A Billionaire's Love Story, Book One: Falling In A Moment

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A Billionaire's Love Story, Book One: Falling In A Moment Page 9

by J.M. Cagle

  Chapter Nine:

  In the following months after that fateful party that had started it all, Elle’s life had turned upside down, and all for the better. While she still worked at the publishing house as a cleaner, because she loathed the idea of being solely dependent on a man, she did enjoy the perks of being engaged to a billionaire; the thoughtful gifts and dazzling dates, left her feeling happily spoiled. Though not everything was perfect, many seemed to view her quick engagement to Luke as a joke, and many people, upon being introduced to her, stared hard at her stomach instead of meeting her eyes, always looking to see if her flat stomach had so much as a tiny swell. But the people who they had been most anxious about sharing the news of her and Luke’s engagement with were Claire and his family. Especially considering neither were aware of any romance between a Charmant heir and a cleaning woman. But, after she had arrived home the morning after her noon meeting with Luke, with a giant rock on her ring finger, Claire was quick to offer her congratulations and quick to rub in the fact that sometimes it paid to be a little bit of a romantic. After sharing the whole wonderful experience and finally being able to tell Claire what had happened in detail at the party, she realized that Claire had been her family just as much, if not more so, than her brothers related by blood. She felt foolish afterwards, thinking that Claire would be anything less than happy and excited for her.

  Elle was foolish when it came to believing she knew how Claire would react, but she was downright surprised at how she was embraced by the Charmant family. Once he explained how they’d met and clicked, Luke’s mother and father were quick to start calling her ‘daughter’, and for her to begin to call them ‘mom’ and ‘dad’, and those words made Elle’s heart swell even more with love for the man and the family that she was marrying into. Even Luke’s brothers, who she thought would look down on her and tell Luke he was making a mistake, trusted in his choice and welcomed her into the family with open arms.

  Luke had been like a kid on Christmas since she had agreed to be his wife. The flowers had not stopped coming, though they were not in such large quantities anymore, but they still contained loving notes and stories from his youth, as he wanted her to know as much about him as possible. Luke also had taken it into his head to begin giving Elle more and more elaborate engagement gifts. Though she drew the line at replacing her good ole car, she told him it was just as much a part of their love story as discussions on Jane Austen. He just kissed her and told her it was whatever she wanted.

  She found herself falling harder and harder for her fiancé, especially when she received a notice in the mail that her college tuition was paid up for as long as she wished to attend the school. That was a surprise she was not expecting, especially when the letter went on to state that she could begin her final classes in the fall to complete her Masters. It was such a thoughtful and touching gift, one that she told him again and again that he did not have to make. But he told her that her education and pursuit of a fulfilling career was the least he could do as a supportive fiancé and future husband. That his money was now her money and that she could spend every last bit of it for all he cared. That night, as she listened to his heart beat in tune with hers, she thanked whatever godmother or force had brought this wonderful man into her life.

  It was still months before the wedding, but Luke had the biggest engagement gift yet to give to her, though Elle complained about him over-spoiling her and not needing anything but his love, Luke would not budge. And so, he packed Elle into The Pumpkin, as he also had begun to affectionately call it, and he began to drive. Once they were out of the city limits, he pulled a blindfold out of nowhere and asked her to trust him and to cover her eyes and not to peek. Deciding to play around, Elle sat in darkness for another 30 minutes, unsure of where they were going, but enjoying the trip nonetheless.

  Finally, the car came to a complete stop and all Elle could hear was Luke quickly shuffling out of the car, and the crunch of gravel as he raced to her side, seemingly overexcited to show her the secret he had been keeping. Carefully, holding her elbow, he guided her, telling her the whole time not to peek or that she would ruin the surprise. Satisfied they were in the correct position to view the gift, Luke’s fingers expertly untied the knot holding her blindfold in place, and let it fall. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the brightness of the sun, and then it took a few moments for what she was seeing to sink it. Elle could not believe it: it was her childhood home. They were standing in the entrance way, and moving boxes and bubblewrap littered the floor.

  “ I…I don’t understand?” Elle was at a loss for words; this could not be her old home, her mind was trying to tell her, but all the signs were there, all the things familiar and that she had always connected to her home staring back at her, assailing her senses.

  “But my brothers own this home. Where are they?” Luke chuckled before pulling a piece of paper out of his back pocket.

  “They used to own the home. Now you do.” Quickly unraveling the paper, Elle was gobsmacked to see that she was indeed the new owner of this wonderful place. Tears began to fall as she hugged Luke close and peppered kisses over his face.

  “But how did you get them to sell?” Elle could still not get over the fact that her vindictive brothers would ever willingly part with something that would make her happy.

  “Everyone has a price, my love, and no price is too high to pay to see you happy.” He smiled and gently wiped away any remaining tears.

  “So, what do you say, shall we set up our new family here?” He said with a twinkle in his eye and a smile bright with joy and happiness at seeing how much his gift had meant to her. Elle let out a loud laugh, and responded coyly. “Only if you don’t mind moving up the wedding so that we can start planning out the nursery.”

  A look of confusion passed over Luke’s face, followed quickly by one of pure joy as he picked Elle up and swung her around, peppering kisses all over her lovely freckled face.


  About the Author

  J.M. Cagle began writing stories while in high school. She went on to attend California State University, Dominguez Hills and continued her pursuing her writing interests by interning at KTLA, a Los Angeles television station. She also became a sports writer for two community newspapers. She would attend sporting events and write articles on the games. Ms. Cagle also worked part-time at internationally acclaimed The Studios at Paramount where she garnered first-hand knowledge of the intricacies of television and film production. She has since gone on to write a multitude of screenplays and theatrical productions.

  Ms. Cagle’s focus is now centered on the writing genres of romance, paranormal and suspense novels. She also enjoys writing in the spiritual genre as well. When she isn’t engaged in her favorite pastime of writing she takes pleasure in singing, visiting the beach, bicycling, reading, walking and spending time with her loved ones. Ms. Cagle currently resides in Michigan where she continues to speak her heart through her writing.

  Other Books by This Author

  Please check your favorite eBook retailers for the other books of J.M. Cagle

  Other Books in A Billionaire’s Love Story Trilogy

  Book Two: Chasing Love

  Book Three: The Billionaire’s Assistant

  The Doctor and The Billionaire Series

  Book One: Misled

  Book Two: Misunderstood

  Book Three: Miscomputed

  Bewitched with Love Trilogy

  Bewitched with Love, Book One: A Carpenter’s Witch

  Bewitched with Love, Book Two: A Rogue’s Match

  Bewitched with Love, Book Three: Romancing a Witch

  Enchanted Love Series

  Book One: A Search for Love

  Book Two: A Wicked Vision

  Book Three: Winter Witch

  Haunting Love Trilogy

  Haunting Love, Book One: House of Darkness

  Haunting Love, Book Two: Passionate Delirium

ng Love, Book Three: Chaotic Lust

  Connect with J.M. Cagle

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  Visit my website: https://jmcagle.com


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