The Hard To Love series

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The Hard To Love series Page 8

by T A. McKay

  “Everything okay? I saw you roll your neck a lot today.” What the fuck? Why not just admit that I couldn’t take my eyes off him the whole damn day. I'm meant to play the friend card until I understand what’s happening with me.

  “I think I overdid it yesterday. It’s been so long since I had a good workout, my body can’t cope with too much anymore. I’m going soft.” He laughs and rubs over his stomach.

  I can’t help but let my eyes move down his body, watching as his hands rub over his cut abs and down towards that perfect fucking V of his. If he thinks there’s anything other than hard muscle on him he’s clearly delusional. I haven’t seen anyone more built than him and, as much as I don’t want to admit it, his body turns me on. I feel myself harden in agreement, my dick trying to tell him just how perfect he is.

  When I stay quiet he looks over to me, his eyes roaming down over my body. I see color flushing his cheeks when he sees me watching him and he quickly turns away to grab his body wash. He lathers the soap in his hands before rubbing over himself, his hands moving easily over his slippery skin. I try not to watch, there are too many men in here to witness me staring openly at a naked guy, but it’s like my eyes are magnets and his body is made of iron. I start to rub over my own body and when my hands move south, the feel of my hand on my dick almost has me groaning out loud. I feel more turned on now watching Bryce rub his body, than I did when I was inside Asha. There is something wrong with me, I shouldn’t be reacting to him like this, this isn’t the way I should be feeling.

  There have been other men in the past that I have found attractive, even though I wouldn’t admit it, but none that have made me react like this. I never thought much about those passing fancies because, as I keep telling myself, I'm not gay. But with Bryce, this attraction when he's near just feels natural, primal even. I need to either stop all these thoughts, block them out like I always have, or I need to allow myself to feel everything, see where it leads. I don’t know which scares me the most, but I know I'm going to need to make a decision really soon.

  I'm pulled from my thoughts when a rolled up bandage comes flying across the changing room and hits me on the side of the head. I turn and see Jason standing staring at me.


  As soon as he starts talking I wish I hadn’t opened my mouth. “Look man, I know you like pussy. We’re all jealous of the women you get, but who the fuck are you thinking about now? Who could possibly be hot enough to have you jacking off in front off all of us?”

  I look down and find my hand wrapped around my dick as it continues to rub from root to base. I instantly drop it but I can’t help the redness that spreads across my cheeks. Shit. Normally I would give some lame answer and just get on with my shower without worrying about what these jackasses think of me, but knowing that Bryce is standing next to me has me struggling. I look at him out of the corner of my eye and see that his cheeks are just as flushed as mine and I wonder if he's remembering yesterday. Maybe he thinks I'm thinking of Asha.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? You never know, Jason, maybe it was you.” I wink at him before turning away and hiding under the water. I hear Jason laugh behind me and I'm thankful that I got away with that.

  “Yeah, you wish I wanted your ass. Anyway I wanted to check you were hitting Joe’s with us tonight. You in?”

  After going out earlier in the week I could really do with a night in, but I never turn down a night with the guys. I turn and look over my shoulder at him. “Bryce is invited, right?” The words are out without even checking to see if he wants to go. We’re finally getting along and I want to use the opportunity to spend some time with him, get to know him better.

  “Of course, see you at nine.” He salutes me before leaving the changing room and I turn to look at Bryce. He smiles at me and I feel my heart stutter in my chest. Shit, I need to get myself under control.

  “I'm not gonna go out tonight. I'm still trying to recover from the other night.” He lifts his eyebrows at me and I know exactly what he's talking about.

  “How about I promise not to drink and to also not be a dick?”

  He laughs and it makes me smile. “Fine. But I swear if there is any finger fucking it better be with me.” And just like that I'm hard again, visions of my fingers on his body causing lust to race through my veins.

  I'm sitting in a corner booth in Joe’s watching the front door but trying not to make it obvious. Bryce knew we were aiming to get here for nine and he said he’d be here then. I look down at my watch and see that it’s just turned nine-thirty. He's late and I'm starting to get impatient, worrying he's changed his mind about coming. I grab the glass of water in front of me and take a drink to distract myself, but the door opens again and my eyes zero in on it instantly. I feel my body relax when I see Bryce walking through it. He looks around the bar, presumably for us, and I wave my hand at him, making sure he doesn’t miss us. Fucking hell, Zeke, get a grip. I'm acting like lovesick ass. Joe’s isn’t a big bar, so I'm pretty sure he could have easily found the large group of very noisy guys playing pool.

  I resist the urge to sit on my hands as I watch him approach, but I think maybe I should when I take in what he’s wearing. He has on black jeans that hug the top of his thighs that highlights the huge muscles, and a simple white t-shirt, but the way it clings to his body is making it hard as fuck for me to think coherently. In this moment I realize one very important thing, I might not be gay, but I think I want Bryce, and I don’t know where I go from here. I smile as he sits next to me and our thighs brush against each other in the tight space.

  “Sorry I'm late. I got a little lost and some woman took me to a place called José’s. It was scary, and I don’t ever want to go there ever again.” His eyes widen and I can’t help but burst out laughing. I don’t even know the place she took him. There isn’t a place called José’s around here.

  “How did you escape?”

  He's about to answer when a waitress comes over to the table. “Hey, sexy. What can I get you to drink?” Her hands stroke Bryce’s arm as she speaks to him and I can’t help the feeling of jealousy that courses through me as I watch her hand. I want to reach out and remove her fingers from him to make sure she doesn’t touch him again. The feeling shocks me. I’ve never been possessive over anyone in my life, not even with the girls I sleep with. They can touch and sleep with all of the fighters for all I care. They’re just a place to warm my dick. So this feeling is strange. I have this need to take Bryce away from here and not let her look at him again.

  “I’ll have a water, thanks.” He turns to look at what I have in front of me and I pick up my glass and shake it towards him. He smiles at me before turning back to the waitress.

  “Oh, a guy like you needs something stronger than water. How about I bring you something I know you’ll like?” Pushy women don’t bother me, in fact the pushier the woman the more she gets my attention, but this one is starting to really annoy me.

  “He said he wants a fucking water. How about you go get him one and bring me another.” Her eyes widen and she walks away without saying another word.

  Bryce is frowning when he turns to look at me. “Are you okay? That was rather … abrupt.”

  I run my hands over my face and try to get a grip of myself. “Yeah, I'm fine. It’s been a long ass week and I think I'm tired.” I hope he accepts my excuse, because it’s definitely not one I would believe.

  I look down at my watch and notice that I have been sitting here for nearly two straight hours talking to Bryce without realizing it. We’ve spoken about nothing important but it’s been great just getting to know the little things about him. Yesterday still hasn’t been mentioned and as much as I would love to end the night on good terms, I know we need to talk about it. I take a drink of water, wishing like fuck it was bourbon, and get ready to bring it up.

  I lean forward, resting my left elbow in the table in an attempt to keep the conversation for our ears only. “I completely hate to bring this u
p, and I don’t want it to ruin a great night. But…yesterday. I think we need to talk about it.”

  I feel his leg start to bounce against mine and I know he’s feeling as anxious as I am about this topic. “Which part? The part where I acted like a douche, or when I caught you in the changing room with the girl?” Well there’s nothing like getting straight down to it. I notice he doesn’t mention anything about me getting an erection while fighting with him, or how I watched him when I came. He’s totally brushed over everything I did wrong and I can’t believe that he thought he was the idiot in this scenario. I know it was me, and I own it completely.

  “I'm pretty sure I was the one being a dick. You were just trying to push me and I gave you nothing but attitude. That’s not the bit I meant though. I meant what happened after that, when I was in the shower.”

  His bouncing leg speeds up and it’s making me feel more nervous. “Look, Zeke. There is nothing to talk about, you were … let’s just say, getting relief, and I should have left you to it.”

  I reach down and still his knee. I know I should remove my hand but I can’t. Instead, I tighten my grip around his thigh while moving it slightly higher as I lean in and talk directly into his ear. “I was speaking more about when you came in your shorts watching me.” I know that I’m taking a risk here and that there are a hundred different ways he could react but I don’t expect what he does.

  He shakes his head at me before jumping up from the table. “Fuck you, Zeke.” With those parting words he stalks towards the exit but I'm not about to let him leave this time. He's halfway to the door when I grab him by the arm and pull him sideways into the back hall that no one uses. I push him into it and lock the door behind us. There’s no way he’s escaping before we sort this out. I need to tell him how I feel, and I need to know if he's feeling it too.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” I can’t help the anger in my voice as I speak. I start pacing in front of him, my frustration making it impossible for me to keep still.

  “My problem? I thought that maybe you were a decent enough guy not to take the piss out of me for what happened. My body reacted like a teenage boy, I'm so fucking sorry. I can’t help it if …” His words stop and my pacing ceases.

  What the fuck was he about to say? “Don’t stop there. You know, you have this really annoying habit of only saying half a sentence. If it’s important enough to start it then fucking finish it.”

  His face contorts and he looks as if he's physically in pain. He reaches up and grabs his hair and it’s his turn to start pacing. The tension he's throwing off worries me. He suddenly stops moving as he comes to stand in front of me. His eyes meet mine with an intensity that I haven’t seen before. He takes a few deep breaths, obviously bracing himself.

  “I was going to say, I can’t help it if you turn me on like no one ever has before. That when I see you I can’t help but get hard, and when you came I couldn’t control my body.”

  I stop breathing and I'm pretty sure my heart stops beating as well. Even after everything that’s happened between us I didn’t imagine that he would actually be attracted to me, let alone openly admit it. I refuse to break eye contact, but I don’t know what to say. How do you reply to a confession like that?

  “Shit, I knew this was a bad idea,” Bryce says as he moves to barge past me but I grab him and press him up against the wall.

  “Just give me a fucking minute, Bryce. This isn’t something I know anything about.” I need him to slow down. I need to think. His chest rises and falls quickly, his labored breathing matching mine.

  “I don’t know what to do next.” My confession is quiet, and I'm not sure if he can hear me over his breathing.

  “What do you want to do next, Zeke?” His eyes soften as he looks at me, almost like he’s pleading with me, but I'm not sure what for.

  “I want to kiss you.” I lean my forehead to his and listen to the groan that leaves him.

  “Zeke.” My name sounds like a prayer on his lips and it breaks the control I’ve been trying to hold onto. I press my body harder against his knowing that he can feel how fucking hard I am because of him, but I'm past caring. I can feel his breath against my lips and his tongue swipes over them, enticing me. I finally get the courage to make the move that will change my life forever. I slowly move my lips to his, taking my time so he can stop me if he needs to. When my mouth connects with his the world stops, everything focused on the feel of his lips against mine. They feel larger, fuller, and when they move against mine I realize how much I’ve missed out on, the feel of his stubble against my face makes my skin tingle. I flick my tongue out, tasting his lips and I suddenly feel like I'm drowning. His tongue moves against mine, his taste exploding in my mouth as he lets me lead the way. I know he wants more, I can tell by the way he's grabbing the side of my shirt but he's letting me feel my way through this kiss. He’s being gentle, like he doesn’t want to scare me off. Little does he know that there is nowhere else I would rather be than here.

  I'm glad I have the wall behind me helping to hold me up. Of all the fantasies I’ve had of Zeke over the last few days, this is one I never pictured. Zeke is kissing me like I'm his first. I'm trying to hold back, I don’t want him to feel I'm forcing this on him. I don’t ever want him to think he’s only doing this because I made him. This has to be all his own decision, something he wants to do. The crazy thing is, I think he really does want to do it.

  When he put his hand on my thigh and whispered in my ear that he knew I had come yesterday I’d panicked. I couldn’t let him know how much he turned me on with his words so I ran and I certainly didn’t expect him to chase after me.

  Now I have his lips against mine and I'm in heaven. His timid tongue is driving me insane and I just want to pin him to the wall and show him how to kiss me properly. His hard dick rubbing against mine is driving me to distraction and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to form a coherent thought again.

  I pull my lips from him, gasping as I fill my lungs with much needed air. “Zeke, you need to stop rubbing on me or I'm gonna embarrass myself again.” I feel his lips smile against mine as he kisses me again.

  “Does it feel okay?” I can’t believe he's actually asking me this, what part of my body language isn’t telling him that this the best thing ever.

  “If it feels any more okay, I'm gonna spontaneously combust.” This comment garners a laugh from him and I can feel the hair on my arms stand on end. How can even his laugh create a reaction in my body? The deep sexy rumble moving over me like a wave.

  “I really didn’t imagine you being so gentle, I just thought you would be all caveman. This is a side I didn’t think you had.” I have no idea why I'm talking so much. It’s like I'm trying to discourage him from putting his lips on me again.

  “What do you want, Bryce?” His lips kiss across my jaw and my head falls back against the wall to give him complete access to my neck. He takes full advantage of this and runs his tongue across my Adam’s apple, causing my dick to pulsate and him to groan.

  “I want to push you against that wall and kiss you so you never forget what it feels like.”

  He runs his nose up my neck completely distracting me from anything and everything. When he reaches my ear, he flicks his tongue out and licks it before he speaks.

  “Then do it. Show me how this works. I’ve never been with a guy before, show me what I'm missing.” And like showing a red rag to a bull, I push against his chest, using my body weight to push him against the wall opposite us. He lets out a grunt as his back hits the wall and I use it to my advantage, attacking his mouth with mine. I kiss him with all the pent up frustration I’ve been feeling, with all the loneliness I’ve felt this last eighteen months, and with all the pain I want to leave behind. He opens to me, allowing my tongue to investigate his mouth, and to stroke over his tongue in the most erotic way.

  I grind against him, feeling the outline of his hardness and desperately wanting to see and touch it, but knowing that
if I did I would probably push him too far. He pushes back against me, creating a delicious friction against the zip of my jeans. The groan that leaves me is totally beyond my control, the pleasure he's giving me making me lose my sanity. Zeke’s hand grabs the back of my hair, pulling my mouth closer to his as his other hand reaches down and cups my dick. If he wasn’t sucking my tongue at that point I'm pretty sure I would have swallowed it. He uses my hair to pull me back from his lips and the instant we part I feel lost. Fuck, what is this guy doing to me?

  “I don’t know how far I can go. I’ve never done this before with a guy. I’ve been attracted to men before, but nothing like it is with you, nothing I've ever acted on. It’s like I can’t keep my body under control around you.”

  I take a deep breath and try to calm my racing hormones. As much as I would love to take Zeke right here, right now, I know I need to slow down and let him take this at his own speed. “I'm sorry, I’ll slow down. You just … you drive me out of my mind.” I try to step away from him but he grabs my dick, making my legs shake with pleasure.

  “You didn’t let me finish. I don’t know how far I can go, but I know I want to feel you come. I want to know what it feels like to make you come.” And this is the point my brain short circuits because there’s no way that Zeke Raine, MMA fighter and future championship holder, is telling me he is going to make me come. I begin to believe his words when his fingers start to undo the zip on my jeans. Fuck, I'm so close already if he touches me I'm pretty sure I’ll explode.


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