Wilco: Lone Wolf - book 1: Book 1 in the series (Part of an ongoing series)

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Wilco: Lone Wolf - book 1: Book 1 in the series (Part of an ongoing series) Page 49

by Geoff Wolak

  ‘If there was a war on it would be different,’ I told her. ‘I pushed myself, and that’s better than being pushed by someone else. But the pain barrier is not in their minds, you can’t pep talk them, they just need to keep hitting the pain and finding a reason to do so.

  ‘They’ve made good progress, the slots are doing that. Try again in seven days, leave the slots at the current levels, and see what difference a week makes. I say a 10% difference, or just under.’

  She made a note before heading off. And I needed a cold shower. Kate was a very good looking lady, and her posh accent did it for me, her mannerisms often giving me an erection, once noticed by Nurse Lewis.

  For the next two weeks I was rudely subjected to a variety of diets, and my performance was all over the place, my toilet patterns very erratic. The very best diet they could come up with resulted in my performance being down ten percent to normal, so hands were thrown into the air and curses abounded.

  I had managed to get Lesley into a store room for half an hour, but just the once. Nurse Lewis suspected something, and then threw herself at me when she should have been rubbing my aching legs.

  But the result of that intimacy was her opening up about Kate’s man, Fl Lt Johnson. I was mad when I got the detail, but Nurse Lewis was due to leave anyhow. I offered her my legal counsel, and she considered it.

  A week later, and she had leave due to a bereavement, and at the morning meeting Fl Lt Johnson noticed, asking after her.

  I loudly stated in front of forty people, ‘She has a funeral, but after that she’s meeting my legal counsel, Colonel Bennet, with a view to pressing charges against you for indecent assault and attempted rape. Sir.’

  The room was deathly quiet, Kate stunned and shocked, a glance at her man.

  I added, ‘I appreciate you’re an officer and that I might get court martialled, but if you bother her again I’ll kick the shit out of you in front of everyone.’

  ‘Damn right,’ Smurf added.

  ‘Shameful,’ Smudger put in, Kate taking in the faces.

  He stood. ‘How dare you make such an accusation -’

  ‘Plenty of witnesses,’ Smurf told him.

  He walked out without another word, Kate trailing after him and calling his name, most everyone stunned into silence.

  I moved to the front, ‘OK Guinea Pigs and marathon team, you know what to do, so go do it, eh. Go on!’

  The runners filed out in a stunned silence, others heading off. I headed to my usual treadmill, but stretched first.

  Kate burst in ten minutes later, eyes moist. ‘What do you know!’ she demanded.

  I sighed heavily. ‘That a quality lady like you like deserves better than to made a fool of by a prick like that. Everyone here knew what was going on, but Nurse Lewis only confided in me recently.’

  ‘And she’s taking legal advice?’

  ‘No. I offered to get my friend Colonel Bennet up, but she said it was better that she just moves away from here and forgets about it. So he’ll get away with it.’

  ‘Well he has a bloody nose for starters,’ she sobbed.

  ‘You didn’t believe him or take his side, so I’m thinking that maybe you already had a doubt about him.’ I wiped away a tear on her cheek, and she gasped, my touch a shock to her body. After staring back at me for a moment she fled, not to be seen all day.

  The next day a Colonel Haversham turned up, a doctor – as well as Kate’s uncle, and he called me into the room that Fl Lt Johnson used to occupy, Romeo now seemingly absent.

  The colonel was grey-haired and rotund, not a great advert for elite fitness programmes. ‘So you’re the famous runner. And ... swimmer and ... boxer.’ He took a moment. ‘Will this nurse press charges?’

  ‘I hope so, sir, but the answer is ... no she won’t, she just wants a quiet life and has no confidence in the RAF to give her a fair deal.’

  ‘That’s disappointing, her confidence in us I mean. Still, it will be dealt with ... by me. He’ll get his arse kicked hard, damn hard.’

  ‘And Doctor Kate?’

  ‘Not taking it well, as you can imagine, but I’ve known her as a child, and she gets upset before she gets mad, then very mad. She’ll bounce back, she’s tough as boots. Just a bit of a shock. I’ll be around a while, I created this facility and got the original funding, would hate to see its reputation tarnished.’

  ‘And will Fl Lt Johnson carry on?’

  ‘Hell no, he’s gone, never to set foot in here again, and I’ve had a word with his boss, a loud word. He also has a black eye it seems.’

  I smiled. ‘Good for her.’

  ‘The ... mood of those in the various programmes?’

  ‘Leave them to me, sir, I’ll make sure everything is on track and smooth.’

  ‘Good of you, Kate said they look up to you.’

  At lunchtime I assembled everyone. ‘Listen up. That prick Fl Lt Johnson has been kicked out, and his boss knows about it, he also got a black eye from Dr Kate.’ Smurf and Smudger laughed. ‘You will all forget about it and carry on as normal, or get a boxing lesson from me. No gossip, no sulky faces, business as usual, the matter has been dealt with firmly.’

  Dr Kate appeared that evening in jeans and jumper as I sat watching TV, few about. I stood, taking in her sexy casual appearance. ‘Ma’am.’

  ‘Don’t Ma’am me, it makes me sound old.’ She sat, focused on the TV for a while. ‘You took charge for a bit I hear.’

  I sat. ‘Programmes are all on track, don’t worry – Doctor Kate.’

  She shot me a look, half a smile evident.

  ‘So you hit him...’

  ‘I did yes, and he’s gone.’

  ‘Plenty of men out there for a woman of your calibre; brains and beauty.’

  ‘Hah. I move in ... certain circles, things are expected of me.’

  I gave that some thought. ‘Bollocks. You’re not a stud mare.’

  She shot me a look. ‘I need to go down to Bournemouth and see some relatives and friends, but I could do with some muscle.’

  I frowned hard at her. ‘Your relatives are a bit dodgy?’ I teased. ‘In and out of prison...?’

  ‘Hard to explain. But I would be more confident with you on my arm. And it would have to be kept quiet around here.’

  ‘Do you know which nurses I’ve shagged?’

  She squinted at me. ‘No.’

  ‘Well there you go, I’m good at hiding things.’

  She frowned hard and stared past me. ‘So ... which one?’

  ‘I’d don’t kiss and tell.’

  ‘And Trish Deloitte ... at Air Traffic Control Brize Norton?’

  ‘Never heard of her. What is it that you think you know about this – who did you say she was?’

  ‘It’s a small Air Force, I know her family. When I mentioned your name I saw the reaction in her, and I knew you played in the quiz team, and that she had a secret lover – a smile on her face for a few months, his name not revealed.’

  ‘Well, you know what these secret lovers are like, they’re ... secretive.’

  ‘If you can help, Friday at 7pm.’

  ‘Meet you ... where?’

  ‘At the hotel in Bournemouth, The Royal on the front. Get a room.’

  ‘The Royal, eh,’ I said with a coy smile.

  ‘Stayed there before?’ she nudged.

  ‘Certainly not.’

  With Kate gone I told the lads I had met a girl and would take her down to Bournemouth for a dirty weekend. They wanted to come, for a few drinks.

  ‘How the fuck am I going to have a nice romantic break with your two fuckwits along!’ I shouted at them.

  Friday afternoon, and Smurf loudly stated in front of Kate that I had some local bird to take down the coast for a dirty weekend. She led me to a quiet corner, looking horrified. ‘What did you tell Smurf?’

  ‘I told them I have a local girl, barmaid, weekend in Bournemouth, so ... anything linking me to Bournemouth is covered, no awkward questions, no quest
ions about hotel receipts if they’re found. Ma’am.’

  ‘Done this before?’ she toyed.

  ‘Once or twice. Ma’am.’

  ‘Good, because I’m no spy.’ And off she trotted.

  At 8pm I arrived at the Royal, the waiting concierge taking my crappy old car into the underground car park as I lugged my case inside. At the desk a familiar face appeared.

  He stopped and stared at me. And squinted. ‘You have stayed here before, sir?’

  ‘Once, many years ago,’ I told him, and he did not press it, no recollection of my minor disturbance here.

  Up in my small room, the cheapest they had – and yet still expensive, I unpacked a few things and had a wash, teeth cleaned, still not sure what Kate had on her mind. Revenge with a ‘bit of rough’ came to mind, and on the drive down I had an erection most of the way; lady officers in blue had always done it for me.

  She was thirty two, but hot as hell, intelligent with it. I had to press my cock down a few times before heading down to the bar. And there, sat at a table, was Fl Lt Johnson with a lady, but not Kate, and it did not come as such a surprise. My cheek slowly creased into a sinister grin.

  He was shocked upright to see me, and I figured out what Kate was up to, an amused grin on my face. ‘Hello, sir, down here for a bit of hanky-panky before they court martial you for attempted rape and indecent assault, one final shag before prison?’

  His posh lady looked like she might explode with shock and surprise, as well as outrage.

  He stood. ‘How dare you.’

  ‘Wanna step outside, dickhead?’ I snarled at him, leaning in.

  Kate appeared from behind me, linking her arm around my elbow. The lady failed to recognise her.

  I said to the lady, ‘This is Fl Lt Johnson’s fiancé, or at least it was till a few days ago and the rape allegations, your man being kicked out of his job in Cheltenham.’

  ‘Fiancé?’ the woman exploded.

  ‘How are you two finding Bournemouth?’ Kate asked with a pleasant smile as her ex controlled his shock and outrage. He walked off, not so much as a look back, his lady rushing after him.

  With a coy smile, I turned to Kate. ‘I feel used, Ma’am. But I am enjoying it.’

  ‘I figured you would. Right, I need a large red wine.’

  I bought her that wine, a beer for me, and we sat in the large bar and ballroom, a sprinkling of other guests, the piano that Trish had played stood awaiting some attention, a stage ready for some crap local band – violent or otherwise.

  She gulped her wine. ‘You’re not mad at me?’

  ‘No,’ I laughed out. ‘That was fun. And he deserved it.’ I picked up a flyer on interesting things to do in Bournemouth.

  She finished the wine quickly and ordered another, leaving me cocking an eyebrow. She stared into her fresh drink, being reflective. ‘I’m thirty three soon, figured maybe I would be married with kids by now.’

  ‘Time yet.’

  She glanced up. ‘I keep finding scoundrels.’

  ‘Perhaps you should hit them on the first date, to set the tone.’

  She shot me a look. ‘I meet men at parties, friends of friends, the right breeding.’

  ‘Do they check your teeth?’

  Again she shot me a look.

  ‘I think, Doctor Kate, it’s about being happy, as much as your compatibility for stupid parties in old age, kids in the right school.’

  She sighed. ‘Not easy to find someone. And doctors are always very busy.’

  Her glass was suddenly empty again, and she ordered another, the young waiter squinting at her, then gossiping with the girl behind the bar. ‘So you and Trish...’

  ‘I don’t kiss and tell, I told you that. But, if I shag a barmaid with big boobs I might discuss some of the detail with the lads, but when it comes to a lady, and an officer ... well, these things are best kept under wraps.’

  She stared into her drink. ‘You’re in the Programme.’

  ‘For a few weeks more.’

  She glanced up, and knocked back her latest wine. And stood. ‘Come on, I want to get this over with.’

  ‘Get this over with?’ I said with a smile as I stood. ‘An odious task is it? Revenge on your ex with a bit of rough?’

  ‘No. I ... can’t have sex without a good drink of wine, and ... despite being a doctor I’m very shy, and ... it’s often takes ages before I’m intimate with someone. We’re not going to go on lots of dinner dates or to shows, so ... I want the first step over with.’

  ‘Oh.’ I both smiled and frowned. ‘Right.’ I shook my head. ‘Fair enough.’ And with a puzzled frown, wondering if this was a good idea or not, I followed her up to her room, which was about six times bigger than mine.

  She drew the curtains and knocked off the lights, just the bathroom light on, and started to undress.

  ‘Slow down,’ I told her. ‘Let me be the man.’ We sat on the edge of the bed. A hand through her hair, I kissed her, and felt a quality to it, a quality to her. A hand on a boob and she gasped. Easing her down onto the bed, I undid the last few buttons and pulled her blouse away, pulling her light bra away and attacking a nipple, her heavy breathing giving me a massive hard on; this was like having sex with a nervous virgin.

  Blouse off, my top off, she ran her hands over my shoulders. ‘Great shoulders,’ she complimented me, and I was back to thinking of girls in school – and what the heck they liked about shoulders.

  Still kissing, a hand up her skirt, and she shocked stiff and gasped. Finger inside, and I wondered if she would faint as I tackled a nipple again, moving onto her neck.

  Skirt down, knickers down, and I got my tongue into a very wet pussy, a small tuft of blonde hair above it, and she came after just thirty seconds, just about the fastest orgasm I had ever witnessed.

  Shoes kicked off, trousers down and left in a heap, I eased her further up onto the bed, her blouse still around her shoulders, and I eased into her to a loud moan. Sixty seconds of gentle thrusts and she came again, throwing her head back before grabbing me around the neck, a painful bite inflicted after she sunk her teeth into my neck muscles.

  I finally eased out of her and lay next to her, upright on an elbow. ‘How was that – for a first time?’ I asked her dark outline.

  ‘Cuddle,’ she said, and we slipped under the sheets, her blouse and bra thrown onto the floor, and with her head on my pillow her breathing eased.

  ‘You awake?’ I asked, but got no response. I sighed, soon having to stare at the ceiling and listen to the traffic below, wide awake. Doors slammed, people came and went along the corridor, words heard, and I stared up at the ceiling.

  She woke four hours later, as I sat in a chair reading. Peering out from under a mop of messy hair, she said, ‘You need to know a few things about me. I need wine before sex, and after sex I fall asleep.’

  ‘So noted for the record,’ I said with a coy smile as I stood. I offered her a hand and she eased out of bed. I led her into the bathroom, the shower knocked on. ‘Still feeling shy?’

  ‘Not so much,’ she admitted, her hair soon wet and placed back as I washed her all over, making her gasp again.

  She washed my stiff cock over five minutes, taking her time. Glancing up, she began, ‘I only ever gave a blowjob when I was in university.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ I told her.

  ‘No, I want to be normal, like one of those barmaids with big boobs, not hung-up on things. I mean, Christ, I’m a doctor for god’s sake.’

  She knelt, soap washed off my cock, and slowly got her lips around my end. And I was ready to explode. It was not her technique, which was a bit crap, but the fact that it was her, Dr Kate, the quality lady. ‘On the bed,’ she said as she stood, and led me in.

  Towels grabbed, our bodies half dried off, she pushed me down and started on my cock again. Her touch was light, but the fact that it was her doing it made it special as my damp skin cooled.

  ‘Am I doing it OK?’ she mumbled.

/>   ‘Head up and down,’ I told her. ‘Imagine that your mouth lips are pussy lips, and slide them up and down.’

  ‘Ah, so that’s the trick.’ She got to it, and after thirty seconds I stiffened, arched my back and came with a loud moan, some in her mouth, some on her cheeks. ‘Doesn’t taste terrible. I mean, it’s not great, but I always had a fear of it tasting terrible.’

  ‘Good to know that I don’t taste terrible,’ I gasped out as she continued, and I flopped back.

  ‘You don’t fall asleep after finishing I guess.’

  ‘No,’ I said with a silly smile. I eased up and dragged her back into the shower, the towels now a mess on the floor with our clothes. Body fluids washed off, I got a finger in as I leant down and kissed a stream of warm water, partly making contact with her lips, feeling like I would drown upright.

  Sixty seconds of finger work and she was screaming, clasping onto me so hard I figured she might break one of my bones. And she bit into me again; I was shagging a bloody vampire.

  Leading her to the sink, I bent her over and got into a very wet pussy, making her scream some more as the bathroom steamed up. I was enjoying it, but I knew that I would not come again for ages. Kate, on the other hand, tensed her pussy muscles after a minute, and I knew that she had come again, and was capable of multiple orgasms a few minutes apart.

  Cock out, a quick wash, and I led her back to the bed and in, sheets over us, head on my chest. ‘Going to fall asleep?’

  ‘Don’t think so, but I’ve never done that before. I mean, sex like this.’

  She fell asleep, leaving me sighing loudly, and my book was beyond reach. Bugger...

  She woke an hour later, and I was starved. Fortunately, she was also starving. Dressed quickly, we found that it was 1am, so had to walk a few streets till we found a kebab shop still open. It was not raining, a warm night, so we chatted as we ate, walking down to the park that cut through Bournemouth town centre, finally to the pier and the beach.

  ‘You went to Cheltenham Girl’s school?’ I queried as we stood on the sand.


  ‘So did I.’

  ‘Don’t be silly.’

  ‘No really. I went to Gloucester High School, but used the computer suite in your school for two years.’


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