Blayze: Talonian Warriors (S Sci-Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Talonion Warriors Book 5)

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Blayze: Talonian Warriors (S Sci-Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Talonion Warriors Book 5) Page 12

by Celeste Raye

  In disgust, Blayze allowed him to fall to the floor. He scrambled to rise and flee. But there was nowhere to go, and his legs refused to hold him.

  "All the pain and death you caused was for naught," Blayze told him. "I have lost a part of myself for nothing but your ego and entertainment. I hope they put one of your microchips in your head as part of your punishment."

  "I don't understand. What went wrong? My plan was infallible," he sobbed. "No, wait. I can salvage this. Even without the microchips, you can die." In desperation, he tried to crawl between the legs of the weredragons to the door. Surprisingly, they didn't stop him.

  But, Belle's voice did. "You're free to leave. You won't get far. Everyone out there is anxious to get their hands on you. There's nowhere to hide. Blayze was wearing a COM link that broadcast every word you said. The world heard your confession, and they know you were responsible for the deaths of their loved ones."

  "No! You can't win. I have others to aid me, men and women willing to give their own lives for mine."

  "If you are speaking of those like my second in command, they are all imprisoned," England's Prime Minister spoke up. "The CIA director is alive and well. We captured all of your cohorts, and they are telling us all your lies."

  "If that is true, then I will die with you. At least I will retain the satisfaction of destroying those who did not believe in me," the president cried out. He choked on his tears as he called out the code, "Force to die for."

  Blayze's anger and aggression gave way to laughter. "It is you who is the fool. Have you not realized your weapons are of no use? The contaminated weredragons were switched with unharmed ones. Maxxus has more control than you over us. Despite their agony, the ones you recruited obeyed him and surrendered. They are being operated on now. The microchips and biologic will be removed and destroyed. We are free, and the alliance stands, stronger than ever."

  The president's eyes glazed over, drool dripped from his lips, and he paled. The truth proved too much for him to handle. He grabbed his chest as the heart attack overcame him. Belle rushed forward to aid him, but she was too late. He was gone in an instant. He would never stand trial or be punished for his crimes.



  "Before I am sworn in today, I wish to render my heartfelt apology to our friends the Talonians. I, along with the citizens of Earth, deeply regret the suspicions against them and the way the weredragons were used in the terrorist plot," the vice-president announced. "We are ashamed that we allowed such an unfit leader to go unnoticed. The former president clearly had issues that none in our government discerned. He used his power to gain allies among the world's highest offices, almost destroying the peace we fought so hard to obtain. Thankfully, King Maxxus and his fellow Talonians understand that it was a small number of humans who plotted to blame them for the debacle and our alliance remains intact. I intend to make the alliance a stronger bond between our planets, for the weredragons have shown patience, loyalty, and a willingness to aid us in a manner that surpasses all expectations." He paused to allow for applause.

  "We are heartbroken over the deaths of humans and Talonians alike," he continued. "It was tragic and unnecessary to lose so many innocents to gain a power that could never have been sustained. No single entity could rule this planet. We are a diverse population with different needs, laws, and beliefs. We place a high value on those differences. Humans are not robots or drones. Neither are the weredragons. They proved their ability to fight against such mindless control, damaging themselves rather than harming others. Those that could not are to be forgiven. The pain they must have endured was beyond our imagination. Had the Talonians been evil or weaker, we would have had thousands more to mourn."

  "We also owe a thank you to a tenacious woman who never doubted the weredragons' innocence. Special Agent Belle Simons never paused in her quest to prove there was a plot to frame the Talonians. She risked her job, and more importantly, her life in the process. One woman made all the difference in this terrorist plot, so children of Earth, never doubt that you too can save the world. Hold fast to your convictions and see with unprejudiced eyes. Our home will be the better for it. Agent Simons, I am offering the post of Texas CIA Director to you. I understand you were born and raised there and you have proven your loyalty and the ability to take the lead. What do you say?"

  Belle was shocked to be asked such an important question while all the world was listening. She wasn't being given even a moment to consider her reply. As she received the microphone, she realized she didn't need a moment. She knew the answer immediately.

  "Thank you, sir, for the offer of a lifetime. I am so honored that you have trust in me to perform the director's duties. Yes, Texas was my birthplace, and I love it dearly. I have longed for a place to settle down since my assignments have sent me all over the world and Texas would be an excellent choice. However, I must decline your offer. Please excuse my boldness, but I have been given a better offer. This one will last a lifetime and bring joy beyond compare. You see, I am mated to the Talonian, Blayze, and I will be accompanying him to his homeworld. I will miss Earth, especially Texas, but my heart and soul are connected to Blayze. Without him, I would be broken and useless to you, sir. After the events of the last few months, he needs Talonia, and I need him. So, I have resigned my position in the CIA. There is another you might consider in my stead. I didn't work alone in my endeavors. Mr. Alan Sharkon aided and abetted me. He has abilities and connections on this planet beyond my scope. Under his guidance and authority, nothing like this terrorist plot could ever go unnoticed. He would be a valuable asset. Give him a team that includes James and David, who remained loyal and undeterred by the former director's claims, and you have an unbeatable force."

  The vice-president laughed and replied, "Well, I guess I can't fault you on that decision. Love in paradise over covert operations in oppressive heat isn't much of a contest. That does pose another dilemma, though. I had my sights set on Blayze as my personal bodyguard, and now that too is off the table. He endured more torment than any individual I have ever known, yet he refused to harm an innocent human. His fortitude and spirit are to be commended. I must add restraint to that list as well, considering he did not destroy his tormentor when given the opportunity. I will take your suggestions into account, Agent Simons. I trust your judgment. King Maxxus, I must not forget about you. You have shown grace and forgiveness where others would seek revenge. No one would have blamed you for starting a war that would have devastated this planet. Your weredragons were used in the most horrible ways possible, and your species was condemned without trial. I am ashamed to admit that given the same treatment, I would most likely have responded quite differently. I will do my utmost to follow your example in the future. Now, I suppose it is time for the swearing in. I promise you all, Earth and Talonia, I will treat you with love, kindness, and equality, yet never refrain from punishing evil. I will do my best, along with my fellow world leaders, to protect you all."

  Once the swearing-in was concluded and the news feed shut down, Belle was able to relax. There was no longer a target on her back or an enemy to be ousted. She was free at last.

  Blayze approached her cautiously. He worried she would regret the decision to turn down the offer of CIA director. It was an enticing, powerful position and one she would be perfect for. He would never break their vows or refute their mating, but if she wished to be free or to remain on Earth, he loved her enough to allow it and suffer the consequences.

  The beautiful, sincere smile she greeted him with eased the knot in his gut somewhat. He answered her with his own big smile. "My heart, it is all over now. Are you feeling joy or is it anticlimactic? Perhaps life seems too mundane without all the intrigue."

  "Oh, Blayze, I welcome the calm after the storm. All is right with the world, and it feels great. If we hadn't received the information that altered our plans, there could have been a different outcome. The original plan was dangerous and could have caused more deat
hs. It actually turned out almost too easy, and I'm thankful."

  "It was not as exciting as would be expected, but it was effective. Do you think Shark was disappointed there were not lasers and dragon fire everywhere? He was ready for an epic battle," Blayze asked.

  "We do tend to want dramatic conclusions and not consider the casualties involved. As Texans, we're wired for shootouts, duels, and pistols at dawn. A lot of talk and speeches are boring, but more live through them."

  "Will you miss Earth, especially Texas? I will not force you to go with me should leaving be too hard for you," Blayze said with anxiety.

  "Of course, I'll miss Earth. I've spent all my life here, and Texas holds a special place in my heart. It always will. But, Blayze, my love for you is so much greater than any place I call home. In fact, you are home to me. Whether we stay here or go to Talonia, it would be no different. It's you I need, not a planet. For your health we chose Talonia, and I'm thrilled. However, before we go, I have two requests. We have time to fill since Maxxus's warship needs to reach Earth."

  Blayze was beyond joyful due to her choice and the sincerity behind it. His soul soared now that he knew he was all she needed. "I will honor your requests if they are within my abilities," he told her.

  "Not only are they within your abilities, but you are also the only man who can accomplish them. In order to do either, we must return to Texas. Washington wouldn't give me the same satisfaction or closure."

  "By all means, let us find a transport and get there quickly. Remember, we are wasting daylight."

  "We've got to work on those cowboy sayings, Blayze," she giggled. "Especially since my first request involves the bar and line dancing. The night will end as it should have the first time around."

  "Head'em up and move'em out, ma'am," he drawled.

  Belle's peals of laughter drew the attention of the departing crowd. The pair appeared so happy, it brought a smile to everyone's face.


  Blayze wore his new hand-tooled boots with pride. They had been a gift from Belle, made in his likeness. The burnt-orange dragon wrapped around the upper halves, fire shooting toward the sky. The dragon's tail ended at the pointed toes. The black calfskin molded to his feet perfectly. In tight, faded jeans, a black western shirt with pearlized snaps, and a black cowboy hat, he held the attention of every female in the crowded bar. To their disappointment, he had eyes only for Belle.

  She was a sight to behold. Chins dropped as she danced across the floor in his arms. The low-riding black jeans appeared painted on her curves. Her green tank fell two inches short of the top of those jeans, revealing a band of creamy skin and a belly button piercing that represented her new freedom. Silky red hair fell in waves to her waist. Her cleavage sparkled with remnants of the glitter enhanced lotion she had used to bring attention to her mating mark: a tattoo depicting the name Blayze written as flames.

  Blayze growled as a half-drunken male brushed her bottom with his hand. He would have challenged the brazen man, but Belle used her magic word to stop him.

  "Please," she said. "He's not worth the bother. Don't let him spoil our night. After all, I'm going home with you, not him."

  Blayze relented. This night was for them, one to cherish after leaving Earth behind. They could take the clothes and the music with them, but it would not be the same. This was goodbye, and he would make certain Belle had memories to sustain her.

  "Can I buy you a drink, little lady?" he asked, having gotten better at his drawl.

  "Why certainly, cowboy," she replied.

  "Let's mosey on over to the bar and order whatever you want."

  "I'd much rather have it in your bunkhouse, cowboy."

  Blayze kissed her red lips and staring into her eyes answered in familiar words, "Come home with me. I want more of you."

  This time she didn't run.

  The sun streamed through the trees and gave the pond a shimmering sparkle. Belle's second request had been to say a special farewell to her ranch. She was leaving it in James's care, to be used as a refuge for anyone, human or otherwise, who needed a place to renew their spirit. Shark too had asked to stay there once in a while.

  There would be trees, waterfalls, and volcanoes on Talonia. Paradise was waiting to embrace her, but Blayze knew this spot would remain special to her soul and his. He had agreed to give her this day as a final mating gift. The ceremony had been performed in the main house by Maxxus, with humans and weredragons attending.

  Maxxus bound them with the words, "Two souls who were more alike could not be found on any world. Their strength and belief in one another bonded them even before the mating. They are heroic on not one, but two planets. Vows are not needed to join them, for they were born united. This ceremony is only a formality. The mysteries of the universe are not to be questioned, so may their united souls have joy forever."

  They had left the party behind and come to this sacred spot to fulfill this one last ritual.

  "Are you certain this is what you wish? Are you not frightened even a small amount?" Blayze asked gently.

  "I'm never afraid with you, and I've never been more certain of anything. I want to see my ranch, all of it, as you did that day. I want to say goodbye to one life and embrace the next at the same moment. You are the bridge between the two."

  Her trust and infinite love made him humble. She had faith in his honor and his ability to keep her safe. He would not treat that lightly or abuse it. Kissing her as he held her against his body, he whispered, "It is my honor to give you this gift. I shall treasure your trust always."

  He turned from her and entered the pond. He didn't see her touch her stomach or hear her say, "We trust you with our souls, don't we little one? But we'll wait until after the flight to tell your daddy about you."

  Blayze transformed into his magnificent dragon and bowed to his mate. He held very still as Belle used his wing as a ramp to climb aboard. He made certain she was positioned in a manner that maintained her safety, then rose into the sky.

  He heard her gasp of awe as the wind hit her face and the ground became distant. He felt her joy as they glided through the air. Her sadness, too, reached his heart as she saw the homestead, the meadows, the treetops, and the ponds for the last time. His heart beat in time with hers, and to his astonishment, a smaller one joined in. Life was just beginning for all of them.

  "You did not tell me," the dragon said, allowing the wind to carry his words to Belle.

  "It seems it wasn't as much of a secret as I thought. Our child had ideas of its own," she admitted.

  "With two stubborn parents, how could it be different?"

  "I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's take him home to paradise.”

  About the Author

  I am a passionate writer that is OBSESSED with Sci Fi Alien Romance. I have been writing since I was a little kid and never looked back! I look forward to interacting with all of you and bringing you new hot and steamy Sci Fi Alien Romance books.


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  Thank You!

  Celeste Raye


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  Note that this story is only available for you as a subscriber and hasn't been published anywhere else. I hope you enjoy it!




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