Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple I

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Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple I Page 15

by Various

  Adam laughed and settled back on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest,

  “Eve, I know your stepfather is Were, and you resent him for keeping your mother from following her career. I also understand that you are a geneticist who is working on a special project and you seem to be under the misapprehension that I will force you to quit. Probably because you believe your mother suffered the same fate from her mate.


  Eve nodded, “Yes, you are right.” She was a little bemused that he’d heard not only the words but also the feelings behind them.

  He continued, “You have very strange decorative taste. I must have counted six of those bird things downstairs that you are wearing on your shoulder. One was a lamp, 116

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  three were long stick things stuck in various plants, and several were small glass figures. You have two pieces of artwork that say ‘Share a Coke and a smile’. Now for the questions…” Adam paused and looked at her with confusion clear on his face.

  “What is your last name, what project are you working on, what is the bird you seem to be so fond of, and what,” he growled, “is a Coke?”

  Eve blinked. He had not only listened, he had heard her. He said she suffered from the misapprehension that he would force her to quit. Misapprehension…meaning misunderstanding, false impression, and delusion…any way you looked at it he was promising her she wouldn’t have to stop working. Wasn’t he?

  “Are you saying you wouldn’t make me give up my career to stay home and take care of you? I want to make sure I understand what you just said, implicitly. No mistakes. This is very important to me.” She held her breath.

  Adam could see how important this was to her. She was holding her body completely motionless. Tense. Slowly he rose from the bed and moved to bend in front of her. He had wrapped the sheet around his middle as he moved. Not wanting to make this all-important declaration “buck nikid” as his great, great grandmother would say.

  Kneeling before her, he pulled Eve’s clenched hands into his own. “I promise you, Eve, I will never force you to give up your life’s work,” he pledged.

  “Blood Oath?” she questioned, knowing that if a werewolf swore blood oath that it was a legal contract.

  Adam shook his head. Sighing, he answered her. “If you had known me for any length of time, you would have known that Blood Oath was not necessary. My word is good. I will try not to be offended that you have asked this of me. But, I will give it.”

  Eve watched intently as Adam put the pad of his right thumb in his mouth, allowed the beast to rise within him just enough so that the canines formed, and used the razor sharp teeth to bite down and pierce the skin. When blood welled, he took the finger out of his mouth, banished the wolf and pressed the thumb into the palm of Eve’s hand.

  “I swear by Blood Oath not to force you to quit working as a geneticist nor will I interfere with your work in any way,” he vowed, sealing the promise in blood.

  Later, unbeknownst to him, he would regret this promise, but for now the reward was sweet. Questions temporarily forgotten, Adam allowed Eve to jump him, drive him to the floor and have her way with his body.


  Ravyn Wilde


  A.D. 2203: Adam & Eve

  Chapter 8

  Eve’s relief at Adam’s reassurance that she could continue her life’s work without fighting him tooth and nail for it, and the gift of Blood Oath freely given, combined with the rampaging lust she’d been trying to control almost since she had risen from the bed. Chastising herself, she acknowledged that she had managed to command her body’s reaction…for all of about half an hour.

  She moved out of the chair in a rush, into Adam’s arms, knocking him to the floor.

  When he tried to take over, she snarled at him. “My turn. Lay back and relax.”

  He did as he was told. Stretching his arms over his head and helpfully lifting his hips as Eve peeled the sheet from his body, he was anxious to allow her this, desperate in fact. He sucked in his breath as she knelt beside him, still dressed in that God-awful robe. He had been right about her softly rounded curves, and figured that he would get the chance to sample them soon; the scent of her arousal was strong. But for now, he would let her have the upper hand.

  Eve couldn’t wait to get her hands on all that lovely flesh. She had been a submissive participant in their lovemaking up to this point. Only capable of holding on for the ride, now she wanted to direct their play. She decided she would start at the top.

  Her fingers sifted through the wild mane of his hair, she let her fingernails scrape over his scalp.

  Adam closed his eyes and purred. He moaned, “Ah, Eve, that feels wonderful.”

  She wickedly grinned and after a few minutes moved her hands down to his face, skimming each feature, mischievously tracing each and every detail. He moved into her touch. Eve bent over him to trace the line of his lips with her tongue, gently slipping into a deep kiss when he opened to her.

  “Ummm…” Now it was her turn to moan. Eve’s hands continued their journey, testing muscles here with a squeeze, teasing shudders from his body there with a feather-light caress. She frustrated his efforts to slip the thick robe from her body.

  Naked she would be lost. “Not yet,” she murmured.

  Moving away from the seductive pleasure of his mouth, she continued to explore the hard body before her. Smoothing her palms over his flat nipples, she tormented them into tight peaks. Other parts of his body came to attention as well.

  Adam moaned and shifted his hips on the floor. His first instinct was to pick her up and impale her tight body on his wildly straining shaft. Her hands were driving him crazy. Patience, he ordered his body. His hips jumped when she lowered her mouth to his chest to further torment his nipples. Her hot, wet tongue circled one areola while her fingers plucked and pulled on the other. When she took him in her teeth and bit, the electric heat shot to his cock, his hand moved to hold her to him.


  Ravyn Wilde

  “Hands off or I stop,” she demanded.

  He hesitated. He could take over now, but he was enjoying it too much to give in to his beast. He lowered his hands. As she moved her head to trail her tongue in a wet glide to his navel, he clenched them into fists. His pelvis rolled in and out, the movement mimicked the fucking he wanted to give her. He pushed his fists into the floor. He would not grab her. He could do this.

  Eve used her tongue and teeth to play with the crease where leg met body, alternately nipping, and then laving the area from hip to groin. She could become addicted to the smell and taste of his skin. She smiled as Adam groaned and moved uncontrollably. His sharply indrawn breath as she circled his jutting cock with her hand brought a wide grin of satisfaction. Sitting back to use both hands—he was so thick she couldn’t get her fingers to touch with one—she concentrated solely on driving him to madness.

  She was so intent on the feel of him in her hands, the velvet shaft with a glistening dark plum at the tip that oozed silk every time she got near its tip, that she didn’t feel Adam part the robe she was wearing. She only felt the rasp of his fingers as he drew them across her. She was sitting cross-legged, so he had unrestricted access to her swollen wet clit. At his first touch she couldn’t shift away. But paybacks were a bitch.

  Eve sucked in her breath and bent to lick across the slit at the opening of Adam’s cock. He went completely still. Humming, she set to distract him from his own play.

  She wanted the upper hand, but she didn’t have the strength to move from his questing fingers, so she planned on diverting his attention. Opening her mouth over him, she took him in as far as she could. One hand stroked his staff in tune with her mouth, the other reached to squeeze his balls. She was rewarded by his deepening moans and frantic thrusts.

  She was making him insane. Adam lost all reason with the first hot lick across the slit of his cock. The heated demand of Eve’s mouth moving
over him, taking him in and combined with the circling pressure of her hand sliding up and down forced every cell in his body to come to attention. When she added the pressure on the family jewels, he had to grit his teeth to keep from spewing like a teenager. Damn she felt good!

  That thought brought him back to the wet heat drenching his fingers. If he concentrated on her, maybe he would have some control over his own body. Adam shifted slowly, careful not to dislodge Eve. He twisted his body to maneuver his head between her crossed legs. Having parted the robe and pushed it out of his way, he could just lean down and reach her inflamed clit. He moved his arm around her hips, pulling her up and into his mouth.

  Eve groaned, vibrating the cock in her mouth, setting off Adam’s growl, which in turn vibrated her to the core. Eve struggled to move her legs, wanting to allow Adam unobstructed access, and found herself flat on her back before she could blink.

  “No more,” he ground out as he used one hand to fit himself to her clenching channel, the other hand to move her right leg over his shoulder. He determinedly 120

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  pressed into her, and moved her other leg into a similar position over his other shoulder. This position left her open and vulnerable to his assault. She couldn’t control in any way the pace or depth of his strokes.

  Eve waited for Adam to slam into her. She wanted this. Fast and hard. She needed it. “Now.”

  Her hoarse demand had a calming effect on Adam. Instead of pummeling her like she wanted, he moved slowly into her, and then drew back, almost leaving her.

  She sobbed. “No!”

  Adam’s jaw clenched and he growled low in his throat. He then set about driving his new mate and himself to the edge of insanity. For long minutes he went in an inch, then out, moving fast but with no depth, keeping them both on the knife’s edge of desire with no possible satisfaction. The constant sensation of barely breaching her, the tight pull over his pulsing crown, had him biting his lip to keep from giving in to the urge to bury his cock hilt-deep. One glance at Eve kept him at it.

  She was sweating. Panting and thrashing her head from side to side, mumbling nonsense, “Yes, don’t stop, don’tstopdon’tstopmore!” He was hitting all the nerves, except for the one that would release her from this frantic torture. She tried to force her hips up to meet his thrusts, praying for more than the scant inch he was giving her. She tried to move her hand up to rub her straining clit herself, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  “No. Mine,” he growled.

  He did allow her to cup her own breasts, pluck and pull and twist and pinch her nipples. That only added to her torment. She could feel her pussy trying to latch on to him, to pull him further into her, the frantic pulse increasing her frenzy. Wildly she reached out to him, her hands sliding down his sweat-slicked chest. Just by chance one of her fingernails managed to scrape one of his nipples. He faltered, sinking a little deeper.

  The movement wasn’t missed by Eve. “Yesss,” she hissed. Both hands now went to his chest to find the nubs that might help end this torment. Finding them already hard and easy to latch on to, she rhythmically plucked one then the other.

  Her fingers drove all restraint from him. He had reached the end of his control.

  Pulling her legs from his shoulders he spread them wide and maneuvered his body for additional leverage. Groaning, cursing, “Damn, you are so tight!” he ground his pubic bone hard against the swollen nubbin of her sex, touching her womb with his expanded cock, forcing her to splinter and contract around him. Her inner muscles milked him and he erupted, unable to do more than collapse on top of her.


  Ravyn Wilde

  Chapter 9

  At some point during the night, Adam had moved them both to the bed. He lay there now, thinking of his family and the impact Eve would have on them. He smiled.

  They would love her. After all, she was his mate.

  A communication link beeped somewhere downstairs. After glancing at his still sleeping wife, he moved carefully from the bed. They had been holed up in her home for almost two full days. They needed to eat, and it was possible someone in Eve’s world needed her. It could be a family problem, or someone from work. Adam could at least screen the call for her and give her a chance for a little more rest. After he took the call he would see what he could make for her to eat.

  Since Adam had come to Eve’s home in Lupine form, he had no clothes. He would have to call someone to bring him something before they could leave the house. In the meantime, he had noted his mate’s preference for baggy sweats. He found a cut-off pair and threw them on. On him they were tight and extremely ridiculous; he had to shift his nuts several times before he didn’t feel like he was being emasculated. It wouldn’t be a pretty picture if someone were to see him dressed like this. The only thing worse would be to be seen naked by one of Eve’s relatives or friends. He wouldn’t care, but he knew most humans or non Others had a thing about nudity.

  He found the videolink just before the last ring. Not bothering to request audio only he snapped, “Answer.” A male face looked at him in shock.

  “Oh, holy hell! She is going to be impossible to live with after this.” The man on the screen fluttered…there was no other word for it. “Do you have her chained to the bed, ummm, that thought is just too vile. I’d rather imagine you chained to the bed. Has she finished ranting and throwing things yet? The good news is that most of the stuff she can throw is that disgusting kitschy 1990’s crap she collects. I mean, really, that stuff was called trailer trash back then. Whoever heard of collecting dashboard hula girls and one-legged plastic birds?” The man paused to catch his breath.

  The advantage of this diatribe was that Adam had been able to figure out that whoever this was, he knew his mate well, he wasn’t heterosexual, and that he also knew that Adam had been intimate with her. “Who are you and what do you want?” he asked grumpily. The man was getting on his one good nerve.

  “Eve. I need to talk to Eve Longtree. I’m Charles, her assistant and it’s important I speak with her immediately. Probably vital to her safety,” he added before glaring at Adam. “I don’t know you and I need to speak with Eve now.”

  The man had finally gotten some sense. He had been babbling information to a strange man in Eve’s home. “Give me a minute,” Adam mumbled as he turned to go fetch his mate. She never had answered him about her last name. Longtree. Of The 122

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  Longtree’s he was certain. Jacob Longtree (of course, biblical name) had been the genetic researcher that had saved his race and must have been Eve’s grandfather; Naomi Longtree, her mother, had uncovered several hidden species for the world. Adam winced, but none in the last decade or so.

  Eve, his mate, had already made her mark on the world. He should have put two and two together. Among other things she had discovered the cure, when she was still in college, for Were-parvo. A debilitating disease that struck only werewolves and one that most human scientists wouldn’t have bothered researching. Interesting.

  Eve was plucked out of bed, sheets and all, and carted down the stairs. “Adam, what are you doing?” Before her muddled brain could focus, jeez…around him her usually sharp mind seemed to be turning to mush…she was set down in front of her videolink. Charles watched her intently from the screen. “You could have let me get dressed first,” she hissed at Adam.

  “He said he had information that was vital to your safety. I didn’t want to wait for you to dress to find out what he’s yammering about.”

  Eve started to comment, but Charles interrupted, “It’s serious Eve. Hunky and hairy was right to rip you out of bed. Nice look by the way, extremely well fuc—”

  “Charles!” Eve spat. She could literally see Adam’s hackles rise at her assistant’s careless comments. He could be suicidal sometimes. “Get to the point.”

  “Are you sure you want me to tell you while your friend is listening?” Somehow he managed to mix sarcasm with a concerne
d question. One that Eve had no trouble reading after the hours they’d spent together the last three months.

  “Charles, this is Adam and in answer to your questions, yes…he is werewolf, yes…he is my mate, and yes…he can hear what you have to say.”

  Charles sighed. “I hope he is as strong as he looks, Bella…. You are going to need a bodyguard.”

  “Why Charlie? What has happened?” she asked worriedly. But she was afraid she already had some idea.

  Charles groaned and shook his head. “The worse possible scenario. Think money hungry boss, top scientist missing for two days and boss sneaking into scientist’s lab and uncovering a smidgeon of information about the new project. Think idiot boss making a ‘breakthrough’ announcement to the governing counsel to generate excitement about the breakthrough and get their attention away from the investigation into his misuse of World funding.”

  Eve closed her eyes. She was dead. Without some public relations spin and time to prepare, the One Racers would kill her before her next meal. Her only hope was that her boss had no clue of what she’d almost developed. “Tell me the SI made something up and had no clue what we were really working on?” she pleaded.


  Ravyn Wilde

  Adam’s eyebrows rose at the panicked tone in Eve’s voice. Up to this time, he had listened but assumed the man was being high-strung. But Eve was worried. “SI?”

  “Supreme Idiot,” Eve and Charles said in tandem. Before Adam could ask about what the project entailed, Charles continued.

  “No such luck, sugar. He pretty much nailed it. Except for the fact that you are not quite finished with it, he made it sound as if the serum was already developed.”

  Charles grimaced. “In fact, I believe his exact words were that production of the serum was underway. You can catch his commentary on the next special newscast.”

  Eve looked at him, dumbfounded. Of course. Reporters. “Tell me he didn’t mention my name or yours? Tell me he took credit for the discovery himself?” she pleaded.


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