Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One

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Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One Page 27

by Sara Hess

  My thoughts flashed to when I’d gotten to see Nic’s naked torso that one time in his bedroom when he’d come out of the shower. His chest was broad with sharply defined pectorals and it had been bare of any chest hair, his stomach seemed to have muscles on top of muscles, and there had been a faint trail of blonde hairs leading down under the towel that had been tied around his trim waist. The muscles forming his biceps and shoulders had been downright eye-popping. The entire picture all together had caused my whole body to clench and throb.

  The only comment I could make to Amanda’s comment was a breathy ‘yeah’ of my own which had her laughing almost hysterically.

  “What’s so funny?”

  My head jerked around instinctively at the sound of Nic’s voice. He was standing at the stadium wall staring up at me with an enormous smile on his red and dripping face. Jumping up he grabbed the railing and climbed up to stand on the outside of the stadium bleachers. I threw my arms around him and hugged him voraciously, not at all caring that he was soaked with sweat.

  “Nic, you were amazing. Well…everyone was amazing.” I didn’t want to make little of the other player’s contribution to the game. “But you did so well out there; four goals and five assists. It seemed like every time I looked up your picture was on the screen.”

  Nic gave me a quick, but hard, kiss before setting me away from him with a laugh. “You don’t want to be touching me right now, I’m sweating like a pig.”

  “Pigs don’t sweat, and I don’t care. Its winners sweat.”

  He laughed again, and I could tell that he was high off the win. It was great to see. “I’m going to go take a shower and then you can hug me all you want. I’ll be out in around twenty to thirty, okay.” He jumped back to the ground and jogged over to the tunnel leading to the locker rooms. Noah met him there and he gave a wave to Amanda as he went in with Nic.

  “Come on; let’s meet the guys outside the locker room. I need to grab a drink for my sore abused throat and go to the little girl’s room.” Amanda gathered up her cushion and blanket; although, the blanket hadn’t been needed that much today. It was sunny and almost fifty and we’d been jumping around for the last two hours. I’d unzipped my coat just to get a refreshing breeze.

  We stopped at the bathroom and Amanda loosened her hair from her ponytail and arranged it so it fell around her shoulders. I had my hair braided again and decided since Amanda had let her hair loose I might as well do the same. It made no difference to me either way, but I knew Nic liked it loose. Amanda gave me a sly smile and I scrunched my nose at her making her laugh. I stuffed my beanie in my coat pocket.

  Both of us grabbed water from the vending machine and one for the boys; no doubt they’d be thirsty. We then walked down to the locker rooms. A cluster of people were waiting there; family, friends, fans, and some reporters. Amanda and I waited down the hall against the wall away from the large group surrounding the locker doors.

  Noah’s parents were there and Amanda gave them each a hug and introduced me as Nic’s girlfriend. They were exceptionally nice and congratulated me on how well Nic played. It felt weird being praised for someone else’s actions, but I accepted it genially.

  After a while players began filing out of the room. Some were met by either a family member and/or friends, but only a few of them were questioned by a reporter. Finally, Noah, Nic, and Seth exited the doors and suddenly the reporter’s went nuts. They surrounded Nic and began bombarding him with questions.

  Seth and Noah worked themselves out of the commotion and made their way over to us. Noah wrapped his arms around Amanda giving her a kiss and then hugged each if his parents as they came up and congratulated him.

  I stayed back against the wall watching Nic. He looked my way giving me a big smile as he answered a question. It was too loud to hear what exactly was being said.

  Seth walked up to me and I gave him a hesitant smile still unsure about what he thought about me after what had been revealed. I hadn’t asked that Nic keep what happened to me a secret, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted people to know the entire story. Both the public and private events of what happened were horrendous.

  However, I knew I needed to make an effort in being social since I would be seeing each of Nic’s roommates a great deal. From the little I knew of Seth I found that I liked him the best of Nic’s roommates. Maybe because he was quiet like me.

  “Congratulations, Seth, that was an incredible game. All you guys did great. I especially liked that block in the third quarter. That guy never knew what hit him; I bet he’s still feeling it.”

  He grinned and it really softened his features, especially since both dimples came out this time. He was a good-looking guy, but it was more rugged than classically handsome. “He seemed to think I was just going to let him pass.” Seth shook his head as though it had been the height of stupidity for the guy to come to that presumption.

  “He won’t be thinking those silly thoughts again, will he?” I huffed out solemnly.

  Seth tilted his head down and gave me a stern look. “No, he won’t.”

  I couldn’t help grinning at his display and just like that I was over most of my discomfort. I looked back over at Nic who was still answering questions. “Does this happen all the time? I don’t know much about college sports, but I didn’t realize that reporters took such an interest in it.”

  Seth followed my gaze. “These are mostly local television and radio. Although, when championships come around we’ll get more national coverage. Nic is one of the best players, if not the best in the league, and he normally gets questions after every game, but he played exceptionally well today so that’s why they are all over him right now.”

  It didn’t sound like Seth was jealous that another player, and friend, was getting so much attention. He just sounded matter-of-fact about it. “You’re really good; do you get your fair share of interviews?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “Some here and there; defensemen are underappreciated by the press because they don’t make the goals.”

  Having already established Seth’s penchant for short comments I couldn’t help teasing him. “I would like to see those interviews. Did you do a lot of ‘yes’ and ‘no’s, or did you just stick with grunts and snorts.” I made my expression all serious and curious.

  He narrowed his eyes at me, but the right corner of his mouth had a definite curl. “I’m actually quite loquacious when I put my mind to it.”

  I laughed and his small curl went to a full out smile, and he suddenly went beyond just ruggedly good-looking to adorable…not that he would probably appreciate that attribute.

  An arm curled around my waist pulling me against a hard, warm body. “You’re not over here stealing my girl, are you Seth?”

  I twisted my head and looked up at Nic’s twinkling green eyes. He leaned down and captured my mouth in a kiss, biting my bottom lip for a quick foreplay before retreating. For how short it was it still took my breath away.

  “We were just whiling away the time waiting for you to finish up your grandstanding.” Seth grumbled.

  Nic laughed. “I gave all the credit to the team. I would have never made those goals if my teammates hadn’t cleared me a path, and the reason the other team scored so few was because our defense was awesome. You were blocking great today.” Nic held up his hand for a high five which Seth acknowledged. There was a multitude of clicking and flashes as people in the hallway took their picture. I turned my head away quickly hoping I was obscured by the two enormous bodies on either side of me.

  Nic drew me away down the hallway, and I knew he remembered how I felt about getting any publicity. “Let’s get out of here, I’m starving. Seth, you taking the bus or you want to have lunch with us. I’m sure Amanda won’t care if you ride along. We can squeeze you in.”

  Seth walked along beside us. He grimaced and threw me a look before looking at Nic with a scowl. “I’ll pass. Two whipped guys and their girls do not make for an appetizing meal.”

sp; When we reached the stadium exit Seth gave us a salute and turned right heading for the bus, while the rest of us turned left heading for Amanda’s car. Noah’s parents invited us all out for a late lunch, early dinner, so we ended up following them to some really nice restaurant. All of us were in jeans or casual clothes so I didn’t feel as conspicuous as I might have being in a place so upscale.

  The conversation consisted of game highlights which was great because I was able to keep up. If it had been about people they knew or past events I would have been lost and left out. Nic was still amped up from winning. It was another side of him that was fun to see. He was like a kid that had experienced Disney World; his eyes were bright with exhilaration and he couldn’t stop talking. Noah and even Noah’s dad, Jay, were just as bad. Amanda and I shared quite a few grins and speaking glances across the table.

  By the end of the meal some of the enthusiasm had waned and we left the restaurant a lot calmer then when we’d arrived. Noah said goodbye to his parents and the four of us piled into Amanda’s Cadillac and headed back to Charlottesville.

  Nic relaxed back into the rear seat corner and wrapping an arm around my waist he pulled me partially against his front. He expelled a huge sigh. I let out a softer one at finally being in his arms.

  “You tired?” I asked, resting my hand on his thigh. His muscles shifted under my palm and I could feel the heat of him through his dress slacks.

  “A little, but that’s not why I sighed.” He said squeezing my waist. “It’s from finally having you in my arms.”

  My heart skipped at his words and I could feel an inane smile taking hold of my mouth. I laid my head on his chest. “You really did play incredibly today, you should be proud of yourself.”

  “I only played that well because you were out there watching me. Every time I looked over and saw you it gave me an added boost to do better. Hell, you make me better at just being me in general. I figured it out last night; you’re my yin and I’m your yang. You said that I’m your sun, well, you’re my moon. As long as were together our worlds will be in perfect balance.”

  I lifted my head to look up at him my heart in my throat. “That is the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard.”

  He leaned down and whispered against my lips. “You’re my everything.” Molding his mouth over mine he kissed me deeply and thoroughly.

  There was the sound of a smack from the front seat. “Why can’t you say shit like that to me?” Amanda demanded grumpily.

  “Jeez, Amanda. If you think back to when we first met I’m sure I said some pretty sappy hearts and rainbow crap that made you cry buckets. In a few years Carrie will be hitting Nic complaining about what he isn’t saying to her. My ‘I love you’ should say it all.”

  Nic lifted his mouth and tucked me back into his side with a smile on his face.

  “Laziness, that’s what it is, laziness.” Amanda continued huffily.

  “Hey, I heard something about Carrie calling Nic her sun, when you start calling me your sun then maybe I’ll start spouting Chinese philosophy. It goes two ways babe.”

  I pushed my head into Nic’s chest undecided on whether to laugh or be concerned that they were arguing.

  “Anyway, we have something better than the sun and moon. We’re like mint chocolate chip ice cream. You’re the ice cream and I’m the chocolate chips, and I’m all over in you…everywhere.” Noah said suggestively.

  There was another smack, but this time it came with a laugh. “Noah!” Amanda cried out shockingly.

  I broke out laughing.

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  I drove down the long-ass driveway leading to my parent’s house. Dad had made a call to me two days ago demanding my presence at the house this Saturday. His approach almost had me telling him to shove it, but given that Carrie was working this morning and I had no practice as there was another game on Sunday, at home this time, I acquiesced. He was lucky I was in a great mood. Carrie said she had a surprise for me today and I was almost hopping out of my pants to find out what it was…though I doubt it had any correlation to me being out of my pants, but I was always optimistic.

  Carrie and I were spending all our free time together which wasn’t as much as I’d like. With her working and my lacrosse practice we were squeezing in lunches here and there and then I would pick her up from work and we’d get maybe two or three hours together. Half of those hours were spent catching up on school work. One night we’d even done laundry together. The other half of our time together was spent cuddling in either her room or mine pretending to watch television when all we did is make-out.

  I’d been trying to keep the make out sessions light. She’d missed out on her entire teenage years and I knew I couldn’t just rush her into sex. So we did a lot of clothed heavy petting, and it was hell on my balls. I had been relieving the tension on my own but my dick was never satisfied. It didn’t want my hand, it wanted her.

  Shit, last night I’d gone and spilled in my pants again. We’d been in her room making out on her bed and I’d finally gotten her shirt off. The bra had stayed on but just the sight of her breasts in a plain white bra had me ready to blow. She’d hidden a lot under all her loose clothing and sports bras…thankfully this one wasn’t one of those…because her breasts were substantial for her petite frame. A nice full C-cup.

  I’d basically dove in at the revealing; squeezing the full mounds and then playing with her nipples that had had been standing straight up in attention. My mouth hadn’t been far behind and I’d licked and sucked until the white cloth had been transparent. The vision of those dark nipples made visible had amped up my desire to indescribable proportions and Carrie’s curious hands all over my naked chest hadn’t helped the situation. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop without getting us both off.

  So with both of us shirtless but still wearing pants I’d pulled her atop me like before and sent us both into climactic bliss. Carrie had bitten me again and for some reason when she did that it set me right off. And even though I’d cum in my pants, and it was very uncomfortable afterwards, it had been the best damn orgasm I’d ever had.

  And now I was hard as steel again. There was no fucking way I was going in to see my dad with a boner pressing against my jeans. Taking deep breaths and thinking about that teammate tickling session Carrie had put in my head days ago―not the naked one―I pulled around the circular drive to the front door and was able to step out with absolutely no worries.

  I hadn’t been back to the house since Christmas; my visits generally coincided with the holidays. I never felt the need to make an appearance otherwise. My parents kept busy; my dad was CEO of the Company and was gone most of the time dealing with business, and mom had a variety of social engagements. It had been that way my entire life. However, I was expected to be home when called, and that was usually for family reunions. Those gatherings were torture as they consisted mostly of self-entitled snobs trying to one up one another.

  My father was the one that always seemed to win since he was the CEO and the others were his underlings. A few family members did not appreciate that fact and the buried hostility they walked around with became not so veiled. It could get rather nasty and I knew my father got off on the power he held over them. It was the same power he had been trying to inflict on me my entire life, but I fought it tooth and nail.

  I don’t know why some of them didn’t try and break off on their own to do something else. They had the money, but they were either too lazy or didn’t have a single original thought in their heads. One of my uncles, Uncle Ryan, had done it several years ago; opened a couple restaurants around town and they were doing well. Uncle Ryan, his wife, their son, and another cousin from a different uncle were the few family members I actually got along with.

  It was quiet when I stepped through the front door. I was about to press the intercom to see where my dad was holed up when Maggie stepped into the foyer. Maggie was the all-day domestic help. The house was too large fo
r her to clean by herself so my parents also had outside help come in once a week. Maggie was either cleaning or cooking, and she’d been at the job for ten years. She was in her early fifties, widowed, with two older children who had their own families.

  She smiled brightly at the sight of me. “Nic, it’s so good to see you.”

  Even though I hardly came back anymore since starting college I still had fond feelings for Maggie. She’d been around more than my parents and had given me more attention than they ever had.

  I walked over and gave her a hug. “Hey, Maggie. Everything going good with you?”

  She chuckled. “You know your parent’s don’t like it when you hug me.” She returned the hug though.

  Maggie wasn’t what you would call classically attractive, my mom would never have hired her if she was, but she had a warm friendly countenance about her that had you overlooking it. Her big heart reminded me of Carrie and that made Maggie just as pretty as Carrie was.

  I stepped back and gave her a mocking smile. “That’s only because they can’t relate to the whole touching thing. How they conceived me is a miracle.”

  Maggie frowned. “Hush, Nic. That’s your parent’s personal life and you shouldn’t being speaking of it.”

  “It isn’t so private when my father’s affairs are so public.” I returned.

  Maggie grimaced as though she couldn’t argue that point…and she couldn’t. The entire family knew about my father’s extramarital affairs. However, I couldn’t really blame him for having affairs because my mother was a cold woman. Why he married her I never understood, but then my father wasn’t all that affectionate a person either. I was sure he was only with those other women for sexual release because he sure wasn’t getting it from his wife.

  Maybe they identified the similarities in each other and recognized that they would be a well-suited pair. From what I’d been able to distinguish my mother had no problem with my father’s mistresses, just as long as they didn’t encroach in her territory or social circle.


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