Christmas at the Gin Shack

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Christmas at the Gin Shack Page 19

by Catherine Miller

  ‘Done.’ Lucas waved his cleaned piece of glass at Olive.

  ‘Great job.’ Olive grabbed a tea towel for Lucas to dry it on.

  Fortunately, Olive didn’t have to come up with any other activities to distract Lucas before Skylar joined them.

  ‘Look what I found you, Mum.’ Lucas passed the piece of glass to Skylar like it was a sacred jewel.

  ‘Thank you, sweetie. That’s perfect for our collection.’

  Skylar cast a look Olive’s way and, with it, Olive knew not to question what was happening right at this moment. It was a matter that would have to wait till later.

  The problem with not being able to find out right at that moment meant Olive’s brain produced an endless list of possibilities with at least fifty per cent of them being entirely implausible. There was a chance Pete just forgot. Or perhaps there was confusion over the time and date. He could have done a runner or had an accident. He could have had a run-in with the elves she thought had been visiting her beach hut. The list was endless.

  And even after they’d parted ways, Olive continued to come up with theories as to why Pete hadn’t turned up at the beach. Because surely it would take something as obscure as an alien abduction to prevent a father from not turning up to see his son for the first time in years.

  It was a lonely, quiet night in Olive’s room at Oakley West that evening. She wanted to talk to someone. To Richard or Randy and Veronica, but she didn’t have any facts to talk about and would never have talked about her friend without permission in any case. She messaged Skylar, but when there was no reply, she didn’t want to pry any further.

  When the hours Olive should be sleeping were just a series of different positions involving staring at the ceiling, she did what she always did when she couldn’t drop off. She got up, opened the curtains, poured herself a G&T and enjoyed it while admiring the moonlight across the bay.

  Only that usually tranquil scene was somewhat ruined by the light pouring out of Bottoms Up. And it just served as a reminder of the reason she wasn’t able to sleep. Because one of the worst feelings in the world was wanting to do whatever was possible to make it better, but knowing that, some days, nothing in the world would change the wrongs of others. Drunk drivers who unwittingly killed off half a family. Dickhead fathers who didn’t know how to fulfil their role as a parent. They brought about such darkness without ever being responsible for their actions, or lack thereof. Sometimes it was so easy to despair at the world and its offerings, but Olive didn’t want it to be like that. She would make sure that, whatever had happened, Skylar and Lucas weren’t left doubting there was goodness in the world. Because, for every fuckwad that existed, Olive knew there were angels. There must be – she was surrounded by them.

  And before Olive made it to bed, she nodded off in the chair and dreamed of all them: the ones in this realm and the next.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  When Olive woke the next morning, she had to do everything to stop herself from going down to Bottoms Up herself to go and give Pete what for.

  Instead she kept herself occupied. She decided that, as the beach huts were set up as grottos, she was going to arrange a special Santa’s grotto occasion, mostly for the benefit of Skylar and Lucas, but also as a bit of fun for the rest of the Gin Shack crew. So she busily investigated present ideas.

  After that, she went through all the recipe notes she’d made, ready to demonstrate the cocktails.

  At breakfast, it was nice to have the company of Randy and Veronica. She’d missed spending time with them in recent weeks, but it was inevitable, as they became more couply, that she’d become more of a gooseberry, and at times, she’d realised they needed their space. She didn’t mind that at all, but also appreciated when she did have their company.

  ‘You’re quiet today, Olive,’ Randy said.

  There was no denying it. Olive was and it was awkward when she wasn’t really able to talk about what was going on. ‘Lots whirring around my head.’ It was a cop-out answer, but it was the best she was able to give at the moment. ‘Would you two be happy to help me out with these masterclass sessions?’

  ‘Of course,’ Randy said, very quickly.

  ‘We were hoping you’d ask,’ Veronica added.

  ‘Oh good. Some of the recipes are more complicated than I’d realised. It would be good if the pair of you can help prep and demonstrate some of the elements. Maybe we could do a couple of recipes each?’

  ‘Gosh, you’d better rope Richard in as well. He’s the one who can do fancy things with a cocktail shaker these days. I’d more than likely drop it with my arthritic fingers,’ Randy said.

  ‘I’ve already roped him in. A son has to have his uses.’ Olive was looking forward to the weekend, or at least she would be once this sense of unease had been resolved. The masterclasses would seem less scary as well if she had her friends with her. ‘There’s quite a few things we need to go through. We’ll have to try and do it today if it’s possible?’

  ‘You know us, Olive. Our time is ours to do as we please. We’re happy to go through it whenever you want to. Maybe we could go down to the beach hut if it’s not as cold as yesterday. Or Richard could let us into the Gin Shack early.’

  At that moment Olive’s phone buzzed and, because it was the person she’d been waiting to hear from, she grabbed the phone, losing all thread of the conversation she was actually in.

  It was Skylar asking if she’d be free to meet at the beach huts at ten this morning for a repeat try of yesterday’s meet-up.

  There were no details about why it hadn’t happened yesterday, and Olive had to accept that, if Skylar didn’t want to tell her, she might never know. But at least it was in place again. Whatever the reason, it wasn’t so irrevocable it was stopping it from happening. She just hoped Pete didn’t make it a regular habit in the future.

  ‘I’m going to meet up with Skylar for a while. Can I message you two and you can come to the beach hut once I’m finished?’ Olive didn’t like to muck her friends around, but she had a feeling they would have some idea of what it was to do with.

  ‘Sounds like a plan, Olive. We’ll have to sort out getting your Segway back with Richard’s help while I’m down there,’ Randy said.

  ‘Yes, you’ll wear yourself out without that judging by the amount you’ve got going on in the run-up to Christmas,’ Veronica said.

  Olive didn’t like to say she had even more planned. Not least because, for now, she wanted to keep it a secret until she had everything in place. But that was something for her to worry about when she had the chance. For now, she needed to go and be with her friend.

  The walk down to Westbrook Bay reminded Olive why she had purchased her Segway in the first place. She was fighting against the wind enough for it to take her breath away, not that there was lots of it left anyway.

  She reminded herself there was no rush other than her eagerness to turn up on time. At least someone in Skylar and Lucas’s life needed to be consistent. Far too much of life came and went with the tide. The things that stayed put, or rather the people, were worth holding on to.

  When she did arrive at the hut, of course she was early, but as Skylar and Lucas were there, it meant she would be able to ask the questions she’d not been able to so far.

  ‘We made bacon sandwiches in case you were peckish,’ Skylar said as Olive joined them.

  Olive opened her hut to give it an airing, but sat on one of Skylar’s deckchairs rather than faffing about and getting her own out. And the bacon sandwiches were far too tempting. She might have just polished off a sizable full English, but she’d given up watching her waistline about fifteen years ago.

  ‘How are things?’ Olive asked as she picked up a sandwich. Lucas was playing on the beach, collecting shells by the looks of things. It was a good opportunity to ask.

  ‘He’s never going to put Lucas first.’ Skylar glanced over towards her son.

  ‘How come he didn’t show up yesterday?’

p; ‘Which excuse do you want first?’

  ‘Hit me. Well, not literally. That would be cruel.’

  The comment raised a half-smile from Skylar. ‘First up it was he’d forgotten the right day and time. Then, when I suggested he pitch up even if he was late, it turned out he couldn’t because he was in Chichester. Apparently his girlfriend had found the whole discovering-he-has-a-son business rather upsetting, so he’d followed her to her parents’ home. He’d gone to try and convince her to come back. I ended up being a free counselling session for him. And somehow he expected me to be sympathetic.’

  ‘Did he not realise he’s caused all his own problems? Fancy not telling her or you. And what the hell does any of that matter when he’s supposed to be meeting his son?’ The man clearly had his priorities, or rather his blood flow, in all the wrong places.

  ‘If he doesn’t turn up today, I’ve told him it’s off. I’ll go through the courts if I have to, but I’m not going to be mucked about by him. I’m not the person I was before, even if he’s treating me like I am.’

  ‘Good on you. He’s got a long way to go if he’s going to gain any respect and trust, and I’m not even on about with us.’ Olive had watched Skylar grow and develop over the years and it was pleasing to see that this wasn’t fazing her. Or at least, so far, she wasn’t showing any telltale signs that it was.

  Pete obviously knew Skylar had meant business because both their heads turned when he started along the beach towards them. At least he’d bothered to turn up this time.

  ‘I’ll make myself scarce, but I’m here if you need me.’

  ‘Thanks, Olive.’

  Pottering was a fairly easy thing to do once past a certain age. When Olive wasn’t planning on pottering she would often forget what it was she was supposed to be doing when she got distracted by something more pressing. Then, before she knew it, she’d be pottering around, sorting ten different tasks at once, potentially never finishing any of them.

  Today she was doing it with no particular task in mind, other than trying to make sure whatever activity she was doing allowed her to keep an eye on what was going on outside.

  With it being less than a fortnight till Christmas, there was no one else out on the beach, probably too busy with last-minute shopping to worry about exercise or fresh air. As it was something to do that kept her moving about, Olive decided to give all the gin grotto decorations a once over. She was becoming quite attached to the little snowman on her porch. She would be sad to see him go.

  She started with him and checked him over. Then she went with her dishcloth to check the rest of them and to remove any dirt or bird droppings if there were any. Luckily there weren’t, but it didn’t stop her from doing a bit of play-acting.

  She wished she could hear what was being said, but Pete was making an effort to interact with Lucas by exploring the rock pools with him.

  The reindeer outside the Salter boys’ hut was fine, so she fake-dusted before moving to the next. As Olive wandered she spotted movement… Pete getting up and immediately placing his arm around Skylar’s shoulders and pulling her close.

  It stopped Olive in her tracks. She was on a mission to clean an elf, and instead she was gawping at the scene she was supposed to be discreetly watching.

  To anyone else looking on it would have been one of those idyllic family scenes. A young boy playing, with his mum and dad embracing. Only it wasn’t one of those loving embraces. One where the hug was reciprocated.

  Much to Olive’s relief (because what would she have told Richard if it had gone any other way?), Skylar snapped free of the hold as soon as she was able and, even without being in earshot, it was possible to gauge that some sharp words were being spoken.

  Before Olive got to the aid of the elf, Skylar was hiking back towards the beach huts.

  ‘That man is unbelievable.’

  ‘What’s he done now?’

  ‘Talked about becoming a happy family again. He was going to kiss me. Like a full-on snog, like somehow that was an appropriate thing to be doing in front of the son he hasn’t seen for years.’

  ‘Is Lucas okay with him?’

  ‘I said he had five minutes to spend with his son and that will be it. I can’t have a man who acts so inconsistently in that boy’s life. I can talk to Richard if I end up needing any legal advice.’

  It was funny how Olive had stopped seeing her son as a lawyer. It wasn’t so long ago that his career had consumed him. His every thought and action, everything down to what he wore, even when visiting his old mother, shrieked of his profession. But the effect the Gin Shack had had on him was so complete, it was hard to believe it was the same person. Richard was so much more relaxed, it was easy to forget that all it would take was some power dressing and he’d certainly wipe the floor with the likes of Pete.

  The five minutes that Lucas was in Pete’s care drew out painfully and slowly. It was a short exchange that lasted an eternity. And Olive hoped, for Skylar, and for Lucas, and even for her and Richard for that matter, that whatever words Pete was sharing with the young lad weren’t ones that would scar him for a lifetime.

  When Lucas was back in the fold there was an awkward moment where no one knew what to say or how to stand. Olive was pretty certain if Pete had a tail it would be well and truly between his legs, judging by his expression. He must have known he’d done wrong and that his actions meant he’d blown whatever chances he had.

  It was absurd, really, to think a grown man thought it wise to buy a business and just turn up and expect to be invited into the life of his son when he’d had very little to do with him for some years. And what kind of behaviour was it if, the next second, he was making a play for his ex in front of the child he hadn’t seen for years? It didn’t seem like particularly stable behaviour to Olive and the sooner they had Lucas away from him, the better.

  ‘I’ll be in touch after Christmas,’ Skylar said.

  They still needed to tidy away Skylar’s table and chairs and lock up the huts before they were able to leave, but Olive was quite prepared to leave it unsecured if necessary.

  ‘Be good for your mum, kid,’ Pete said and took the cue as given.

  Olive locked her original Gin Shack up quicker than she ever had. She would have to rearrange with Randy and Veronica a time and place to meet. Right now she needed to escort Skylar and Lucas to wherever they needed to go, and to Olive’s huge relief Skylar wanted to go and see Richard. Admittedly, this huge relief was partly based on things between Skylar and Richard continuing to seemingly be okay, and partly based on the fact she wouldn’t have to walk so far. She was many things, but one thing she wasn’t was fit. And some things reached a stage where it was too late in the day to address them. Olive would never be Mr Motivator in the same way Pete would never be a good dad. She just hoped neither of those facts caused any problems in the future.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  After the meeting with Randy and Veronica, they’d gone into a frenzied period of organisation. They made sure they had everything needed for the two masterclasses they were going to run between them, and did a couple of practice runs, the Oakley West residents being very willing volunteers acting as students.

  Once Olive was happy there was nothing more to worry about on that front, she set about planning her Santa’s grotto surprise. With what had happened with Skylar and Lucas over the past few weeks, there was more determination in Olive than ever to make sure they knew there were good people in the world. It was hard when the people who, in theory, should have been the key parts to life ended up letting them down, but it didn’t mean there weren’t others able to become those pillars. Surely that was what Christmas spirit was all about?

  Internet shopping became Olive’s friend in her quest to be a do-gooder. It was amazing what she was able to get hold of with a few clicks of a button. She wondered if it was this easy for Santa? She’d never had any desire to date another man, let alone marry one, but maybe she’d consider it if it meant ending up a
s Mrs Claus. She reckoned that job would be pretty cushy.

  What she hadn’t allowed for was the amount of wrapping required when she didn’t have little elfs around to help her. She was being a bit presumptious in assuming everyone would be onboard with her grand plan, but as it was mostly for Lucas’s benefit, she was pretty sure all of them would be. She wasn’t going to ask them until after the Gingle Bells weekend, though. It was better if they were able to concentrate on that first and she was the only one left distracted.

  Because Olive was so busy, the weekend arrived so quickly she wondered if life was trying to give her whiplash. Rather than opting to be part of the welcoming party, Olive and her friends decided to have a rare restful evening at Oakley West before heading over to the gin grottos the following morning.

  Part of the excitement for some of the guests was meeting the Oakley West trio. The concept seemed ludicrous to Olive. It was amazing what a bit of newspaper coverage could do. In fact, the local newspaper had asked to cover the retreat weekend to run a feature in the paper. It was very odd to think the paper was coming to them. So the three of them had vowed to get some proper sleep for a change, and it also gave them the chance to spruce themselves up a bit in the morning. It wasn’t every day that they were photographed with a view to having their mugs printed in thousands of papers. And that was if it didn’t filter into the nationals like it had last time. Lightning didn’t strike twice, though, so the chances were that wouldn’t be the case. But it never hurt to be prepared.

  When the day came, the weather was really mild. It was cold, but with a few layers it was pleasant enough to be outside. It meant they could go ahead with their plan to host the masterclasses at the beach huts.

  Spruced up adequately, the Oakley West trio headed out, Olive reunited with her Segway at last. It was going to be nice to cruise down to the beach without being wiped out before she even arrived.


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