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Salvation Page 29

by Eden Robins

  “And the part about us creating life. Did you feel that too?” Eric asked, spreading his fingers over her lower abdomen.

  Sabrina’s breath caught in her throat. Hearing Eric talk about babies struck a chord with her. It made her think about all the possibilities.

  “Yes, I remember feeling that.”

  “Good,” Eric said, satisfaction obvious in his voice.

  Kissing the back of her neck, he pulled away, getting up off the bed.

  Sabrina suddenly felt vulnerable as she remembered she was completely naked. She and Eric had fallen asleep on top of the comforter and she had nothing to cover herself with. Even if she had, he never gave her the chance.

  Scooping her up, he carried her into what must have been his bathroom.

  “Wait! What are you doing?” she asked, flustered by the fact that he was carrying her. His scent left her dizzy. He must have already showered that morning. He smelled like soap and some other tantalizing scent that sent her libido skyrocketing.

  “Time for a shower. You parents and Vlad will be here soon, and I’m sure you’d like to be dressed for that,” he said, setting her down in the bathroom. “I’ll go make coffee while you shower.”

  “But I have nothing with me,” she protested, snatching the closest towel off the rack and wrapping it around her. “No clothes, no toothbrush, no makeup.”

  “I think you look beautiful just the way you are,” Eric said, looking intensely into her eyes.

  Sabrina was at a loss for words. The fact that he found her attractive despite the fact that her hair was sticking up in five different directions and her makeup was probably smeared all over her face amazed her. No one had ever said anything like that to her before.

  “Thank you, Eric.”

  He nodded his head and smiled. “My pleasure, gatita.”

  Eric ran his eyes slowly down her body, making her feel like the towel she had wrapped around her offered little in the way of protection. Her body suddenly grew hot and that now-familiar ache in her lower body flared to life.

  “And don’t worry about your clothes and makeup. Your mother said she would stop by your place and bring your things here.”

  “You’ve already spoken to them?”

  Sabrina wasn’t comfortable with this at all. Not only with the fact that her parents were coming over after she and Eric had spent such an intimate night together, and they knew that, but also because of the fact that Eric had spoken privately to her parents and in all likelihood they had discussed her.

  “Yes. I slept all night and part of today but woke up earlier this afternoon. I talked with Vlad and he said your mother was worried, so I called to let them know you were safe with me,” he explained. “And of course, they wanted to see you.”

  “I slept all night and most of today?”

  “Yes. You put your body through a lot last night, Sabrina.”

  She nodded her head but said nothing. They both had gone through much last night.

  “But now you’re awake, so get ready,” he said with a smile.

  “But…my parents are on their way over here right now?”

  Sabrina knew she sounded whiny and petulant, but she didn’t like the way this situation was going. She didn’t know if she was ready to face her parents or Vlad. She knew there was going to be lots of explaining to do all the way around.

  “Yes, and Vlad will be here soon also.”

  Sabrina must have made a horrified face because Eric chuckled softly, shaking his head in amusement.

  “Don’t worry so much, gatita,” he said, giving her a gentle smile that pulled at her heart. “We’ll have enough time to get ready and eat something before they arrive. Now, you shower and I’ll have some coffee and something for you to put on when you get out.”

  Eric turned and left the bathroom without another word.

  Sabrina hesitated a moment then shook her head and smiled. Eric was right. She needed to calm down. Her parents and Vlad were coming over to talk and go over everything that had happened. That’s it. No big deal. She knew she could get through that, especially with Eric by her side. What could go wrong?

  There was nothing to worry about.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Eric was worried.

  Not about Vlad. He could handle his boss. He had already told him a lot about what had happened last night during their phone conversation earlier.

  It was Sabrina and her parents. He knew how close they were. He also knew how set against him they had been. Would they fully accept him now? Helaina had been somewhat cold and distant when he had spoken to her on the phone, and the sound of Manuel growling demands in the background had been no reassurance.

  What if Sabrina’s parents had decided they wouldn’t approve of him? How would Sabrina react to that? Especially in light of the fact that she had finally discovered that he was a dragon slayer.

  After last night, Eric had come to the realization that it didn’t matter what Sabrina was or wasn’t. Dragon, human, hero to her kind, none of it made a difference. The only thing that was of importance to him at this point was that she agree to stay his partner for the rest of their lives together. He wanted his queen, and he wanted to be her king.

  He hoped Sabrina would see it the same. Especially after talking with her parents. He knew she was so responsible, so set on doing what was right. And now she was responsible for leading her people in a new direction. Her birth prophecy had predicted this as did her golden heritage.

  Where would that leave him? He wasn’t sure. But one thing he did know was that he would fight for her. Fight until she pushed him away and said never again.

  As he made coffee and some food, he thought back to last night. Despite his apparent disinterest and distraction with that other woman whose name he couldn’t even remember, his attention had been well and fully on Sabrina the whole evening. He remembered the confident, intelligent professional she had been as she’d socialized and successfully won over many of her parents’ guests last night. He thought about the fierce and proud dragon she had been, facing Magnus without hesitation. And he thought about the incredibly beautiful, sexy and soft woman she had been in his bed last night. He loved all sides of her. She was everything he could want in a woman and more.

  Now he just had to persuade her that he was the man for her. Ironic that he had spent much of his long existence running away from a commitment to a woman, but now that’s exactly what he wanted from Sabrina, a woman who may or may not want to reciprocate that.

  As he walked upstairs and brought her some coffee and his robe, Eric thought again about the dream he’d had with her last night. He had never had one so real or so vivid before. Every detail from the feel of the wind passing by as they flew to his heart beating out of control as they plummeted to the ground had felt excruciatingly real. And the feeling he had gotten when he knew that he and Sabrina had created a new life had been incredible. Something deep inside had broken open and hope had filled him. Instead of bringing death, as he had so often as a slayer, he had helped create life. The thought awed and humbled him.

  At last.


  Sabrina would be his salvation.

  And he would be hers.

  Together they would make one hell of a team.

  She was still showering when he reached the bathroom, so he just left the coffee and bathrobe and went back downstairs to finish making breakfast.

  Just as he was putting food on the plates, he heard her come into the kitchen.

  “Does the robe fit okay? I wasn’t sure if—” he asked as he turned to face her.

  His words got caught in his throat as he saw Sabrina.

  She looked like a lost little girl. Her expression was vulnerable and unsure. Her hair was wet and slicked back and her face clean of all makeup. The robe he had given her was way too big, reaching her ankles instead of mid-calf, and she had rolled the sleeves up a few times so that her fingers just peeked through the ends.

  She ha
d never looked more beautiful.

  “It’s a little big but otherwise fine, thanks,” she said with a shy smile.

  Eric grinned. She looked so damn cute. He wanted to pick her up and take her back upstairs. He held himself back, barely.

  “Good. Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “Definitely. And it smells so good. What did you make?”

  “Eggs Benedict. It’s one of my favorite breakfasts, but I like to eat it any time. I try to keep the ingredients around the house.”

  Sabrina’s eyes lit up with anticipation.

  “I love Eggs Benedict.”

  “Well then, let’s eat,” he said, carrying their plates to the island in the middle of the kitchen.

  There were six chairs around it, making it a comfortable place to gather. The whole house was made for entertaining, yet his lifestyle left little time for it. He wasn’t sure why he had gotten such a damn big house, but when a realtor buddy of his had told him about it and then had taken him on a tour, something about it had pulled at him and he had bought it. He had always lived in apartments or other temporary residences in the past, and this purchase had surprised even him. But something about it had just felt right, so he’d gone with it, knowing somehow that it would be the first and probably only house he would ever buy.

  Now, as he sat down with Sabrina, he imagined doing this every evening. Maybe even having others with them, entertaining, having parties and perhaps one day sharing this space with their children.

  “I didn’t know you cooked.”

  “Part of the requirement for a single guy who likes to eat,” he joked. “If I don’t cook it, who will? I knew I liked certain dishes, and I just made a point to learn how to make them over the years. Plus the whole preparing and cooking thing relaxes me. It’s pure self-indulgence on my part.”

  “Hmmm,” Sabrina said, giving him a doubtful look as she sat down with him. “Well, not many men I’ve known can cook, or even like to cook. I’m glad you enjoy it.”

  They ate in silence for a few minutes after that.

  “This is really good,” Sabrina said in between mouthfuls.

  “Thanks. You can just call me Chef Eric from now on,” Eric said, giving her a teasing grin.

  “Um, riiight,” she said, smiling and shaking her head. “This kitchen is fantastic. So big, and all your equipment and appliances look like they’re commercial grade.”

  Eric nodded his head. “The people I bought it from really liked to cook.”

  They continued eating after that. Eric didn’t feel the need to talk and got the impression that Sabrina didn’t either. They were just comfortable with each other.

  He liked that.

  Sabrina enjoyed the meal Eric had prepared for them in silence, comfortable just being with him without the need to talk. But after a while her mind started working overtime, recalling events from the night before. As she chewed her food, she thought about chewing something else. Magnus. She remembered the bitter taste of him and the crunch of his bones in her mouth. Pushing away her plate, her stomach rebelled, gurgling and tightening uncomfortably, and she felt the food she had eaten rise up in her throat. She had killed a man last night. Actually killed him. And not only had she murdered him, she had eaten him!

  She would not throw up, she would not throw up, she would not throw up.

  Sabrina repeated the mantra several times to calm herself down. She had done what she needed to do. Magnus would have killed her last night, just as he had tried to kill Eric, and then he would have gone on to mercilessly kill others of her kind as he had been doing for centuries. And who knew, if he had managed to kill her last night he might have decided to go on a rampage and try to kill her family and the other guests at her parents’ dinner party. No, she hadn’t killed Magnus on a whim of fancy or irrational thinking. The man had been evilly insane and would have murdered her and more of her kind, including her own family, if she hadn’t eaten him.

  Sabrina knew in her heart she had done the right thing.

  Thinking about her family made her wonder what her parents would say. How would they feel about her killing a man? Though they had urged her to do so, would they think badly of her for actually taking the life of another? Or would her parents be disappointed in her for not killing Eric too?

  And what would Vlad say? Would he judge her for eating Magnus? Would he think badly of her because she was a dragon? Why did she care? Why did it matter?

  Looking across the table to where Eric sat eating, Sabrina wondered about him also. What was he thinking? What was he feeling? How had last night affected him? Was it everything he thought it would be or was it disappointing? She felt silly even wondering about that, but since it was her first time, she couldn’t help it. It had been incredible for her, breathtaking and unforgettable. She thought he felt the same, but she couldn’t be sure.

  Eric glanced up and caught her staring. As they locked gazes, she couldn’t look away. His eyes darkened to a burnished gold and grew hungry. Her swirling thoughts came to a standstill and she focused on only one thing, her slayer and his beautiful golden eyes. She swallowed hard but met his gaze, stare for stare.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but just as he did the doorbell rang.

  “That must be the welcoming committee,” he said with a cynical smile. “I’ll be right back, gatita.”

  Sabrina stayed seated when her parents walked into the kitchen. She was just too uncomfortable in Eric’s bathrobe to meet them as they came in. She did, however, turn to face the group as they walked in.

  Eric entered first and sat down in a chair across from her. He looked calm and collected. She tried to take her cue from him.

  Eric was followed by Vlad. The Sundown Security owner looked serious, and tired, as he walked in the room. She met his gaze and his face softened somewhat as he gave her a small, encouraging smile. That smile relieved her immensely. She smiled back in relief, glad he wasn’t judging her based on last night’s events. Vlad immediately sat down next to Eric. It reminded her of a lawyer sitting by his client as a show of support to others. Vlad was trying to show his belief in Eric, not only as his employee but also as a friend and a man.

  Her parents walked in next. First her father, looking angry and put out, then her mother, wearing a worried frown. Her father looked her way with a concerned frown before turning a ferocious glare on Eric. He stood against the far wall, directly facing her dragon slayer. Her father was, well, being her father. She gained a certain comfort in that.

  Her mother, obviously stressed out and worried, rushed to her side, hugging her tightly. Sabrina enjoyed the feel of her mother’s arms around her. It was soothing to her at any age. But now, with all she was concerned and worried over, her mother’s unconditional love and hugs were especially poignant.

  “How are you, querida? Did he treat you right? He didn’t hurt you did he, because so help me Dios, if he did, I’ll—”

  “Shhh,” Sabrina said, holding her fingers to her mother’s lips. “No, Mama, he didn’t hurt me. He treated me right.”

  She and her mother stared into each other’s eyes. Her mother searched hers as if trying to determine for herself if her daughter was okay. That had always been her mother’s way. Even when she was a little girl, Sabrina could never lie to her mother. Not that she wanted to necessarily, but even if she entertained the thought, her mother would stare at her in that probing way that she did, and Sabrina would always confess everything. Now that she was older she didn’t necessarily confess all to Helaina, but she and her mother did still share many things and remained very, very close.

  Before her mother could ask her more questions, Vlad spoke.

  “We came over tonight not to judge the two of you, but instead to clarify exactly what happened last night and to see if you both were doing okay. We want to make sure everyone has all the facts accurately taken into account and that certain issues aren’t overlooked.”

  “Certain issues?”

  Sabrina was confused.
And as she looked at Eric, she could tell by the frown on his face that he was confused also. What was Vlad talking about?

  “What issues?” Eric asked, echoing her confusion.

  Vlad, her mother and her father looked uncomfortably at each other, but no one spoke up right away. Sabrina didn’t like this. They all looked worried.

  “What’s going on, Mama?”

  Her mother looked at Vlad. “May I?”

  Vlad nodded his head. “Please do, but keep in mind that I may need to interject as needed.”

  “Of course.”

  “I may need to interject at times as well, mi amor,” Manuel warned.

  “Manuel,” her mother warned with a frown, “I know you want to help, but please keep your temper under control. We all want Sabrina and Eric to understand exactly what happened last night.”

  Sabrina had had enough. “I don’t know what the three of you are talking about, but Eric and I know exactly what happened last night. We were there, remember?”

  “Of course you were, dear. That’s not what I meant,” her mother said, looking flustered and suddenly uncomfortable. “I, uh, well, what I’m trying to expla—”

  “Would you rather I do it, Helaina?”

  “Yes, Vlad. Thank you. I think that would be best.”

  Eric lost it. “Would one of you, I don’t care which one, just one of you, please tell me what the hell, sorry, ladies,” he apologized, looking at Helaina and Sabrina, “what is going on?”

  “I’ll do it,” Vlad said, rising to his feet. He began pacing the kitchen while Manuel and Helaina sat down together and waited for him to begin.

  “Last night a prophecy was fulfilled. The prophecy that Sabrina’s shaman had promised would come to pass. Sabrina was forced to make a choice between her heart and her people.”

  Sabrina listened intently to Vlad. What he was saying was true. Last night had been decision time. And Sabrina had made a choice.

  “And so she did. Her choice was the only one for her. The one that was truly from her heart and for her people,” Vlad explained.

  “But was it the right one?” Sabrina asked, barely over a whisper.


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