The Millionaire's Wife

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The Millionaire's Wife Page 16

by Shalini Boland

  Will exhales. ‘Okay. Okay, I can see how you would have wanted to do that. But at least you didn’t kill her. We can let the police deal with her now. Where’s Fin?’

  ‘I don’t know. I’m pretty sure he must be somewhere in Sweden. Looks like he’s in a wooden cabin of some kind. He wouldn’t be able to take Livi out of the country. She doesn’t know him. God, she must be so scared. Sian showed me a video as proof that Fin has her.’ I wave the phone at Will.

  ‘Is that Sian’s phone?’ Will says.

  ‘Yeah. It’s not her regular phone though.’

  ‘Let’s see the video,’ he says.

  As I sink onto the sofa, Will comes over to join me. I soak up his proximity, wondering if this will be the last time we’re this close, certain he’ll leave me after this is over. I wouldn’t blame him.

  I show him the short film, trying not to sob as the camera pans over to my daughter, her tiny blonde head bent over as she talks to her doll. I glance at Will, trying to gauge his reaction, but his face is blank.

  ‘They’re in some kind of wooden summer house or cabin,’ I say. ‘I’ll never be able to find them. If only I knew where they were, at least I’d have some chance of–’

  ‘So, let’s have a look,’ Will says. ‘See if there are any texts from Fin telling Sian where they’re holed up.’

  ‘Oh my God, you’re right!’ A flicker of hope stirs in my chest. I stop the video and go to Sian’s messages. There’s only one other number listed, no name attached to it. It must be Fin’s.

  The latest text was sent from Sian. It looks like she messaged him just before coming here tonight:

  Going in. I’ll text you after xx

  I scroll back so that we can read them all in order. The first text is from Fin and reading it makes the hairs on my neck prickle, makes me feel grubby and nauseous. They were watching me, both of them, discussing me like I was some kind of science project. I’m guessing this first text relates to the message he sent me during Will’s thirtieth:

  Just about to send the text. Watch her face, see what she does.

  Sent :)

  She didn’t read it. She put her phone in her bag.

  Damn. Let me know when she does.

  Ok xx

  She got him a Mustang for his bday –

  Remy said it’s worth over $300k


  Ikr, that should be ours

  Too right. Not long now.

  Gtg text you later xx

  Omg, she’s read the text and now she’s puking her guts up outside

  Fucking yes. This will be easy. Can’t wait to see what she texts back.

  Anything yet?


  Let me know when she replies

  Yeah, of course

  Did she reply last night?


  Send her another one. Tell her she needs to reply.




  You’ll have to do something to make her reply.

  I’m outside their place. He’s gone out. Shall I stand outside her gate and freak her out?

  Yeah, Do it

  I did it, then sent her a text. It was fucking awesome. She must be wetting her knickers right now.

  Perfect! Xx

  As I scroll through the conversations, each event comes back to me with sickening clarity, only this time I can see it through Fin and Sian’s eyes. How they were manipulating me. Laughing at me. I turn to Will and see disbelief and horror on his face, too. I want to hurl the phone at the wall then stamp on it until it’s nothing but crushed glass, metal and plastic. But I can’t destroy it. It’s evidence.

  ‘They’re absolute scumbags,’ Will says through gritted teeth. ‘How dare they. God, Anna, are you okay to read this?’ His voice softens. ‘This can’t be easy for you. I can scroll through the rest if you like – see if there’s an address.’

  ‘Thanks, but no. I need to see just how evil they both are.’ I take a breath and we continue reading.

  Stupid cow has asked me to go over. You must have really shit her up. Can’t believe she still thinks I’m her friend. Wonder if she’ll tell me about you…


  Of course


  She told me about the speedboat accident. I faked concern, lol. She wanted me to get in touch with you to “see how you are”. Yeah right. I told her to stay away, to forget about you.

  Was that a good idea?

  Trust me. Bet she gets in touch with you now.

  We’ll see.

  Oh, btw, they have a new puppy

  You were right, she texted. We’re meeting later today at some weird garden centre!

  Yesss! Good luck x


  I convinced her that I’m still in love with her but she still didn’t go for the plan :(

  I told her if she doesn’t do it, I will.

  Told you she wouldn’t do it. Pathetic bitch.

  Guess you were right, smart ass


  We’ll have to think of something else.

  Wish I could see you

  When can you next get away?

  Thursday. Usual time and place.

  Can’t fucking wait.


  I did it. Followed her to the bathroom at the restaurant, told her I’m still in love with her. But she didn’t want to know. There’s no way she’ll go through with it. I think we should forget the whole thing.

  No way. We’re doing this. I’ll think of something.

  Like what?

  Not sure yet

  Could kill her dog…

  Not a bad idea xx

  I meant it as a joke, but yeah, why not.

  Could combine it with a test to see if she’s willing to do the rest. Am getting a really good idea. Will get back to you soon. Need to talk properly.

  Just landed

  Good. But miss you already xx


  She didn’t push him over the cliff. You need to send her a text to say you’re going to finish the job yourself.

  I knew she wouldn’t do it. No balls.

  Unlike you xx


  Okay, have sent text. Am outside her parents flat. Will get the kid after they put her to bed

  Good luck.


  Their dog’s dead. Pity its owner didn’t chow down on that raw steak, too. Would’ve saved us some hassle.

  LMFAO Will text you when I have her

  Don’t forget to send me a video

  On it

  Love you xxxxxxxxxx

  You too xx

  Soon be over. Dying to be w/you 24/7

  Not long now :)


  Got the kid. Sending video.

  Am outside A’s house. Can’t wait to see her face when I tell her about us.

  Be careful. Good luck xx

  Going in. I’ll text you after xx

  Will and I sit side by side on the sofa in silence for a moment. I put the phone on the coffee table and wipe my palms on my jeans, feeling contaminated by those toxic words. All that hatred directed at me. Do I deserve any of it? I don’t think so.

  ‘I wish Fin was here,’ Will says, ‘so I could smash a wine bottle over his head, too.’

  His words set something off in me and I drop my head and push the heels of my hands into my eye sockets, trying to stem the flow of tears. I feel Will’s arm come around me. He kisses the top of my head. Despite my betrayal of his trust, he’s still worried about me.

  ‘They’re evil,’ he says. ‘Anna, listen to me. Don’t let them get to you. There’s something wrong with both of them. They’ve been playing us, but now we know, okay? Now we have proof, we can go to the police.’

  ‘But he has Olivia,’ I sob, turning to him. ‘And there’s nothing on the texts to let us know where he is.’

  ‘The police will be able to track them–’

  ‘But what if they screw it up? Fin will hurt Livi.’
  ‘He won’t hurt her. She’s his daughter.’

  ‘But he’s not right in the head. I can’t take the risk. And even if he doesn’t harm her, he could easily take her away from me, out of spite for hurting Sian.’

  ‘How will he know?’ Will says. ‘We can pretend to be Sian. We have her phone. Why don’t you text Fin. Tell him you’re coming to Sweden. Tell him to give you the address.’

  ‘Oh my God, Will. You’re a genius!’ I sniff and swipe a hand across my eyes, my tears forgotten for the moment. I snatch up Sian’s phone from the coffee table and press the power button, bringing up the stream of vile messages. Then I start tapping out a text:

  Anna has agreed to do it! She’ll do anything to keep her daughter safe. I’m going to come and join you. Text me where you are x

  I show the text to Will to get his opinion before I send it.

  ‘Good,’ he says, ‘but change the word “daughter” to “kid”. Sounds more heartless.’

  ‘Okay. Good idea.’ But it kills me to change the word. To talk about Olivia as though she’s just some random stranger’s child:

  Anna has agreed to do it! She’ll do anything to keep her kid safe. I’m going to come and join you. Text me where you are x

  We don’t have to wait long for a reply:

  That’s good news. But I thought you were going to stay there to keep an eye on things

  I text him back:

  Changed my mind. Nothing left for me to do here now. Plus it’ll be easier with two of us there. We just need to wait for A to do what she promised xx

  Will nods and I hit send.

  A few seconds later I almost drop the phone when it starts vibrating in my hand. A call is coming in . . . from Fin.

  ‘Shit, shit, what shall I do?’

  ‘Don’t answer it,’ Will replies. ‘You can make up some excuse why you couldn’t get to it.’

  As we wait for the phone to stop buzzing, I pass the phone to Will and get up off the sofa. I’d almost forgotten that Sian is still here, unconscious. But I guess she could wake up at any moment.

  ‘Have we got any rope?’ I ask. ‘We need to tie that bitch up.’

  ‘Duct tape would be better,’ Will says, rising to his feet and passing me the phone which has thankfully stopped vibrating. ‘I’ll go and get some from the garage.’

  ‘What shall I text Fin?’ I ask.

  ‘Tell him your phone’s playing up. Say you’re on your way to the airport. Then, hopefully, he’ll tell you where he is and we can tell the police where to find him.’

  While Will fetches the duct tape, I quickly tap out a message and press send.

  Thankfully, Fin buys it. A minute later, I receive his reply with an address near Växbo in Hälsingland. I can’t believe it was that easy. The place is really close to my parents’ lake cabin. I’ll be able to find it, no problem.

  ‘Got the tape,’ Will grunts, walking back into the kitchen. ‘I suppose I’m going to have to tie her up with it. I know what she did was unforgivable, but tying her up feels wrong.’

  ‘That’s because you’re a good person, Will. Shall I do it?’ I ask.

  ‘No, it’s okay. I can do it,’ he says.


  He nods but makes no move to go over to her.

  ‘Once she’s tied up, we can lock her in the spare room,’ I say.

  ‘Dad’s supposed to be coming over in’ – he looks at his watch – ‘less than an hour. He was actually excited about coming away with us “on holiday”. He thought it was some kind of wonderful surprise.’

  ‘You’ll have to hide Sian before he gets here. We’ll make it up to him. Take him somewhere after this is all over. If we’re still . . . I mean, if you want to.’

  Will doesn’t reply.

  I swallow down my disappointment. ‘At least there’s no danger to you or your dad now Fin’s in Sweden and Sian’s here.’

  ‘Do you want to call the police while I tie her up?’

  ‘Will, I’m not calling the police. I’m going to get Olivia myself. I’m sure Fin won’t hurt her. She’s his daughter, too,’ I say, trying to convince myself it will all be straightforward. But a part of me isn’t sure. Fin isn’t all there. Maybe he doesn’t even think of Olivia as his daughter.

  ‘You can’t go over there.’ He stares at me like I’m crazy.

  ‘I have to.’

  ‘Give the address to the police. Let them handle it.’

  ‘If the police go storming in, Livi might get hurt. It could turn into some kind of hostage situation.’ Saying those words makes my head swim with how terrifying and surreal everything has become. ‘Look, I think I can reason with him, convince him to let her go without any violence. Now he’s finally away from Sian’s poisonous scheming I might be able to get him to see sense.’

  ‘I don’t like it,’ Will says, grim-faced. ‘But if you’re going over there, I’ll come with you.’

  ‘No. Will, you have to stay here. Make sure Sian doesn’t get away.’ I flick a glance over to her inert body, wondering if she’s still alive. ‘And you’ll have to keep an eye on your dad in case somehow Fin gets back here.’

  ‘I can’t let you go over there on your own.’ He frowns and shakes his head slowly. ‘You said it yourself – Fin isn’t a rational human being.’

  ‘I have to do this, Will. I have to stop him. I have to get my daughter. Anyway, if you come with me, it will only antagonise him.’

  ‘I can’t just let you waltz into danger on your own. What kind of a husband would that make me?’

  I give him a grateful smile. ‘You’re an amazing husband. And I won’t be in any danger. Trust me. Fin’s the one out of his element. He’s a townie in the middle of the forests and lakes of Hälsingland. That place is not hospitable in winter. I can use that to my advantage. And anyway, I know the area like the back of my hand.’ I’m exaggerating a little. The region is massive and I certainly don’t know all of it like the back of my hand, not by a long way. But I know it a damn sight better than Fin does.

  ‘What if he has a gun, Anna? You may be Sweden’s answer to Bear Grylls, but he could still shoot you.’

  ‘He won’t,’ I scoff. ‘Where would he get a gun? He’s in a foreign country. He doesn’t know anyone. He’s not even expecting me to be there. He doesn’t know that we know where he is.’

  ‘I don’t like it, Anna. Not at all.’

  ‘Please.’ I’m aching to walk over to Will and reassure him with kisses. To wrap my arms around him and run my hands through his hair, but we’re still uneasy with each other. I can’t presume that he would welcome my touch. And I couldn’t bear his rejection right now. So, instead, I focus on the practical. On what needs to be done. ‘I won’t be more than a day or two. My flight’s already booked for first thing tomorrow morning. I’ll throw some things into a bag and go. Make sure I get there in plenty of time.’

  Will chews his bottom lip and listens. His face drawn.

  ‘You stay here,’ I say. ‘Guard Sian. Make sure your dad’s okay. If things should somehow go wrong, and you don’t hear from me by tomorrow evening, then you can call the police, okay?’

  Will sets the duct tape on the counter. He comes towards me and takes me in his arms, holds me tight. An ache tears through my chest and I hug him back, breathing his scent, grateful for his touch and desperate for this nightmare to be behind us.

  ‘I wish you hadn’t lied to me, Anna,’ he says, releasing his hold on me. ‘I wish you’d trusted me enough to tell me about Olivia from the start. But I guess I can understand how things got away from you. You were trying to protect me and your daughter from Fin. So, I want you to know . . . when you get back, I’ll still be here for you. And for Olivia, too.’

  I’m so choked up by his words, I hardly know what to say. All I can manage is: ‘Thank you. I love you, Will.’

  He nods and takes my hand. Squeezes it once and then lets go.

  ‘You’ll be okay with . . .’ I jerk my head over to where Si
an is lying on the kitchen floor.

  ‘Yeah. Go and pack, before I change my mind.’

  Chapter Twenty Five

  I realise it’s up to me to fix this now. If I’d been honest with Will from the start, we could have reported Fin to the police after he killed his wife, and I could have told Will about Olivia. Now I have to save my daughter. I never wanted to kill anyone, but I may not have a choice. As I drive to the airport, a rough plan is forming in my mind. It’s risky but it’s the only thing I can think of to keep Olivia out of harm’s way.

  Once I’m in the airport terminal, I find a quiet place to sit as the check-in desk doesn’t open for another two hours. I take my phone out of my back and text Will:

  Hey, I’m at the airport

  Glad you got there safe. Dad’s here.

  Okay, great. Send him my love. And what about S?

  She’s okay.


  In the spare room. Not awake yet, no.

  I’ll text you again when I get to Stockholm.

  Okay. Have a good flight x

  Thanks. Love you xxx

  Love you too x

  I’m pleased Steve is there with Will, but I wonder if he’s told his dad about what’s happened. Surely Steve will hate me for putting his son in such jeopardy. And what about Will? I know he said he would wait for me, but what if he changes his mind? He’ll have plenty of time to dwell on things while I’m away from him. To think about all the trouble I’ve brought to his door. The secrets I’ve kept from him. And he’ll have to guard Sian. What will happen when she wakes up? It’ll just mean more stress for him. More pressure on top of everything else.

  As I shift in my seat to try and get more comfortable, a call comes in . . . from my father. God, I should have called my parents already, but with everything going on, I haven’t been thinking straight. I answer quickly.


  ‘Anna. Oh, Anna. I don’t know how to tell you. It’s Livi . . .’

  ‘It’s okay, Pappa. I know where she is.’


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