Deal With the Devil

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Deal With the Devil Page 15

by Evangeline Anderson

  I looked at him stupidly. “I don’t understand.”

  “Put them on me,” Jude said patiently. “There’s a center strut in the middle of the headboard—you can slide the chain through there.”

  I still wasn’t getting it. “But why…how can you do, uh, what you have to do if you’re chained up?”

  A small smile flitted around the corners of his full mouth. “I’ll be able to perform, never fear. But only if you come to me.”

  “This isn’t what I meant at all,” I protested.

  “I know. But if we’re going to do this, we’ll do it my way.” He looked at me sternly. “I’ll keep my word to you on my terms. And my terms are that you chain me up. You’re going to take the lead on this one, Luz. You’re going to be completely in control.”

  For some reason his words seemed to echo in my mind. I had never thought of doing anything like this—not even in my most vivid nightmares or wildest fantasies. It seemed wrong for Jude to be the one tied down and not me, but it was also strangely appealing.

  “Go on.” Jude nodded at the cuffs, his muscular arms still stretched up over his head. “Do it, Luz.”

  Numbly, I did as he said. I crawled to the head of the bed and circled one of his wrists with a velvet-covered cuff. “You do have the key for these, don’t you?” I asked as I threaded the chain that connected the cuffs around the base of the headboard. “I mean, this would be really hard to explain if we had to call a locksmith.”

  “The key is in the top right drawer of my armoire.” He nodded at the tall, solid oak piece of furniture that looked like it had been made in Colonial times. “But you won’t have to use it until you’re done.”

  I finished clicking his other hand in place, making sure everything was secure. Then I sat back on my heels and just looked at him. Stretched out on the bed, naked as he was, he was a real treat for the eyes. There wasn’t a spare ounce of flesh on him anywhere—it was just a vast expanse of marble-white rippling muscle. His nipples stood out, two small pink nubs in the center of his broad chest, and his sculpted torso led to narrow hips and long, muscular legs. A soft trail of dark blond hair ran from his navel to his shaft.

  Looking at it, I saw that he still wasn’t aroused but neither was he completely soft either. Hmm, did he like being restrained or did he like the fact that it was me doing the restraining? Either way, I found that I didn’t feel nearly as threatened as I had earlier. What had bothered me before he was cuffed wasn’t just his cock—it was how big he was, how obviously and completely male. After what I’d been through, just being with someone so much bigger and stronger than me was scary. But with Jude restrained and unable to touch me, I felt much of my fear leak away to be replaced with just the tiniest spark of interest.

  I looked back up to his face after my leisurely visual tour. “Now what?”

  He cocked an eyebrow at me. “Now you take the lead, Luz. I am completely at your mercy.”

  “But I…” I licked my lips. “Jude, I’m not sure I can do this.”

  “Then it won’t get done. If you want me, you’ll have to take me.”

  When I was still silent he lifted his head and looked into my eyes. “I am serious. Do whatever you want to me, Luz. I’m yours.”

  I fluttered my hands helplessly. “I appreciate the offer. I just…don’t know where to start.”

  “Why not start with a kiss?”

  “That sounds nice,” I admitted, and it did. Now that he was the helpless one, I found myself remembering how much I liked to kiss him and how delicious his mouth always tasted.

  I was still near the head of the bed kneeling beside him so it was easy to lean over, my hair hanging to one side like a dark curtain, and press my lips to his. They were soft and giving and for a minute Jude didn’t even try to kiss me back. He just let me take my time exploring his mouth. Then slowly he parted his lips—an invitation. One I felt ready to accept.

  Carefully, I slipped my tongue into his mouth, lapping tentatively, tasting him as delicately as a butterfly drinking nectar from a flower. Jude held very, very still but finally I felt just the tip of his tongue brush mine. I withdrew for a minute but then came back for more.

  Jude began to kiss me back, slowly at first and then with more strength. I traced his fangs carefully, feeling their sharp points against my sensitive flesh and sucked his tongue, taking him into me. He groaned softly and I felt a surge of empowerment at the low sound. I was the one turning him on and I had the power to continue to feed his desire or to leave him wanting.

  I don’t know how long we kissed but I do know that at some point it wasn’t enough and I wanted more—wanted to explore him. Slowly, I kissed my way down the strong column of his throat, nipping playfully to make him groan again. Jude definitely liked being bitten, maybe as much as he liked biting, something I would have to keep in mind for the future.

  A part of me wondered, What future? Hadn’t I decided I would never want to see him after this was over? But somehow, I no longer felt that way—maybe because I was no longer afraid. I didn’t feel like a victim anymore. I felt strong, empowered and, from the way Jude was responding to my attentions, I was beginning to feel sexy too.

  I reached his nipples and teased the hard little nubs with my tongue. Then I looked up at him. “Do you like that?”

  His eyes were glowing softly in the dim room. “I love the feel of your sweet mouth on any part of me,” he murmured, his gaze fixed on mine.

  “What about this?” I sucked a nipple into my mouth again, nipping him sharply until he gasped.

  Jude’s eyes were half lidded now and his deep voice was hoarse when he answered. “Do as you wish, Luz. Lick, suck, or bite me—I don’t care as long as you don’t stop.”

  “I don’t want to stop,” I whispered, and to my surprise it was true. In the slow exploration of his body and the knowledge that I was utterly and completely safe with him, I had found the desire I had thought would never come back. The flame of my lust had been rekindled and though it was only a tiny spark right now, I had the feeling that with a little encouragement it could become a raging bonfire.

  “What next?” I asked Jude. I wasn’t quite ready to touch him lower yet—I needed a little more time before I could go there. But I wanted to keep the momentum building, wanted to keep feeding the flames of desire I could feel growing between us.

  “Do you feel ready to let me see you?” he asked softly. “You don’t have to if you’d rather not, but I would love to look at your beautiful body again.”

  Although earlier that evening I would rather have died than let him see me naked, it suddenly seemed like a good idea. I remembered the way I had felt the other night, before things had gone wrong. The way I had seen myself through Jude’s eyes and had known deep down that I was beautiful. I wanted that feeling—that knowledge of my own beauty—again.

  “All right,” I said, making a decision. “I think I can do that.” I sat back on my heels and reached for the hem of the red T-shirt. Then slowly, taking my time, I pulled it up and over my head, baring my body to him completely.

  Jude gave a low murmur of appreciation.

  “What?” I asked, uncertain of what he’d said.

  “Beautiful.” He smiled at me. “You’re so beautiful, Luz.”

  I felt a sudden stab of regret. “Beautiful and broken, you mean.” I crossed my arms over my bare breasts and looked down.

  “That which is broken can be fixed,” Jude said softly. “Don’t hide yourself, Luz. Let me see you.”

  Reluctantly, I let my arms fall to my side and watched his face as he drank me in. He didn’t say anything else but his expression of reverent desire made me feel beautiful as no words ever could. I’m the one who put that look on his face, I thought, loving the way it made me feel. I’m the one he wants. And I want him too.

  With that realization, I understood that letting him look at me wasn’t enough. I wanted to feel close to him, to feel his skin against mine. Slowly I lay down beside him and pres
sed my bare breasts against his side.

  “Mmm, that’s nice.” Jude smiled down at me and I knew he wished he could put his arms around me. I wished it too, but I was still more comfortable having him restrained. So I didn’t mention the handcuff key in the top drawer of his armoire and he didn’t either.

  “You’re always so warm,” I murmured, nuzzling my face against him. “I thought vamps were supposed to be cold.”

  “Made vampires are,” he said, his voice rumbling through me since I had my ear pressed to his chest. “Their bodies are essentially human so the blood they ingest doesn’t really circulate—it only keeps them alive. But I was born a vampire so this state is natural for me. As natural as changing during a full moon is for you.”

  I sighed. “I wonder if it will ever really be natural for me. Or if I’ll find a place I can change and be left alone.”

  “Everything will be made right in the fullness of time.” Jude bent his neck to kiss the top of my head. “Don’t think about it now, Luz.”

  I looked up at him. “What should I think about then?”

  He gave me a lazy smile. “I don’t know about you, but I was thinking how good your breasts feel pressed against my chest. Do you think you could let me kiss them?”

  I bit my lower lip, feeling a surge of desire mixed with uncertainty. Up until now, I had been doing all the touching. But now Jude wanted to change things by touching me—well, kissing me anyway.

  Where’s the harm? whispered a little voice in my head. It’s not like things can get out of hand—he’s chained down. It was true and it gave me the surge of confidence I needed.

  “All right,” I said, sitting up so I could look at him more easily. “I guess that would be okay.”

  “Come here, then.” His voice was rough with lust and I felt another surge of confidence when I realized that it was lust he could do nothing about. It was entirely up to me if he touched me or not. Entirely up to me how far we would go and what we would do.

  I crawled higher on the bed and leaned over him to put my breasts in his face but the angle was wrong.

  “Straddle me,” Jude said. “Put your knees on either side of my chest.”

  For a moment I hesitated to be so open, so close to him. But the desire I could see burning in his eyes and the heat that was slowly building between my own thighs helped decide me. Moving a little awkwardly, trying not to hurt him, I got one knee on either side of his chest and leaned down, letting my breasts brush against his face.

  I expected him to suck one of my nipples into his mouth at once but he didn’t. Instead he began by nuzzling against me, pressing his face to the slopes of my breasts, breathing me in as I had breathed him in earlier. Then, slowly and carefully, he began to lick and kiss.

  His hot tongue made a ticklish trail across my flesh and I quickly realized that since Jude had limited mobility, it was up to me where he licked me. I could give him the undersides of my breasts, or the sides, or the nipples if I wished. All I had to do was move against him and he would gladly accept whatever part I offered.

  I played with my new power for a while, teasing him by offering just the sides of my breasts and one or two quick licks at my areolas. But at last my desire grew too great and I pressed one of my nipples against his seeking mouth.

  Keeping his eyes on mine to see my reaction, Jude slowly extended his tongue. I moaned breathlessly as he lapped my tight pink nub and then sucked it into his mouth. He was gentle at first and then, when I moved restlessly against him, he increased his suction, taking as much of my breast as he could into his mouth at one time. I could feel the twin points of his fangs bracketing my tender nipple and knew he was being careful not to bite me—even though I don’t think I would have minded at that point.

  Jude sucked and licked for a long time and then I gave him the other nipple. I could feel the pull of his hot mouth all the way down between my legs where my pussy was getting wet and ready. It seemed amazing that he could have this effect on me after the trauma I’d endured earlier but I couldn’t deny my own arousal. I didn’t think it would have been possible without his infinite patience and the fact that I had complete and total control of the situation, but it was true—I wanted him.

  After what seemed like hours of having him suck my nipples, I sat back, panting. I was ready for more but I didn’t know what. One look in Jude’s eyes told me he did, though—and he was eager to share his ideas.

  “What is it?” I asked, half amused and completely turned-on. “What do you want to kiss now?”

  “I think you know, Luz.” His eyes flicked down between my legs to where my pussy slit was slippery with my juices. My legs were spread wide to straddle his broad chest and the position opened me up, showing the deep pink of my inner folds. “You’re wet, aren’t you?” he murmured.

  “Yes,” I whispered, feeling a pleasurable kind of embarrassment.

  He looked at me with that lazy smile. “What do you think we should do about that?”

  “I don’t know.” I returned his smile tentatively. “But I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.”

  “I want to taste you. Want to put my tongue inside you and lick and suck all that sweet cunt honey I can see all over your pussy.” His voice was hoarse with need—a need I felt echoed in myself.

  “All right,” I said softly. “But I’m not sure how…should I uncuff you so you can reach me?”

  Jude’s response was immediate. “No, don’t do that yet. I don’t want you to set me free until we’re completely finished.”

  “But then how…”

  “Sit on my face,” he answered my unfinished question. “Just come a little higher and put your knees on either side of my head. Then lower yourself down so I can reach you.”

  “I’ll hurt you,” I objected. But Jude shook his head.

  “You can’t. Remember what I am, Luz. Vampires are nearly indestructible so there is no way you can hurt me with your sweet, curvy body.”

  “You’re sure?” I asked uncertainly.

  “Very sure.” His eyes were burning again but this time I knew the red light in them was pure lust. “You know how I love to taste you, Luz. Don’t deny me.”

  I didn’t want to deny him or myself. There was no doubt he could do magical things with his tongue and I couldn’t help remembering the overwhelming pleasure he’d given me that last two times he’d gone down on me.

  Moving carefully, I crawled up his body and repositioned myself with my knees on either side of his head, just as he’d asked. Luckily the headboard was close enough to grab on to now so I used it for leverage as I lowered myself slowly and tentatively toward his eager mouth.

  I felt a long, slow lick from the bottom of my slit to the top and heard Jude’s low rumble of desire as he tasted me again. Pleasure spiked through me as he darted his tongue over my swollen folds and flicked it rapidly against my clit. But though the feelings were delicious and intense, they weren’t quite enough to push me over the edge.

  Jude seemed to understand my problem because he stopped licking and looked up at me, his eyes burning with need. “You need to trust me, Luz. I’ll never be able to make you come in this position unless you give me more direct contact.”

  “You need me to come down lower?” I asked and he nodded.

  “Come all the way down for me, beloved. And don’t be afraid to move. I love to press my tongue against you and feel you take your pleasure with me.”

  “Take my pleasure?” I asked.

  “Ride me. Ride my tongue.” The look in his eyes was beyond lust and I could tell that this, more than anything else we’d done together, made him hotter than hell. “I love the taste of your juices,” he murmured. “Come down to me, Luz, and let me drink again.”

  His words and the look in his eyes aroused me all over again. “All right,” I said, breathlessly. “I-I trust you, Jude. I’ll come lower.”

  “Very good,” he murmured and flicked his surprisingly long tongue up to bathe my clit once more.
br />   I moaned softly and lowered myself down on him as he seemed to want. This time I didn’t hold back. His perfect confidence made me confident too, so when I felt his tongue, flat and hot against my open cunt, I pressed against it, rocking against him in a slow, delicious rhythm that sent showers of sparks humming through my entire body.

  Jude held still and let me use him. I made the most of what he offered, rubbing my pussy against his tongue and reveling in the feeling of his hot, wet mouth against me. I didn’t have to worry if he was enjoying himself either—the low groan I could hear building in his chest let me know he was loving every minute of the long, intimate kiss. He swallowed every once in a while, lapping briefly at me before going back to holding still, and I knew he was tasting my juices, just as he’d wanted to.

  Slowly at first and then faster, I felt myself beginning to climb to the peak. I was getting close…so close. I gripped the headboard until my knuckles turned white and threw back my head, feeling the ends of my long hair tickling the small of my back. The orgasm was in my reach—if I could just grab it…

  Biting my lower lip, I pressed as hard as I could, pumping my hips in time to my own internal rhythm, working myself against Jude, riding his tongue as he had asked me to. And then, finally, the orgasm was on me, rolling over me like a warm tide. I couldn’t think anymore—couldn’t do anything but feel. I was gasping and crying, gripping the headboard with one hand and Jude’s thick hair with the other as I shuddered with pleasure, giving myself up to the delicious sensation of his mouth against my pussy.

  Jude’s response was immediate. As soon as the first tremors of orgasm were over, he moved his mouth down and pressed his tongue deep inside me. The feeling of it filling me, of his short, shallow strokes inside my trembling inner walls, almost made me come again. God, in this position he could really get his tongue deep inside me. It was almost like…


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