Secret Match

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Secret Match Page 11

by Victoria Pinder

  “Kiwi, wait.” Gio called after her, but she heard his family stop him from following.

  She made it inside and instantly ran toward the bedroom. She’d pack what little she had, grab her pocketbook with her credit cards and get out fast.

  She slammed her feet against each step on her climb.

  The stupid clogs she’d designed were way too noisy for a sneaky escape.

  If she still had a job, she’d design quieter ones.

  For now she flung open the door and threw open the closet to find her things.

  The bedroom door opened behind her. Kiwi looked up as she grabbed her things and saw the kind blue eyes of her best friend. In the drawer with her wallet was the diamond ring.

  Kiwi took her pocketbook but left the diamond. “Serenity, I’m so stupid.”

  Serenity hugged her. “Don’t. You ran inside before he said that was last year, not yesterday.”

  Kiwi believed that. She’d thought it instantly, but it really didn’t matter. She didn’t belong here. The tape only proved how different she was. She never would film herself or let anyone take pictures of her while being intimate with someone. As the hug ended, she whispered, “Serenity, I don’t want to be here. Gio and I are from different worlds.”

  Serenity motioned toward the bed and for them to sit. As she was her friend, Kiwi followed and folded her hands in front of her. Serenity said, “He challenges you. I like that about him.”

  What? He wasn’t a challenge. He was a headache half the time. She swallowed and looked out the window toward the vineyard as she said, “Serenity, you’re my friend—not his champion.”

  Tears poured down her face. Once the first tear dropped off her cheek and dripped onto her shirt, more and more small tears grew until she was gushing like a water fountain.

  Serenity stood and went to the adjoined bathroom, flipping on the light.

  Kiwi closed her eyes and told herself to stop. Washington women don’t cry over men.

  “Here.” Serenity offered her the toilet paper roll. “And you need to calm down. It’s not healthy for you or your baby.”

  True. This wasn’t good for her. Her daughter needed to know her mother would protect her from anything that might happen. She stood and sniffled as she said, “I’m just not cut out for all of this. Seriously—he has a sex tape.”

  Her words sliced like the edge of a sword.

  Serenity was so perfect as she lifted herself off the bed and her blonde hair bounced like she was a movie star.

  Kiwi’s hair would never bounce without a ton of chemicals.

  Serenity spoke in her calm, cool voice of reason. “We all knew he’d dated a movie star and clearly she’s seeking attention. Releasing a tape to get in the news.”

  Red hot embers still felt like they burned through her skin, but she breathed in. Exhaled. “You think?”

  Serenity took some of the toilet paper off the roll and unwrapped it, handing it to Kiwi. “Yes. Don’t worry about it. And go back out there to claim your happiness before you let it fall apart.”

  It wasn’t that easy. Kiwi’s skin tingled in the worst way. She hugged her waist to hold herself straight. “How do you deal with being in the House of Morgan?”

  “That sounds ominous,” Serenity said, but then she smiled. “I generally believe in my husband. What his family does, including whatever happened with Peter and Jennifer, really isn’t my business.”

  “Really?” Kiwi wondered if that was possible. The drama since she’d discovered that Gio was a Morgan was all because of his name. Ignoring his last name would make her life so much easier and she wouldn’t be waiting for another stupid sex tape to fall on her head.

  Serenity handed her another tissue and motioned for Kiwi to wipe her face. Kiwi dabbed her cheeks as Serenity said, “Look, your happiness is your own. Don’t let anyone who isn’t even in your life steal it from you.”

  This was why they were best friends. Kiwi’s skin cooled as she calmed down. She listened to herself breathe as they used to tell clients in the spa where they had worked together. Finally Kiwi whispered, “I guess. I just never thought I’d be hung up on a man.”

  “Go and get your man.” Serenity pointed toward the door.

  Right. Running away wasn’t being an adult. What she’d done before she’d met Gio shouldn’t matter to him—in her defense, the images had been shocking. Kiwi pressed her hand on her heart and shoved her pocketbook back in the drawer.

  The diamond ring caught her eye again.

  If only she could get past his name like Serenity had done and just be with the person.

  For now she sashayed out of the bedroom with Serenity and headed back to the veranda where his family still sat drinking wine.

  Gio jumped up when he saw her, concern on his face. Everything might work out but she’d have to try. She took his offered hand and sat in her seat beside him. “Sorry, I’m back. I just needed a minute to collect my thoughts.”

  “That wasn’t yesterday,” Gio said.

  “You were here, the entire time, Gio.”

  Anthony, mouth tight, said, “Just in time for dessert.”

  Kiwi turned and saw the wait staff bringing trays.

  Perfect. Gio didn’t push her for more and he was the best guy she could ask for. Doubt needed to go away.

  Gio’s hand brushed over her thigh and she turned toward him. He leaned closer and his strong muscular arm pressed against her body, making her feel safe in his strength, as he said, “Kiwi, you and I need to talk.”

  Fair. They needed to be alone. They needed to talk about what was happening.

  The waitress slipped crème brûlée in front of her.

  Kiwi’s heart sped up as she realized everyone around them was silent. She smiled and met Gio’s gaze. His face was the only sense of calm she had out here as she nodded and picked up her spoon. “Yes, let’s just finish this meal with your family?”

  Gio said so the entire table heard him, “Kiwi, Piper was last year. I haven’t seen her since.”

  “I believe you.” The last thing she needed was his family involving themselves in her personal life with Gio. From now on, she just needed to care about Gio and no one else.

  He studied her for the truth. “You do?”

  “Yes.” She dug her spoon into her dessert.

  Once she put the sweet cream into her mouth, she licked her lips. This was somehow lighter, but less whipped than anything she’d ever had before. Whoever his cook was deserved a raise.

  Gio said, “Okay good.”

  As she finished her dessert in three more scoops, she yearned for more.

  However as Gio’s muscles were near her, she also wanted more than sweets—they connected without words so well in bed.

  “After we chat a little more,” Caro finished her plate and tugged on her husband’s arm. “Luke and I were going to take a drive around the countryside and try some local wines.”

  Victoria put her napkin down and also stood. “Colt is joining me on a factory tour in Milan.”

  Serenity rose and tugged her husband’s arm to get him up. “And Damien and I spoke to your staff about showing us how they make wine here.”

  Gio jumped to stand and held his hand to his heart. “Everyone, please feel free to stay at my villa as long as you wish. I’m hoping our families grow closer. There are few people who understand the dangers of being a Morgan. Enjoy the evening.”

  The company split into groups and when they were gone, Gio led her inside the house, his hand on her lower back. Her skin became alert and aware and she wanted more. She pointed toward the library and they entered the room. Gio quickly closed the door behind them.

  His brown eyes seemed distant. Her heart beat faster as she forced herself to ask, “Why did you let Piper tape you?”

  Gio came closer but she stepped back as he said, “I didn’t. I never saw any video cameras. She must have wired her room.”

  The ten seconds of video hadn’t seemed high quality—but what di
d she know? Kiwi chose to believe him. She pressed her finger to her temple. “My mother could see that. She’s addicted to the news and right now, the reporters are comparing you to porn stars.”

  “I’m sorry.” He seemed uncertain. “I’ll find out what happened and let you know.”

  “Gio, I just want us to be the only two people in the world that matters to each other. I don’t want to think about your family, or my family, but I don’t want to be embarrassed.” She framed his face with the palms of her hands. “Can you promise me we’ll never let anyone outside of the two of us interfere with raising our child, together?”

  He nodded. She dropped her hands and kissed him like this might be the last time. Hopefully it wasn’t and they would work through the past that shouldn’t matter. They were going to have a baby and their future should be together. She needed to cling to hope and not wonder when the next disaster might strike.

  Chapter 14

  Of all his brothers, Gio Morgan never once thought he’d be the star of a sex tape. Sure, he’d dated models, actresses, singers, writers and creative women, but none of them had tricked him with secretly videotaping their relationship as far as he knew. The end of the relationship with Piper was like he survived the shockwave of a bomb explosion.

  His mind raced. Piper hadn’t been a healthy choice. But then he’d transitioned to Kiwi, who stared at him with those big brown eyes that both judged him and made him feel like a child, when he certainly wasn’t. As if he’d disappointed her somehow.

  Somehow he needed to fix this situation before it got worse.

  He took her hands. “I’m glad you believe me, Kiwi. It means a lot.”

  For a long moment the silence was larger than both of them. He didn’t breathe in case she backed away from him again, but she held his hands too. She stared at their joined hands and shattered the silence. “You said Piper was last year and you’ve not seen her since. But why is the tape out, now?”

  Good question. He hadn’t expected for Piper to suddenly call. He’d thought she’d moved on. He certainly had. Beautiful Kiwi’s raw talent was pure creative magic. He pulled her closer and held her hips. She didn’t object. “I don’t know, but I hope you’ll accept my proposal so we can issue a statement together.”

  This time she swatted him backward. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” His palms tingled for her to be in his arms again.

  She bravely met his gaze and said, “Because we’re not in love. If I get married it should be because I love you and you love me.”

  Her words were like bullets that pierced through his skin, leaving him to die on the street, alone. It wasn’t exactly the words but the icy stare that accompanied them. This time he took a step back. Love? “I see.”

  Now she came toward him and asked, “Do you? Do you really? Or are you just saying that to patronize me.”

  Kiwi was so different from any woman he’d ever dated or been involved with. He braced as she grabbed his arms like she wanted him to say something more. “What do you want me to say? I want you to marry me but you said no.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip. “I said, not yet.”

  “What else do I need to do then?” He hoped she’d give him some clear direction on how to win her trust and her heart because he needed a clue on how to keep her. She challenged him and he liked it.

  She nodded and said, “First, let’s clear up the past so it doesn’t come knocking on our door.”

  He tapped his fingers on his neckline. He could absolutely speak to Piper and ensure she never called him again. He’d tell her he found another. Last year was a distant memory, and to top it all off, Piper had been the one to leave him. His lawyers could handle making sure the tape was destroyed, and a team could be hired to squelch the video. He nodded like Kiwi had given him an order and said, “I will.”

  “Good.” She smiled with belief in him.

  Her smile made him warm on the inside and desire for her boiled over.

  He ran his hand up her side, feeling her curves as he gently pulled her closer to him. Her eyes fluttered closed as he moved his lips over hers.

  And her kiss still set off fireworks. He just needed to prove himself to her. He pressed his hands on her arms. “Kiwi, I need to go see Piper.”

  Her gaze narrowed, and her mouth thinned as she clutched his shirt.


  His mind didn’t understand her question. She’d just told him to fix this situation. “You told me to clear up the past. I want to do that.”

  Her eyes widened. “Right now though?”

  “Yeah.” He wasn’t sure why this was an issue. He rested his forehead against hers. “I just want to focus on us and our future, with our daughter.”

  She hugged his waist. “Me too.”

  “So I should go?” He released her, though her warmth sent a thrill down his spine.

  He turned to leave the bedroom and placed his hand on her lower back to walk beside Kiwi.

  Next to her, the world seemed sweeter. As they walked to the top of the stairs, she tugged at his belt loop and he stopped. Her lips were pursed as she said, “Wait. The world press is probably at her house right now.”

  If she wanted him to ignore Piper and the tape, she’d have said that. But she wanted it cleared up and the fastest way was to confront Piper and find out why. Gio saw Kiwi’s nervousness and kissed her hand.

  “Okay, let’s get the company heads together,” he said. “We need to talk about the sex tape and how it affects business and how best to handle the PR.”

  She frowned but took a step forward which meant they both walked down the stairs. “You want to talk to your sister?”

  He and Kiwi kept misunderstanding each other. He rubbed her back slightly and said, “You run the shoe department, Kiwi, and your opinion matters, far more than any of them.”

  She stayed silent as they headed back outside to the terrace. Near the door she stopped chewing her lip and said, “We’ll need to hire a kick butt marketing and PR firm to clean this up.”

  “Sounds logical.”

  They walked outside where his siblings were all still chatting with each other over glasses of wine without heading out to their private plans yet. Gio said, “Caro, Victoria, are you both free for a fast business meeting?”

  Victoria pointed toward the vineyard and stalled, “We were just going…”

  “Okay.” Caro tugged Victoria forward.

  Both of the women joined them. Kiwi stalled before following him. What did she need to hear? He held the door to the library open for them and as they all came inside, Kiwi said, “Gio wants to clear up the sex tape so it doesn’t affect your business, and he thinks he should do it right now. I don’t think he should go to see Piper right now.”

  He closed the door.

  Caro’s lips formed an o and she quickly waved her finger. “Oh. This should probably be worked out between the two of you and not us.”

  Yes. She was right, but he had a sense Kiwi needed help. He nodded. “Agreed. Can you both help Kiwi find a marketing and PR person to hire for our company image? I need to face Piper and find out why she put me on the news. She’s called a few times but never said anything to me when I answered. Now I need to know what’s so important that she put a tape out like that.”

  Victoria stood taller in her heels as she said, “We’re on it.”

  Kiwi dropped her arm she’d been holding to her side. Good. She had her friends. He backed up to head out and finish this with Piper.

  Kiwi saw him and stepped forward. “Wait. I’m coming with you, Gio.”

  He turned around by the door. “You are? Why?”

  She took his hand with both of hers and held it to her heart. “Look, we want to trust each other. I want to be there for you.”

  He had nothing to hide. “Let’s go then.”

  Caro called out, “Remember that you both matter more to each other than anyone else or what they might do.”

sp; Kiwi waved at both of them but walked with him toward the front door.

  His gray Pagani Zonda F Roadster was already parked at the front of his villa. He held her door open for her and then raced over to start his car. As the engine purred to life, he gave her an option to leave if she wanted. “Kiwi, if you go, you might hear more than you want to know about how dysfunctional my relationship with Piper was.”

  She pointed toward the road which he took to mean “go.” So he drove but she asked a second later, “What does that even mean?”

  Right. He took his hand off the gear shift and patted her knee. “The world thinks we were dating back then but...” He took possession of the wheel and sped off. “She never called it that. Piper didn’t want to be in any relationship.”

  His staff at his security company had already tracked Piper down before he’d even asked. Now, he and Kiwi headed toward Milan where Piper was staying. He drove out of wine country as Kiwi asked, “Oh, well did she say why?”

  She already massaged her temples, but he needed to be completely honest with her. Lies ruined more than anything else so he explained, “She said I was bad for business.”

  The smack of her lips made him glance at her as she clearly expressed her wide-eyed shock. “Bad for--why?”

  Kiwi was sweet and honest and just the sort of woman he wanted in his life. He drove a little faster so they could be home faster and done with all things in his past. “Because she didn’t need a billionaire businessman invested in her personal life. Folks wouldn’t like her films where she talked about women standing on their own.”

  Her face twitched before she relaxed into her seat and stared at his profile. “My mother told me to never depend on a man. So I get that sentiment, though I’m happy we both have similar interests, Gio.”

  If she continued to look at him that way, he’d have to park on the side of the road and touch her, everywhere. With every other woman he had more control, but for some reason he didn’t with Kiwi. He gripped the wheel harder and focused on the road. “Yes, though we both have our guard up. I don’t know if you’ve forgiven me or not truly.”

  She swallowed and let out a small sigh as she looked away. “There is nothing to forgive.”


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