Mended - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 6)

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Mended - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 6) Page 6

by J. L. Drake

  “Aw, I love that.”

  “It was sweet, and it gave me a chance to connect with the boy through food. All Mark needed was a safe environment and love, and poof, there was a sweet, kind, charming little boy, just waiting to share his laugh with the world.”

  I feel my chest tighten and my heart squeeze, all at once. The Logans really do save people in so many different ways.

  “But,” Zack gives me a small shrug, “we noticed Cole started to seem more withdrawn and would disappear up in his room almost every day after school and wouldn’t show himself until nighttime. Sue was worried, but Daniel insisted boys just needed to find their rhythm. It was odd, though, because Cole never was that kind of a kid to be jealous or not want to share his family with others.”

  “So, what happened?” I am so incredibly engulfed in the story I forget we were at work.

  Zack hops up on the counter and turns to face me. “We’d been out for dinner to celebrate something, and when we came home, there was green paint everywhere. Cole came into the living room covered in the green paint, beaming with excitement. He told Mark to follow him upstairs, all the while explaining they had some work to do. We followed, curious to know what in the world the kid was up to, and when he opened his bedroom door, we couldn’t believe it. Cole had transformed his own bedroom into a room for both of them. You see, Mark was living in their basement, and that bothered Cole. He felt he needed a real room, so until they built an add-on, Mark should be living in the house like everyone else.”

  “Wow.” I feel the skin around my eyes twitch with the need to relieve some emotion. “And the green paint?”

  “Mark’s favorite color.” Zack beams like a proud father. “Mark never did move out. Those boys were brothers from the start and are thick as thieves.”

  I dry the corners of my eyes and laugh.

  “Sorry. I guess that wasn’t the juicy story you were looking for.”

  “No,” I shake my head with a sniff and squeeze his hand as a thank you, “it was better.”


  Cole hangs up the phone with Frank feeling off with their conversation about Ryder’s parents. They owe a lot of money and are more concerned about their casino than where their child might be. Abigail said the boy isn’t coming out of his room, which seems normal, but they only had one child here before, and she was a little older. This is new for everyone. He was glad Dr. Roberts will arrive around twelve to evaluate him, then Frank can take him into town where his aunt is waiting.

  His phone alerts him he has a text.

  Mark: Living room.

  Cole makes his way down the hallway, hearing all kinds of voices. The smile on Abigail’s face makes his stomach twist, then he sees her hugging June. It’s been three weeks, but she’s really here in his living room. Savannah sees him and gives him a little smile, one that makes him want to grab her, toss her over his shoulder, and take her upstairs.

  “Hi.” Her eyes are deep and dark. “Can we talk when you have a moment?”

  “Sure.” He nods as her focus drops to his lips momentarily. At least he sees she’s still drawn to him, and his pants tighten as he breathes her in. He needs to be alone with her now. “You want to talk in my office?”

  “No!” June squeals. “She just got here. You can talk about whatever later, but right now I want to hear all about what she’s been up to.” She grabs Savi’s hand and starts pulling her to the couch. Damn you, June…

  They talk and talk…you would think Savi has been gone for months. The only thing keeping him going is listening to her voice. God, he missed her voice, her laugh, the way she sneaks a peek at him every once in a while. Just letting him know she’s thinking of him.

  After some time, he heads back to his office. He has some emails to send before he can take the evening off. Now that Savannah is here, he wants to wrap this up faster.

  “Cole,” June whispers from his doorway. “Cole, you’ve got to come see this.” He groans when he loses his train of thought. “It’s Savi.” He looks up and sees her smile now that she’s got his attention. “You have to see this.”

  He follows her out the door.

  “After everyone started doing their own thing and the place quieted down, Keith asked Savi to make him his favorite cookies, and,” she pauses, “just look…”

  He peeks around the corner, seeing Savannah in an apron, hair pulled up and speaking quietly.

  “You want to crack the egg?” she asks Ryder, who is sitting on the island helping Savannah make the cookies. He turns back to June, who’s beaming.

  “He came into the kitchen and took her hand. She sat on the floor and started talking to him, then asked if he wanted to make cookies, and he said yes. She even lifted him up on there. He doesn’t like being touched, Cole. He doesn’t really take to any of us, but he likes her.” June signals her sister to come see what they’re looking at.

  Savannah picks up a spoon and dips it into the jar of peanut butter from when she made Ryder’s sandwich earlier. “You know what I love to do when no one’s looking?” Ryder shakes his head and giggles when she scoops a spoonful of peanut butter and pops the spoon in her mouth. “You want to try?” She picks up another spoon and hands it to him. He hesitates, but she encourages him to do it, and he shoves a huge glob of peanut butter into his little mouth. “Great job!” She high-fives him.

  “Natural born mother.” Abigail peeks up at Cole.

  “What are we looking at?” Dr. Roberts whispers, making the three of them jump.

  “Ryder likes Savannah,” Abigail answers.

  Dr. Roberts takes a peek then steps into view. Cole moves into the kitchen too but stays back. Ryder spots the doctor and grabs Savannah’s arm. “Good afternoon, Savannah. What are you making?”

  “Hello, Doc. Ryder and I are making Keith’s favorite oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.”

  “They smell good,” he says, staying a few feet away. He watches as Ryder buries his head into her shoulder. Her hand runs along his back, soothing him. “I was wondering if Ryder would come and draw me a picture.” Ryder doesn’t move, but Savi bends down to his eye level.

  “You know what, Ryder? My favorite color is purple. Would you draw me a picture so I can hang it on the fridge? The boys in this house never draw me any pictures.” She gives a loud sigh and smiles at him lovingly as he looks from the doctor to her again. He finally nods his little brown head and reaches out so she’ll help him down.

  “Let’s go to the dining room, it’s just right there, and draw Savannah a picture.” Doc Roberts leads the way, leaving the two of them in the kitchen. Savannah goes back to making the cookies.

  “That was pretty impressive,” Cole says, coming to stand by the island where she’s working.

  She rolls some dough into a ball, dropping it on the tray. “He’s a sweet little boy.”

  “You got him to eat. He hasn’t eaten in two days.”

  “I know that feeling,” she whispers, turning to stick the tray into the oven.

  “How are things working out at Zack’s?” he asks, trying to feel her out.

  Davie comes in and scoops some of the cookie dough out with a spoon. “Other than the threats, I’d say she’s doing pretty good,” he says. Savannah glares at him, but he’s too busy eating to notice.

  Cole stiffens. “Threats?”

  “It’s nothing,” she says over her shoulder.

  “Nothing! That bitch has it out for you, Savi. I’d watch my back. You should have heard what she and her friends were say—”

  “Davie,” Savannah interrupts, “could you tell Keith the first batch is in the oven?”

  “Sure.” He takes another spoonful of cookie dough before he leaves.

  “Who?” Cole’s voice is harsh. “Don’t lie, Savi.”

  She drops her head and sighs. “Christina.” Fuck me. “I handled it, but if you could tell her not to threaten me at work, that would help. I don’t need to hear about you two hooking up with all the customers around.”
  “Hooking up?” Cole moves off the stool and comes around to her side. “She said we were hooking up?”

  “Yes, last night and a few other times. Whatever. Just tell her to back off.” She won’t look at him.

  “Savi, I wasn’t with her last night.”

  “Okay,” she mutters, brushing him off.

  Fuck… “I was watching you on your date.” Her head snaps up. “I watched you at Bruno’s, and later when he kissed you outside your apartment.”

  “You were spying on me?”

  He shakes his head. “I was protecting what’s mine.”

  “Oh my god!” She drops the wooden spoon she was using. “You broke up with me, remember, Cole. I wanted space, but I never wanted it from you.” She reaches for the oven as the timer goes off. He waits until she’s finished before pinning her in the corner of the counter.

  “How did it feel when his lips touched yours?” He needs to know what she’s really feeling right now, in this moment. His thumb runs along her bottom lip, making her mouth part. “Did you like it? Did you like the way he tastes?” She barely shakes her head as he leans in and runs his tongue along her lower lip. She sags into him as he starts kissing her, reminding her who owns this mouth.

  “Cole,” she says, pulling away as he kisses her jaw, “why didn’t you come to Washington? I needed you.” He stops and moves to look her in the eye.

  “I had orders to get Ryder from Mexico City. I crossed the line falling for you, so when they tell me to do a job, I have to do it.” He cups her cheek. “I wanted to be with you so badly, I used the satellite phone to call you, and that’s a big no.” She closes her eyes and leans forward, resting her head against his chest. His hands rub small circles across her back. “I’ll be there when you testify against Lynn.”

  She pulls away. “I don’t want to.”

  “You have to, Savi.”


  “Ohh, so close,” Keith says to Mark behind them like they’re watching a movie.

  Mark scrunches his face. “Yeah, I thought Cole had her this time.” He laughs with Keith then looks at Cole and Savannah. “What? We’re bored.” He shrugs, not caring at all that they’re intruding on a personal moment.

  Savannah laughs unexpectedly, moving Cole aside and placing a plate of warm cookies on the island. “If you’re bored,” she glances back at Cole, “I have an idea.”


  I dive into a snowbank as three bullets whiz by my feet. Mark pulls me closer to the fallen tree trunk.

  “Oh, great, you’ve got Logan’s attention. I thought we lost him back at the driveway.”

  I check my paintballs and see I have ten left. Plenty.

  “No worries, Mark. I have a plan.” He looks at me, waiting for me to explain. “Let’s just say it involves June and one of our flags.” His eyes light up, and his mouth spreads wide.

  “You wanna join Blackstone? We could use a member like you.”

  “Let me be the one who gets Cole, and I’ll consider it,” I joke, rolling on my back, looking up at the window and giving a thumbs-up. Mark signals for Davie and Dell to move to the next spot, which is a huge mistake because Cole and Keith change positions and nail them the moment they start running.

  “Two down, two to go!” Cole yells to us. I see June and Mike round the corner looking just like Mark and me. Perfect. They make a move toward the woodpile, but Cole is quick and pops both of them in the legs and arms. He turns to Keith, fist-bumping, and that’s when we move. It’s an epic moment. I hope I can replay the cameras and make a copy for myself. Mark swings off to the side and pops Keith in the back of his helmet. I stay low, and just as Cole goes to pop Mark, I nail him in the back three times.


  Everyone freezes as Cole looks from June to me, wondering what is going on. Then it clicks. He points his finger at me and chucks his helmet to the ground. His smile is dangerous, but all play. I remove my helmet, laughing and feeling very pleased that my plan worked out. Mark fist bumps me, calling out that we won.

  “You, come here!” Cole shouts, storming toward me.

  “Run, Savi!” Mark yells. “Run very fast!” I turn and run, but my laughing isn’t helping. My boots sink into the deep snow, but I manage to make it to the training barn. I glance over my shoulder to see he’s a few yards away.

  Once inside, I take in my surroundings and decide an old stripped truck in the back corner is where I’ll hide. I climb through where the windshield would be and head to the back seat. I hunker down and wait.

  I wait and wait and wait…I’m starting to think he had to go inside. Maybe he got a call or Dr. Roberts needed him. Crap…I unfold myself and crawl out the side window. Just as I’m at the front of the truck, he drops down from a rafter, grabs my hips, and tosses me on top of the hood.

  I scream, laughing. “You may have played me, but you forgot one important rule.” He undoes my pants and yanks my bottoms, pulling my boots off with them. “You must always be willing to wait out your prey.” He unzips his pants, exposing his massive erection. “And you, my love, are my prey.” His fingers touch my opening, feeling how turned on I am for him. Just his voice alone sends a flood to the gates. I push all thoughts aside and relax. “So deliciously warm and ready,” he whispers as he pulls out his fingers and gently feeds himself inside. My back bows over the hood, my head tips back, and my lips form an O as he fills me to maximum capacity. One hand sneaks up my shirt and palms a breast. “I rather like you like this, Savannah. I’m thinking we should try new places more often.”

  “I thought we christened my new apartment rather well.” I pant as he rolls his hips, hitting every angle he can. I close my eyes, relishing how deep he is, and my tongue darts out, moistening my lips.

  “Mmm, that’s true.” He grips my hips as he pushes in harder. I yell out, only fueling his fire. “You have no idea what your sounds do to me.” I’m delirious, and my vision is going as he keeps up a steady pace. “The way your eyes darken the more turned on you get makes me so hard it hurts.” I claw at his arms as he yanks me off the roof.

  He remains inside me as he briskly moves us past the holding area and into an office where it’s much warmer. I remove my jacket as he sits down on a leather chair with me straddling his lap. He helps me strip down so I’m completely naked. Taking one of my nipples in his mouth, he starts to suck. His other hand roams my feverish skin. I start to rock to build myself back up to where I was. He leans back and swivels me around so my back is to him. “Grip the desk, baby.” I lean forward, doing what he says as he stays sitting. “So beautiful.” His fingertips run along the length of my spine. He bucks his hips, and my grip slips. “Hold on,” he orders while he stands and kicks the chair away from him.

  His pace quickens again, each thrust hitting the end of me. His fingers dig into my shoulders and one hand fists my hair.

  “Cole!” I cry, not sure how long I’ll last.

  “I don’t care how much,” pound, pound, “you try to push me away,” pound, pound, “you’ll always be mine.” Pound, pound. “No more dates, Savannah. No more kissing other men.” Pound, pound. “You need something, you come to me.”

  “It wasn’t a date!” I yell, needing him to understand, but my thoughts get lost as I jump from the ledge. Stars shoot off, sound leaves, and I fall back down to heavenly earth. When I come to my senses, I’m on my back on top of the desk while Cole slips my shirt over my head. I lift my boneless body to help.

  “Cole.” I stop him as he goes to grab my clothes from the truck. “I didn’t go on a date with him. I was doing it as a favor for a friend.”

  He looks confused. “Friend?” I nod. “Who?”

  I sit up, but my bones are like jelly. “I can’t say, but I promise you I made it clear that nothing was going to happen. I didn’t know he was going to kiss me, and when he did, I felt wrong. Not just because you didn’t know, but because it wasn’t you.”

  “It hurt seeing it,” he mumbles.

p; “And it hurt that you broke up with me without hearing me out,” I counter, raising my chin. “Makes me think that if the going gets rough, you’ll leave me without hesitation.”

  He steps closer and lowers his face to mine. “I’m sorry for what I said and the way I acted. It just scares me that you’re there in that apartment by yourself, working at that bar with all those men wanting a piece of you. I know I panicked, and in turn, it pushed you farther away. I want a future with you, Savannah, but not until you’re ready. I’m going to back off…” he raises a brow, “to a degree, and let you come to me when you decide you’re ready for us.” His stare is overpowering. “But, Savannah, when you tell me you’re ready, be prepared for what’s to come.”

  I nod because I can’t find my voice. He captures my lips and shows me how true his words are.

  The walk back to the house is quiet, with only the sound of our boots. I grin, remembering that just an hour ago I pulled one over on him.

  “What’s with the grin?” he asks, peering down at me.

  “I was just wondering how long it’ll take until the green will wash off your back.” I beam up at him. “You know…when I tricked you and won the game.” He goes to grab me, but I jump out of the way, laughing. “You know, the game you forbid me to ever play again.” His smile turns devilish. “Oh, yes, Colonel, I went there.” I walk backward, keeping a distance between us.

  “You’re in such trouble,” he says with an evil laugh. “You’re in for it now.”

  I walk up the stairs with a little extra swing in my hips, turning to see him staring at me from the ground. “That’s the plan.”


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