, but I couldn’t see them. I couldn’t see anything. Not one piece of furniture. No door. And, I was naked, my bare breasts and shoulders slightly chilled because the sheet lay draped over my waist. I usually slept in a t-shirt and panties. But nothing about this was usual.

  Shifting my legs, a twinge of soreness pinged my system from my core. I was sore. The pain flooded me with memories and everything came back to me in a rush, as if my brain had just needed a few extra seconds to wake up. Why hadn’t I felt the soreness in my body first? My muscles were tight and achy and my pussy was tender. So was my ass. When I moved, my thighs rubbed and the lingering stickiness of Hunt’s release added friction to the normally smooth glide of skin on skin. My nipples hardened with an unfamiliar ache at the rough sexual play I suddenly couldn’t get out of my mind. I felt well used. Needed. Owned.

  My mates had left no doubt about how much they wanted me and I’d never felt so appreciated, nor desired in my entire life. The feeling was heady and I had to work to hold in a giggle at the complete insanity of my new life.

  I was on another planet, with not one mate, but two. And I’d let them do whatever they wanted to do to me. Hell, I wanted more now.

  Lifting my hand to my collar, I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt the smooth material under my fingertips, the mark of Prillon mates yet another reminder of where I was. I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling bereft. I couldn’t feel Tyran anymore. His intensity earlier had been like a slow-burning lava moving through my system. And my second, Hunt. He was calm, the balm to cool Tyran’s fire. Without him, I wasn’t sure I could deal with his dominant nature, his complete need for control. Logically, I realized he needed my trust, needed me to submit to him. But if I was perfectly honest with myself, I wasn’t sure I could do it without the assurance of Hunt’s calm control. Tyran had made me feel like a wicked, wild, reckless, crazy lover. I’d never been so turned on in my entire life. But I’d been scared, too. A
fraid of him. Even more afraid of myself.

  Hunt’s cool reserve had been my anchor, and I pondered the wisdom of an alien computer system. Somehow, the Interstellar Brides processing protocols had mated me with two warriors that balanced one another perfectly. Light and dark. Fire and ice. Reckless and reserved. By some miracle, a computer had known I would need them both.

  Speaking of mates, where were mine? I had no idea what time it was. Whether it was night or day. All I knew was I was wide awake and starving.

  Pulling the sheet up to my chest, I sat up and scooted toward what I thought was the edge of the gigantic bed. I realized it was the biggest I’d ever seen, more than large enough to hold one human woman and two seven-foot Prillon warriors. I found the edge and swung my feet over the side and my toes didn’t reach the floor. Nope. I wasn’t in my bedroom. Hell, I wasn’t even on Earth.

  I was about to jump down and take my chances when part of the wall slid silently open, like on Star Trek. There was no door, no doorknob or creaky hinges. A section of the wall slid sideways and disappeared. And there, with light shining behind him like he was some kind of god, was the silhouette of one very big, very broad Prillon warrior. His emotions hit me immediately. Contentment. Curiosity. Concern.


  He heard his name and his emotions spiked to possessive. Protective. Primal. Maybe he wasn’t so cool and in control after all.

  “I felt you wake, Kristin. I feel your hunger.”

  Maybe I should have been freaked out by that statement, but the wild bout of fucking had gotten rid of most of my insecurities. The collar made the three of us extremely sensitive to each other. It definitely ratcheted up the pleasure factor. When I was with a new guy, I often couldn’t get out of my head, worried he’d think me a perv or a slut for liking sex a little too much. I got off on a guy taking control. Off spankings. Off toys. Off a little back door action. I liked it rough. I’d discovered that while a lot of guys might like to fantasize about a woman like me, once we were naked together, when the shit got real, I was often too much for them to handle.

  But I wasn’t too much for Hunt and Tyran. No way. Tyran pushed me to my limits, limits I hadn’t even known I had. Hunt had been a little stunned, I’d felt it, when Tyran pushed me. It seemed he hadn’t known his own friend’s personal brand of kink. But Hunt had joined in happily enough and I knew they both got off on it. On all of us doing all that wild stuff.

  A rumble escaped Hunt’s chest as I became aroused again, just by thinking about riding his cock. Of Tyran giving us both orders, pulling my hair. Hunt stepped into the room as I shivered. “Lights, ten percent.”

  The room brightened just enough for me to see him, to notice he wore dark clothing and that his gaze was roving over every inch of me, but not much more.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked, a burst of need flaring in my collar to accompany his words.

  I shouldn’t have been embarrassed by the question, especially since I felt the truth behind it, but I was, and I tugged the sheet up to my neck.

  “Don’t,” he said, coming over to sit on the side of the bed, the mattress dipping from his weight. “I know I’m not commanding like Tyran and I never will be, but I hope you will come to care for me as well.”

  For such a formidable figure, I heard the uncertainty in his voice.

  “I already do.” I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder. I knew he would hear the truth in my words as I’d felt the truth in his. “I need you, too, Hunt.”

  He turned his head to look down on me and I gathered my courage, lifting my lips to offer a slow, gentle kiss. I let the sheet slip, let it fall back to my waist. He kissed me slowly, tenderness and affection in the touch. When he pulled back, he stared at my breasts, then offered me a smile. “You can’t blame a warrior for looking. You truly are lovely and I am still amazed you are mine.”

  “And you are mine.” I had to say it out loud. This whole thing still felt like a dream. I was half afraid I was going to wake up in the stupid chair on Earth with Warden Egara blinking down at me like a wise little owl, ready to scold me for fighting – for not wanting to go back.

  “I felt your upset, mate.” Hunt lifted his hand and stroked my cheek. “Tell me what bothers you.”

  “I woke up in the dark and had no idea where I was. I was confused, but seeing you, it settles me. I feel… safe,” I admitted to him.

  “No harm will ever come to you, Kristin of Earth. We will protect you with our lives.”

  I knew that. I didn’t have to hear the words or feel the full impact of it through the collar.

  He lifted the hand farthest from me and had a strange looking wand in his grip, the tip a strange blue coil that glowed in the dark room. “This is a ReGen wand. It will heal you.”

  A strange, very faint buzz seemed to come from the thing and I leaned back, trying to get away from it. “I’m fine.”

  “No. We were rough with you.” He frowned at that statement and I felt doubt cloud his mind. Worry. About what, I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to ease him. I nodded and he moved the wand closer to me, holding it just a few inches from my skin as he started at my head and worked his way down my entire body. My chafed nipples stopped burning and the soreness between my legs faded to nothing as it passed.

  “Wow.” I would have loved to have one of those back on Earth a time or two. Like when I fell out of the swing and broke my arm in third grade. Or the first time I’d been cold cocked during hand-to-hand training at Quantico. “Thank you.”

  “Anything, mate. Anything you need, you have only to ask.”

  “I need a shower. And food. In that order.” The ache was gone, but the scent of sex and sin clung to my skin like hell’s own perfume. “And why can’t I feel Tyran anymore?”

  Hunt swallowed. Hard. “He’s too far from us at the moment. He’s out checking on our new warriors.”

  “Oh.” I was bummed. I missed him, but I wasn’t going to say it. Apparently, Hunt felt it. Pain and disappointment flooded my collar.

  “I will take you to him.” He stood, not looking at me and I couldn’t let him walk away. Not feeling like that. Reaching forward in a rush, I grabbed his huge hand and pulled back, stopping him.

  “Hunt, the testing matched me to Tyran, but there’s a reason Tyran chose you to be my second. I need you, too.”

  His gaze met mine. The color was striking. I’d never seen caramel eyes before, but I was mesmerized. By him.

  He shook his head. “No, mate. Tyran could have chosen from dozens of others. Any of them would have been honored to care for you, to cherish you.”

  I squeezed his hand. It was so big, proof that we were so very different.

  “No. After what we did last night, what Tyran just… knew about me, about what I wanted—no, what I needed—it’s obvious the processing protocols work. He knew things about me that others have never understood. He knows, and he needs me, too. He needs me to be what I am. I don’t have to hide. I don’t want to hide. The testing really makes the whole getting-to-know-each-other phase much easier.”

  He frowned, but he was listening so I continued.

  “Tyran made you his second because of who you are. He needs you. You two balance each other out and that means that I need those same traits. I don’t want two mates who are bossy as fuck, who ride the razor’s edge all the time. I like to be dominated in the bedroom, yes, but I also like this. You. Me. I like to feel safe. I need stability just as much as I need Tyran’s passion. I need you making me feel like this. Cherished and protected.” My smile was shy and I batted my eyes at him. I’d never, ever had this kind of conversation with a man before. But he wasn’t a man. He was an alien, and my mate. He was mine. “You’re kinda sweet, Hunt, and I’m not giving you up. If Tryan’s going to break me, I need you here to put me back together.”

  He smiled then. “Always, mate.” He lowered his hand to my neck and pulled me to him for a slow-burn kiss before releasing me. I swayed on my feet
and he laughed, grabbing my hand again with an easy familiarity that would have taken months, if not years, of dating on Earth. I knew my arousal, my complete surrender, was his to claim if he wanted it. And I knew he could feel my desire for him through the collars. “If you tell anyone I’m sweet, I’ll spank your ass and I won’t need Tyran to tell me to do so.”

  I blushed at the thought of my gentle giant making my flesh burn. “I’ll keep it a secret.” I was quiet for a moment, just staring at our joined hands, but one image circled in my mind, haunting me. Tyran. Silent Tyran. His heart heavy with a darkness I didn’t understand. Leaving me. Leaving us. “Tyran…,” I began.

  Hunt sighed. “Tyran, like me, fought for the Coalition and was captured by the Hive. Each and every warrior on the Colony was a prisoner at one point. We all escaped, but we endured our own horrors. The torture each of us suffered was different.”

  I reached up with my free hand and caressed the silver skin at Hunt’s temple, stared into Hunt’s silver eye. He shuddered and closed his eyes, leaning into my touch as if I’d offered ambrosia straight from the gods. I stroked the flesh with my thumb, finding it to be slightly cool to the touch, but the change in temperature was hardly noticeable. I soothed my mate and realized I had absolutely no idea what the Hive had done to Tyran. “What did they do to him?”

  His eyes opened slowly, as if reluctant to face such a morbid question. “Tyran is unlike any other warrior I know. They didn’t mark him on the outside. I think they wanted to send him back to us, to fool our commanders into thinking he was untouched.”

  “But he’s not?”

  “No.” Hunt turned his head and placed a kiss in the center of my palm. “Tyran’s muscles and bones have been infiltrated.”

  I tried to imagine what that meant and couldn’t. “So? What does that mean?”

  Hunt sighed and pulled away and I felt guilt running through him like a river. Guilt that he was here, with me, receiving pleasure while Tyran suffered. It was my stubborn mate’s own damn fault. If Tyran hadn’t walked away, I’d be petting him right now, too. But he hadn’t let me.


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