Blayze: Talonian Warriors (S Sci-Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Talonion Warriors Book 5)

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Blayze: Talonian Warriors (S Sci-Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Talonion Warriors Book 5) Page 9

by Celeste Raye

  His inability to control himself made her laugh. It soothed her nerves and steadied her shaking hands. Relief overwhelmed her when she saw David checking fingerprints and badges. When she and Shark reached him, a clear piece of plastic was placed over the scanner instead of their hands. On it were the prints of vetted workers, who would now be paid for their day off.

  Following the workers to the kitchen, they received carts filled with meals. They were assigned the mailroom, storage facility, dock, and the prisoners. James and David had pulled it off. They would have to deliver all the meals in the order they were listed to avert suspicion, but their badges would open the basement.

  One by one the meals were delivered. The recipients didn't glance at the faces of the servers. To them, the servants were as much a part of the fixtures as their chairs, useful but anonymous. So far, the disguises had held up. The scanners hadn't set off any alarms.

  As they approached the basement, the nerves returned. Under the fat suit, Belle was sweating. Even Shark, who had nerves of steel, caused the cart to rattle with his shaking hands. Belle opened the lock with her badge and was thankful to see the light turn green. The narrow entryway meant they couldn't walk side by side. Belle took the lead. Overhead lights did little to ease the dank darkness. The basement reminded her of a crypt or a tomb. It used to store the boxes full of important case records, but that was long ago, before the days of computers and databases.

  The cells were lined up on her right. She studied the locks as she handed the sandwiches and bottles of water through the grated window. The prisoners didn't receive the same hot meal as the rest. Plates wouldn't fit through the windows and staff were not allowed to open the cells. The meals varied little. Scrambled egg sandwiches and water for breakfast. Mystery meat sandwiches and water for the other two meals. It was a life sustainable diet, but not tasty.

  The weredragon in the cell was the first person to look her in the eye and express appreciation for the food. He appeared resigned to his fate. There was a calmness in him that she hadn't expected. He showed no signs of the mind control. The second cell held another who was almost as calm, though he was slightly hostile. His terse thank you as he snatched the sandwich was more in keeping with what she expected.

  Taking a deep sustaining breath, she approached the third cell. She knew it held Blayze. Shark patted her shoulder in encouragement, reminding her she wasn't alone.

  A body slammed into the metal door. A growl had her jumping backward into Shark. The face in the window was that of Blayze, yet different. His eyes were wide and feral. His teeth were bared and snarling. He reached up and ripped the bandages off his head. She saw the bald spot, where his head had been shaved, and the bloody stitches in the center.



  Blayze knew that scent. It reached him as soon as the basement door opened. Belle was here. He did not know how it was possible, yet the scent was unmistakable. He had dreamed about it since the night they kissed. It should have brought relief and happiness. It did not. As her identity processed in his brain, hostility arose. He tried to tamp it down, knowing it would bring confusion and pain. As he had informed his cellmates, keeping your breathing and heartbeat slow and stable made the pain easier to live with.

  By the time Belle reached his cell, his heart was pounding, and the voice was back, louder than before. It had a new message. "Belle Simons controls your mind. Kill her and gain freedom." His body slammed into the door. Anger built. His heart warred with his brain.

  He growled and tore at the bandages. He was ready to kill.

  Belle's disguise saved all of them. What Blayze saw did not match the scent. Through crazed eyes, his brain registered a woman far older than Belle, the hair dull and brown. He whimpered and backed away. Blood ran down his head. A stitch had popped open during the stressful encounter.

  She reached toward the window, wanting to touch him and ease his suffering. He growled and cowered.

  "Lady, I do not know who you are, but just toss the sandwich in and get out," Condor told her. "He has been altered. We all have. Poor Blayze got it a second time because the first one did not take. A man came and spoke to him. He has been programmed to kill a specific human, but he also said they might have damaged Blayze when they removed the original implant. So, he is unpredictable."

  It made Belle sick to hear what Blayze had endured. She knew, without a doubt, who they had programmed him to kill. She was the target. The director was vindictive, and he would see it as an appropriate way of getting rid of an obstacle. It would also give him great satisfaction to win. A part of Blayze had recognized her and caused the uproar. Thank goodness her appearance didn't match his memory. She moved out of his sight and whispered in Shark's ear, "It's me he's after. If I speak, it will set him off again. You'll have to do this."

  "Listen up, guys," Shark began. "We're here to get you out. It's going to take patience and self-control. We know it's hard for all of you. You're not in complete control of yourselves. You're going to feel pain and confusion but try to cooperate. Maxxus and Daer are waiting for you. The implants will be removed, I swear. But, first, we have to get out of here without detection. We'll need you to help control Blayze. The lady can't touch him. Do you understand?"

  Both men nodded and mouthed, "It is her?"

  Belle gave acknowledgment and Shark continued, "There are cameras recording us, but they pick up no sound. Due to Blayze's violent reaction, I suspect we're running out of time. Someone will come to investigate. It's going to appear as if we're breaking the rules and giving you extra rations. However, as we push the food in, we're attaching a device to the lock that will send a signal to override the system. The instant it beeps, we'll stop the cameras. You have ten seconds to get out of their range, and into the hallway, cell doors closed behind you, before they reactivate. Ready?"

  "Anytime," Promesus declared.

  Belle made sure that Shark was the one at Blayze's door. The food went in, the electronics went on, and the cameras were blocked as they turned on the plastic boxes at their waist. Condor and Promesus slammed the cell doors behind them, and each grabbed one of Blayze's arms. They practically dragged him into the hallway and out of sight. Belle and Shark remained steady as the cameras reactivated. For those watching, they calmly pushed the carts out of the room.

  Luck was with them. Possibly, the watchers had decided Blayze's violent reaction was simply due to the recent surgery, for no one came to investigate. The plastic boxes worked perfectly, and James had the door unlocked at the right moment.

  An alarm did sound as they reached their transportation. Blayze had captured the eye of a guard when he fought against being pushed inside. Belle hated to resort to drugging him, but she had anticipated the need for at least one of the prisoners to be a problem. She jabbed the needle into his neck as tears fell down her face.

  Condor and Promesus grabbed their heads in agony. She tranquilized them too, realizing they were being activated to release the biological weapon. They were pursued, but Shark easily outmaneuvered the slower transports.


  Back at CIA headquarters, the director was enraged. He put his fist through the wall, ripped down the COM link screen, and bodily attacked the guard who brought him the message. This failure could keep him from getting his reward. It might make him expendable. In his panic, he made a rash decision. If he went down, so would his superior. He would name everyone involved. He wasn't about to bear all the blame. He left the building without looking back.

  Daer and Dr. Davis were waiting when the group got back to the ranch. They hooked all three weredragons up to IV's and monitors provided by Dr. Davis. All remained sedated. Blayze would go first, as they feared he had sustained damage.

  Belle wasn't allowed to remain in the sterile environment. Sobbing, she removed the disguise and showered. Dressed in jeans and a tank top, she let Maxxus hold her as she cried and explained how Blayze had reacted. She told him what the other weredragons had seen and h

  "The worst is over now," Maxxus consoled. "Daer will see that he heals properly. Whatever damage they caused, Blayze is strong enough to overcome. We received good news while you were away. It may bring you some cheer. One of my weredragons mated with a human female. She hid him and several others, six in total, during the roundup. They were unaffected by the terrorist regime. Her job is in communications. She was able to reach out to Talonia to ask for information and aid. Josie answered. This group will be joining us shortly. They were in a neighboring state. With the woman's help, Josie sent out a message, using an old code of our warships. It was answered by other groups in hiding all over your world. They are well and making plans to do as you did today. We will secure this planet from the terrorists. We did not explain who we believe is controlling the terrorist faction, however. Should the transmissions get into the wrong hands, our plans would fall apart."

  The news was excellent. There were others out there fighting to prove the weredragons weren't the terrorists. It didn't soothe Belle's soul at all. In her heart, only one weredragon counted at that moment, and he might never be the same. Would he lose a part of his memory? Would the kiss be lost with the implant? She could end up being a stranger to him. She told herself that was fine, as long as he survived with all his faculties. She was lying to herself.

  Belle's personal COM link vibrated. It was Daer. "This is taking longer than anticipated. They put the device deeper than we had dreamed. We are moving one micromillimeter at a time, trying to minimize the damage. They did not use the same care, so there are no guarantees. We had to wake him several times to be certain he could breathe on his own. Of course, we removed the capsule containing the biologic first. It is sealed in the freezing container you provided. Dr. Davis suggested that you might be helpful. He would like you to scrub in and sit here speaking to Blayze. He believes your voice will keep his brain active, kind of light the way for where to snip and make him fight to live."

  "My voice may make it worse. His last instruction was to kill me and anyone with me. He tried already. Even without the biological weapon, he's dangerous. I don't want to stir up the aggression," she replied sadly.

  "We cut loose a tendril or two. We think it is enough to make it safe to try. If he shows signs of a problem, raised blood pressure or faster pulse, we can stop. Are you willing?"

  "I'm on the way."


  Blayze had been aware of a man speaking, explaining a daring escape plan. He planned to obey if his mind and body would allow it. He felt strong hands grab both arms and drag him forward. He tried to cooperate. He knew he was stumbling and slowing everyone down. The pain was gone. His head was numb. The surge in power to make him attack had fried the circuits. Why had he attacked those kitchen workers? He was so confused.

  Fresh air and warmth bathed his skin. Something inside him stirred to life. Freedom! He was outside without chains. Hands tried to shove him into a small space once more. He fought with all his strength. No! He would not be caged. Please, just leave him alone. A single tear fell when he felt the needle.

  The voice was different. It was not inside his head, and it was friendly. Daer called out to him. "Breathe, Blayze. Let us know you are in there." Daer returned several times. Why? Where had he come from?

  Another voice. It must be the dream, the one he often had. Belle softly spoke, "Blayze, I need you to hang on. You can do this. You're strong. I saw you fight on the oil rig. You did it for me. Do it again. We need to go dancing. I bought you new boots. This time I won't run away. I regret that I ever did. Please, Blayze. I love you." It was such a nice dream, but he had to leave it.

  The heart monitor screeched. The lines were flat. Dr. Davis shocked him. No response. Daer came from doing surgery on Condor and pounded his chest. He backed off so Dr. Davis could shock Blayze again.

  "No, Nno, no, please no!" Belle screamed into his face. "Come back to me! Please," she begged, her tears falling on his cheeks.

  One blip. Two. His heart started up anew. Belle laid her head on his chest and listened to each beat, while the doctor finished his job. The offending device landed with a clank on the table. The wound was closed. His head was bandaged. "Now we see if he can breathe on his own," the doctor stated. He removed the ventilator. The room was silent. Then, Blayze drew a breath. His heartbeat was regular. His vitals were good. The waiting game began.

  Belle refused to leave, and neither physician dared argue. Condor's surgery was over. They worked on Promesus together. It went quick and without complication. Belle clung to Blayze.

  "You need to eat," Daer came to tell her. She refused to leave.

  "I'll stay. Go get some sleep," James said, hours later. No dice.

  Morning came. Maxxus appeared. "I was going to use force to carry you out of here, but Josie scolded me. She says you should be allowed to remain as long as you wish. She would not leave if it was I. Instead, we are bringing in a bed. You will be able to lay at his side, possibly sleep for a few moments. May we move him?"

  "Yes," she answered weakly. She tried to move out of the way. Her muscles were frozen from staying immobile for so long. Hands were there to balance her. She was shocked to discover they belonged to Condor and Promesus. She hadn't noticed they were awake and doing well.

  Blayze was placed on the soft, clean bed. The monitors were removed. Only the IV remained. She curled against his side and placed a hand over his heart. They were left alone.

  "We need to have a conversation, mister," she said sternly. "You've slept too long now. I need you to wake up and tell me everything that happened to you. How dare you disappear from my life just because I'm a foolish girl? I searched for you every day. I bothered your neighbor a lot. I even braved returning to the weredragon liaison building. You know how they didn't want me there. I have a confession to make. I broke into your apartment. Well, I guess it wasn't exactly breaking in since you left the door to the roof open. I had to find out where you were. I'm sorry we were too late to stop them from taking you again. They messed with your mind. I hope you remember me, us. Wake up when you're ready. I promise I'll be here." She finally drifted off.

  Blayze had heard everyone speaking. He so badly wished to answer, especially Belle. He wanted to tell her he had not left her on purpose. He had not been given a choice. He was awake and yet he could not move or speak. Inside he was crying out, but no one heard. He needed to tell her of the danger. She must leave. His orders were to kill her, and he could not fight the implant. That much he remembered.

  It felt so good to be near her. The hand on his chest gave him hope. Her soft voice did not bring forth the aggression or anger he expected. She smelled of vanilla, like always. Should it not make him crazy? She gave him permission to rest. He believed her promise and let himself slip into the dark.

  Cold and wet: that was what he felt. Icy water dripped off his forehead and ran down his neck. He commanded his eyes to open. Surprisingly, they obeyed. Red hair: he focused on the red hair until Belle turned back. Her shocked gaze met his, and she gasped.

  "Blayze, can you hear me? Blink if you can."

  He complied.

  "Can you speak? Just one word, even a sound would do," she said.

  He was afraid to open his mouth and try. He could release the biologic and kill them both. He shook his head.

  "Does it hurt? I mean your throat. Condor and Promesus say theirs don't. We took out their capsules at the same time as yours, so if your throat hurts, we need to know. There could be an infection."

  It was gone? He was free of the contaminate? He croaked, "Safe?"

  "Yes, you're safe. We rescued you and your cellmates. The device in your head is gone too. Do you know who I am?"

  "Belle," he replied. "Where?"

  "We're at my ranch. There's a lot to catch you up on. We weren't sure how much damage they did to your brain. We still aren't, though it's a good sign that you recognize me and can speak."

  "Secrets for you,"



  The ranch had become a weredragon sanctuary. Word had spread, and those in hiding close enough to Texas had hurried to Belle's home and the freedom it gave them. Other places sprang up around the world. The Talonians had faithful friends willing to risk being accused of treason.

  The so-called terrorist attacks continued. While Blayze was in surgery, two large banks and a monastery had been targeted. The death toll was rising, human and Talonian. Reports said the Texas director of the CIA had disappeared. He'd last been seen exiting the building only minutes after three dangerous weredragons had escaped from custody. An APB had been sent out, declaring Belle Simons, former CIA agent, as armed and dangerous. She was said to be working with others, as yet unnamed.

  The time had come for Maxxus to announce his presence. He could not risk exposing the ranch, so he would have to leave. Shark was taking him to another of his "secret" properties. This one was in Alaska. The king said a temporary goodbye to Belle and her compatriots, knowing he would see them soon. He transformed for one last flight with the refugees. The sky was filled with all the colors of the rainbow for five minutes. Their time was limited in case someone was watching, though the ranch was isolated. Condor and Promesus joined in. Blayze would have, but Daer declared him unfit at the moment.

  Belle waved as the helicopter departed. "It's unsettling to be without Shark. He's been a surprising ally and helped bolster my courage since the day I asked for his assistance. He's never wavered or doubted you," she told Blayze.

  "I am glad you were not alone. He appears to be a good man."

  "How's it going today? Are your brain cells retrieving any memories?" she asked.

  "A few, though they are hazy. I cannot tell the difference in a dream and reality."


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