Real Men Do It Better

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  Kate scrunched up her brow in a pretend moment of concentration. “Well, you know, I could say something nonsensical like, ‘Don’t forget to put plastic wrap on the potato salad.’”

  “I can see why you’d not want to be held accountable for a statement like that.”

  She giggled. “Or maybe something like, ‘Ooh, baby, baby, don’t stop!’”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Jorey allowed his weight to settle against her small body. “Please go on.”

  Kate’s amused expression softened and her voice lowered to a whisper. “I could say something like, ‘That was the best freakin’ kiss I’ve ever had in my life and I want more.’”

  With a chuckle, Jorey pressed his hips into her, enjoying the way her thighs opened beneath him. He couldn’t help himself—he lowered his lips to her throat and kissed and sucked, flicking his tongue on the delicate skin offered to him.

  “Oh, God,” Kate gasped.

  After a few delicious moments of feeding on Kate’s neck and shoulders, he raised his mouth to cover hers. He kissed her with purpose. He wanted her to know exactly what he intended—that he intended to be inside her, that he wanted to know her, body and soul. She opened her mouth to him, soft and wet and sweet, and he felt himself burn with passion for this woman. Her slim arms clutched at his back and pulled him tighter. As they kissed, Jorey let his hands explore the soft curves of her body, the slight swell of her hips, the inward curve of her waist, the plump handfuls that were her breasts. He allowed himself to fall into her, melt in the heat of her fire.

  While drowning in this kiss, Jorey scooped Kate into his arms and rolled to his left, pulling her on top of him. In a single, seamless move, he brought his hands to the sash of the old bathrobe, yanked it open, and finally, blissfully, placed his palms on the bare skin of Kate’s breasts.

  Kate gasped again and raised her mouth from his. He took that opportunity to open the robe entirely, and the sight that blessed his eyes was almost too beautiful to be true.

  “Anything else you’d like to say before you wake up?” As he teased her with his words, Jorey pressed his hands up the front of Kate’s taut torso, bounced the weight of her breasts, then teased her luscious pink-brown nipples to hard points.

  “Oh yes,” Kate hissed, throwing back her head and arching her breasts into his hands. “I got a whole bunch of things I’d like to get out of my system.”

  As much as he adored the feel of her breasts in his hands, Jorey needed to explore all of her. When he grabbed the curve of her ass, the top of his head nearly blew off. She was perfect—solid with muscle and pliant with girl flesh. He smacked his hands down on her two buttocks. “I’m ready to hear it all, Princess.”

  “Okay.” Her answer came out in a little whine that sounded almost like discomfort. That would work for Jorey. He wanted her uncomfortable—uncomfortable with need and desperate from the void she now recognized. Then he would sate that need and fill that void.

  “Make love to me, Jorey,” Kate said, her eyes half closed. She began to churn her hips against him. Jorey lowered his gaze, and as he helped move her bottom, he stared at the juncture of her perfect thighs—a small dark triangle of hair that couldn’t hide her hunger. He caught a glimpse of pink inner flesh, swollen and wet with arousal. He wanted that wet flesh so damn bad. He wanted it more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. How did it come this far this fast with Kate? He’d never acted like this in his life. What was it about her that made him lose his balance like this?

  “I want you to fuck my aura into Texas,” she said.

  Jorey half moaned and half laughed as it all became clear to him—Kate was a woman he could love. She was funny and smart, and he had the feeling he was just about to discover that she was a hot little thing in bed, a world-class sexual experience.

  “I want to rip off your shirt,” she told him.

  Not wanting to make the lady wait, Jorey obliged, holding his arms over his head and leaning forward enough for her to grab the bottom hem and pull the shirt over his head. She threw it across the room.

  Without delay, Kate bent down and put her lips on his abdomen and kissed him, nipped him, then stroked her tongue from the tented waistband of his pants to his left nipple. Then she did it again, detouring to his right nipple.

  “Anything else you need to say while you’re asleep?” Jorey croaked out. “You might want to get it all out while your mouth is still free.”

  Kate stopped licking and looked up at him with those blue eyes now clouded with lust. She smiled at him. “You’re awfully rowdy for a reclusive innkeeper.”

  “When provoked, yes.”

  “I like rowdy.”

  “Good. We’re going to get along just fine, then. Now tell me more.”

  “Would it be all right if I just show you?”

  Jorey nodded, trying to keep his eyes focused but feeling faint. His dick was so hard he was afraid that if she touched it—merely breathed on it—he’d explode. Rowdy was fine, but he knew that a man of his seasoned age would be expected to have perfected some level of self-control.

  Kate lowered her mouth to the front of his pajama pants. With the gentlest pressure, she bit on his cock through the fabric. Jorey throbbed under her ministrations, and he closed his eyes tight and fought off the urge to come. He thought of when the boiler would be delivered, and where in the barn he’d stashed the spare four-by-six he’d need to fix the bridge.

  Kate released a hot breath, and Jorey felt it seep past the cotton and coat his cock with velvet agony. Then she put her soft, wet mouth over the head of his dick and began to suck on him through the material. Her pull was gentle and her rhythm was pure bliss, and he knew if he couldn’t feel the direct heat of her bare lips on his flesh right now he would die.

  She read his mind, and brought her little hands to his waistband, pulled it up and over his erection, and dragged the pants down his thighs, past his knees, and off the edge of his feet. She threw the pajamas across the room, and while she was standing, she let his old bathrobe slip away from her shoulders and fall to the floor. There she stood at the foot of the bed, naked, grinning, and clearly thrilled with what he had to offer her.

  Her eyes got wide and she stared at his erection. “This wasn’t in the brochure, was it?”

  Jorey laughed. “This is the private tour.”

  “Right. I remember now.” Kate bent forward and began to crawl up the bed, straddling Jorey’s legs, her gorgeous breasts swaying with each bit of progress she made. “Remove your clothes and take a pilgrimage into the landscape of your guide’s bed…” She was clearly enjoying herself.

  “Fine. An invitation-only private tour.”

  She’d returned to her previous position, her mouth hovering over his jutting erection. She looked up at him with amusement. “Experience the deep relaxation of the optional hot cock massage…”

  “You’re killing me, Kate.”

  “I apologize. Let me make it up to you.”

  Pure ecstasy.

  Complete sensation.

  Torture and bliss and the power of all of nature built up in him as she sucked and licked and breathed on him. When she put a small, soft hand on his balls, he knew that the years of meditation training, yoga, visualization, and deep personal exploration didn’t mean jack. He was going to blow.

  “Baby, unless you want me coming in your mouth, you’ve got to stop.”

  Kate stopped. She dragged her lips off him, tilted her head inquisitively, and smiled. “I thought that was the whole point.” Then she resumed sucking.

  “Oh, shit,” Jorey gasped. “I’ll make up for this. You’ll just have to give me about twenty minutes.”

  With that, Kate pushed down and took him into her throat. Jorey’s entire being tensed and the colors of the rainbow raced through his mind and he began thrusting up into her. The entire universe had been reduced to the feel of his cock gripped tight in her mouth and throat, the wet silk of her tongue, and what felt like a lifetime of
pent-up energy now ready to explode into her.

  The force of his release obviously surprised Kate, and he felt her back away slightly to accommodate his offering.

  Talk about near-death experiences—Jorey felt as though he’d lost his soul for a moment, felt that he’d been shot off into the black nothingness of the universe, only to be snatched back into joy. He heard his own howl of happiness ring in his ears.

  He gasped for breath and pulled Kate up to him. He hugged her so hard he feared he’d crack her bones. Her soft giggle tickled the hair on his chest.

  “I think you liked that,” she whispered.

  It took him a few seconds to get his lips to work. “God, Kate. That was … I can’t…” He pulled her tighter. “That was such a gift. It was wonderful, and you are … wow…” Jorey used his fingertips to raise her chin and he kissed her, hoping that his kiss would convey all the things he was incapable of telling her with words. He kissed his thank-you into her. He kissed his amazement into her. He inhaled the genuine affection he felt pouring from Kate, and served it right back to her.

  She was an equal partner in the communion of that kiss—completely present—and by the time the kiss ended, they both knew they’d reached an understanding. He and Kate had begun their own pilgrimage, and Jorey already knew it would be a trip of a lifetime.

  * * *

  “For a woman who doesn’t do breakfast, you’re doing a great impression of a teenage ranch hand.”

  Kate nodded in agreement, but she couldn’t say anything, because her mouth was full. Jorey was right—she didn’t remember the last time she’d eaten a real breakfast, let alone a three-egg omelet made with organic soy cheese and vegetarian sausage crumbles, a grapefruit, and three pieces of rich, hot cornbread smothered in strawberry jam.

  “More cornbread?” he asked, grinning at her.

  She shook her head and wiped her mouth with a napkin. While she was at it, she brushed away the cornbread crumbs that had fallen on the front of the old blue striped robe.

  Kate sank into the kitchen chair and sighed deeply. This feeling was alien to Kate, and she was consciously trying to accept it and not fight it off. She was relaxed—that was the only word to describe it. Her bones felt like they’d been slow-roasted by the heat of multiple orgasms. The urgent chattering in her mind had been silenced by extremely good sex. Her lips were a little sore from all the kissing, but her soul was soothed.

  “How are you, Princess?” Jorey smiled, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head.

  “I’m full. Real full.” Kate folded her hands in her lap.

  “You were full all night.”

  She opened one eye to look at him. Rowdy? Oh, yes. Slightly warped? That too. Who’d have guessed that a man who lived alone in the wilderness, eschewed real coffee, and could recite Indian chants, would be the world’s best lover?

  “And you’re quite full of yourself.”

  Jorey sighed and nodded, bringing his arms down in front of him on the table. “Bear with me, sweetheart. It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything that gloat-worthy.”

  “Hah.” Kate stood up and loosened the robe sash to accommodate breakfast. “I bet it was just another one of those flukes of nature. Are you done?” She’d reached for Jorey’s plate, but he grabbed her wrist.

  “Something that happens a bunch of times in a row is hardly a fluke. Like your orgasms—were all those flukes?”

  Kate laughed, turned, and plopped down in his lap. She put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. “That was more like a crack in the space-time continuum.”

  “Hmm,” he said, nuzzling her breast. “Have I told you how good you smell? How good you taste? Feel? Look? How good you sound when you’re coming?”

  “You have, Jorey.” Kate kissed the top of his head and smiled big into his thick, dark curls. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  When she felt Jorey’s mouth root around through the fabric of the robe looking for a nipple, a hot rush went through her belly. When he bit down gently she gasped with pleasure, then put a hand against his shoulder. “Hey, I thought you wanted to drywall today.”

  “It can wait.” Jorey’s hand traveled up inside the robe and squeezed her thigh.

  “And I thought you wanted to go down and check on the bridge.”

  “I’d rather go down on you. Open your legs.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “Come on, open up, my sweet Kate. I’m still hungry.”

  “Oh my God!”

  In a single motion, Jorey raised her off his lap and perched her on the edge of the breakfast table. He used his forearm to sweep away the remnants of his meal and make a spot for Kate to lie back. “Daddy needs another piece,” he murmured, just as he placed his mouth on her pussy.

  Kate didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Jorey was so free with himself, so free to be unusual or intense or just flat-out goofy. He was open and loose with his desire, and she didn’t think she’d ever known a man with that kind of pure approach. There was no bullshit with Jorey Matheny—just passion and a need to connect.

  His tongue was hot and smooth and insistent as he entered her, slid up and down her opening, and flicked at her. It was too much. She let her head fall back to the tabletop and she simply surrendered. What was there to hold on to?


  Did her heart belong to someone else?

  No, it had never belonged to anyone.

  Had she already experienced all there was to life?



  She hadn’t even started.

  Was there room in her world for something good and powerful and important? Was there a place for something real? Would she finally let it happen in her life?

  “Yes! Oh, Jorey, yes!”

  The waves of pleasure and fire pounded her, spreading from her core to her fingers and toes. The joy was overwhelming, and it compounded as she felt her body lifted, her center pierced, her weight supported in this man’s hands. Jorey’s mouth covered hers with urgency. He sucked at her, nipped at her, flicked his tongue along hers. With each relentless kiss he breathed life into her. With each deep thrust of his cock, he blessed her with a rush of pleasure.

  Over and over Jorey lifted her, brought her back down, and buried himself fully, his moans growing louder as his drives intensified. Jorey walked with Kate out the kitchen doorway and into the lobby, his mouth and his cock never letting up. Kate clasped her hands around his neck and held on—she was incapable of doing anything else.

  Jorey made it all the way to the bedroom, and though he laughed at the unceremonious way they tumbled to the mattress together, he never broke his rhythm with Kate. He was relentless with her, driving into her hard, his eyes focused on hers.

  Kate heard her own voice cry out his name as she gripped him tight against her. How could this be? How could she be so changed by this man, so fast? How could he have shown her something this wonderful this soon?

  Another orgasm crashed into her, just as Jorey roared and tensed up, then exploded. Kate grabbed him tighter as the waves of hot release rolled over them both, and in that moment she felt her heart break away from its confines. She knew that a few days in a rambling adobe lodge without heat had lit a fire inside her. She knew that, courtesy of Jorey, the world had just opened up and the ice had melted away. They spent the whole day in a cycle of lovemaking and sleep, and after the sun had set they stumbled out to sit on cushions in front of the fireplace, where they ate apples and peanut butter—naked. When they were done, she took his hands in hers.

  “I have a lot of vacation time coming to me. I just wanted you to know.” Kate swallowed hard. She was taking a risk and she knew it. She’d never really been in love, but it occurred to her that this might be what it’s all about—feeling more hope than fear, and acting on it.

  Jorey’s expression said it all. The flesh around his dark eyes wrinkled. His dimple appeared and his smile spread from one side of that handsome face to the other. “
So how long can you stay with me, Kate?”

  “I’ve worked it all out. Here.” She reached for the piece of scrap paper she’d left on the table behind them and handed it to Jorey.

  He squinted at her doodling and laughed. “Are you serious?”

  “Oh yeah. I’ve had three weeks of vacation and two weeks of sick time each year I’ve worked for Monica, and I’ve never used a day of it. That’s five weeks each year over a period of seven years, or thirty-five weeks. That’s eight months, give or take a few days or however long I’ve been up here already.”

  One of Jorey’s eyebrows arched high on his forehead. “You’ve only got one set of clothes,” he reminded her, still laughing.

  “In case you haven’t noticed, that’s turned out to be one more than I’ve needed.” Kate glanced down at herself and shook her head in amazement that she’d actually felt comfortable eating naked with a man. She smiled when Jorey reached over and wiped a smidge of peanut butter from her cheek and licked his finger. “By the way, what day is it?” She sat up straighter. “I’m so out of it I don’t even know what day it is!”

  Jorey lunged for her, rolled with her on the floor, and landed on top of her. He pinned her wrists to the pile of cushions beneath them. “It’s the best day of my life, Princess,” was his answer.

  * * *

  The sky had been so clean and blue the last two days that if it weren’t for Archie’s continual teasing that she brought the rains with her, Kate would have completely forgotten the gloom. She stuck her shovel in the sandy dirt and looked up to see Jorey’s neighbor smiling at her—again.

  “Now, any woman who’ll dig a hole for you is a real keeper,” Archie said.

  A lopsided grin appeared on Jorey’s face as he tightened the last remaining bolt on the bridge support. He gave the post a hearty slap of approval. “The girl sure knows her tools,” he replied, winking at her in case she didn’t catch the inside joke.


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