No Other Love (To Serve and Protect Book 4)

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No Other Love (To Serve and Protect Book 4) Page 13

by Kathryn Shay

  Everybody stilled. Then the king asked, “What exactly do you want?”


  Calla had cried hard and was so spent, she’d fallen asleep in Connor’s arms. Now, she lay with her head on his shoulder, and the scent of lemon shampoo filled his head. He tried to steep himself in her, but worry over the fact that Lorenzo had kidnapped Gabriella invaded his consciousness.

  The unmistakable sound of rotor blades interrupted the silence. Soon, a loud knock on the door awakened her with a start.

  “Shh, it’s the agents,” he said, kissing her head, then disentangling himself from her.

  They both stood, Calla sleepy-eyed, her hair mussed. Connor knew he couldn’t keep the concern from his face. So he turned away and went to the entrance, checked through the doorcam, then opened the door. Duncan and Lewis waited on the stoop and, over their shoulders, he saw Whitney and Max duck under the whirling helicopter rotors. Thank God. Then the two of them came up the sidewalk. Duncan and Lewis allowed them inside. Whitney hugged Connor and Max gave him a comforting squeeze on his shoulder. His cousin strode to Calla who still stood by the couch.

  Max said to him, “We’re on this, buddy.”

  Calla woodenly accepted Whitney’s embrace, her arms at her sides. When his cousin pulled back, Calla asked, “What do you know about Brie?”

  Connor and Max joined them. Con said, “Let’s sit.”

  Whitney dropped down on the coffee table in front of Calla and took her hands. “Your sister was taken from her backyard about ten this morning. On our way here, the police did a quick check of the neighborhood and no one saw anything out of the ordinary.”

  “Out of the ordinary?”

  “One of the neighbors got a glimpse of Eddie Smith opening the gate in the back of her house. We think he may have been taken, too. Her car is there, but his is gone.”

  “So you don’t know where they are?”

  “Not—” Whitney’s phone buzzed. She frowned after she answered. “Yes, of course I’ll call him right now.” She disconnected. “Honey, your father contacted our office looking for me. He wants me to call him back.”

  “Why you and not me? Oh, God, is Brie dead?”

  “Hold on,” Connor intervened. “You’re panicking. Let’s wait to see what happened.”

  Whitney punched in the number and said into the phone, “Hello, Your Highness.”

  She waited while Alessio spoke.

  “We just arrived at Camp David. I’m with Callandra now.” A pause... “All right, I’ll put this on speaker.”

  Her father’s voice came over the cell. “Callandra, I didn’t call you first because I wanted to make sure you weren’t alone. I know this woman is Connor Marino’s cousin.”

  “Never mind that, Papá. What do you know?”

  “We questioned Bertocchi late this afternoon. He confessed that Vittorino has Gabriella in a secure location.” Her father’s voice cracked. “He’ll release her only if you return to Casarina.”

  “I-is that what you want, Papá?”


  “Again?” Connor spat out. “You want to sacrifice Calla for the family?”

  “I take it you are Connor. No, I am not proposing that. Bertocchi claims he’ll give Callandra an annulment if she returns. That way he can save face in the country. Besides, our laws say she has to be in Casarina to file for one.”

  “You’re king, Gentileschi. You can fix this without her there.”

  “I am afraid I cannot.”

  Calla squeezed his hand. “Connor, please, let me talk to him. Papá, how do you know he has Brie?”

  “Bertocchi got him on a phone he sneaked in. I saw them together. Live on the screen.”

  “Is she all right?”

  “Yes, but she’s obviously frightened.”

  Whitney spoke. “Your Highness, how do you know this isn’t a trick concocted by Bertocchi to get Callandra back in Casarina and lay claim to her?”

  Calla gasped out loud.

  “We are taking steps to freeze all of his assets. He doesn’t know this. If he won’t sign the annulment papers right away, he will be a pauper. He’ll sign, I’m sure.”

  “Well, I’m not sure.” Connor had raised his voice. “This is fucking nuts. She’s not going back there.”

  Calla touched his arm gently. “Yes, Connor, I am.”


  Because it was too late to get a private plane to take her to Casarina, and no commercial flights were available, Whitney and Max left by way of the waiting helicopter. The agents stationed at Camp David would drive Calla and Connor into town in the morning.

  That evening, Calla said to Connor, “Do you want to talk about this?”

  He shook his head. She knew what he was feeling. Betrayal, the deep and ugly kind that came with repeated breaches of trust. She was doing exactly what she promised him she’d never do when she asked him for a second chance. “We have to pack.”

  They went down the hall. In her room, she got out a suitcase and placed it on the bed. She stood there staring at it blindly until she heard, “Calla.”

  She turned.

  He hadn’t left. He slumped against the wall as if it was holding him up. “Please don’t go back.”

  Slowly, she sat down on the bed and patted the space next to her. When he joined her, she asked simply, “Connor, if your parents asked you to do something similar to save one of your brothers’ or Whitney’s lives, would you?”

  “No. I’d wait until the American authorities found the kidnapper. We don’t negotiate with terrorists here.”

  “Lorenzo isn’t a terrorist. And Papá can destroy him if he doesn’t live up to the bargain about the annulment.”

  “You’re naïve, Calla. Bertocchi will find another way to keep you there.”

  “My father won’t allow it.”

  “The man that tied you to him in the first place? Of course he will.”

  “I don’t agree. And I’m far beyond succumbing to any man’s will again. I have rights and I’ll exercise them.”

  “Which you gave up when you married him.”

  “I have to save Brie!”

  “Then you’re choosing your family over me again. I can’t bear it.”

  “Connor, you’re putting me in an impossible situation.”

  “No you’ve put us here.”

  The harshly spoken accusation was like a slap in the face.

  “Then come with me.”

  He stood abruptly. “What?”

  “Come with me to Casarina.”



  “Didn’t you hear me? I don’t want you to go back at all. I want you to choose me over them for once. Prove you love me enough to do that.”

  “You know how much I love you.”

  “Calla, think this through. When we’re married, when we have children, especially if we have a boy, who would be the heir, I’d worry that any time, you could take him or them back to your family in Casarina. Rip my children from me for them. So you have to prove to me now that you’ll never choose your family over me again.”

  “Are you that scarred from the first time I left, that you’ll never trust me again?”

  “You have no idea how scarred I am. And before you say it, I know I’m being selfish, I’m giving in to my insecurity, but it doesn’t matter why I feel this way. I just do! So you have to make a choice.”

  “I have to go for Brie. But I’ll come back to you. When I get an annulment, I’ll come back and be with you. Your Catholic family will be glad about the church’s decree.”

  “That won’t change anything with our kids. The same thing could still happen at any later date.”

  Calla wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t. She’d been too weak all along and now had to be strong. But, Dio mio, she wanted nothing more than to do what he asked. Life really was unfair.

  “I’m sorry, love. I cannot do it your way.”

  Connor rose and walked out of the room.

sp; She packed rotely, not even sure she got everything she’d brought, but not caring. She showered, dressed for bed and got under the covers. The air felt unusually cold tonight. She blanked her mind and fell asleep.

  Something woke her. She couldn’t be sure what. So, she got up and opened her door. Noise coming from down the hall. Connor had left his door open. She heard snatches of words: no, don’t, Razim.

  Calla’s heart raced. She rushed to his room to find Connor thrashing in bed, the covers tangled around his legs.

  ““No, no, Razim. Don’t—oh, my God, they shot you.”

  Climbing onto the bed with him, she shook him. He still wouldn’t awaken, so she yelled, “Connor, you’re having a bad dream.”

  He came out of it abruptly and sat up. “What...who... where’s Razim?” He scrubbed his hands over his face.

  On her knees now, she soothed his arm. “Shh, it’s over. I’m sure Razim is safe back in Syria.”

  His expression was filled with horror. “No, Calla, he isn’t.He’s the person who saved me when I wandered off. He was killed trying to protect me.”


  The dream was still with him, flirting around the edges of his mind. He saw Calla, here on the bed, but the images of Razim recoiling from a bullet that came out of nowhere superseded the present.

  “I-I don’t understand.” Her words were anguished, so anguished, they brought reality closer to him. “You said it was a soldier.”

  “To protect you. To save you the pain.”

  She reached out and cradled his face. “I’m so sorry. This was my fault. I put you in that state on mind.”

  “I am so sick of blame.”

  “Tell me precisely what happened.”

  Bracing himself against the headboard, he stared off into space, seeing that whole brutal time in his life happening again. “When you left, I was despondent. For a few weeks, I couldn’t function. I stopped treating patients, stopped talking to everyone. Razim hung around me as much as he could. I didn’t know then he thought I was going something to myself.”

  “He adored you. You were a man behaving the way men in his country wouldn’t consider acting.”

  “Apparently. Anyway, I started drinking. Pitiful stuff I got as contraband. One night, I stumbled from my quarters and headed out. I had no idea where I was going, but I had to move.”

  “And he followed you?”

  Connor nodded. “I didn’t know he was there until I tripped and fell. I laid on the ground looking up at the sky. Then he appeared before me. Without saying a word, he got me up and we started back to camp. I practically lost consciousness on the way, and once, I brought us both to the ground.”

  She just listened. He knew hearing this had to be awful for her but there was no stopping now.

  “He got up to help me and a shot rang out. The bullet went right through his head.” Connor stopped when she scrubbed his face with her hands. He didn’t even know he was crying. But his words and the tears wouldn’t halt. Both poured out of him.

  “He died in my arms. Smiling at me. Somehow, I got him back to camp. They helped me bring him to his family.”

  Connor became aware of the tension in her body, the strain in her voice. “Did they blame you?”

  “No, they honored me for bringing him to them. People disappear over there and sometimes the relatives never find out what happened to them.”

  A pause. “How long did you stay after that?”

  “Only long enough to help his family out. And give them as much money as I could gather. They didn’t want to take it, of course, but I insisted.”

  “And you left.”

  “Yes. I still send them what money I can through one of the workers at DWB. That’s the only way to help them.”

  He’d realized he’d slouched down, the weight of his story too much for him. She moved, so she could take him into her arms. Together, they mourned the young man whose life they entered to help people, but got him killed instead.

  When they calmed they both sat up again. “I think I understand now. After what it did to you to lose me like that, how could you risk another chance with me?”

  He shrugged. “I did, though. After we made love, I was ready to try again.”

  “And now I’m going back.”

  “There’s more. I feel such guilt. Sometimes it levels me. And I know it causes me not to think clearly.”

  “You need help in dealing with that.”

  “That’s what Whitney said.”

  Her sigh filled the darkness. “Dear Lord, what have I done to you?”

  He had no response to that.

  Chapter 10

  * * *

  “I think that does it, Nathan. I’m all set if you are.” Jim Manwaring had just finalized his plans with his chief-of-staff for his upcoming visit to a summit of the G-7 in France next week.

  “I agree.” Nathan rose to leave when there was a knock on his door.

  His SAIC opened it and from the entryway said, “Your secretary wanted me to tell you there’s an important phone call for you.”

  “Who is it?”

  “The king of Casarina.”

  “Alessio is calling me?”

  “Yes, sir.” He turned to his chief. “Thanks again, Nathan.”

  Jim crossed to his desk, sat down in his chair and picked up the phone. Before he punched in, he reached inside himself for a little perspective, but none came. Had someone treated Sasha like Alessio’s daughter had been abused, he thought he’d probably kill the guy. He punched his phone and sat down. “Alessio, I take it this isn’t a social call.”

  “No, my friend, it is not.” Only a year older than Jim himself, the man sounded ancient. “I’m aware you know of Callandra’s issues, why she is seeking asylum.”

  “Yes, and I’ve gotten it for her. What I don’t understand is why it came to this. Your actions are not those of the man I know.”

  “That is a very long, and sad, story. Right now, I need your help.”

  “I won’t let you take her from the U.S.”

  “Her sister Gabriella, my third daughter, has been kidnapped. Callandra’s husband is behind it. He says if she comes back, he’ll release Gabriella and give Callandra an annulment.”

  Even though Jim didn’t understand the guy’s behavior, he couldn’t be cruel. “This must be awful for you.”

  “I am suffering for my poor judgment. As for Bertocchi, I’m freezing his assets in Casarina to ensure he keeps his word, but I discovered he has assets in your country, too.”

  “I can look into that. It might take a few hours.” He made a snap decision. “I’ll take care of this for you, Alessio.”

  “Let me know when it’s done and then we can negotiate with him.”

  “Of course.” Jim hoped he was doing the right thing. “Is Calla coming home?”

  “Her mother talked to her this morning. She is. Your agents are trying to arrange private transport. If they can’t, I’ll send my plane. I can protect her when she arrives, and I swear to God I will, but I worry about her getting here safely.”

  “Hmm.” Jim waited. Hell, why not? “I’m going to France in a few days. I can move up my trip and make a stop to see my old friend, the king of Casarina. No one need know she’s on Air Force One.”

  A long pause. Then, hoarsely, “Are you serious about this, Jim?”

  “Tell me, Alessio. If my daughter was in this predicament in Casarina, what would you do?”

  “The same. No matter, though. I will be indebted to you for life.”

  “That long, huh?”


  Numb, Connor went through all the motions the next morning. Whitney had called to say she’d gotten transport and Agents Duncan and Lewis would accompany Calla back to Washington. He went with them when they left at dawn.

  Neither he nor Calla had slept again after the nightmare. Now, they sat in the back seat of the armored vehicle in silence because there was nothing more to say. They held hands, though. He’d
given up on her staying and she understood why now, so the contact was bittersweet. When they reached D.C. and turned onto Pennsylvania Avenue, Connor was confused. “Agent Duncan, are we going to the White House?”

  “Yes. Our orders are to bring you there directly.”


  “I don’t know, sir.”

  “I don’t understand, Connor,” she said. “Do you think they’ll keep me from going home?”

  “Of course not. Whitney would never lie to me about something like this.”

  They pulled up at a private entrance Connor had gone through once or twice when he was invited here. Two agents exited the building when the car stopped. Duncan got out and opened one door, Lewis the other.

  “We’ll take over from here,” one of the White House agent said.

  Still inside the car, Calla squeezed his hand. “I don’t know what to say.”

  He linked their fingers for one last connection. “I think it’s all been said, Calla. I hope you get what you want.”

  Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. “Mio caro,” were her last words to him.

  They both got out of the car. They thanked Lewis and Duncan, and the agent on the PPD said, “I’m sorry, Dr. Marino. You won’t be coming inside. Your cousin is waiting for you in the lot.”

  “Seriously? Why is Calla here?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t answer that. Thank you for accompanying her.”

  Calla held her head high as she walked to the door. She didn’t look back. He was glad.

  When she disappeared into the White House, he heard a car drive up behind him. That would be Whitney. He walked over and slid into the back seat. His cousin sat there waiting for him and Max drove away.

  “What’s going on, Whit? Why did we come here?”

  “Because President Manwaring is bringing Calla back to Casarina. He volunteered when Alessio Gentileschi called him.”

  “Well, it’s about time her father showed some concern for her.”

  Whitney took his hand. “I agree, Con. And now we’re here for you.”


  On the ride to the palace from the airport, Calla and President Manwaring discussed Casarina and the innovation the country had made in processing grapes from vineyards, how the school her mother had started and how his daughter who had visited was faring, and some innocuous topics. But when they drove through the palace gate, Calla watched the landscape go by. Rolling hills and grass as green as emerald made her long for the simpler times when she’d romped on those lawns with her sisters. The president seemed to notice her preoccupation and let her take everything in. Panic threatened. What if this didn’t work out? What if Lorenzo was lying? She took in a deep breath. Then she’d escape, as she had the last time. What was important now was that she save Gabriella with the only option she had available to her.


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