A Leap of Faith

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A Leap of Faith Page 9

by T Gephart

  “Lexi!” she threw her arms around my neck and gave me a full open mouthed kiss.

  “I think I just came,” gasped Dan, his eyes popping out of his head.

  “Stefania. It’s been a long time,” I greeted as I pulled her arms from my neck.

  “Too Long!” Stefania bellowed. “I’ve missed you!” she circled her small delicate hands around my waist.

  I heard a groan from behind me, though I wasn’t sure who it was.

  “Lexi, aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend.” Alex smiled playfully. Yes I’m sure he, like the rest of them was enjoying Stefania’s little display.

  “Stefania, this is Power Station.” I pointed to each of the members individually and introduced them by name, as Stefania nodded enthusiastically. “Guys, this is Stefania. She is an old friend.”

  “Pleased to meet you all! I’ve heard your records!” Stefania’s voice rose an octave.

  “Come, let me show you to your rooms! We have you in our finest suites.” Stefania gestured to the bellboy who had loaded all our bags onto large birdcage trolleys.

  “You work here?” I followed as she stepped out in front of me directing us to the elevator.

  “Riccardo bought the hotel a few years ago. He was bored working for his father. I help from time to time.” Stefania gave me a knowing smile.

  My voice dropped to a whisper. “Riccardo is here?” I looked around.

  “Yes, he is in his office. He called me when he saw your name on the reservation. Please you must have dinner with us this evening, all of you.” She beamed, barely able to contain her excitement.

  Riccardo Cassius was son to one of the richest men in Europe. His family lineage could be traced back to ancient Roman times and over the years they had amassed a rich empire of real estate and stock holdings. Riccardo’s father was at the helm of one of the largest shipping conglomerates in the world. Riccardo was driven, determined and exceptionally good-looking.

  “Of course. We will see you tonight.” I answered quickly, without bothering to check if these plans suited the rest of the guys. I was both excited and slightly nervous about seeing Riccardo again.

  “Fantastic!” Stefania exclaimed. “We will see you at 8! Marco and Dino will see you to your suites.”

  She kissed me again on the mouth before disappearing down the hall, leaving us with the porters as the elevators ascended.

  “OH MY GOD! DID YOU FUCK HER?!” Dan bellowed, scaring Marco or was it Dino half to death.

  “Keep it down Dan. I told you, she is a friend. Who I have or haven’t fucked is not your concern.” I was not prepared to explain my past to least of all people Dan.

  “You totally fucked her! Holy Shit! WOW! That is so fucking hot!” Dan continued, before accosting Alex.

  “You are one lucky son of a bitch you know that? Your girlfriend is a fucking 10 and she is into girls. Lexi, dump this loser and marry me!” Dan teased.

  “Dan, while Lexi may take your offer under advisement she is currently still my girlfriend so stop acting like a dick and be more respectful.” Alex snapped.

  Alex seemed angry but I wasn’t sure if it was directed and me or Dan. I could see the tension in his jaw as he clenched it tightly. His eyes darkened as he stared Dan down. There was an uncomfortable silence in the elevator as we rode to our floor.

  The doors finally opened at their destination and we spilled into the hallway. Marco and Dino directed us to our suites. Alex followed me silently, as we got to the room we had been allocated.

  I opened the door and our bags were unloaded into the living area. Alex flipped open his wallet, giving them a generous tip before they closed the door behind them.

  “You’re mad?” I hissed. “Why the fuck are you mad?” I didn’t understand how it was ok for him to be friendly with his ex-girlfriend but I wasn’t allowed to run into an old friend from the past.

  “I’m not mad,” Alex responded coolly.

  “The hell you aren’t!” I snapped. “Go on ask me! Did I fuck her?”

  “Your past is your business, you don’t owe me an explanation.” Alex reached into the bar fridge and opened a bottle of water, taking a long slow drink.

  “I never said I owe you an explanation!” I seethed, a mix of emotions washing through my body.

  “Well then there is nothing to discuss.” Alex walked out of the living area and into the bathroom.

  I stormed in after him, flinging the door open to find him undressing.

  “Something you need?” His eyes met mine, there was no trace of anger in his voice but I sensed some darkness still in his tone.

  “Ask me.” I prompted.

  “Lexi, if you want to tell me, you’ll tell me. I’ve never known you to hold your tongue.” Alex twisted his strong, muscular back to me and turned on the water.

  I wanted to tell him, I wanted to share that part of me that I hadn’t shared before. Why was it so hard for me just to tell him what I was feeling? This relationship business seemed like such hard work, no wonder I’d avoided it for so long.

  He didn’t seem to notice me leaving, either that or he didn’t care as I slipped out of the bathroom and left him alone to shower. I needed some fresh air and some perspective.

  Making my way to the double glass doors that lead out to the balcony, I stood absorbing the landscape. The air had cooled significantly as the day was slowly drawing to a close. The sun kissed the earth as it set over the horizon, colouring the sky in a hue of orange and pink. Spring in Rome was magical, just looking out into the ancient city calmed me as I breathed it in slowly.

  “You’re still here?” Alex questioned as he walked out, the water still dripping off his rippled torso, a towel slung low around his hips.

  “Did you want me to leave?” I faced him, feeling the weariness of the long flight and the emotion overtaking my anger.

  “No.” He stepped closer and kissed me gently.

  “Alex, why were you mad? Is it Stefania?” I looked into his amazing clear eyes as I reached up and circled my hands around his neck.

  “No...” He swallowed. “At the risk of agreeing with Dan, it was kinda hot. That doesn’t mean I want to share you with anyone even if it is with a girl.” His devilish half smile flirted with his mouth.

  “You are all so predictable!” I breathed slowly, running my hands down his damp, rippled back. “If it’s not Stefania, then what?” I kissed his chest as I drew him in closer.

  “I saw the way you reacted when she said his name.” Alex shivered.

  “Riccardo?” I pulled away to engage him, he nodded silently.

  “Ok, come with me.” I pulled him away from the balcony and onto one of the plush sofas, hugging his body close to mine, feeling the dampness seep into my shirt.

  “I came to Rome when I was 22. I was done with Uni and I wanted to travel through Europe before I settled down and got a job…”

  “Lexi, you don’t need to do this,” Alex hesitated as he weaved his fingers through my hair

  “You’re right, I don’t need to do this, I want to do this. Just listen.” I gave him a pointed look before repositioning myself in his arms again.

  “So, I was 22 and craved adventure. I had come out of a toxic relationship and needed to feel alive again. So I hoped on a plane and came here. It was amazing. It was intoxicating, the culture, the art...It felt like waking up after a long sleep.

  “I met Stefania on the Spanish Steps, she asked me if I spoke English and if I wanted to earn some extra cash. First I thought it was some kind of scam but the idea of earning some money sounded appealing so I agreed to hear her out.

  “She took me to a small Trattoria, a small restaurant and introduced me to the owner. Stefania waitressed there and they had lost a waitress earlier in the day. A lot of foreigners came to the Trattoria so they wanted someone who could speak English.

  “It sounded like easy work so I took the job and Stefania and I became friends. I sensed that she had an interest in me other than p
latonic but I wasn’t interested in anything else and she seemed to respect that.”

  Alex raised an eyebrow as I continued on my story.

  “So it was mainly tourists, lots of Americans, Brits... and then one day, Riccardo walked in. I didn’t know who he was but his whole persona exuded power and prestige. Stefania told who he was, about his family. How wealthy and powerful they were. I got caught up in it.

  “I flirted with him and he asked me out.”

  “There’s a surprise.” Alex smirked.

  “Do you want to hear this or not?” I paused.

  “Go on,” Alex prompted.

  “So he took me on this amazing date, we danced, we drank and then he asked if I wanted to go back to his place.”

  “Another surprise.” Alex interjected

  I rolled my eyes before continuing. “So yes, as you guessed we had sex. He fell asleep and I did what I usually did and that was to leave.”

  I watched as Alex scrunched his brow in confusion. “So you fucked him and then left him?”

  “Yes, well at least that was my plan. You see I didn’t need a man and I certainly didn’t need a relationship so it’s what I did.

  “He caught me sneaking out. He seemed amused by it all and that he admired my tenacity, he was completely not threatened. He had been sheltered all his life by his family’s affluence and wanted to dance on the shady side of the street. I guess he saw me as that opportunity.

  “So in a way, it was a mutually beneficial agreement. He loved driving his family insane with the fact he was dating a nobody waitress and I enjoyed a low maintenance boyfriend while we lived large on his money. We had fun, we travelled and well one night we got drunk and we invited Stefania into our bed.”

  “So you did fuck her!” Alex’s smile widened.

  “Great, I tell you I started a meaningless relationship with a rich guy after he catches me sneaking out after sex, so we can piss off his parents and what you fixate on the fact I’ve been with a woman.”

  “Sorry, hard to over look. Go on...” Alex relaxed back into the sofa.

  “So things were great for a while, no strings. But I knew there was more I wanted to do with my life. I got bored and wanted to move on. I told Riccardo and he asked me to stay, to build a life with him... and he proposed. I didn’t feel that way for him. I wasn’t even sure he felt that way for me, I think he thought I would agree and that would be a way of keeping me.”

  “So what did you do?” Alex moved in closer.

  “I left... I didn’t say goodbye, I just got on a plane and went home.” I folded my arms in front of me.

  Alex gently took my chin in his hands, “He loved you.”

  “I doubt that Alex, we didn’t have that kind of relationship. It was just for fun.”

  “Yeah like we started out? Just fun, no strings. That worked out so well for us.” Alex lightly kissed my neck. “Deep down Lexi, you must have known too. That’s why you ran.”

  “No, it wasn’t like that Alex, what we have is different. I didn’t feel the way with him that I do with you. I never loved Riccardo, it had been fun while it lasted. But love… no, he never loved me.”

  “Lexi, you do know that despite your own feelings, you can’t control someone else’s right?” Alex slid his tongue up my throat. “I never set out to fall in love with you, yet once I got to know you it was impossible not to. You are very easy to love and almost impossible to resist.”

  “Yeah that’s me, I’m like cock kryptonite.” I snickered sarcastically.

  Alex chuckled, “I think the fact you don’t actively try is what makes you so attractive.”

  “Whatever!” I argued.

  “So we are having dinner with your ex... threesome?” Alex questioned.

  “Yes, I guess we are. You ok with that?” I trailed my finger down his chest and down his abs.

  “Do you have any photos?” Alex’s mouth twisted in his delicious half grin.

  “Ummmm, No!” I snorted.

  “Ok, then dinner it is!” Alex laughed

  Chapter 9 - Confessions

  “Lexi!” squealed Stefania as Alex and I entered the dining room. “Please, come, sit down.” she lightly tugged on my arm. “So, this is the famous boyfriend!” Stefania looked Alex up and down.

  “Yes, I’m the boyfriend.” Alex responded, amused.

  “Ahhh, she has done well, our Lexi!” Stefania applauded enthusiastically.

  James, Dan, Troy and Jason slowly filtered into the room, all seeming to be struggling with the time difference and jet lag.

  “Gentlemen, come....sit down” Stefania beckoned. Troy’s eyes lit up as he glanced at her low cut, figure hugging dress, which showcased her ample assets.

  “Hello, Stefania!” he greeted.

  She reached out at ruffled Troy’s mohawk. “They are all so adorable, Lexi. How ever did you choose?”

  “I made them draw straws,” I joked.

  “Wait! What? I never got a turn!” Dan answered indignantly.

  “She was joking, you idiot!” mused Jason as he found a seat at the table.

  James, ever the charismatic front man, shook Stefania’s hand before taking his seat. “Thank you for the dinner invitation, Stefania. We have a jam packed schedule for this tour, starting tomorrow. Lexi runs a tight ship so it’s nice to kick back and relax this evening.” Clearly at least one of the boys remembered their manners.

  “Oh! Our pleasure!” Stefania chattered, “Any friends of Lexi’s are friends of ours!”

  The door swung open and Riccardo walked in. His perfectly cut Armani suit caressed his body to showcase his impeccably toned physique. His dark wavy hair, styled into a flawless just-been-fucked haphazard mess, his brown eyes were so dark that they were almost black. It was as if the air vibrated around him, like even the atmosphere felt the gravity of his lineage and power.

  “Alexia.” My name rolled off his tongue like honey. A name I hadn’t been called in years.

  “Riccardo.” I stood as he neared the table.

  “So, you finally return to Roma.” He lifted my hand and gently kissed it.

  “Yes, I’m here on business. A promotional tour with the band.” I slid my hand from his and relaxed it at my side. Good one, Lexi, nothing like stating the obvious.

  Riccardo turned to the boys in acknowledgement. “Yes, the band. I don’t have a lot of time for music but Stefania is a big fan.”

  “Riccardo, this is my boyfriend Alex,” I lightly tugged Alex to my side and turned to watch Alex shake Riccardo’s hand. Riccardo regarded Alex closely.

  It was weird seeing my past and present together. I never really had to worry about a situation like this before, because generally once I was done with a guy, I moved on. There really wasn’t a reason to be “friends.” Riccardo had been so kind though; he had never treated me with anything but respect despite my selfish agenda.

  “Please, sit down. We have a special feast for you this evening.” Riccardo signalled to the waiter to bring in the first course as we took our seats.

  Stefania positioned herself between Troy and Dan, much to their delight. Her long lashes batted furiously as Troy pulled out the chair for her. In all these years, she had not changed. She still got men to do exactly what she wanted, when she wanted.

  As our first course was placed in front on us there was a heavy knock at the door. Riccardo shot an annoyed glance at one of the staff members who ran in the direction of the large, wooden doors that led from the private dinning room to the hotel.

  The disturbance grew as the door opened and tense voices volleyed back and forth in Italian. It was hard to ignore, the voices growing louder and more animated.

  Riccardo slammed his napkin on the table before making his way towards the commotion. Alex looked at me inquisitively, and I stared back blankly. Stefania, who had now perched herself in Troy’s lap seemed unaware of the disruption.

  “Alexia,” Riccardo called, gesturing to the door.

  I had no idea what to
expect as I stood and ambled to the doorway. Thinking it could have been an over excited fan who had broken through the security measures, I put on my game face.

  “Lexi, can you please tell these Ogres you know me!” Marcy puffed, exasperated.

  What the Hell?! Can this night get any more bizarre?

  “Marcy? What do you want?” my tone was as unwelcoming as my glare.

  “You know this woman?” asked Riccardo, his hand still on the door.

  I hesitated, thinking it would be a lot easier just to say no and have her ass tossed out but I had never let anyone do my dirty work in the past so I wasn’t about to start now. I nodded before facing Marcy, “We are in the middle of dinner, what do you want?”

  “Gee Lexi, I thought it might be nice to have dinner here, being that we are friends and all. You are a little heavy handed with the security, aren’t you?” She placed her hands on her hips as she stared at the two hotel security guards blocking her path. I glanced back at the table, Alex and James, who were unable to see Marcy, were staring directly at me their faces shrouded in confusion.

  As I stepped out into the hallway Riccardo was closely behind me. “We are not friends. Nor do I want to have dinner with you. Why don’t you tell me why you really came here? Cause this bullshit you are peddling - I’m not buying,” I sneered.

  Marcy’s eyes narrowed, “You think if you keep him away from me that you’ll be safe?”

  Her mere proximity was leaving a bad taste in my mouth. “I don’t need to be safe. Alex has free will, he can leave any time he chooses. Yet he doesn’t. Do you think that if you are close to him, he’s going to lose his motherfucking mind and make the same mistake twice?”

  “The only mistake here is YOU!” Marcy sputtered but I could tell her nerve was waning.

  “That’s the best you’ve got?” I laughed as the absurdity of the situation hit me. I was standing in a hallway in Rome, with my ex-whatever arguing with my boyfriend’s ex-whatever. I struggled to breathe as I laughed harder. Riccardo scrutinized me like I’d lost my mind. Marcy balled her hands into fists as she tried to formulate a comeback.


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