Monster Girl Islands 2

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Monster Girl Islands 2 Page 11

by Logan Jacobs

  “Huh?” My mouth hung open in shock. Surely, I hadn’t heard her correctly.

  “It could just be an echo,” she reasoned, “but I don’t think it is. I am sure I heard two little, fast heartbeats.”

  Holy fuck.

  “Go get Talise,” was all I could say.

  Careen hid a smile before she rushed away to go find the other healer, and I sat there on the side of the bed and listened to Sela snore. If she was carrying twins, no wonder she was so fucking tired. Of course, that wasn’t going to even compare to what it was going to be like when the babies arrived.

  Fucking hell, I was never going to sleep again.

  Soon, both of the healers returned to the room, and Talise immediately picked up the stethoscope and started listening to Sela’s belly. She moved it all over the place like Careen had, and she also kept looking at the other healer with raised eyebrows.

  I was about to lose my shit, but then Talise set the stethoscope down and started pushing on random places on Sela’s stomach. The pressure was actually enough to wake the warrior from her deep sleep, and she let out a groan as she blinked.

  “What’s going on?” Sela gasped as her eyes popped fully open, and she saw the two healers above her. “Is something wrong with the baby?”

  “Not at all.” Talise smiled. “You fell asleep at the table, and Ben was worried about you and asked us to do an examination to make sure all was okay.”

  “I just can’t seem to stay awake no matter what I do,” Sela sighed and laid her head back on the pillow. “I fell asleep in the bathing pool yesterday for several hours.”

  “There is a reason you are so tired,” Talise chuckled.

  Here it was. Twins. Fucking hell.

  “I thought there wasn’t anything wrong!” Sela cried out as she tried to sit up, but she failed the first three times until I stuck out my hand to help her.

  “Sela,” Talise soothed, “I promise nothing is wrong. You are just having twins.”

  “W-Wait, w-what?” the warrior stammered as her eyes bulged out of her head.

  “Two babies,” Careen said with a smile. “Twins. It explains a whole hell of a lot.”

  Sela immediately looked at me and smiled broadly.

  “Ben, can you believe it?” she laughed as she moved her hands over her full tummy. “I am so blessed. I get to carry two of your beautiful children.”

  “I’ve had a few more minutes to come to terms with it,” I laughed, “and I am getting used to just rolling with things. It’s all I can do.”

  “No wonder I am so big!” Sela snickered. “I thought there was something wrong because all I can do is eat, sleep, and pee.”

  “That’s about all you can do,” Talise said, “and I am going to insist on you not doing much more. You are at a much higher risk now that we know you are having twins. You are to take it easy.”

  “I will,” Sela promised as she wrapped her arms protectively around her growing tummy and began to sniffle. “I’m so happy. This is amazing. Ben, we are all truly blessed by your presence in our clan. I’m fine with taking it easy. Anything for Ben and my twin children. Ahhh, two children. This is so wonderful. I can’t … I’m just … so happy.”

  “Uhhh, I’m glad you feel that way,” I said as I glanced at the healers.

  Talise and Careen seemed just as surprised as me by the stoic warrior’s emotional reaction and the fact that she didn’t put up a fight about resting. It was obvious Sela really was happy to be having two of my babies and that the wellbeing of our children meant more to her than anything else.

  “Two hours a day is the most you should be up and about,” Talise cleared her throat, “and not all at once. We will make sure you aren’t bored to tears, though. There is plenty of work you can do right here.”

  “I understand,” Sela sighed, “I don’t want to push things or risk Ben’s twins. This is important work.”

  Talise and Careen both hugged her before they left the room to go about their business.

  “Are you pleased with me?” Sela asked after she caressed her stomach for a few moments.

  “Absolutely,” I promised and crawled into the bed beside her. “I know you are going to be an excellent mother, and on top of that, Marella has taught me to be on my toes.”

  Sela chuckled a little bit, but not before I saw a tear escape from her eye.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I pulled her into my arms. She had let me be a lot more affectionate with her since she’d gotten pregnant, and I loved it. She was soft and smelled like honeysuckle all the time.

  “If I’m to be honest,” she whispered into my chest, “I am scared. Terrified. It was bad enough with just one baby, but now two? These are the first twins to be born in my lifetime, and they are Draco Rex’s children. What if I fail miserably? I feel like this is too high of an honor for me. I’ve always tried to live a humble life, and I knew I competed for the reward of your seed in my fertile womb, but I had no idea I would be blessed with two babies. It’s just … I don’t know if I deserve it, and I feel like I might fail. Ugh! I’m never like this … I feel like I’ve lost my usual confidence.”

  “Sela,” I murmured, “have you ever failed at anything?”

  “Well, no,” she sniffled.

  “So, why would this be any different?” I asked. “Also, in case you haven’t noticed, you certainly won’t be doing this on your own. You have the whole village, including me, if that doesn’t scare you more.”

  This time, I succeeded in getting a real laugh out of the warrior before she snuggled up close to me.

  “You’re right,” she sighed. “With you and everyone else here, I can do this. I’m sorry for crying. It isn’t like me.”

  “It’s okay,” I whispered as I kissed her cheek. “Everyone needs to lean on their family every now and then.”

  “Thank you, Ben,” she sighed. “For my babies, and for your kind words. You are a wonderful blessing for our people.”

  It wasn’t a full minute before she was asleep again and snoring loudly, but I had gotten used to tuning that all out when I was in the barracks during my time in the Coast Guard, so I easily fell asleep right next to her.

  I woke up about an hour later, gently slid my arm out from underneath the sleeping warrior, and made my way back into the hall. I could have stayed and slept some more, but I was afraid I was going to get fat and lazy if I didn’t do something other than eating and sleeping to keep myself busy.

  I was going into the kitchen to see if Hali needed my help with anything when my dragon called out my name.

  Ben, dear one, I have some news, George intoned in my head.

  “Is it good news?” I said as I stifled a groan.

  I should hope so, he laughed. Nixie and I have mated.

  “Wait, what?” I gasped. “It seems like the two of you should still be babies!”

  Remember, dear one, George said, we dragons mature much faster than you and even the dragon-kin women of the village. It’s part of our survival.

  “That does make sense,” I muttered and ran a hand through my hair, “but it’s something else I will have to get used to. Still, it is very good news, and I am happy to hear it!”

  Again, I should hope so, he chuckled. In truth, we mated a few weeks ago, but it is customary for our kind to keep it hidden until the time for the eggs to be birthed is near. After that, it is about two weeks before they hatch.

  “So, it takes about four weeks for a dragon to be born?” I asked.

  Yes, George told me. I know it doesn’t seem like long, but the babies will be quite small. They will still need a lot of care for the first several weeks.

  “How old would you say you and Nixie were when we found you?” I questioned curiously. “Or, well, it was more like you found us.”

  I’d been hatched for nearly eight weeks then, he told me, and I spent two weeks on my own. Nixie had been hatched for about six weeks.

  Wow, it sounded a lot like when a panda bear or a marsupial wa
s born. I wondered if dragons had pouches and thought maybe it would just be best to wait and see, since I didn’t want to look like a total idiot.

  “I have some news as well,” I told my dragon to get my mind off marsupials. “Sela is carrying twins.”

  Your seed is strong indeed, he replied. I am proud to have bonded with you.

  Way to make things weird, George.

  “I’m proud we bonded, too,” I laughed. “This is definitely something to celebrate when the storms clear up.”

  It won’t be another day, George assured me. I can sense the sun on the other side of these clouds. The storm season will be gone tonight. You can tell your women they can leave the palace in the next few hours.

  “That is definitely one of the best things you could have told me,” I sighed. “I will spread the word. Everyone will be relieved. I am glad it was one of the short seasons, because several weeks is long enough for me”

  I continued my walk to the kitchen with a spring in my step, and I found Nerissa in the kitchens with Arrick and Marella. The queen was helping clean vegetables and prepare them for the evening meal, and I wanted to watch quietly from the doorway for a few minutes, but Marella instantly knew I was there.

  “Daddy!” she giggled and came running to me. She’d grown to the size of a three-year-old child over the storm season and was as busy as one, too.

  “Hello, beautiful!” I responded and scooped her up in a big hug. She still greeted me with kisses, but they were void of all the baby slobber, which I missed but would never admit I did.

  “We are peeling potatoes and carrots for soup!” the little girl told me with the excitement of something much grander. “Do you like soup?”

  “I like soup very much,” I laughed before I hugged her one more time and set her down.

  Arrick used the chair Nerissa was sitting in to pull himself up and then toddled over to me while holding his arms out to be picked up.

  Now, he was walking. Great.

  “This is new,” I said with raised eyebrows.

  “It started this morning,” Nerissa groaned with a smile on her face. “I’m not sure I am ready for it.”

  “It can’t be any worse than Marella learning to walk,” I snickered, but then the little girl gave me a glare that exactly mimicked the one her mother would give me.

  “Oh, that’s impossible,” the queen giggled in agreement.

  “I do have good news,” I told her as I sat down with Arrick in my lap. “Well, lots of good news, actually.”

  “Careen told me about Sela and the twins,” Nerissa said with a grin. “That is amazing. They will be the first twins born since Zarya and Darya.”

  “I should have known word of that would reach you before I could,” I sighed, “but that isn’t all there is. George and Nixie have mated.”

  “Really?” she gasped as her aqua eyes went wide. “I didn’t realize Nixie was old enough.”

  “Apparently she is,” I shrugged, “so we will likely have another baby dragon around here soon.”

  “It’s a miracle,” Nerissa smiled with tears in her eyes, “one that you created.”

  “I can’t take all the credit for this,” I chuckled, “but it is pretty damn awesome. George also told me this is the last storm of the season, and it should be gone in a few hours.”

  “Are you serious?” the queen asked as her mouth fell open. “We made it?”

  “Yes, my beautiful queen,” I smiled, “we made it.”

  “Thank the goddesses,” she sighed, “I have never been so stir crazy. Of course, I have never been locked safely in the palace with two mischievous young ones and nothing to worry about.”

  “We will celebrate tomorrow with a feast in the courtyard,” I decided with a nod, “but you can probably tell everyone to go outside and stretch their legs. I’m sure I’ll have to repair most of the huts, but I’m guessing not everyone needs to sleep in the palace again tonight.”

  “I will go tell everyone in the west wing,” my beautiful queen said as she grabbed my son and lifted him to her hip.

  “I’ll head to the east wing,” I said. “Oh, and can you let Hali know about a feast tomorrow if you see her?”

  “She will be quite thrilled to have a cause to celebrate,” Nerissa laughed. “I am sure she is in the store rooms taking stock and figuring out our next meal. I think she is secretly delighted to be cooking for so many, even if she does fuss. Don’t worry, I’ll let everyone know.”

  “We all will be thrilled to celebrate,” I agreed before I kissed her and the kids and moved off to spread the word. “Give Hali my thanks. She has fed us very well. I think I am getting fat.”

  “Hardly,” Nerissa laughed again, and then she gave me a small wave before we went our separate ways so we could spread the word about the storm season being over.

  I told a few dozen women in the east hallways as I roamed, and then I ran into Careen in the main corridor that ran the length of most of the sleeping chambers. She had her arms full of clean bed linens and was heading into her own room, and she nodded to me as I approached.

  “Need some help?” I asked her.

  “Are you so desperate for something to do?” the pixie healer laughed, and she opened the door and set the linens down on the table.

  “Kind of,” I said as I realized her room was somehow empty of other beautiful serpent-women, “but I do have good news. George says the storms will be gone tonight, so everyone is going to go outside for a bit. I talked to the queen, and we will have a big feast and celebration out in the courtyard tomorrow night. I’m guessing she’s talking to everyone else about it in the other wing of the palace.”

  “Oh, thank the goddesses!” Careen squealed as she threw her arms around me. “I was going crazy being stuck in here.”

  “I think that goes for everyone,” I laughed and hugged her back.

  We embraced for several moments before the tiny healer slowly pulled away and looked me in the eyes. A slight blush tinged her cheeks, and she bit her bottom lip as she looked away.

  My cock instantly hardened.

  I looked at Careen and thought the moment to be with her had finally come. With the craziness of the storm season and everyone packed into the palace, it had been damn impossible to find some time alone with her, so I wasn’t about to waste this opportunity.

  Before I could even think, my mouth passionately found hers, and I was kissing her with everything I had.

  All Careen’s shyness disappeared as our kiss deepened, and a hungry moan escaped from her mouth. Then she gasped as our lips parted, and she let out soft mummers of pleasure as I trailed kisses and small bites along her neck and jaw.

  Finally, I reached her ear with my tongue, and Careen all but melted in my arms. I held her up in my arms as her body went limp, but then she wrapped her legs around my waist and her tongue fully assaulted my mouth. I backed her up against the wall and slid her wrap up around her waist to expose everything to me. Then I slid one finger deep inside her pussy and found it was already very wet and ready.

  “You’ve been wanting this,” I whispered as I moved the one finger in and out slowly.

  “Yessss, my king,” she moaned. “Sooo mucccchhh.”

  Her tunnel was incredibly tight, and I couldn’t wait any longer to feel her wrapped around my cock. This woman had been fuel for my fantasies for far too long. Now, it was time to know what it really felt like to make love to her.

  I gripped her ass with one hand while I undid my pants with the other. My cock was as hard as it had ever been and was covered in precum in anticipation of what this delicious woman offered. I positioned myself right outside of her wetness, pulled one breast free of her wrap, and began sucking on one nipple while I slowly inched my tip inside her wet pussy.

  “Ohhhh,” Careen hissed in my ear as she pulled my head against her breast so I could take her nipple further into my mouth.

  “Hmmm,” I purred as I eased the tip of my cock out of her tightness, and then I slowly
pushed in an inch deeper before I pulled it out once again.

  Careen was unbelievably tight, as were most of my women, but the petite healer could barely take my pointer finger, and my cock was much longer and thicker. Still, after a few more careful and slow thrusts, most of my shaft was coated with her slick juices, and I braced her back against the wall.

  Then I thrust forward and buried my entire length deep inside of her.

  “Ben!” Careen screamed as she clawed at my back and shoulders. “Gods yes. Take me. Hard.”

  “As you wish.” I continued to suck her nipple as I pounded hard into her. Then I pulled the other breast free so I could go back and forth between them, and I licked, bit, and sucked on the flesh just to hear her moans of ecstasy while I drove into her tight body.

  “You are spreading me wide open,” the healer moaned as she threw back her head, “I’m so full, I’m going to … soon … ohhhhh.”

  “Cum for me, darling,” I gasped as I felt her tighten around me.

  “Yessssss!” Careen’s scream of release slipped out of her mouth, and her tightness clamped down around me like a vice.

  It took every ounce of willpower I had not to tip over the edge, and I let out a long breath as her tunnel frantically tried to urge my shaft to release. I managed to keep my own climax at bay, though, and after half a minute of Careen squirming on my cock, her body began to relax. Then I lowered her down onto the bed next to us, and I came up on my knees.

  “Wahh?” she gasped as I pulled my length from her tunnel, and her eyes fixated on my glistening erection.

  “Get on all fours,” I ordered.

  “Yes, my king,” the healer panted, and then she flipped over so I could see her bare ass and the lips of the beautiful pussy I’d just fucked.

  A split second later, I was kneeling on the bed behind her, and I used my right hand to guide myself back into her warmth while my left held her hip in place.

  “Ohhhh, you are so deep inside me,” she groaned as soon as I filled her again. Then she let out another gasp of sweet agony when I grabbed her other hip with my hand and slowly began to fuck her doggie style.

  Careen’s body was small, so my cock entered her from an elevated angle, scraped against the tunnel on the opposite side of her clit, and then spread her walls apart before the tip teased the tightness of her cervix. I was able to get incredibly deep in this position, so I took my sweet time with every thrust and enjoyed the music of her moans.


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