Diary of a Male Maid

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Diary of a Male Maid Page 14

by Foor, Jennifer

"Sebastian, I feel responsible for this happening to you. The least I could do was pay the legal fees. I didn't know you for that long of a time, but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You knew what was right and wrong, even if you didn't always go the safe route. I admire your courage. I can't imagine what the last month was like for you. There wasn't a second that I didn't think about you being in that prison."

  I understood how she would feel like that, but it wasn't her fault. Alex wasn't her child or her responsibility. She was a grown damn woman, who should have had the sense to know right from wrong. Her father had made sure she was given a top-notch education at one of the best boarding schools in the world. Surely, the girl knew that what she was doing was highly illegal and not an intelligent decision. I suppose she did it for love. No matter what the case, she was wrong. Dumb bitch.

  "I appreciate that. If my parents were doing better I would have insisted on handling things myself, but I can use all the help I can get." Plus, she had so much money she didn't know what to do with it.

  "I'm really going to miss my dear friend. She was a fine woman. It's a real shame what happened to her. I found out at the funeral that her son's girlfriend is expecting a child. They never got a chance to tell her. It's just so sad."

  I reached my arm around Karrie's waist. "The biggest shame is that now they won't have either of their grandparents. I had a lot of time to think while I was locked up. I mostly thought of everything I wanted to do in life that I didn't think I would have a chance to do. One thing that bothered me the most was that the person that really committed the crime was out there living their life. I didn't see the justice in the system at all. I promised myself that if I ever got out, I would try to do something to make a difference in cases like mine. So, thank you for giving me the chance to have my life back. You have no idea how much I am indebted to you."

  "The pleasure is all mine. If either of you need anything, you know where to find me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I better get going. I know your mother doesn't exactly think it is appropriate that I'm here. I hope that you will both keep in touch. It gets lonely in that big house and my friends haven't exactly been forthcoming since the murder."

  We watched Mrs. Jones leave my bedroom. I knew there was a house full of people waiting for my attention, but there was only one person that I wanted to be with. I pulled Karrie in close and kissed those sweet lips that I had missed so much. "I thought you'd have a new boyfriend by now," I teased.

  She ran her hands up my t-shirt. "I was only giving you until the thirtieth day and then I was moving on for sure."

  We both laughed. "Damn. Good thing I got out." I ran over and locked my bedroom door. "There was one thing that I thought about every single night."

  Our kiss this time was slower and as our tongues met, I reached up and unhooked her bra. "My tits?"

  I shook my head and kissed her again, while slowly squatting down in front of her. I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down over her hips. "I thought about the way your pussy tastes." I slid her panties to the side and kissed those perfect lips. Right away I could smell the scent of her sweet musk. She kicked her pants off the rest of the way and shoved her hips toward my face. I took another lick of her tantalizing pussy. I used two fingers to surround her clit and moved them back and forth, using just the right amount of friction to make her moan. "I missed the way you tasted on my tongue. I missed these sweet pussy lips and how smooth they always are." I used my tongue and flicked at her bud, over and over. The pressure of my tongue combined with two fingers sliding in and out of her, caused her body to immediately start bucking. She cried out while I sucked her clit right into my mouth.

  The moment she began to relax, I stood up and turned her around. I slapped at her ass, making her jump and let out a little cry. "Now, I need to fuck you."

  I didn't wait for permission. I took what I wanted and shoved my hard cock right into that wet pussy. She cried out and pushed her ass into my thrusts. It felt so good, like it was the first time I'd ever had sex. Sure, I'd gone longer than a month before, but I think from living though what I had, it made it more emotional for me. The sounds of our skin smacking together turned me on so much. I could feel myself losing control. Knowing that there was a house full of people gave me a reason to let it happen. I pounded her harder than ever before. My fingers dug into each side of her hips as I used them to thrust forcefully. The more she moaned, the faster I went. I filled her with my release, while falling atop her back. Karrie held most of my weight until I could come down from my emotional high. I kissed her a few more times on her shoulder before pulling out of her. We rushed to get dressed and make ourselves look the same as we did before we came into the room. I looked over at my beautiful girlfriend, the person I owed so much to. "That was way better than a hamburger."

  She rolled her eyes and laughed while we walked back toward our guests.

  Chapter 23

  Five years later…

  If someone had asked me how my life was going to turn out a couple of years ago, I wouldn’t have had an answer for them. At first, I wanted to major in business and have some kind of desk job where I worked regular business hours and came home to a family every night. I imagined myself with a leather brief case strapped over my shoulder and kissing my wife and kid (or kids) before heading out every morning.

  Sure, my life wouldn’t have been amazing or something that raised an eyebrow when I spoke about it, but it would have been mine and I would have been proud of it. I guess it’s a good thing that I can look back on that and smile. No one that had ever known me, would have thought I’d have the life I was living now.

  Five years ago, once the controversy of what I’d been through finally wore off, I was interviewed by a local news media about my whole ordeal. My friends teased me saying that from having sexual relations with married women, it had somehow made me an overnight celebrity. In the beginning, when it all happened I was so ashamed. It wasn’t just my relationship with Karrie that made me feel guilty. I was sleeping with someone’s wife. If the tables were turned, I would be devastated to find out that my wife had cheated on me, regardless what our current relationship was. Obviously, there was something lacking in both of these women’s relationships. It still wasn’t a good enough excuse for me to do that.

  I guess I turned into a real pussy when I’d spent time in jail. I missed my girlfriend and feared that she would get tired of me being the reason people were whispering behind her back. I knew letting her go the first time was a mistake, but losing her because of my actions was a totally different scenario.

  Since I’d been incarcerated during the week of finals, I didn’t get any of my credits for that semester. Even though I was acquitted of all charges, the damage to my reputation still remained. It didn’t matter that I was innocent. People still felt that I had committed certain other crimes. I thought about re-enrolling and taking everything over again, except I also had to think about whether or not I was willing to be without Karrie again. She’d stuck by me and forgiven me when nobody else did. I loved her completely and knew she was the only person I could see myself being with.

  Karrie went back to New York the Monday after my release. By Tuesday, I was packing all of my belongings into a rented trailer and moving to New York so that we could be together.

  I had no money saved.

  No jobs lined up.


  My first week living in New York didn’t go very well when it came to job hunting. Nobody was hiring someone with no experience. I thought about being a cab driver, but didn’t have the funds to get started and I couldn’t ask anyone for financial help.

  While Karrie went to do her internship, I sat around on the computer all day checking my options. Right after taking a break for lunch, I got an email from some address I didn’t recognize. Apparently, Mrs. Jones knew a publisher, who for some reason or another wanted to publish my story.

  By the time Karrie got home that night, I had written t
he first five chapters. Four weeks later, I submitted the whole manuscript. They gave me an advance and after two months of hard work, my book came out. It made the best sellers list the following month and it is still high in the rankings.

  I never considered myself to be a writer, although after writing The Diary of a Male Maid, everything sort of fell into place. Karrie and I used my advance to put a down payment on our own place. I had plenty left over to pay our expenses and then, once the royalty payments started coming in, we started banking everything.

  In the meantime, I re-enrolled in college and changed my major to prelaw. Sure, I had a long ways to go if I ever wanted to be a lawyer, but while I was in school, I continued earning money off my book.

  Karrie and I had lived together for two years when that summer date came along. We’d just bought our first house in a little town off the beaten path of the big city. A week before the big day, Karrie was offered a job at a huge design firm about thirty minutes from our home.

  We were married in Maryland, on the beach of Ocean City, in front of all of our friends and family. Karrie looked beautiful in the dress that she designed and made herself. I swear I’ve never seen anything more perfect than she looked on that day. I have the pictures to prove it, too.

  I surprised her with a trip to the Virgin Islands for our honeymoon. We swam in crystal clear water and lounged on the sandy beach all day. By that time in our life, we both started to open up about the bad times we’d been through. Karrie was my wife and I was so glad that she’d always been there for me. She understood better than anyone.

  I released my second book after we came home from our honeymoon. It was a fictional crime story about a falsely accused man, who was serving a death sentence. Sure, it had similarities to my story, but my fans loved that I came out with another book.

  Once Karrie became pregnant with our first child, I decided to slow down on the law degree and spend my time at home writing. Karrie went to work every day while I stayed home and took care of our beautiful daughter, Abigail. Being a daddy was both easy and difficult and I soon realized that nothing compares to looking into your child’s eyes and feeling that love looking right back at you.

  Abby’s being an only child was short lived. Her brother, Shayne, was born thirteen months later. Two in diapers left me with little writing time, but I managed to put out my third novel right before Shayne turned six months old.

  I’d managed to make enough money for Karrie to start her own design firm. We moved to a bigger house that included a studio for my wife to work out of. She started specializing in wedding dresses and being that we’d met so many famous people through my success, the lists of clients were huge.

  So maybe my choices five years ago had been bad, at the time. Still, when Karrie and I sat down at night and played with our two perfect kids, we wouldn’t change a single thing that got us to this exact moment.

  Being a male maid, for even a short time, had sealed my future and made me a very rich man. Nowadays, my wife claims that I’m her live in male maid. Somehow, hearing that makes me smile, especially when she calls me Sebastian and meets me in the bedroom.

  The End!

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  Jennifer Foor lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with her husband and two children. She enjoys shooting pool, camping and catching up on cliché movies that were made in the eighties.




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