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Salvation Page 19

by Eden Robins

  Sinking into the orange-blossom-scented bubbles, Sabrina let her mind wander. Yes, someone was trying to kill her but she couldn’t let that rule her life. She would be cautious but she wouldn’t stay huddled in a corner of her house, hidden from the world. As she’d mentioned to her father, she’d written a book that meant the world to not only herself but also her kind. And it needed to be read by everyone. As Martin Luther King said, “The truth will set you free”. In this case it was the truth about dragons. Nobody was going to stop her from spreading that truth.

  Not a stalker.

  And definitely not Eric.

  Thoughts of him flooded her mind. The way he had touched her that morning. The way she wanted to give in to her desire. The fact that nothing else had mattered in that moment but being with him, lying in his arms.

  The fact that she was still in love with him.


  She wouldn’t lose herself in someone else. She had her life to live, attaining her goals, exploring the world and helping her people. Those were the important things to keep in mind.

  Yes, she and Eric now shared a deeper, stronger connection. Yes, he had accepted her, even in her dragon form. But how could be sure about him? How could she trust him after what he had done the last time? She couldn’t let Eric shatter her life into a million pieces again. She wouldn’t let him. She couldn’t take going through that kind of pain, not again. It had almost killed her the first time. A second time would be deadly.

  But he accepts you, all of you. That is incredible, wonderful, amazing!

  The persuasive words whispered through her mind.

  Sabrina tried to block them out as she finished her bath and got dressed but it was no use. They lingered there, taunting her with their truth. She tried to focus her mind on the day ahead. Although she taught no classes today, she needed to go to campus to grade papers and print out the final copy of her upcoming promotional lectures on her new book. Her first event was tomorrow night at the Scottsdale Civic Library. Although the auditorium wasn’t large, her publicist had told her that all tickets to her lecture had sold. It seemed there were a lot of people interested in dragons.

  She was thrilled to hear this. She hoped all the interest would motivate people to be open to her ideas and suggestions about dragons. After she finished getting ready, Sabrina took a deep breath and walked out of her room. She didn’t encounter Eric until she went downstairs to the kitchen. He was sitting at her kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee.

  He glanced up and gave her a very wide, sexy grin. “Good morning, Sabrina. You look lovely this morning. How did you sleep?”

  His questions didn’t fool her. She could tell by the mischievous look in his eyes that he was baiting her. He knew good and well exactly how she’d slept. Well, two could play at that game.

  She didn’t crack a smile. “Actually, I slept quite well, until a pesky bug woke me from a dream and wouldn’t leave me alone. I just hate when that happens, don’t you?”

  Instead of sobering him, as she’d expected, Eric tilted his head back and laughed.

  Sabrina had to walk to the counter and brace herself. The sound of his joy was unnerving. It brought back too many memories of her sharing in that laughter, of the two of them completely happy and carefree just being together.

  “Your claws are showing, little cat,” Eric said between chuckles.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she replied nonchalantly, keeping her face turned from him as she poured herself a cup of coffee with cream. “But what I do know is that I need to go to campus today.”

  Eric sobered at her words. His response was immediate. “Tell me what you need to do.”

  The carefree man of a moment ago had disappeared. In his place was an utter and complete professional. A security specialist whose only mission at that moment was her protection. Now this, Sabrina thought, she could deal with.

  “I need to grade some papers and print out a final copy of tomorrow night’s presentation.”

  “Okay. I’ll make some calls while you’re there. And don’t forget, I’ll need the name and number of the coordinator at tomorrow’s speaking location, as well as your publicist’s.”

  Sabrina nodded her head. “Fine. I only need to stay for a few hours. After that I need to get ready to go to my parent’s house for dinner. They’ve invited some friends and family over to help me promote my book. I don’t think you’ll have to protect me while I’m there but my mother did mention that you’re more than welcome to come with me.”

  “As much as your father would prefer I not be there, gatita, I will come with you, and I’ll stay until it’s time for you to come home,” Eric explained firmly. She could tell there would be no arguing with him over this. “After what happened last night, I’ll take no more chances with your life.”

  Sabrina wanted to protest, to tell him she could take care of herself, but she knew after last night that wasn’t the case. She needed his help. She wanted him by her side. But only for now, just for now. After that he would be gone from her life.

  Just for now, just for now, just for now…

  She kept repeating that mantra as they drove to ASU, and continued while she was grading papers. It kept the fear from taking over. It kept the thought that Eric was invading her life at bay. What it didn’t help was the thought of how things would be once he was gone. There was a sense of panic and sadness that threatened to overwhelm her when she thought of him walking away from her again. Yet she knew it would be for the best. She hadn’t been able to keep him by her side the first time, what made her think she could do it the second time?

  Just for now, just for now, just for now…

  The mantra helped her get through the day. Eric’s vigilance was unwavering. His eyes were always wandering, checking out the scene around him. He remained stiff and attentive while she graded papers in her office. Although he didn’t insist on sitting with her, he made her keep her office door open as he sat out in the hallway making phone calls. He had also brought a large pad and was drawing something on it in between calls and his hourly security checks of the building.

  When Sabrina was done for the day, she packed up her belongings and walked out into the hallway. Eric was still working on his drawing. When she asked him about it, he turned the pad so that she could see what was on the other side.

  “It’s a basic drawing of the auditorium you’ll be speaking at tomorrow night.”

  “When did you get a copy of the floor plan?”

  “Today, while I was sitting out here. I phoned the library and asked them to email a floor plan,” Eric explained, taking a PDA from his pocket and pushing a few buttons. He turned the screen toward her and Sabrina saw the drawing he had been sent.

  “That’s pretty amazing. What else can you do on that thing?”

  “I can make phone calls, send email, tour the internet, write letters, documents, etcetera, and handwrite or draw whatever I want with this stylus,” he explained, holding up the small pen. “I have a calendar where I make appointments and a phonebook for all the numbers I might need. And I can send whatever I want to my computer via email with this. Pretty cool, huh?”

  Sabrina nodded her head. “Very nice,” she said, barely holding back a smile.

  Boys and their toys, Sabrina thought. Some things never changed. Eric was no exception. He had always loved gadgets. His new PDA fit right into just the kind of high-tech stuff he liked.

  “It works well for me. I can get a lot done just sitting in this chair. In fact, I’ve done almost all the preparation I need to for your event tomorrow night right here, today, while waiting for you,” Eric continued proudly. “In my line of work, being able to handle a case and get done what needs to be done in this way is extremely helpful.”

  “I see,” she commented noncommittally.

  Eric’s eyes narrowed and he studied her for a moment. “You don’t have a PDA, do you?”

  Sabrina shook her head. “Afraid not. I just can’t justify gett
ing one. I don’t think I’ll make use of it.”

  “A lot of people think that, but once you get one and program in the information you need it’s an incredible tool,” Eric explained. “I think it would even help you with your class schedules.”

  Sabrina nodded. She was surprised that Eric took the time to make the suggestion. And somewhat flustered that he was thinking of her. “Maybe I’ll look into it. We’ll see,” she said, shrugging noncommittally. “I’m ready to go,”

  Eric stared at her for a moment longer, saying nothing. His eyes searched hers, as if he were looking for an answer. She felt a little uncomfortable at that but managed to stand there and let him stare. When he nodded and began gathering his things, she couldn’t help but feel a rush of relief. Yet she wondered what he had been thinking, what had been going through that mind of his.

  “Okay, I’m done also. I have the drawings I need for tomorrow night. Let’s go.”

  The drive home seemed to take forever even though Sabrina knew it had taken only about half an hour. Much of the ride she looked out her window, thinking about Eric. She replayed their past once again, just as she had done a million times before. She realized how sad it was that so often people savored moments that have already passed rather than fully enjoying them as they happen.

  She barely noticed the scenery on her way home to the downtown area. The sun was setting, and as was typical in Arizona the pinks, purples and oranges streaking across the desert sky were breathtaking. It reminded her of a sunset she and Eric had watched during the first weekend trip they had taken together. They had driven up to the small, ex-mining, artist-colony town of Jerome. It was a quaint place that mixed tourists, artists, ornery old-timers and recreational motorcyclists.

  They’d stayed at a beautiful little bed and breakfast called The Doctor’s Inn. It had four guestrooms in the main house and one free-standing suite on the property. Each was designed in an eclectic assortment of the old and the new. It felt both artsy modern and old-fashioned comfortable. There had been antiques scattered throughout each room blended with modern clay pottery, brightly colored glass mosaics and flowers in clear-, blue-, red-or green-tinted vases. The windows were lined with string lights, some plain and some mimicking the larger Chinese lanterns. The beds were covered with soft and fluffy multicolored patch quilts or French countryside floral downy comforters.

  The innkeeper, Anita Princeton, was part Shirley MacLaine and part Martha Stewart. She was spiritual, in touch with her inner goddess, meditating every morning before her guests woke up. But she also worked hard trying to create all those special touches that made her guests feel spoiled and pampered. An eight-course breakfast, often made from scratch with organic ingredients, was the norm rather than an exception in her inn. And the guests ate it all up, literally. Combine that with beautiful gardens and gorgeous ponds filled with large, interesting and exotic fish and it was a wonderful place of refuge.

  The first time she brought Eric to the inn, she’d explained to him how it was her asylum. A place she went to escape and ponder her life. It was a peaceful home that helped settle her heart and mind each and every time she went. And Anita had welcomed her with open arms from the beginning. Eric had seemed to understand how she felt about the place and took an instant liking to Anita.

  Yes, The Doctor’s Inn was a place of peace, a place of comfort and a refuge from the storm of life. And Jerome offered a gentle distraction from every day life. The town was filled with art, quaint boutiques and spiritual enrichment shops, as well as some great little restaurants. The addition of ghost stories and reputed hauntings dating back to the mining boom days also added another interesting dynamic to the now sleepy little village on the hill.

  After each visit Sabrina had returned home rejuvenated and reenergized. When she’d invited Eric up there, she had been excited to share that experience with him. And it had been great while it lasted. Their escapes up north had been romantic and fun, and they had given the two of them the opportunity to get closer to one another.

  But their very first visit to The Doctor’s Inn had brought them closer to each other in a way neither of them had expected. Sabrina had arranged the stay, but due to it being a very busy weekend Anita had placed them in a room she had never stayed in before. It was a beautiful suite, set slightly apart from the main house, filled with the usual mixture of art and antiques, but it had one slight difference from the other rooms in the inn.

  The bathroom.

  Instead of a separate room, the bathroom was situated within the bedroom area with only a short glass brick divider protecting privacy. And considering the fact that she and Eric hadn’t made love yet and had only been seeing each other about a month, the situation had been slightly uncomfortable. They would laugh about it later, and it would become a running joke between them, but at the time the two of them hadn’t been quite sure how to handle it.

  “That’s the bathroom?” Sabrina had commented, somewhat dumbstruck by the room.

  Looking at Eric, she’d noticed his half perplexed expression and sardonic smile. “Well, I guess we’ll be getting to know each other a whole lot better on this trip.”

  Sabrina had known her face looked horrified as she swung her gaze to his.

  Seeing her expression, he’d chuckled softly. “I’m joking, gatita. I will, of course, respect your privacy.”

  Sabrina hadn’t been able to shake the image of her in the bathroom with Eric close at hand. She had just so not been ready for that. Things had been too new and fragile between them.

  “I’ll be right back,” she had said, abruptly storming out of the room without another word.

  Sabrina had gone off to find Anita, hoping she had another room available.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. That’s the only room I have available. It’s a busy holiday weekend and all the other suites are full.”

  The innkeeper’s eyes had twinkled with a mischievous light and she’d given Sabrina a wink. “I don’t think it’s going to be a problem for the two of you. That man of yours seems like he can handle any situation well. Just make the best of it, respect each other and see what happens. I think this could be a good thing.”

  Anita had been right, as usual. Her woman’s intuition always seemed to be spot on. Eric and she made the best of things, and each had left the room when necessary to allow the other person their privacy. Other than a few awkward moments, the situation had actually created another level of intimacy between them.

  Though they didn’t make love, that weekend had been filled with romance. They’d strolled along the historic streets hand in hand, window-shopping and buying little trinkets to bring home. They’d enjoyed a romantic candlelight dinner at one of the better restaurants in town, which had a beautiful view of the valley below. Afterward, they went to the local saloon to listen to a live band. They got back to the suite late, sat in bed talking about life for another hour then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Looking back on those days they’d spent in Jerome, Sabrina knew one thing with absolute clarity.

  She had wanted Eric. And she had known he wanted her too. But she hadn’t been ready to make love. Sabrina had wanted to get to know Eric better first, develop a bond between them. And then there had been her dragon heritage. This presented problems she hadn’t been sure how to handle or overcome back then, and still wasn’t even to this day.

  Her biggest fear was that she would make the transformation during lovemaking. It was known to happen. As a female dragon lost herself to the passion of the moment, she sometimes reverted to her true form. Sabrina didn’t know if she could trust herself. Having never made love, she hadn’t known much. But she had known that the chemistry between her and Eric was incredibly intense and could have ignited into a flame of uncontrollable desire if she wasn’t careful.

  That could have caused the unthinkable. While making love with a human as a human, she could suddenly shift. The danger to her would have been minimal, but the risk to Eric was great. Alth
ough she knew and was aware of her surroundings as a dragon, her reality was different. Her consciousness was not on the same level it was as a human.

  Certain primal instincts took over. These instincts were always a part of her, but in human form she could and did control them. If she were to lose control, if she were to let go of all her inhibitions, there would be no telling what could happen. She didn’t want to go there, and had communicated with Eric from the beginning that she didn’t want to have sex until they got to know each other much, much better. She just couldn’t chance it.

  “Are you planning on getting out of the car, gatita, or are you going to your parents’ house like that?”

  Sabrina was jerked back to the present by the sound of Eric’s mocking voice.

  Looking around, she realized they were parked in front of her house and Eric was standing there holding the passenger side door open for her. He held his hand out, waiting for her to make up her mind.

  How had she let herself get so lost in thought?

  Disconcerted by her lack of attention, she reached out to take his hand. “Of course I’m going to change—oh!”

  Sabrina never finished. The minute she placed her hand in his, she gasped. Tingles of pleasure, starting from her fingertips, spread up her arms, over her shoulders and down her neck. The sensation reached her breasts and they tightened in response.

  Why did she always react so strongly to Eric’s touch? He turned her on in a way no other man ever had.

  Eric squeezed her fingers gently and helped her up.

  But he didn’t stop there.

  He used her momentum to bring her flush against his chest. The impact was gentle, yet firm enough that she could immediately feel the contrast of his hard contours against her soft curves.

  Gasping, she jerked her gaze up to Eric’s, surprised by his actions.

  He stared down at her, his eyes burning with intensity, demanding something from her. Something she didn’t think she could give. Sabrina didn’t know what to do, so she let herself get lost in the moment, lost in the feel of her body against his and lost in his incredible golden eyes.


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