A Very Lusty New Year [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Very Lusty New Year [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Cara Covington

  “Welcome to the family, daughter.” Terence hugged her, placed a kiss on her cheek, and passed her on to Philip. That father did the same, then held her at arm’s length. You can call us by our first names, of course. Or just call us dad—and one of us is bound to answer.”

  “Thank you, dad. I’ll so that.”

  Craig felt as if he and Jack had been given paternal approval when both dads smiled at them.

  Even though they knew that Anna was at ease, they continued to follow along as their mother continued introducing her.

  “I’m never going to keep all these names straight.” Anna smiled as she made the admission, and Mother laughed.

  “It took me a long time—and there really are more people here now than when I joined the family.” She checked her watch. “I have to go and give a hand in the kitchen. There are so many of us, we’re on a schedule and take turns.

  “I’d like to help you, Madison.”

  “Thank you, but not this time, Anna. This is your first day with us. There are more people for you to meet—people who are excited to meet you. Next time there’s a family gathering we’ll welcome your help. For today, just enjoy yourself.” She turned her no-nonsense gaze on him and Jack. “See to it that Anna has everything she needs, and meets everyone.”

  “Anna’s our first priority.” Craig met his mother’s gaze.

  Madison nodded. “Of course she is. You are, after all, your fathers’ sons.”

  Anna grinned at him. Craig met her gaze head on. “I have no problem letting you see how readily I listen to my mother.” Then he smiled and moved in closer to her.

  “I like her, a lot. I think we’re going to get on quite well.”

  “We never doubted it,” Jack said.

  “Everyone has been so welcoming.” Anna sighed as he and his brother stood close to her. She leaned against him, and his heart soared. “I guess I was worried about coming here for nothing.”

  “You only know what you know,” Jack said. “Come on, Bella, you’ve been on your feet since you got here. Dinner is at least an hour off. We can wander and greet, and hopefully find a place for you to sit.”

  “I’m fine.” She looked down at her feet and he followed suit. She wasn’t very tall, but unlike some women he’d known, she didn’t use her shoes to give her more height. She wore attractive pumps with a modest heel.

  When he looked up again, she blushed. “I’ve never understood the fascination some women have with shoes. I do sometimes purchase them to match an outfit—but I don’t like those spiky heels. Comfort is the first criteria for shoes, as far as I’m concerned. I hope that doesn’t turn you off?”

  “Not even close to turning us off. You look beautiful and knowing you’re comfortable in your fashion is a plus.”

  “Some of our cousins could use a dose of your sensibleness—which, by the way, is sexy as hell.”

  Jack leaned in and whispered that last part which, Craig thought, was a damn good thing considering that first part was overheard by their Uncle Martin.

  “Your Anna is an extremely sensible woman, as well as having a razor-sharp business mind.”

  Anna turned, likely recognizing Marty’s voice. She gave him a big smile. “I’m so pleased to meet you!”

  Martin Kendall grinned and then gathered her into a hug. “And I am delighted to meet you, young lady. Welcome to the family.” He turned his attention to Craig and Jack. “Boys, I’m proud of you recognizing this gem and doing the smart thing and marrying her.”

  Craig noticed Anna’s blush, and her slight discomfort. She doesn’t like being the center of attention.

  “Well, sir, we couldn’t do anything else but marry her.” Jack reached out to touch her—just a light brush of his hand. Craig realized that he did the same thing on a regular basis and that between them they didn’t go long without touching their woman.

  “I imagine this is a larger crowd than you’re used to for Christmas,” Martin said.

  “Well, it’s certainly a friendlier one. My parents like to attend the Christmas dinner at their club.”

  “I suppose that for a woman, not having to cook the requisite holiday feast could be considered a blessing.”

  “Maybe for some it might be. Though I’m looking forward, myself, to attempting such a thing.”

  Marty looked at Craig. “I trust the three of you will be here at least until after the New Year?”

  “Actually, we do need to head back to Dallas for a few days. But we’re hoping to block off the first two weeks of the New Year for a bit of a honeymoon.” Craig sent a smile to his woman, and noticed that she looked puzzled. It might have been nice to discuss the idea of a honeymoon with the bride before announcing it to the family. Craig sighed. He wasn’t used to being a married man. He thought he’d have to scramble mentally, but the right words came to him on his next breath. “As soon as Anna decides where she’d like to go.”

  “I get to choose?”

  “Of course. Anywhere your heart desires,” Jack said.

  “In that case, here seems good to me,” Anna said. “I like Lusty.”

  Marty grinned. “What did I say? Beauty and brains.” He turned to Anna. “Have you met my daughter-in-law Samantha yet?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Come with me, Anna. I believe that she and some of your other cousins are in the backyard, giving the children some much needed fresh air.” Martin grinned. “I think Howard and Joan and little Gordon are with them. Samantha is married to our triplets, Preston, Taylor, and Charles. They have four boys, with another baby due in the spring. I think my brother Nicky is outside, playing with them as well. He makes no apologies about being an overgrown kid at heart...”

  Anna slipped her arm through Marty’s as he led her toward the family room and the doors there that opened onto the back deck.

  He and Jack were left to follow as their uncle, clearly completely enamored, made off with their wife.

  Chapter 14

  “I certainly understand why your town is called Lusty,” Anna said. She grinned at her men as she walked backward, just to see their expressions when she gave them that provocative line. “Your cousins and siblings have fifteen children under the age of ten—with four more on the way. Guess we know what everyone does when the lights go out in this town.”

  Craig and Jackson both laughed. Craig said, “Likely the same thing we’ll be doing shortly when our lights go out.”

  “You don’t need to turn them off on my account.” Anna took the plate of leftover turkey that Miranda had given her and set it in the fridge. The families had roasted so many turkeys for today there was plenty left for everyone to take some home. She’d even managed to snag a bit of the cornbread stuffing. Miranda, Martin’s wife, had made it and it was the best she’d ever tasted.

  There are a lot of good cooks here in Lusty. I wonder if they’ll help me learn how to be a good cook, too? It was something she was really hoping to be able to do.

  She turned her attention back to her men. Though she’d been teasing, mentioning all those children put her mind back to earlier. “The only one who isn’t contributing to the baby boom is your sister-in-law, Joan.” She sighed.

  “Maybe they think one child is enough,” Craig said.

  “Howard does like to put a lot of time in at his garage.” Jackson smiled. “We always knew he was going to be a mechanic. Mother will tell you he was taking things apart as soon as he was old enough to pick up a tool.”

  “I don’t think that’s it. There was one moment, in the backyard before dinner, when Samantha’s boys tackled her. They just caught her right, and she ended up on the grass, covered in her children. She laughed, and I was smiling and I just happened to look over at Joan. Your sister-in-law wore such a look of longing...” Anna shook her head. “Well, I’m going to think good thoughts. Maybe they’ll have more children in the near future.”

  “Huh.” Craig looked at Jackson. “Mother’s never said anything about Howard and Joan having
problems getting pregnant.”

  “She likely wouldn’t,” Anna said. She hadn’t meant to worry her husbands. She thought back to the afternoon and evening just spent. “I really admire her. Samantha Kendall. With four sons and three husbands, any woman might be slightly intimidated by all that testosterone. Yet it’s clear they all adore her. She makes raising a family look so easy.”

  “Samantha’s a spitfire,” Craig said. “She’s from up north, even though her mother was Texas born and bred. Everyone in the families loves her.”

  “I did notice her accent. I was thinking she’s probably from Connecticut.”

  “Yes,” Jackson said. “That’s exactly right. You have a good ear, Bella.”

  “When I went to college, there were hundreds of students from all over the United States. I volunteered in the student services office, where I met a lot of people. I discovered a talent for knowing where they came from based on their patterns of speech.”

  “A woman of many talents.” Craig slipped his arms around her from behind. “I think you’ve enchanted the entire family, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t know about that.” She felt her cheeks heat with her blush. I wonder how long it’s going to take me to stop blushing every time one of these men gives me a compliment? Anna felt a sense of unease and a tendril of foreboding. It had been so easy today to let herself pretend that she was a part of this family, a permanent member of this amazing group of people. But she had to remember that Craig and Jackson had just married her—out of pity? Out of the kindness of their hearts? Anna wasn’t certain which it was. One thing she did know. While they’d spoken of their lust for her, neither man had hinted at a deeper emotion. Neither had even mentioned love.

  My how hypocritical you are. You haven’t told them you love them, either. No, she hadn’t. Fear of rejection kept her silent, and she told her inner voice to take a clue and shut up.

  It felt like minutes had passed as Craig held her and Jackson looked at her, both waiting for her to say something more. So she gave them a piece of the truth. “But I did feel quite welcome and accepted. You have no idea what that means to me.”

  Jackson came up and cupped her face. He used his thumbs to stroke her cheeks. “Actually, we have a pretty good idea, darling. To us, the way you were treated here this afternoon and evening—that’s normal.”

  “I really like it here.”

  “Good.” Craig kissed her just below her ear. “We’re very glad you like it here, sweetheart.”

  “Come upstairs, Bella. We want you naked and between us.”

  All either of them had to do was suggest making love, and Anna was aroused. She’d assumed herself to be asexual, as she’d never once in all her years before meeting these men had any interest in being intimate with any man.

  Now she knew that when the time came and they set her free, she would never take another into her body.

  Oh, God, I love them so much. How will I ever survive without them?

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  Anna closed her eyes. She refused to be so pathetic as to tell them how she really felt. Not all the way. Live in the moment. Take what’s being offered and be grateful for this much. It’s more than you ever believed you’d have.

  She opened her eyes, unsurprised when a tear escaped to track down her face. Jackson wiped it with his thumb. “I want you both so much it hurts.”

  “You can have us.” Craig’s hands swept her body but she didn’t know if the trembling was hers—or his. “You can have us anytime, sweetheart.”

  Craig stepped back and Jackson lifted her into his arms. She was no featherweight, but he held her close and smiled. “Not one word about your being too heavy for me to carry, my Bella, or you’ll receive your first spanking.”

  “First spanking? Those words suggest inevitability—and continuity.”

  Craig laughed. “So they do.”

  Jackson carried her up the stairs, only setting her on her feet once they stood beside the bed.

  They set about undressing her with such concentration that she stood absolutely still, allowing them the freedom of this, and the freedom to do what they would to her. She knew they were aroused because she’d eyed the impressive erections neither man could hide.

  When her last garment fell, she used her hands to stroke each of them down their chests, ending with a caress over those hard-ons.

  “I really want you both naked, too.” She looked at Craig and licked her lips. “I want to taste you the way I tasted Jackson.”

  Craig met Jackson’s gaze. She felt more than saw the other man nod. “Then you will,” Craig said.

  “And while you’re driving Craig insane with lust, Bella, I’ll be tasting you.”

  Here she had confidence. She knew she could please them, knew they enjoyed their intimate acts together. She could trust in this, in the physical. Would they know her heart was in every moment spent together in loving? No, life had shown her that men were sometimes more than a little obtuse when it came to such things.

  But she knew. She knew when she touched, when she kissed and licked, when she nibbled and sipped, that each second and each act was love-filled.

  It didn’t matter to her that they were ignorant of the gift she offered. Her heart was full just from the giving.

  They stripped with a speed that coaxed a smile from her. She stood close between them, the heat from their bodies warming her soul. Inhaling, she took in their scents. Subtly different, Craig and Jackson’s aroma made all her girl parts shiver with anticipation. Her nipples drew taut and her dew leaked from her slit. The cool air of the room caressed that moisture, and when her men inhaled, she knew they breathed her in the same as she had done with them.

  She wrapped her hands around their cocks, amazed as always at the heat and the velvet-covered hardness of them. She looked down, pleased that each of them presented her with a tiny translucent drop, a token of their passion. Curious, she bent and slurped up one, and then the other, so that those two drops mingled on her tongue. Both men sucked in air, both cocks pulsed in her palms. Who knew this would be so exciting, so arousing?

  She’d known that fellatio existed, of course. But she’d never imagined it would be an addictive practice. Now, their flavor combined to make her mouth water, and, needing to show them her love in the only way she could, she bent to them again, licking their cocks in turn. Licking, nuzzling, and breathing them in, it didn’t take long for the men to both shake with need.

  “That’s it.” Jackson gently removed her hand from his cock as Craig did the same. Then Jackson lifted her into his arms. He stepped forward and laid her in the middle of the large bed.

  “You drive me crazy, woman. Now it’s my turn to return the favor.”

  He stole the breath from her body and the words from her brain as he kissed her, using his mouth and tongue to taste every part of her mouth. Strong strokes and gentle suction pulled her deep into the spell he wove, bringing her to a place where only the heat existed, where only their touches, the effect of their mouths and tongues and hands mattered.

  Craig crawled onto the bed beside them, gathered her hands, and raised her arms above her head. He held her captive as his brother began to feast on her. She would have thought that being held captive would make her uncomfortable, but she’d never felt so powerful as a woman.

  Jackson moved down her body, kissing his way from her neck to her breast. He suckled one nipple while he pinched and pulled the other. Anna moaned, the pleasure sharp, the need his attention to her breasts created in her acute.

  Her hips moved all on their own, taking up a sexy back and forth undulation as if one of her husbands was already between her legs, fucking her.

  “You are so responsive.” The words became an ode, whispered against her wet flesh. Still, Jackson moved down until he made a place for himself between her legs.

  “I dreamt of this moment all day, Bella, of having your juices in my mouth. I’ve discovered the nectar of the gods.”
  Jackson blew a stream of air on her wet pussy, and then he moved in and pressed his mouth against her.

  Oh, but that felt better than good! He licked and kissed, nibbled and slurped, and Anna believed he drank her down. He placed her legs over his shoulders, and used his hands to grip her hips. Then he moved his mouth back and forth while his tongue delved, in and out, fucking her.

  A nudge of her left cheek made her turn her head. Craig had moved and, cock in hand, knelt close to her head. His cock awaited her attention, barely an inch from her face. As she watched, another tiny drop of his pre-cum formed. Anna licked it, then moved just a bit closer and sucked his cock into her mouth.

  Held down by four hands, ravished and ravishing, Anna gave and took and let the sensations carry her. Shivers and quivers ran through her body, making her need to suck and tongue the cock in her mouth in a way Craig would never forget.

  Words evaporated, as Anna surrendered to the moment, to the lust and yes, to the love. Spiraling higher and higher, Anna whimpered and moaned and begged, as her arousal grew and the beautiful moment of climax neared.

  Jackson used his fingers to caress her wet folds and then slid them inside her, all the way inside so that he could fuck her, strumming her sweet spot, murmuring against her with sounds her feral woman recognized and obeyed.

  Drawing heavily on the cock in her mouth, her tongue caressing as her palm cupped hot scrotum, Anna’s release flooded her, drenched her in the most delicious, most exciting spasms of pleasure. She heard a shout, but only kept drawing on Craig’s cock, even as Jackson’s mouth kept drawing on her own juices.

  Craig came, and she sucked down each pulse of his jism, joyous as each swallow added to her own rapture, as each spurt fed her the undeniable nectar of love.

  Chapter 15

  Tiny aftershocks washed through her, and Anna felt as if she was coming back to reality after a moment out of time. The sound of heavy breathing—hers and Craig’s—filled every inch of space in the bedroom.


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