Dawn's Desire

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Dawn's Desire Page 6

by Donna Grant

  Banan grabbed the door Elena opened and glanced behind him. “Where is Guy?”

  “Doona ask,” Rhys said with a loud sigh. “He wasna happy at no’ being here.”

  Elena lightly elbowed Rhys in the ribs. “Guy understands your reasoning for keeping his existence from Jane, but he wants you to know it should’ve been Rhys she didn’t know about.”

  They walked up to Jane’s flat, and Banan couldn’t help but smile. “Well, Rhys was near to take care of Jane’s watcher, Guy wasna.”

  Elena grinned. “No, Guy was otherwise…occupied.”

  And Banan could well imagine how his friend had been occupied. It’s what he’d like to be doing with Jane. Slowly, leisurely he wanted to discover Jane’s body and bring them both pleasure in the process.

  It baffled Banan that he’d never thought twice about relieving his body on a human before, but with Jane everything was different.

  If the craving, the unimaginable hunger to have her weren’t so strong, he might find his growing…emotions…something to worry over. But he couldn’t even think about them, with his need so strong.

  Never once in all the long eons of his life had he ever found a human so appealing. He’d seen beauty before, but nothing compared to Jane.


  He started and discovered they were standing in front of Jane’s door. Both Elena and Rhys were staring at him. “What?”

  “You seem a wee different,” Rhys said, his aqua gaze narrowed.

  Elena watched him carefully, almost as if she searched for something.

  “I’m still wishing I’d wrapped my hands around Arnold’s neck,” Banan said before he rapped his knuckles on Jane’s door. “Jane. I’m back.”

  He heard her unlock the door, and then it opened and she peeked her head around. Her thick, silky auburn strands of hair had fallen to the side as she leaned her head over. There was relief in her dark gaze when she saw him.

  “I wasn’t sure you were coming back,” she said as she stepped aside and opened the door wider.

  Banan let Elena inside the flat first. “I thought about it, but we can no’ allow Arnold to know we know what he’s done.”

  “Right,” Rhys said. “We need to know all the players in this game first. And then we strike.”

  Banan grinned at Rhys’s comment. Their strike would be quick, silent, and quite effective. Their very lives depended on it.

  Not that they could be killed by anthing a human could wield. The only way to kill a Dragon King was by another Dragon King, and even then it wasn’t easy to do.

  Banan tossed the piece of paper Jane had given him to Rhys. “Jane found the number that called Arnold yesterday when she heard mention of Dreagan.”

  “What a great find, Jane,” Elena said.

  Rhys shot Jane a smile. “Verra well done, lass.”

  “I don’t know how any of you will determine who the number belongs to,” Jane said. “I mean, you’d have to know someone in the government to get you that information unless you’re a hacker.”

  “We’re no’ hackers,” Banan said as he pulled out his phone and searched for a name under his contacts. He clicked the number and put the phone up to his ear, his gaze never leaving Jane’s. He wanted to see her face when next he spoke.

  There was an answer on the third ring. “I need to speak with Henri North, MI5.”

  Just as he expected, Jane’s eyes grew large, but her slow smile warmed him. The desire that had filled her flat a short time ago hadn’t vanished.

  It was there, simmering just beneath the surface. From the way she looked at him, to the way his hands still felt her. To the way she touched her lips when she didn’t think he was looking.

  If only they were alone. He wanted to kiss her again, to feel her melt against him and hear her sighs of pleasure. He yearned to strip her bare and commit everything to memory.

  Banan pulled his gaze away from her to catch Rhys staring at him. He saw Rhys’s worry reflected in his gaze, but Banan wasn’t concerned. It was just a case of lust that he had.

  That’s all.

  That’s all it could be.

  And he prayed that’s all it would be.

  Chapter 8

  Jane couldn’t stop looking at Banan. Her lips were still sensitive after his kiss, her body still reeling from his heat and the hard sinew of his chest.

  If she hadn’t been drowning in desire, she might have reacted differently to seeing Richard. As it was, she was thankful that Banan had been there, because she wasn’t sure what Richard would have done otherwise.

  No matter where Banan was, she was painfully, utterly aware of him. His every move, his every breath. She couldn’t explain it nor did she want to.

  She shouldn’t have been surprised to learn he knew someone in MI5, because Banan seemed adept at everything he did. As if he were prepared for every eventuality.

  What she feared, however, was that they didn’t need her anymore. Because that would mean Banan would disappear from her life. That thought made her ill. What would become of her life after Banan? Not only would she return to Plain Jane, but no longer would she experience the wonderful desire just a look from him could give her.

  She listened to him give Henri North the phone number to trace. It was as simple as ordering takeout, or at least Banan made it appear so.

  How did he know this Henri North, who hadn’t questioned why Banan wanted the number traced? Had Banan worked for MI5? Which didn’t seem so far-fetched.

  He was leaning against the counter, seemingly relaxed. Yet she’d felt the tightly coiled muscles behind her when Richard came to her door. She’d noticed the way Banan’s body seemed poised for action, and he hadn’t hesitated in following Richard either.

  Traits of a spy? Or just someone who knew a thing or two about life?

  “Thanks, Henri. I owe you one,” Banan said before he ended the call.

  Rhys crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me you have good news.”

  But it was her that Banan looked at. “The number is untraceable.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “It takes someone with vast amounts of money and skill to pull something off like that.”

  “Ulrik,” Rhys said, his voice dripping with anger, as if it was distasteful even to say the name.

  Banan set his phone carefully on the counter as he weighed Rhys’s words. “Nay. Con has him watched. Besides, Con ruled him out as a suspect while Elena was still at Dreagan.”

  Suddenly Elena stood. “I need to go tell…well, I need to go.”

  Her slip didn’t go unnoticed by Jane, but Jane wasn’t about to say anything. She walked Rhys and Elena to the door, and could hardly contain her excitement when Banan remained.

  Elena and Rhys hadn’t asked him to leave with them, and he hadn’t moved to follow them. But that left Jane feeling a bit uneasy with how to talk to Banan after their fiery, heart-stopping kiss.

  “Jane,” he called softly after she closed the door.

  She turned, her heart pounding erratically. Heat flooded her body when she saw the scorching intensity of his gaze. The desire in his stormy gray depths made her stomach flutter with anticipation and need unlike anything she had ever experienced.

  He pushed away from the counter and started toward her. It was like an invisible cord wrapped around her and tugged her to him. She took that first, hesitant step, her chest heaving as if she’d run a marathon.

  In seconds he’d crossed the small room. And then she was in his arms. His low moan as his lips touched hers sent chills racing over her entire body.

  He held her tightly, crushing her against his muscles. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him. This kiss wasn’t gentle. It was full of need, of longing.

  Of unquenchable hunger.

  He roughly backed her against the door, which only propelled her desire to burn hotter, brighter. His hands were touching her everywhere. And then he cupped her breast.

  Jane tore her mouth from
his as she groaned from the sensations rushing through her. Even with the material of the dress and bra, her breasts grew heavy, her nipples hard.

  His gaze caught and held hers. No matter how she might have wanted to look away, she was trapped in his molten gaze. She quivered as his thumb moved slowly over her nipple. Heat speared through her to her center.

  As if knowing her need, Banan rocked his hips against hers. The feel of his thick, hard arousal made her gasp, and then moan.

  His thumb continued to tease her nipple, circling the tiny bud several times before thumbing it. He was going to drive her crazy with need, and she was going to enjoy every incredible minute of it.

  “Jane,” he whispered.

  She wanted to answer him, but she couldn’t string two words together. So she didn’t even try.

  Instead, she grabbed at his dark gray shirt and slid her hand under it. Beneath her hand his stomach muscles clenched and shifted. She could feel each cord of sinew under her fingers, and it made her shiver in expectation.

  She wanted his shirt off. That wasn’t right. She wanted every stitch of clothing he had on gone so she could look her fill at him.

  “You doona know what you’re doing,” Banan rasped before he took the lobe of her ear in his mouth.

  “I do,” she answered breathlessly.

  He leaned back to look at her. “I want you, Jane. I need you.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  His triumphant smile made her stomach flutter in anticipation. And then she was lifted in his arms as he strode to her bedroom.

  Chapter 9

  Banan couldn’t remember a time when he had craved a woman so desperately. His body had needs, aye, but this longing went beyond that.

  If he hadn’t already tasted her heady kisses, he might think twice about succumbing to the incredible, mind-boggling desire running rampant through him.

  He dropped his arm beneath her knees so that she stood before him once more. Every lush curve against him fit to perfection, but he wanted to see that shapely form himself, to feast his eyes on her all-too-tempting body.

  Her coffee brown eyes had turned almost golden with her desire. Her pulse was beating as erratically as her breathing. And all of it only aroused him more.

  He wanted to kiss her in every way imaginable. To have her so close to him, he all but absorbed her into his body. He wanted to devour her, claim her.

  Seize her.

  As his. All his.

  And only his.

  His need burned so hot, he thought he might very well go up in flames. Her lips parted, and it was all the invitation he needed.

  He covered her mouth with his, sinking deep in the kiss as he reached behind her and slowly unzipped her dress. The first bared inch of skin was too difficult to resist.

  Banan ended the kiss and smoothed his thumb over her exposed shoulder before placing his lips against her skin. He inwardly smiled as her breath hitched.

  He repeated the movement on her other shoulder, and then extracted both arms from the dress. It fell to her hips, where it waited for him to finish unzipping it.

  But he wanted to take his time and savor every marvelous, astounding moment of her in his arms. He’d think about the emotions raging within him later. For now, the yearning inside him was too much to ignore.

  He hooked a thumb beneath the apricot-colored bra strap. His lips trailed up her neck, Jane’s head lulling to the side to give him access.

  His balls tightened when she sucked in a gasp as his tongue touched a sensitive spot. Banan reluctantly loosened his hold on her when her hands once more delved beneath his shirt and up his chest.

  Her touch was warm and teasing. His eyes slid shut as she continued to caress him, learning him. He was rocked when she lifted his shirt and bent to kiss his chest.

  Always he’d been the one to pleasure women. He hadn’t cared if they touched him. He got what he wanted and left.

  But he couldn’t stop Jane. Her touch felt too good. The more she touched him, the more he wanted her to. So when she lifted his shirt, he was all too happy to jerk it over his head and discard it.

  “My God,” she murmured softly.

  He could only watch as her gaze raked over his chest while her hands continued to explore him.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “Nay,” he said. “It’s you who is beautiful.”

  Her fingers traced over the two dragons intertwined on his chest. The tattoo covered the entire width of his chest, and her reverent touch moved something within him.

  She couldn’t know how important the tat was, or why he had it. She had no inkling that he was a Dragon King, nor did she know of his power or immortality.

  Yet she touched him as if he were special, as if she understood that the tattoo had a deep meaning.

  Her gaze lifted to him. “This is amazing artwork.”

  “Aye.” But he found he wanted to tell her how each Dragon King had such a tat, and that each one was special to the King and to the dragons he ruled.

  She gave a faint laugh. “I could look at you all day. And that voice of yours. It makes me shiver.”

  Her words pleased him to a degree that should have sent off warning bells. But all he could think about was the need to hear her scream his name as she peaked.

  He wanted her, craved her—yearned for her on a level he had never thought possible. And had greatly feared.

  Yet now, with her in his arms, there was no fear. Just a longing so intense and soul-deep, he had no choice but to follow it. To follow her.


  Her golden brown gaze lifted to his. “What are you doing here? With me?”

  “Is it so odd that I want you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Banan finished unzipping her dress. With the barest tug, it puddled on the floor. “Then let me show you just how much I desire you, Jane Holden.”

  He angled his head and ruthlessly, fiercely kissed her. She pressed against him, a low moan filling the room. He was relentless as he deepened the kiss, showing her his yearning, his longing. The insatiable need.

  “Banan,” she murmured as her fingers grasped the waist of his jeans.

  He recognized—and felt—the desperate need within her. With each garment that was discarded, the passion escalated and drove them harder.

  Between kisses and fumbling fingers, they were finally skin to skin. Heat to heat.

  Banan was perfectly sculpted, and Jane couldn’t stop touching him. His heavy shoulders, the muscled expanse of his chest, and his ripped stomach.

  The sinew didn’t stop there. She felt it shift under her hands as she grasped his neck and back. His legs were just as corded as the rest of him.

  His heat surrounded her, just as his arms did. Her breasts ached as they rubbed against his chest. She squeezed her legs together when his gray eyes darkened even more.

  One minute they were standing, and the next she was lying on the bed. She loved the weight of him atop her. His arousal pressed against her stomach, causing her to rub against him.

  He groaned, and it made her blood burn hotter in her veins. She was about to roll him onto his back so she could explore his magnificent body at her leisure, but he bent and wrapped his lips around a nipple.

  Jane cried out as she arched off the bed, her hands sinking into his dark hair. She could only hold on to him as he teased and drew her nipple into a throbbing bud until she was whimpering from the onslaught of pleasure.

  And then he moved to her other breast. His expert tongue soon had her head thrashing from side to side, her body shaking with the need for release.

  If Jane thought he’d give her that release then, she quickly discovered how wrong she was when his lips left a hot trail of kisses down her body.

  He shouldered his way between her legs. Jane was so focused on his mouth and the desire that threatened to overtake her, that she gave a startled cry when his hot tongue gently licked her.

  She grasped her comforter
in her hands, another cry locked in her throat when he found her clitoris and began to lick, lave, probe.

  He kept her thighs wide, introducing her to an even more intimate onslaught. The assault left her senses reeling. Every nerve was stretched tight, her body drifting on the tide of his carnal prowess.

  And he was a master. He knew just where to touch, just how to touch to bring her nearly to the point of no return, only to pull back and leave her wanting and aching.

  Banan rose above her and let his gaze rake over the exquisite creature beneath him. Her luscious body was naked and racked with passion. Her nipples were tightly beaded, and his hands craved to take her firm, full breasts again. Her thighs were spread to show him the auburn curls and her sex still glistening from her desire and his mouth.

  But it was her eyes, full of blatant, palpable longing that made his balls tighten. No longer could he hold back. He had to be inside her.

  Her hands gripped his sides, urging him over her, in her. Banan smiled as he set his aching cock against her slick folds, and with one powerful thrust joined them.

  Her gasp, and the feel of her nails sinking into his skin, only urged him onward. He withdrew, and plunged in again, sinking even deeper.

  Jane whispered his name, her breaths coming in heaving gasps. She was tender, passionate. Warm, sultry.

  Yielding, wanton.

  He’d never known such urgency, such a driving, burning compulsion for a woman.

  Despite every last lucid, sensible qualm.

  He pinned her beneath him, a small smile playing about her lips before she released a cry of pleasure. Her glorious curves cushioned him as she wrapped her legs around him. He sank deeper still, enveloped in her wet, clinging heat.

  She rocked beneath him, silently pleading for release. A dance as old as time took them. He couldn’t hold back the tide of passion—and didn’t want to.

  It was sweeter than he’d ever known, more evocative than he’d ever thought possible. And all because of an auburn-haired, coffee-eyed beauty who had somehow sunk into his soul.

  Her cries of pleasure filled the room. He thrust harder, deeper, wanting—nay, needing—to see her peak, to watch her face as ecstasy took her.


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